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Acneiform eruptions associated with epidermal

growth factor receptoretargeted chemotherapy
Christine A. DeWitt, MD, Alan E. Siroy, MPH, and Stephen P. Stone, MD
Springfield, Illinois

A relatively newer class of chemotherapy agents, known as the epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors
(EGF-RIs), is being used to treat advanced stages of solid tumors. Acneiform eruptions are a frequent
adverse effect and one which has been associated with increased survival in some studies. We describe
3 patients who presented shortly after initiation of EGF-RI therapy. Characteristics included an absence of
comedones, facial and truncal involvement, and a perifollicular lymphoneutrophilic infiltrate detected on
biopsy. Lesion counts were reduced with topical adapalene and oral tetracyclines in two patients. Patient 3
had dramatic clearance with low-dose isotretinoin (20 mg daily) until completion of EGF-RI therapy.
Acneiform eruptions are a common adverse reaction to EGF-RI therapy and can be treated with traditional
acne therapy. This should not be considered a drug hypersensitivity eruption or allergy, and patients
should continue therapy. For patients with severe eruptions, oral isotretinoin is a consideration. ( J Am
Acad Dermatol 2007;56:500-5.)

E pidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors

(EGF-RIs) are a group of newly-approved
medications for advanced stages of cancer.
EGF receptors (EGF-Rs) are overexpressed in many
Abbreviations used:
EGF: epidermal growth factor
EGF-R: epidermal growth factor-receptor
EGF-RI: epidermal growth factor-receptor
tumor types and play a role in the development inhibitor
and progression of cancer.1 The expression of EGF-R
is abundant in malignant cells of solid tumors, such
as those of the head and neck, lung, breast, ovary, Patients on a regimen of EGF-RIs may present
prostate, and colon.1 EGF-R is also expressed in with acneiform eruptions shortly after initiation
normal, nonmalignant cells, including epidermal of treatment. Numerous studies have revealed an
keratinocytes, sebocytes, and the outer root sheath increased incidence of cutaneous adverse effects
of hair follicles.2 experienced by patients taking EGF-RIs.3,6-13 We
There are two classes of drugs that inhibit these present 3 patients who developed acneiform erup-
receptors. Small molecule EGF-RIs, such as gefitinib tions after initiation of therapy with EGR-RIs.
(Iressa) and erlotinib (Tarceva), selectively inhibit the
tyrosine kinase activity of the intracellular domain,
preventing autophosphorylation and subsequent CASE REPORTS
activation of the signaling cascades.3,4 Monoclonal Case 1
antibodies, such as cetuximab (Erbitux) and trasta- A 52-year-old white man with stage IV non-small
zumab (Herceptin), bind to the extracellular domain cell lung cancer presented with a 3-week history of
of EGF-R, blocking activation and signal transduction a pruritic eruption located on the face, chest, and
of the receptor.5 back. After initial diagnosis of the tumor, the patient
underwent partial lung resection, local radiation, and
chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin.
Nearly 11 months subsequent to the initial diagnosis
From the Division of Dermatology, Southern Illinois University.
Funding sources: None. of the tumor, he was found to have a tumor recur-
Conflicts of interest: None identified. rence and gefitinib was started 3 weeks before
Reprint requests: Stephen P. Stone, MD, Division of Dermatology, presentation. The eruption developed 1 week after
Southern Illinois University, PO Box 19644, Springfield, IL the initiation of gefitinib therapy.
62794-9644. E-mail:
Physical examination revealed extensive ery-
Published online December 14, 2006.
thematous papules and small pustules on the trunk.
ª 2007 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. There was lesser involvement of the middle aspect
doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.06.046 of the nose, cheeks, and forehead. There were no

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Case reports 501

comedones and the skin appeared normal between

the individual papules and pustules. Interestingly,
there was a focal area of sparing on the right side of
his back where he had received radiation therapy
(Fig 1).
The patient was started on a regimen of adapalene
0.1% gel applied nightly and benzoyl peroxide 4%
gel to be applied in the morning. After 3 weeks, he
had significant improvement in lesion count, with
flattening of many of those remaining. The patient
was continued on this regimen, and during the next
several months, experienced ongoing improvement. Fig 1. Patient 1. Monomorphous acneiform eruption
Nearly 3½ years after initial diagnosis, however, the developed because of gefitinib therapy. Note zone of
patient has recently had progression of disease and clearance where previous local radiation therapy had been
has elected to discontinue all therapy. administered.

