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Dear reader;

I am sure like me you have pondered WHY you attracted a situation or a person yo
u once loved so much. I am sure you also thought, damn I knew it, I should have
known better but after you have finished reading this VIP Cosmic Code sample, y
ou will know or at least understand the karmic reason why this person was sent t
o you: Some people will come into your life for a very specific reason, some wil
l be a "night stand" some will stay for a few years then disappear and others f
or a lifetime. But chances are you will, if you meditate hard enough, know which
one it is and what you have (had) to do or suffer because of that particular p

Sexual urges are quite strong when you are a young stud, and in my 60 years of
crazy existence, acting as a bad "French Man" brought my share of night stands.
Those pretty faces and gorgeous bodies were sent to me to satisfy a very powerf
ul selfish insatiable thirst for flesh. But was that all these pretty girls mea
nt to me? What about the packs of heartbreaks and lost dreams finding and enjoyi
ng true love ? What about their hearts and deep but discarded feelings for me?
Why did they all had to land on me and my sensual centered world where commitme
nt, love, respect and long lasting matrimony was nonexistent? So what is my only
plausible, valuable answer?


When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a deep need you
have expressed. So can you really blame a young attractive French stud loaded w
ith hormones and testosterone? No because there a millions of those male and fem
ale young souls ready to experience life and uncover its powerful natural sexual
urges. When my ex wife "dropped" me after 13 years of marriage I was in shock..
. I never cheated, hurt or misbehaved with her and (I did not know then) I was o
nly the victim of the Dragon's Tail moving through our 7th house of marriage enf
orcing the badly needed changes, et voila! freed against my will or not? So th
e experience was devastating and I built a "vendetta" against ALL females and al
l my "victims" came to assist me through a severely difficult emotional time pro
viding me with the lost love, guidance and support, to aid me physically, emotio
nally and spiritually. All the while those "victims" were godsend and played t
heir own crucial healing part in my messed up life. Meantime had my ex stay with
me I would never ever found my soul mate, my wonderful beautiful wife I love s
o much Terania.

But people from all walks of life have to deal with their own karma and God's p
erfect plan is set to "attract" certain people only. They are there for the reas
on you simply need them to be and be sure they will play their part perfectly be
cause, somewhere, somehow you need to grow up spiritually. Millions of people wi
ll or have found themselves in my own situation but won't react like I did just
because of their natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity. Some of my weakest close
friends could not bear the heavy load of emotional stress and chose the easy w
ay out by commit suicide to liberate their drowned spirit. Others seeded with do
ctors and ended up legally drugged while Neptunian souls drowned themselves in a
lcohol. The list on how one react to rejection is endless and all depend on your
inherited celestial make up.
Did you read "Rejection and How to Deal with It?"

Yes indeed, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this
friend, this lover, this person will say or do something to bring the relations
hip to an end or worse, they died on you. Sometimes they simply walk away forcin
g you to take a painful stand you would rather ignore. But in reality what you m
ust realize is that your very specific wish or need has been met, a deeper inner
subconscious desire has been fulfilled and the work is done. The subconscious pr
ayer you sent up to God has been heard and answered and now it is time for you t
o move on to painfully experience the rest of the story. You may have wished for
more love, a more logical, practical or spiritual soul, or someone giving you m
ore respect, more money, more freedom, more sex or a better job but rest assured
karma was there all along if you misbehaved or abused that person.

And, chances are, you may not necessarily be conscious of all your physical or s
piritual previous acts until it becomes much too late for you. Yes indeed human
seems to learn much faster when hurting. Wisdom does not come easy, free and pa
ckaged to fit you personally. When I mention "your future is nothing else than t
he reincarnation of your thoughts" I truly mean it but it took me only 60 years
to acknowledge and assimilate this fact. Yes many of you are still quite young w
hile others bruised souls can easily relate to my wise words...

The fact is some people come into your life for a SEASON only; because your turn
has come to share, grow or learn the hard way, call it needed karma. Very often
the "Cosmic Clock" is responsible for your experiences to come by; for you ha
ve only a few earth years to learn and grow right here on earth (hell.) Inciden
tally I got married when the Dragon's Head was in my 7th house of marriage and d
ivorced 13 years later when its nasty Tail comeback in the same very partnership
s house forcing us to separate. Yes the "bad" people, the perfect situation, th
e great opportunity were there, all was set in perfect harmony for the actors
to play their parts in accordance to the Cosmic Code rules.

