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SSH Examples, Tips & Tunnels

Practical SSH examples to take your remote system
admin game to the next level. Commands and tips to
not only use SSH but master ways to move around
the network.

Knowing a few ssh tricks will bene t any system

administrator, network engineer or security

Practical SSH examples

1. SSH Socks Proxy

2. SSH Tunnel (Port Forward)
3. SSH Tunnel to Secondary Host
4. Reverse SSH Tunnel
5. SSH Reverse Proxy
6. Establish VPN over SSH
7. Copy your SSH key (ssh-copy-id)
8. Run Command Remotely (non-interactive)
9. Remote Packet Capture & View in Wireshark
10. SSH Copy Folder from Local to Remote
11. Remote GUI Applications with SSH x11 Forwarding
12. Copy les remotely with rsync and SSH
13. SSH over Tor Network
14. SSH to EC2 instance
15. Edit text les with VIM over ssh/scp
16. Mount remote SSH as local folder with SSHFS
17. SSH Multiplex using ControlPath
18. Stream Video over SSH
19. Two Factor Authentication
20. Bouncing through jump hosts with SSH and -J
21. Block SSH Brute Force Attempts with iptables
22. SSH Escape to Modify Port Forwarding
First The Basics
Breaking down the SSH Command Line

The following ssh example command uses common parameters often seen when connecting to a
remote SSH server.

localhost:~$ ssh -v -p 22 -C neo@remoteserver

-v : Print debug information, particularly helpful when debugging an authentication problem. Can be used
multiple times to print additional information.
-p 22 : Specify which port to connect to on the remote SSH server. 22 is not required as this is the
default, but if any other port is listening connect to it using the -p parameter. The listening port is
con gured in the sshd_config le using the Port 2222 format.
-C : Compression is enabled on the connection using this parameter. If you are using the terminal over a
slow link or viewing lots of text this can speed up the connection as it will compress the data transferred
on the y.
neo@ : The string before the @ symbol denotes the username to authenticate with against the remote
server. Leaving out the user@ will default to using the username of the account you are currently logged
in to (~$ whoami). User can also be speci ed with the -l parameter.
remoteserver : The hostname that the ssh is connecting to, this can be a fully quali ed domain name,
an IP address or any host in your local machines hosts le. To connect to a host that resolves to both
IPv4 and IPv6 you can specify add a parameter -4 or -6 to the command line so it resolves correctly.

Each of the above a parameters are optional apart from the remoteserver.

Using a Con guration File

While many users are familiar with the sshd_config le, there is also a client con guration le for the
ssh command. This defaults to ~/.ssh/config but can also be speci ed as a parameter with the -F

Host *
Port 2222

Host remoteserver
User neo
Port 2112
IdentityFile /home/test/.ssh/
In the above example ssh con guration le you can see that there are two Host entries. The rst is a
wildcard denoting all hosts have the Port 2222 con guration option applied. The second says for a
hostname of remoteserver as seen on the ssh command line - use a different username, port, FQDN and

The con guration le can save a lot of typing by including advanced con guration shortcuts any time a
connection is made to particular hosts.

Copy Files over SSH with SCP

The ssh client comes with two other very handy tools for moving les around over an encrypted ssh
connection. The commands are scp and sftp , see the examples below for basic usage. Note that
many parameters for the ssh can be applied to these commands also.

localhost:~$ scp mypic.png neo@remoteserver:/media/data/mypic_2.png

In this example the le mypic.png was copied to the remoteserver to le system location /media/data
and was renamed to mypic_2.png.

Don't forget the difference in the port parameter. This is a gotcha that hits everyone using scp on the
command line. The port parameter is -P not -p as it is in the ssh client.!. You will forget, but don't
worry everyone does.

For those familiar with command line ftp , many of the commands are similar when using sftp . You
can push, put and ls to your hearts desire.

sftp neo@remoteserver

Practical Examples
In many of these examples we could achieve the result using a number of methods. As in all our tutorials
and example command sheets, the focus is practical examples that simply get the job done.

1. Proxy Tra c over SSH using SOCKS

The SSH Proxy feature has been placed at number 1 for good reason. It is more powerful than many
users realise giving you access to any system that the remote server can reach, using almost any
application. The ssh client can tunnel tra c over the connection using a SOCKS proxy server with a
quick one liner. A key thing to understand is that tra c to the remote systems will have a source of the
remote server. For example in a web server log le.
localhost:~$ ssh -D 8888 user@remoteserver

localhost:~$ netstat -pan | grep 8888

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Here we start the socks proxy server running on TCP port 8888, the second command checks that the
port is now listening. The indicates the service is running on localhost only. We can use a
slightly different command to listen on all interfaces including ethernet or wi , this will allow other
applications (browsers or other) on our network to connect to the ssh socks proxy service.

localhost:~$ ssh -D user@remoteserver

Now we can con gure our browser to connect to the socks proxy. In Firefox select preferences | general
| network settings. Add the IP address and the port for the browser to connect to.

