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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2018-19

Student Name: Jennifer Garcia, Larissa Alba Period: 1

Topic (a few words): Helping animal shelters.

Topic in full sentence (identifies the problem): In animal shelters, animals may not be getting the attention and materials
they need. We will help them with donating materials and our time.

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey being for you?)

An eye-opener on how the animals are being treated.

**Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

1. What materials do animal shelters lack and how can we help get these materials for them?

2. What materials do they lack?

3. What have others done to get donations for animal shelters?

4. How can supplying materials help the animals?

5. Why do animal shelters lack in proper care and materials?

6. What shelter needs the most help and supplies?

7.How can animals be able to get what they need at animal shelters?

8. Who can help in supplying materials to help?

9.How is the lack of materials in animal shelters affect the way the animals live and how can we help them?

10. Why do they lack on these materials?

What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to the practicum? Provide specific details. TO

We learned that animals prove both physical and emotional support. Then we learned that most volunteers
actually try their best to pay attention to as many animals they can during the day. On some shelter websites
they provide information on how or where you can volunteer and about what donations they are looking for.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your practicum?
We would be able to donate the right things that the animals at the shelter actually need.

How will you make a difference in other people’s lives from your journey? What impact do you hope to have?

We will impact the animals with the materials that they need. We will be helping the people by giving them the supplies
for the animals.

List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and every step for completing
your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or transcribed, surveys, phone call logs, etc...). You may add
steps/spaces as needed. A few steps will not do. Think of every possible step.

Step Evidence

1) Do research on different animal shelters on what we need in order to volunteer. Pictures.

2) Try to apply to volunteer in a shelter. Pictures.

3) If denied to volunteer in the animal shelter we will research on how to help them pictures/screenshots
with materials.

4) Create a questionnaire. Picture/list of questions

5) Start interviewing different people on their opinions of the animal shelters. Recordings of interviews

6) Create a donation flyer. The flyer itself.

7) Ask teachers if they can put the flyer up and/or store donations temporarily. Pictures of the flyer being hung
up in their classrooms.

8) If they accept we will put a donation box to help. Picture of the box in the

9) Weekly we will collect the materials and keep track of how much we get. Pictures of materials we get

10) Donate the supplies to the area we have assigned to. Picture of donating materials

What organization (if any) will you work with and for what purpose?

We won’t work with an organization.

Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful challenge for you?

This project will be meaningful to us because we will both know that we had helped animals in animal shelters the best
we could. It is new to us because we will experience the different needs that each animal has.
How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts, etc…) Remember that
ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be filmed or have a transcript. Every picture must
have a verbal explanation (screencastify?) Anyone should be able to access your website and be able to understand every
step you took. You saying you did something is not enough. You must have evidence of every step. Be thorough

We will have pictures and videos of the things we did throughout the capstone.

Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________

Accepted As-Is ___________ Accepted With Modifications ____________

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