Little did I know then that the entire movie was a liberation to my soul and not
the loss of a wife... But as mentioned so many times before, "human" reasons ar
e your only answers and comfort

"Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking conspiracy and imagination does the rest.
" There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human senses cannot
Dr. Turi

Yes indeed knowledge is power and mastering the Cosmic Code or using your "lucky
Window Dates" can bring about your wishes, but who's really understanding or ab
le to use my work on the Dragon when your interests are somewhere else? Guess wh
at put aside your selfish interests for a change, master and use the Dragon inst
ead to make your "interests" a reality! Yes only when the student is ready will
Dr. Turi's rare wisdom available to you.


Some friends will bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh crazy, whil
e the nosy ones will make you feel insecure. They may teach you something you ha
ve never thought of or even consider for your fears have roots you must uncover
and correct. Yes your subconscious has no clue between your fears and your wish
es and will work for or against you if you do not understand the rules.

Friends bring wishes, lose a friend and lose a wish; it's a simple as that. Some
real friends usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy and will be there w
hen you need them most. Then this "friendship" will be tested with time and will
either disintegrate then break up or upgrade to something much more valuable in
your heart, believe it, it is real, but only for a timely reason. Upgrade a con
nection with a friend and see the results, use and abuse them and pay the karma
you need and deserve to grow up.


A lifetime relationships will teach you lifetime lessons, things you must acknow
ledge and build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your karma i
s to accept the lesson, respect the person and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and vital areas of your life because there is NO fu
ture in your past. Actually full forgiveness is what will free your spirit from
its own jail. A true friend will recognize any situation you are in and find a w
ay to help you. If your plans with friends were messed up it is coming from a hi
gher order you may not be allowed to grasp just yet. But one thing is sure, you
r friend ship will be tested and if it passes you won so many future blessings.
Indeed it is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant but not all
your friends were born with a perceptive UCI.

If any of your friend have been with you for more than 7 years both of you have
upgraded with higher distinction. If all the misunderstandings, pains, fears a
nd tears did not kill the magic then something truly magical took place. And th
ose earthy guardian angels will always be there for you in time of troubles. A t
rue friend will be concerned with your welfare but may not necessarily know what
you are going through. A true friend will always find a way to forgive you for
a "faux pas" or mishap and show his true face and true love, it is just unmis

We are all smart humans' beings and equally foolish to the eyes of God, we are a
ll immortal spirits jailed on this dense physical world where our perception of
the divine is minimized and in some case nonexistent for the earthy self consume
d unworthy "friend" type. Yes once more, lose a friend and lose a wish in the p
rocess; this is why it is worth all your efforts to keep them as friends regardl
ess of their shortcomings because the law of karma may also turn them into your
worse enemies. The people you once truly loved, the friend you admired and res
pected the most seems to be nothing else than a manipulator, a self centered sou
l working endlessly to make your life total misery. At least this is your side o
f the story or how you perceive the karmic situation you brought yourself in. Bu
t the sad reality is; in some case you are dead on right with such person and yo
ur challenge will be to understand and accepting that YOU have attracted this so
ul who happens to match YOUR energy. For this universal law is as real as can be
; "a magnet will never attract a piece of wood."
The tremendous build up anger brings also heavy stress that could cost you more
than money if money IS the problem. After all, my own entire attitude with money
has changed dramatically since I was forced to face my own mortality with cance
r colon. What is the point of being supremely wealthy if you are "constipated" e
veryday? Yes you will HAVE to pay the full heavy price to get better and be hap
py and healthy again. I worked many long years to establish emotional, financial
and spiritual stability and piling up my bank accounts (just in case) I would n
eed it for an unsuspected medical emergency became MY own evil reality with time

Yes I nurtured that fearful thought for many years just to be able to assimilate
so much more about the subconscious creative/destructive process. And all for
your benefit if you can grasp my wisdom and free advices...Yes when I teach my s
tudents, do not feed evil with your fears I had yet to really realize the weight
of my own words. Its easy to talk and much more difficult to walk the talk read
er and this is now a supreme golden key that was missing in my own repertoire o
f wisdom. You want to be rich? Simple my friend, behave, think, talk like a mill
ionaire. You want to be super rich? Simple readers simply behave, dream, think,
talk like a billionaire but to perform the talk it is not as simple as that! htt
p:// - And remember...

"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!"