Note the option at the bottom of the form to force browser DNS requests to also go over the socks
proxy. If you are using the proxy to encrypt your web tra c on the local network you will de nitely want
to select this option so the DNS requests are also tunnelled over the SSH connection.

Enable Socks Proxy on Chrome

Using a command line parameter when launching Chrome will use the socks proxy and also tunnel DNS
requests from the browser over the socks5 proxy. Trust but verify, use tcpdump (tcpdump not port 22) to
con rm the DNS requests are no longer visible.
localhost:~$ google-chrome --proxy-server="socks5://"

Using other applications with the Proxy

Keep in mind that there are many other applications that can utilise a socks proxy. A web browser is
simply the most popular. Some applications will have con guration options for use of the proxy. Others
may need some help by using a helper program that talks the socks protocol. An example of this is
proxychains. Using this tool we can for example use Microsoft RDP over the socks proxy.

localhost:~$ proxychains rdesktop $RemoteWindowsServer

The con guration options for the socks proxy are set in the proxychains con guration le.

Hot Tip: Using remote desktop from Linux to Windows? Try the FreeRDP client. A more modern
implementation than rdesktop with much smoother interaction.

Use Case for the SSH Socks Proxy

You are in a cafe or hotel having to use the somewhat sketchy WIFI. From our Laptop we run the ssh
proxy locally and establish an ssh tunnel into our home network using a our local Rasberry Pi. Using the
browser or other applications con gured for the SOCKS proxy we can access any network services on
our home network or browse to the Internet via our Home Network Connection. Everything between our
Laptop and the Home Server (across the WIFI and Internet to home) is encrypted in the SSH tunnel.

2. SSH Tunnel (port forward)

In its simplest form an SSH tunnel simply opens a port on your local system that connects through to
another port at the other end of the tunnel.

localhost:~$ ssh -L 9999: user@remoteserver

Lets break down the -L parameter. Think of -L as the Local listening side. So in our example above the
port 9999 is listening on localhost and port forwards through to port 80 on remoteserver, note that the refers to localhost on the remote server!

Lets take it up a notch. In this following example the port that is listening can be connected to from
other hosts on the local network.
localhost:~$ ssh -L user@remoteserver

In these examples the port we are connecting is a listening web server. It could also be a proxy server or
any other TCP service.

3. SSH Tunnel Forward to Secondary Remote host

We can use the same options seen above to have the tunnel connect to another service running on a
secondary system from the remote server.

localhost:~$ ssh -L user@remoteserver

In this example we are forwarding the tunnel from remoteserver to the web server running on The tra c from remoteserver -> is no longer within the ssh tunnel. The web
server on will see remoteserver as the source of the web requests.

4. SSH Reverse Tunnel

In this scenario we want to setup a listening port on the remote server that will connect back to a local
port on our localhost (or other system).

localhost:~$ ssh -v -R


With this ssh session established a connection to the remoteserver port 1999 will be forwarded to port
902 on our local client.

5. SSH Reverse Proxy

In this case we are establishing a SOCKS proxy with our ssh connection, however the proxy is listening at
the remote server end. With connections to that remote socks proxy now emerging from the tunnel as
tra c originating from our localhost.

localhost:~$ ssh -v -R user@remoteserver

Troubleshooting Remote SSH Tunnels

If you are having trouble getting the remote SSH options to work, check with netstat which interface
the listening port is attached too. Even though we have speci ed in the above examples, if
GatewayPorts is set to no in the sshd_con g then the listener will only bind to localhost (

Security Warning
Note that when you are opening tunnels and socks proxies you may be exposing internal
network resources to untrusted networks (like the Internet!). This can be a serious security risk
so ensure you understand what is listening and what it has access too.

6. Establish a VPN over SSH

A common term amongst offensive security folks (pentesters / red teams / etc), is to pivot into a
network. Once you have a connection established on one system that system becomes a gateway point
for further access to the network. This is known as pivoting and enables lateral movement through the

We can use the SSH proxy for this and proxychains, however there are some limitations. For example we
cannot use raw sockets, so Nmap SYN scans cannot be used to port scan the Internal network.

Using this more advanced VPN option we move the connectivity down to layer 3. We can then simply
route tra c through the tunnel using standard network routing.

This technique uses ssh , iptables , tun interfaces and routing.

First we need these options set in the sshd_config . Since we are making interface changes on the
remote system and the client system, we will need root privileges on both sides.

