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NirmanHigh School, Ahmedabad.

-&; ffi-ff,l
(A Non Nirma Initiative)
Std : 12 (Sci.) Enslish Medium Marks: 100
'Sub.: Physics Date : 2210212013
Preliminary Examin ation Time : 3llours

TIME: 60 Min. TPART AI Marks: 50

Choose the appropriate answer (Each carries 1 mark):
1. The magnetic itux linked with a coil is changing with time t (second) according
to6 : etf- Sr + 1, where 6 is in Wb. At t= 0.5 s, the induced current in the coil is
the circuit
'il]?l (c) 0.1 mA 10 A
When electric current in a coil steadily changes from +2 -(d)
A to -2 A in 0.05 s, an induced emf of 8
V is generated in it. Then the self-inductance of the coil is H.
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.8 (d).0'1
3. ihe distance between two extreme points of two wings of an aeroplane is 50 m. lt is flying at a
speed of 360 kmh-1 in horizontal direction. lf the vertical component of earth's magnetic field at
' that place is 2 x 1Oa Wbrn-z, the induced emf between these two end points
(a) o.1 (b) 1.0 (c) 0.2 (d) 0'01
4. ine setf inductance of two solenoids A and B having equal length are same. lf the number of
turns in two solenoids A and B are 100 and 200 respectively, the ratio of the radii - of their cross-
(a)2.t (b)1:2 (c)1:4 (d)a:1
5. burrent of 2 Apassing through a coil of N turns gives rise to a magnetic flux of 5 x 10-3 Wb per
I (a)5x10-3J (b)0.5x10-3J (c)5J (d)0.5J
6. ihe mutual inductance.of the system of tws coils is 5 mH. The current in the first coil varies
according to the eguationf :fosinr*rt, where l0 = 10 A and r,r = 100n rads-1. The value of
maximum induced emf in the second coil is ,

(a)2nV (b)SnV, (c)nV (d)4nV

. 7. in'an AC circuit in 1 second current reduces to zero value 120 times. Hence the frequency of AC
current is _ Hz.' -' (c) 60
(a) 50 (b) 100 (d) 120
8. V and I are given by the following equation in an AC circuit: V = 100 sin (1001) V, I = 100 sin
' (100t * -; mA. The power in the circuit is equalto
(a) 104 (b) 10 (c) 2.5 (d) 5
L Resonance frequency for LCR AC series circuit is.6-
(a);k (b)# (")#
-W. (d)#
'!0. Ihe potential difference between the two ends of the three components of LCR series AC circuit
die Vr-, V6 and Vp respectively. Then voltage of AC source is
(a) VL+Vc+Vn (b) Vn+Vr--Vc t.l "ffiEAT lr"F (d)

, Jry?E-I'oF
11. The power in an AC circuit is given as P - l/r*sI=cosd. The power factor at the resonance
frequency of a series LCR circuit will be -.
(a) Zero (b) (c) 0.5 (d)
' 12. For step down transformer value of transformation ratio is :

(a) r> 1 (b)r<1 (c)r='l (d)r=0

13. When does the.impedance of a series LCR AC circuit become minimum?
.' (a) When the resistance is equal to zero.(b) When the impedance is equalto zero.
(c) When the electric current is zero.
(d) When the imaginary part of the impedance is zero.
l4.Current of 50/n.Hz frequency if passing through an AC circuit having series combination of
, resistance R = 100 O and inductor L = 1 H, then phase difference between voltage and current
(a) 60n (b) 45x (c) 30t-l (d) e0E

