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C++ Programming

1. Basic fundamentals of C++ Programming

2. Input and output
3. Operators
4. Arrays
5. Functions
6. Pointers and References
7. File Handling
8. Dynamic memory allocation
9. Object Oriented Programming(OOP)
10. Inheritance
11. Constructor and Destructor
12. Overloading
13. Operator Overloading
14. Virtual Functions
15. Exception Handling
16. C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

Basics of C++

1. C++ Programming Language Introduction

2. Installing MinGW Compiler
3. Installing Codeblocks
4. Structure of C++ program
5. void main() or main() or int main()
6. Data Types
7. Input/Output
8. Operators in C++
9. Conditional statements in C++
10. Loops
11. Storage Classes in C++
12. Preprocessors directives
13. Switch statement in C++

Input and output

1. Basic Input/Output
2. endl vs \n in C++

Operators in C++

1. Operators
2. Unary operators in C/C++
3. Conditionally assign a value without using conditional and arithmetic operators
4. Set a variable without using Arithmetic, Relational or Conditional Operator
5. Scope Resolution Operator
6. Pre-increment or pre-decrement
7. new and delete operator in C++


1. Arrays in C/C++
2. Array of Strings
3. Multidimensional arrays in C/C++
4. Find size of array in C/C++ without using sizeof
5. reverse a string in C++
6. Tokenizing a string in C++
7. Print size of array parameter


1. Functions in C++
2. Default Arguments
3. Argument and return values
4. Inline Functions
5. Return from void functions
6. Returning multiple values from a function
7. Functors
8. Ciel and floor functions in C++
9. Const member functions

Pointers and References

1. Pointers in C and C++

2. Array Decay in C
3. Opaque Pointer
4. References
5. Can references refer to invalid location?
6. Pass arguments by reference or pointer
7. ‘this’ pointer
8. “delete this”
9. Dangling, Void , Null and Wild Pointers
10. Passing by pointer Vs Passing by Reference
11. Smart Pointers
12. NaN in C++
13. Pointers vs References in C++

File Handling
1. Opening, closing, writing and reading a file
2. Special operations in a File
3. File Position Pointers

Dynamic memory allocation

1. new and delete operator in C++

2. malloc() vs new
3. delete() and free()

Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)

1. Introduction to OOP in C++

2. Classes and Objects
3. Access Modifiers
4. Inheritance
5. Polymorphism
6. Encapsulation
7. Data Abstraction
8. Structure vs class
9. Static data members in C++
10. Friend class and function
11. Local Class
12. Nested Classes


1. Inheritance intro
2. Runtime Polymorphism in C++
3. Multiple Inheritance in C++
4. Object Slicing in C++
5. Inheritance and friendship
6. Simulating final class

Constructor and Destructor

1. Constructors
2. Copy Constructor
3. Destructors
4. When is copy constructor called?
5. Initialization of data members
6. explicit keyword
7. Initializer List
8. Default Constructors
9. Private Destructor
10. Copy elision
11. Virtual Constructor
12. Virtual Copy Constructor
13. calling constructor and destructor explicitly


1. Function Overloading
2. Functions that can’t be overloaded
3. Overloading with Inheritance
4. Can main() be overloaded
5. Function Overloading and float
6. Operator Overloading
7. Copy constructor
8. Assignment operator
9. Operators that cannot be overloadedConversion Operators
10. Default Assignment Operator and References
11. Overloading stream insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators

Virtual Functions

1. Virtual Functions
2. Runtime Polymorphism
3. Default arguments and virtual function
4. Virtual functions in derived classes
5. Can static functions be virtual?
6. Virtual Destructor
7. Virtual Constructor
8. Virtual Copy Constructor
9. Run-time type information
10. Private virtual functions
11. Inline virtual function
12. Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes
13. Pure virtual destructor

Exception Handling

1. Exception Handling Basics

2. Catching base and derived classes as exceptions
3. Catch block and type conversion
4. Exception handling and object destruction

C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

1. Introduction to STL
2. Sorting
3. Searching
4. Pair
5. Vector
6. List
7. Forward List
8. Queue
9. Dequeue
10. Priority Queue
11. Stack
12. Set
13. Multiset
14. unordered_set
15. unordered_multiset
16. map
17. unordered_map
18. Heap using STL C++
19. Multimap

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