PermitRootLogin yes
PermitTunnel yes

Then we will establish our ssh connection using the parameter that requests tun devices be

localhost:~# ssh -v -w any root@remoteserver

Now you should have a tun device when you show interfaces ( # ip a ). Next step is to add IP
addresses to the tunnel interfaces.

SSH Client Side:

localhost:~# ip addr add peer dev tun0
localhost:~# ip tun0 up

SSH Server Side:

remoteserver:~# ip addr add peer dev tun0

remoteserver:~# ip tun0 up

Now we should have a direct route to the other host ( route -n and ping ).

It is now possible to route any subnet through the other side host.

localhost:~# route add -net netmask dev tun0

On the remote side we need to enable ip_forward and iptables .

remoteserver:~# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

remoteserver:~# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o enp7s0 -j

Boom! Layer three VPN through an SSH tunnel. Now that's winning.

Any trouble, try tcpdump and ping to see where its broken. Since we are playing at layer 3 our icmp
packets should be jumping through that tunnel.

7. Copy your SSH key (ssh-copy-id)

There are multiple ways to achieve this however this command is a shortcut that saves time. What does
it actually do? Well this command simply replicates what you can also do manually. Copying the
~/.ssh/ (or the default) key from your system and adds it to an
~/.ssh/authorized_keys le on the remote server.

localhost:~$ ssh-copy-id user@remoteserver

8. Run Command Remotely (non-interactive)

The ssh command can be chained to other commands for the usual piping fun. Simply add the
command you want to run on the remote host as a nal parameter in quotes.

localhost:~$ ssh remoteserver "cat /var/log/nginx/access.log" | grep


In this example the grep is being performed on the local system after the log le has been pushed
across the ssh session. If the le is large it would be more e cient to run the grep on the remote side
simply by enclosing the pipe and grep in the double quotes.

Another example performs the same function as the ssh-copy-id short cut in Tip 7.

localhost:~$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remoteserver 'cat >>


9. Remote Packet Capture & View in Wireshark

I grabbed this one from our tcpdump examples. Use it for a remote packet capture with the results
feeding directly into your local Wireshark GUI.

:~$ ssh root@remoteserver 'tcpdump -c 1000 -nn -w - not port 22' | wireshark
-k -i -

10. SSH Copy Folder from Local to Remote

A neat trick that compresses a folder using bzip2 (that's the -j in the tar command), then extracts the
bzip2 stream on the other side creating a duplicate of the folder on the remote server.

localhost:~$ tar -cvj /datafolder | ssh remoteserver "tar -xj -C /datafolder"

11. Remote GUI Applications with SSH x11 Forwarding

If the client and remote server both have X installed. It is possible to run a GUI command remotely, with
the Window appearing on your local desktop. This feature has been around since the beginning of time,
but can still be very useful. Run a remote web browser or even the VMWawre Workstation console as I
do in this example.
localhost:~$ ssh -X remoteserver vmware

Requires X11Forwarding yes in the sshd_config .

12. Copy les remotely with rsync and SSH

Using the rsync has many advantages over scp , if periodically need to backup a directory, large
numbers of les or very large les it should be used. It has the ability to recover from failed transfers and
only copy differences between two locations saving bandwidth and time.

The example here uses gzip compression (-z) and archive mode (-a) that includes recursive copy.

:~$ rsync -az /home/testuser/data remoteserver:backup/

13. SSH over Tor Network

The anonymised Tor Network can tunnel SSH tra c by using the torsocks command. The following
command will proxy the ssh connection through the Tor network.

localhost:~$ torsocks ssh myuntracableuser@remoteserver

Torsocks will use the localhost port 9050 to proxy tra c. As always when using tor serious
consideration must be taken to understand what tra c is being tunnelled and other operational security
(opsec) concerns. Where are your DNS requests going?

14. SSH to EC2 instance

When using SSH to connect to your EC2 instance within Amazon you will need to use a certi cate.
Download the certi cate from your Amazon EC2 control panel and change the permissions ( chmod 600
my-ec2-ssh-key.pem . Keep this key somewhere safe or put it in your ~/.ssh/ folder.

localhost:~$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pem ubuntu@my-ec2-public

The -i parameter simply tells the ssh client to use this key. This would be an ideal example of where to
use the ~/.ssh/config to con gure the use of the key automatically when connecting to the ec2 host.
Host my-ec2-public
Hostname ec2???
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pem

15. Edit text les with VIM over ssh/scp

For all those vim users out there, this one can save some time. Using vim we can edit les over scp
with one command. Using this method simply creates a le in /tmp on the local system and then
copies it back once we write the le in vim .

localhost:~$ vim scp://user@remoteserver//etc/hosts

Note the format is slightly different to regular scp . After the host we have a double // . This references
the absolute path. A single slash will have a path that is relative to the users home directory.