leticwavesintherangeofwavelengthsfrom3mmtol00'cmareusedforthe this range of
15. The electromagr
purpose ot .rt"i[t"-"orrrni"rtion]Tri""lffi;;i;;q'"""ilt "oit"iponoing
is- (c) 3 MHz to 300 GHz(d) 3 MHz to 106
Ivlle-rengtns (b) 3oo Mllz to 105 MHz
i,i"ilMHlo tflnaHz
MHz . .a!-^ ^
(c)rn*}r*}q (ci)on:tk=1r'nt
': then (b)t<v*{r1*
ihiorgn air, the wave number is-'
(a) sg ? s* = .-
17 .For a radiationTt 6 GHz passing 30
0x 10ari"(d) wm2'
re a Prqrrv -'iuili.rg,,'10t - - (c) 6x tou" ^'-'
sJint"",*,.:;;".;3;?;,n"*;"";qi;1 fl-26x 1Ou
x 10" is equal to the kinetic energy
(a) 2.38
the *r" erectiomagnJti" *rr"s
1g. rn Hertz,s experiment spheres'
---' - -
of the charges ot"iri'ting
bEtw-een the two
(:ly?:"lensth (d)'u elocity
(a) Frequencv (b)
and Kte dierectric ' constaii;i; given medium' then the refractive
20. If {r*be,rerative permeabirity
-- ini6x of the medium is n =-ot ,"
' (a) (ulffi
*T::- (')# (d)''?
"68 rent is 0.2 mm. rf ti" *"r"t"nsth of light
,, r;i ?ffi ; ;; tir e ce ntra r o'6 ni i'i ge i;
]!:oo,|;ffi i:ffi ,'J:"",ffi
:1 Jffi fl ,', "
raq. 0.75
, I1?'., nr. (b)
(c) u.uu/c
r --a,!")^o;oif -nr*he
,, *totJ;nce betwee".*'J?'?;''i l:::P-'^:I:il["*tiihi.fnmt"ltii?ff!?'"5creen
*r*rll;fh;ifilit A *re width of the frinse is
form the stits is iiio "*.'iitn"
young,s experiment the distance be]ryee1.two srits i.'nrtuuo
ano in'e distance between -'
23. rn
t' doubre (d) becomes 4 times . lf
?$"fu;1*;***'"'iJ,t?iii:Jtliu'n%,;"*,"" s;;;;e
by thi ;ti['# oiwater'in.a rake are porarized'

24. A person finds that I+*t;
the sun rays
;;; Ii in" "ngle
the rerractive ino"' ot water n 'J'"ilif,Jl#=-iil ::: ""

horizon. tn\ j7fl (d) 538

A and lto"o"i
,, #ito or resolv,"n o"J:l-'o??",",.o0e,
when rigr'tt(:?i7'l"r"ngtl's 4000 ""
used, is (c) 4 : 5 (d) 9.. 1-.
-. *. +;';-*;'elength or lisht is 5000 A' tne
,u $"1,"1u*", or the ,.rytoJru; fr"r.oru f.,r.r,
-- is
i"torrin! po*"t of the telescope
(a)2x10" -m (c)2x102
(d)'I x 10a
10 MeV is
movinitonrvard tor a neao o-n co*ision. wnat w,r be the distance of
27. Ana_particre of
" ""T:fi:;,ull",
il*:;l**lt't01ffi1':':r':T" the angurar momentum
''T-l* -orbit.,. of
of the erectron in any stationary
Bohr,s hypothesis,
2g. According to
t radius r is r-'-
ProPortionalto :
(ci) f
tolrrt- (dr6
F)r - in an-1tom of hydrogenti" R' wh"t
- (b) z zsi
is its radius in third orbit?
2g. The radius of second- orbit (c) eR (d) Rv3
(a) 3R atom'tne minimum'excitation
potential is
30. For the first orbit of hydrog-en

pornt (d) conductivitygiven target'

(b) atomilnrrO", tcl mffig
(a) Atomic weigf,t f-" X+jys for the
32.11 ft,fz and fs frequen.,"r"a#"lponOirig't" t(,'"d;nO
"rethe (d)'[:fs-fz
(b)fr.$:,f: (c)Ii:fz{f,e
(a)fr:fs=fs ii s iiin' nt the end ot'zo min' its
% quantity will
of a radioactive element
33. Hatf-life
remain undisintegrated' (d) 6'25
(a) e3.73 (b) 75 9) After total O35
days how much mass will
g element ,udu""= to 1/3 g after )'O'y='
34. 1 radioactive
remain? (c) 1/9 s (d) 1t12 g
(a) 1t27 g (b) 1/6 g
are 4 yr and 12 yr respectively,
l. 35. lf the half lives of a radioactive element for o-decay and B-decay