J.P. Morgan


The love energy is real and while "hibernating" some of your closest friends do
think of you now and then...You cannot be anyone's priority simply know that you
are still alive buried in the deepest part of their heart for now. Yes they hav
e a life of their own... BUT, little do they know that you are a vital part as
a true friend to OPEN that door they are so desperately looking for! Yes friends
bring wishes, get more friends to get to more of your wishes. Your 11th house o
f friends and wishes in your UCI may also be shared with Jupiter and now your de
epest wishes will be available through FOREIGNERS and in foreign lands. But will
you ever bother to find out what your 11th house of wishes and friends is all a
bout or what is the fastest, safest way to use your subconscious' creative force
s by investigating your own blessings?

Oh but you pray God and you have faith, well this is wonderful and it works too
but what about learning how God really speaks to you and respect the signs? Inde
ed most of the time God won't care much about you and remain silent to your pray
ers my friend...Just because it is YOUR job to RISE to YOUR creator and learn ho
w to see and hear his celestial will, then adapt to the Cosmic Code rules to gai
n the blessings you deserve.But who's to perform true spiritual gymnastics with
a true spiritual Master when they are as rare as diamonds? There is so much to l
earn about your friends and your wishes and I hope to offer you something to thi
nk about with my work today.

Yes it is common that someone you thought as a good friend suddenly turns agains
t you. It happened to me so many times while all I was always giving free advic
es, teach them how to "pick a girl" while picking the tabs and sharing my luxuri
ous toys with them too. They became envious and jealous of my success and popul
arity wondering why me and not them. But that is the price one has to pay when
they become successful or better than them at the game of life.

Sympathy seems to be a disease for exaggerated this beautiful human gift becom
es the essence of envy and jealousy. Well I came to become a close friend to t
hen, maybe to stimulate them to become better human beings. I also hope my word
s of wisdom will always resonate in their own lost heart and reward in accordanc
e the friends they are so lucky to have and enjoy today. Well some of my close
friends have "divorced" me and so are the great projects we discussed and plan
ned for the world but I know much too much about the human spirit and its shortc
omings to take it at heart and be mad at them.

I came into their lives, as they came into mine for good reasons and each time t
hey all have left me with an immense spiritual wealth making me a champion of de
tection. I let them be, I let all my previous and current friends be and allow
them to take their own time to grown, for love is all we all need. All I have t
o do is to thanks them for the pain and suffering, for the distressing wondering
that forced me to re-evaluate my actions, my words, my beliefs, my position in
life. All that I know is when you help a friend in any way be ready for a one
of your wishes to become true. Please take my words as they are because I have
learned this to be a fact. The more selfish you are, the more lonely you will be
come, share and benefit from being good to all your friends.

And to all my "friends" that did me wrong, all I can do is to fly higher in the
realization of what it really means to be human. All I am left to say at the en
d is; thank you for being a friend, a serious learning process, a very important
part of my life and a wish bringer. Whether God sent you to me for a karmic re
ason, a wonderful season or a lifetime wonderful loving companion.

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Note I spent 10 days in a hotel room in Dallas to generate the FULL 2011 Nostrad
amus detailed Dragon Forecast for all signs and what you can expect from the new
Dragon by house and signs next year. I elaborated quite a lot about lucky Jupi
ter's impact in your chart and what to do to make the most of those long lasting
future transits. Furthermore, you will also get this Personal Dragon Forecast a
s an Internet file immediately after our session and be ready for what to expect
in 2011. Be prepared for what God, through the Cosmic Code rules, the Dragon, k
armic Saturn, lucky Jupiter and re birthing Pluto has in store for you and being
prepared to act in harmony with the Cosmic Clock can only mean success in the l
ong run. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil, I am here and I will tak
e good care of you because legal or illegal drugs are NOT the way to go.


Dr. Gary Kohls, reviewing the books in the Online Journal, notes: "Psychiatric d
rugs, whose developers, marketers and salespersons are all in the employ of the
giant drug companies, are far more dangerous than the drug and psychiatric indus
tries are willing to admit: These drugs, it turns out, are fully capable of disa
bling - often permanently - body, brain and spirit."
If you are a supporter of my mission to save the world from fear and reintroduce
Jesus' real Ministry, the Cosmic Code "Our Father In The Heavens" please sign t
he guest-book.
Thank you all. Dr. Turi
Question? Help? Talk to Terania -602-265-7667

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