**warning** (netrw) cannot determine method (format:


If you see this error, double check the format of your command. It usually means there is a syntax error.

16. Mount remote SSH location as local folder with SSHFS

Using sshfs - an ssh lesystem client, we can mount a local directory to a remote location with all le
interaction taking place over the encrypted ssh session.

localhost:~$ apt install sshfs

On Ubuntu and Debian based system we install the sshfs package and then simply mount the remote

localhost:~$ sshfs user@remoteserver:/media/data ~/data/

17. SSH Multiplex using ControlPath

By default when you have an existing connection to a remote server with ssh , a second connection
using ssh or scp will establish a new session with the overhead of authentication. Using the
ControlPath options we can have the existing session be used for all subsequent connections. This
will speed things up signi cantly. It is noticeable even on a local network but even more so when
connecting to remote resources.

Host remoteserver
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/control/%r@%h:%p
ControlPersist 10m

ControlPath denotes a socket that is checked by new connections to see if there is an existing ssh
session that can be used. The ControlPersist option above means even after you exit the terminal, the
existing session will remain open for 10 minutes, so if you were to reconnect within that time you would
use that existing socket. See the ssh_config man page for more information.

18. Stream Video over SSH using VLC + SFTP

Long time users of ssh and vlc (Video Lan Client) are not always of aware of this handy option for
when you simply need to watch video over the network. Using the vlc option to File | Open Network
Stream one can simply enter the location as a an sftp:// location. A prompt will appear for
authentication details if password is required.


19. Two Factor Authentication

Most readers will understand the value in using Two Factor Authentication, the same bene ts that apply
to your banking or Google Account can be applied to your SSH service.

Of course ssh comes with a form of Two Factor capability included, that being a passphrase and an
SSH key. An advantage of using a hardware based token or the Google Authenticator App is the fact that
they are generally coming from a second physical device.

See our 8 minute guide to getting started with Google Authenticator and SSH.

20. Bouncing through jump hosts with ssh and -J

When network segmentation means you are jumping through multiple ssh hosts to get to a nal
destination network or host, this jump host shortcut might be just what you need.
localhost:~$ ssh -J host1,host2,host3 user@host4.internal

A key thing to understand here is that this is not the same as ssh host1 then user@host1:~$ ssh
host2 , the -J jump parameter uses forwarding trickery so that the localhost is establishing the
session with the next host in the chain. So our localhost is authenticating with host4 in the above
example; meaning our localhost keys are used and the session from localhost to host4 is encrypted end
to end.

To use this ability in the ssh_config use the ProxyJump con guration option. If you regularly have to
jump through multiple hosts; use the con g le and your alias to host4 will save you a lot of time.

21. Block SSH Brute Force Attempts with iptables

Anyone who has managed an SSH service on the Internet, and viewed the logs will be aware of the
amount of SSH brute force attempts that take place every hour of every day. An immediate way to
reduce the noise in your logs is to move SSH to a port other than 22. Make the change in the
sshd_config le using the Port ## con guration option.

Using iptables we can also simply block attempts to connect to the port from sources that reach a
certain threshold. A simple way to do this is to use OSSEC, as this not only blocks SSH but will also
perform a bunch of other host based intrusion detection functions (HIDS).

22. Modify Port Forwarding within a session with ~C

And our nal ssh example is for modifying port forwarding on the y within an existing ssh session.
Picture this example scenario. You are deep in a network; perhaps you have jumped through half a dozen
jump hosts and need a local port on your workstation forwarded to Microsoft SMB on the old Windows
2003 system you spotted (ms08-67 anyone?).

After hitting enter try typing ~C in your terminal. This a control escape sequence within the session
that allows to make changes to the existing connection.

localhost:~$ ~C
ssh> -h
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KL[bind_address:]port Cancel local forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
-KD[bind_address:]port Cancel dynamic forward
ssh> -L 1445:remote-win2k3:445
Forwarding port.

You can see here we have forwarded our local port 1445 to the Windows 2003 host we found on the
internal network. Now simply launch msfconsole and we are good to go (assuming you were planning
on exploiting that host).

Wrapping Up
These ssh examples, tips and commands are intended to give you a starting point; additional detail on
each of the commands and capabilities is available using the man pages ( man ssh , man ssh_config ,
man sshd_config ).

Being able to reach out and run commands on systems anywhere in the world has always fascinated
me. By developing your skills with tools such as ssh you will become more productive and effective at
whatever game you play.

Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or suggestions please drop me a note using the
contact form. Have fun!

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 Two factor (2FA) SSH with Google


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