, tal so (b) 25 (c)12'5 (d) 6'25

gO. Wihicn one of the following is true for the relative ionizing power of F_ and y?

hr. Their iDitial activities are
-37.iie haFlife of a radioactive element is 2 hr and that of the other is 4
equal. After 4 hr what will be the ratio of their activities? t)\ ^ ,
(a)1:4 (b)1:3 (c)1:2 (d)1:1 4

ln the process of forming hetium from hydrogen, the^mass defect is 0.5 %. what
. 3g. is the energy
' produced when helium is formed from 1 kg hydrogen?
: (a) 1.25kWH- (b)1.25xrOurrllH (d)r.zsx1o8kwH (d)1.25x1O4kWH
39. ine oensity of electron and'holes in an intrinsic semiconductor is n"
and n5 r€sp€ctively. Which
of the following options are true? \. ..
(a) ms > n, (b) n" > 14 (c) rr7, - ra. (d) nlo > ra'
40.Wnicf' type of semiconductor device does not need any bias voltage?
(a) phoio diode (b) zener diode (c) varactor diode (d) LED
: 41. V, is the maximum voltage 6etween the ends of the secondary
terminal of a transformer used in
a half wave rectifier. whln the pN junction diode is reverse biased, what will be the potential
difference between the two ends of the diode?
'; (a) Zero (b) v*/2 (c) V, (d) 2v,
42.The emitter junction of the CE transistor amplifier is biased while the collector junction
is biased.
: (a) Reverse, forward (b) fonrard, fonivard (c) reverse, reverse (d) forward, reverse
times by doubling the value of the
43. The frequency of the output signal becomes
. capacitance in the LC oscillator circuit.
{z (c) % (d)
'44. q(a) * tor a CE transistor(b) amplifier ?
circuit. The input resistance is equal to 1 kO and the load
resistance is equal to 10 kQ. The voltage gain. of the circuit is
(a) ee (b) eeo (c) 9e00 (d) eeo00
45. For an efficient transmission of 100 MHz frequency, the minimum required length of antenna
should be *
(a)3m (b)3/am ' (c)10m (d)1Q0m
46. Which of the following is not a transmission channel?
(a) Coaxial-.cable (b) Opticalfibre ' (c) free space (d) Receiver
+2. tf ifre frequency of 3 kHz signal has to be transmitted through amplitude modulatioh. Which of
the following frequency should use as a carrier frequency?
(b) 300 Hz :: (c) 3000 Hz
, (a) 30 Hz (d) 3 MHz
48. in'orOer to cover a circular region of radius 16 km, by a TV transmitter what must be the height
of the transmitting antenna?
(a) 0.02 km (b) 0.2 km (c) 0.1 km (d) 2 km
49. ln communication system the modulation process is performed in section and
' demodulation process is performed in section.
(a) Transmitter, receiver (b) receiver, transmitter
: (c) Transmission channel, receiver -
(d) Transmitter, transmission channel
50. lhe range of audio signal is
(a) 0 to 20 kHz (b) 20 Hzb2AkHz (c) 2Hzto 20 kHz (d) 20 Hz to 200 kHz

