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frffii*ts Insight I llrurs rhursdav, February t4,2ors

Diokno dates Andaya:

Name names
' BY JOCELYT{ MONTEiIAYOR Diokno denied that some con-
tractofs have made "cash ad-
BUDGET Secretary Benjamin vances" fot inftastructure projects
Diokno yesterday dared House covered by the alleged P75 billion
Apptopdations Committee chair- fund included in the budget of the
man Rolando Andaya to name Deparmrent of Public lforks aod
government official or of6clals Highways pPWlf , adding that
who allegedly teceived kickbacks asking fot advanced payrnents or
or "advanced commissions" for kickbacks is illegal.
contracts or projects supposed He expressed belief tlat repu-
to be funded by an alleged P75 table contractors will not engage
billion potk barrel in the 2019
budget. see Dtorc.Jo ) Page 83

DIOKNO w.ith the Office

man, if
of the Ombuds-
he klows anything or
2009, or when Andaya was still
budget secreraty, to ensure the
in giving cash advances. aayone engaged io the illegal ac- efFcien-t and dmely implementa-
"Under our watch, advance tiviry so that investigations vou.ld hon ot proiects, as well meet
paymenrs of commissions are be conducted in connectioo with global srandards in govetnment
considered illegal. Such pactices his allegations. efFciency.
are not, and will not be condoned Andaya claimed that some ..fa- Undet the early procurement
by the Duterte adminisratior. If vored" contractors, including arr a.l- activities, the contract is not oet_
Aadaya kaows of such ptactices, leged relative of Diokno. hajmade fecred until the General Appro-
and he clearly does, as he has been cash advances after being awarded pnauons Act (GAA) is passed.
defending conftactots, thefl he some inftastructure projects under
should name these personalities as
Diokno said the coniucr prac-
a P75 billion pork barrel fund that tice of eady procurement is zuided
they shouJd be invesdgated. Thar had initially been inserted in the by existing cLculars and pr6cure-
graft," Diokno said.
is 2019 budget of the DpWH. ment laws.
Diokno also said rhe Deoarr- The Senate and the House
meflt of Budget ard M-^
of Diokno also said the 2019 bud-
Represenutives. in approving the get is expected to be siEned inro
@Btr4; is focused on crafting and 2019 budget, had removeJ rhe law by March this year.
overseeing rhe budget ptocess P75 billion but Andaya claimed
and not rn any way involved in the
Diokno said Congress ..ptom-
that Diokno and Cabinet Secretarv ised" to send the enrolled coov
sc_reening, nodding and awarding Karlo Nograles are working ai
ot contracts as well as implemena_
of the ratified PJ.75?-tri iii
restoflng lt. budger for
2019 to Malacar,arLs
tion of projecs. Andaya said the contractofs. for President Duterre's signarur;
"It seems Andava has apoointed who made advances of 10 petceni
himself spokesperson ii rhes. on March 1-
to 20petcent of dre ploqrarn cosr. "By March we will pass it
contractols who have alreadv been ... We
had been demanding tolave their will have a new budger by the end
giveo commissions. Le, r!^irrd
the congressman that giving com-
-. money back after the removal of of the 6rst quartet,', he said.
the P75 billion pork fund. Diokno said thdt ftom the
missions is very clearly grait. It is Diokno said there had been
his duty to oame the fugh proEle
receiprof the enrolled copv. the
eatly procurement program ac- Departmenr of Budge, ut a M"r,-
govelnment official he mentioned tivities done before the budget agement (DBN{) has four to seven
vrho advanced his own funds to a year was inuoduced but the orac, days to review the proposed mea-
conrlacto.r because of expected tice do nor involve collectiJn of sure and make the necessatv rec-
commissions-" he said kickbacks or asking for advance o-mmendations to the president,
Government Procurement
Policy Boatd-Technical Service
Payments. lt any.
He said the conduct eadyof He said Duterre has 30 davs to
Of6ce (GPPB-TSO) Executive
Plocurement activities before the act on the budget bill. Coniress
Director Atty. Rorvena Candice statt of the Budget year had been ratified the 2019 General Appro-
Ruiz urged Andaya to coordinate adopted by government since pnauons Acr Iast Februarv 8.

Paae g 1

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