-. Marks: 50

1. Oblain an equation for motional emf produced in a conducting rod which is moving on the two
, arms of U-shaped conductor perpendicular to magnetic field.
2 L, C and R are connected in series to an AC voltage V = V, cos u-rt. Obtain the differential
equation for the charge.
3. Drawing necessary figure, explain the inductive and radiated components of electromagnetic
. wave.
4. With diagram, give construction of Nicol prism. OR State and prove Brewster's law.
5. Define half-life of a radioactive element and obtain its formula.
*re worxins of the circuit'
of a nart wal:?:3i'Jt"';i']ljffit''
7. Draw the circuit diasram
the working of the circuit'
rve rectifier and explain
BB[$lx3;"'""#'.1in"nT;J3[fl SECTION B
r,^r t^r lEaah.trries 5 maflls'r'
source or v vo,t
e i"milil,,1",';i,:xH"i:1:ifxffi,3'11i,I"l;
ulirrt-"*ni r in.t"rri;';i i.;.d
i' At;oeiermine the phase difference
, Determine the i'ne metnod of phasor
. between the "#",.,, rr0 in" r",fi;. !:" pF t?Pflt":'11,9
o"o with a 7 m.f;! the circuit
An AC source of 230
V is
riJresonant tr"qrJn"v iir impedance of
iiil 'l9Y"}:1^?9
Tt.r" impedahce
!i""voltage :[::
: a 400 o resistJr.-catcutate oit tnJ i".onrnt rr"qrJnJi uiu rn" rms vatue of
. and the varue "i*r'" "riienf
9"'iih* 1 33 rhe
in a riquid or rerractive index
,,. ffi.fi11i,;,ot?"ff#;;'ili"?,["# tnrt between riili#;;reen is t m' Theiiwavelength
sr.[s is t mm anJ
distance between two
G irit=
',i""=#;;;th a.grass prate of refractive
in *,"
*J"*r. ,io,iJ, iirpi"""o ii tn" position of zeroth
Keepins ,n" """ ";
,n"i*i'"r0", i"ir tri,id'"
index rt.iiinis conditio.n of the plate'
, lffi d.i;h, iii"g"]'ii"d ir'" thi"ttn"ss
the concept of
Refraction of Light through
. state and exprain Huygen,s -:
principre. Riro
wavefront. ^: havino , 1 day-. and .0-2--day]
,,,, " & i'ixtu'" i' z
il3 ,il:siill $T:'- 'Tl-.1lx*i':iid ";
' [g..;;h:fi*ii,riliq"i:il:;.:"4 is connected to a
;d, rind the;:lr'X :f[f,t',,%,to"H,Ln, .?."1?_,._tp,:mitter in 1'5 prs when itthe values of 15' ls'^' Neu transistoi *"?.:t"it:"lmuin"
'-'battery' wrtrr the
with rrvrY- i"ir'"'t,tl''C'r"uiate
rrrv n"'". "' -
About 5 % electrons recomollrE
lc, o69 ?od Poc'
the magnetic
' ' =-
field of a Very long soleno'o
associated with
l3. Prove that the energy density
r;., ;;f;;'; .;f;"
nucler.i;i rrn"v o-pl?iffi
to rest for a moment
(minimu,""" form

sEcrlory c
rieiJJin ;il; wav that the
ptane or the
ii para'er arms of
15. A u_shap"o"; "["g."tic rJ Ir rrppo{"{oh the
the fieid ri""r. n *niucting
"onorii;;s;ffi" p,o'" that the verocity of
frame is perpenji"ririt"
to them ,ni'ir-gir"-;" ,Lro.iiy "iiii*Ji='0.
r the frame, p"rp"norcrrar
given byvn oo'*p
. the rod at time t will be -^^ rrri"roscooe with diagram'
Microscope with
16. Qerive the expression d"tflffit"6p"
for resolving 'nd
and truth
of NAND a r.roi crte. Give its symbor, Boorean expression
Draw the rogic diagram
Erectromag netic waves'
,',. lilr.L"" ".t;l n the characteristics of m from
"*pt"i at the rurrr"" ,nd is at a distance of 5 by the
18. A 500 w burb 'catcutateis kept
on tn""-t#a"e ot the sphere
the ;;fi.g
toi"I' of
the surface. r, trxing the working efficiency
erectromagnetic waves, arong
*iil;r, il Jno intenitv
energy density
and consioeiit as a point rorr'Ju.'niso ciculate the
the burb to be 5 %
on the surface'

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