Case 2 Case 3
A 52-year-old white man with stage IV colon A 30-year-old white man with a diagnosis of stage
cancer presented with a papulopustular eruption on III colon cancer presented with a pustular eruption
the face, neck, chest, back, and scalp. The tumor was on the face, scalp, and trunk. The patient was
diagnosed 3 months before the visit and the patient diagnosed 2 months before the visit and underwent
underwent a right colectomy and ostomy placement. a right hemicolectomy. His chemotherapeutic regi-
His chemotherapy regimen consisted of 5-fluorou- men included 5-flurouracil, leucovorin, and irinote-
racil, leucovorin, and irinotecan. As an adjuvant to can. The patient was started on a regimen of weekly
his chemotherapy, he was started on a regimen of cetuximab as adjuvant therapy 4 weeks before pre-
cetuximab 1 month before presentation. He noticed sentation. The patient’s eruptions began a few days
eruptions on the chest 4 to 5 days after his first after the second infusion of cetuximab. The rash had
infusion of cetuximab. Eruptions on the face, neck, steadily increased in severity, with greater spikes
and scalp progressively worsened with each sub- noted within the 2 to 3 days after receiving each
sequent infusion. infusion.
Physical examination revealed numerous ery- Physical examination revealed diffuse, monomor-
thematous papules on the lateral aspects of the phic, erythematous papules and pustules located on
face, confluent to erythematous plaques with thick the scalp, face, and trunk. Biopsy results revealed a
honey-colored crust located on the nose and large follicle with focal erosion of the infundibular
bearded area, erythema with scant greasy scale in epithelium containing numerous neutrophils. The
the eyebrow region, and numerous erythematous follicle was surrounded by a lymphoneutrophilic
papules and pustules located on the trunk (Fig 2). infiltrate including foreign body giant cells (Fig 3).
There were no comedones; however, there was A cluster of coccoid bacteria was evident within the
evidence of secondary impetiginization. follicle.
Therapy was initiated with minocycline, 100 mg Therapy was initiated with adapalene 0.1% cream
twice daily, and a topical regimen of adapalene 0.1% applied once daily. Though he had improvement,
gel applied to the chest and back twice daily, dilute the acne was still of significant concern to him. After
acetic acid soaks to the crusts on the face and scalp coordinating therapeutic options with his oncologist,
followed by mupirocin cream 3 to 4 times daily, and the patient was started on a regimen of low-dose
a salicylic acid shampoo for the profound crusting on isotretinoin at a dose of 20 mg daily. At 1-month
the scalp. Ten-day follow-up of the patient showed follow-up, the patient had dramatic clearing of his
significant improvement of the erythema and crust- pustules with only slight erythematous macules
ing on the face, scalp, and trunk. Physical examina- remaining. He experienced xerosis involving the
tion revealed a reduction in the lesion count, and lips, but no other adverse effects were seen. The
the diameter of the individual acneiform lesions dosage of isotretinoin was decreased to 20 mg every
decreased from averages of 3-4 to 1-2 mm. other day and he continued to maintain excellent
Subsequent visits showed further lesion improve- clearance; even in the first few days after infusions,
ment. Two years after his initial diagnosis, he is which had been the most problematic. He remained
currently living with metastases. on this dose until the completion of his cetuximab
502 Case reports J AM ACAD DERMATOL
MARCH 2007

Fig 3. Case 3. Photomicrograph of biopsy specimen de-

monstrates a dense perifollicular lymphoneutrophilic in-
filtrate and follicular plugging. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain;
original magnification: 310.)

been seen with the use of gefitinib (66%), erlotinib

(75%, 5% grade III) and cetuximab (86%, 18% grade
III).3,11,13 As with all adverse effects, the National
Cancer Institute has developed a scale for defining
the degree of rash (Table I).16
In a phase I trial involving 88 patients receiving
escalating doses of gefitinib, Baselga et al7 noted
that the most frequent adverse reaction to the drug
was an acne-like rash, occurring in 64% of patients.
The persistence of this rash was reversible upon
cessation of gefitinib treatment. In a phase II trial of
cetuximab involving 57 patients, Saltz et al11 found
that an acne-like rash occurred in 86% of patients,
with 18% involving a grade III reaction. Areas of
involvement were mostly localized to the face and
Fig 2. Patient 2. Facial papules and secondary impetigi- upper torso. Albanell et al3 reported adverse skin
nization (A) and characteristic monomorphous truncal reactions occurring in 43 of 64 patients participating
acneiform eruption (B) shortly after starting cetuximab in a pharmacodynamic study of gefitinib. These
therapy. reactions generally appeared after 7 to 14 days
of treatment, with acneiform eruptions occurring
therapy. It has been approximately 6 months since mostly on the face and trunk. In a study by Busam
completion of therapy, and he remains in remission. et al10 investigating the cutaneous side effects in
cancer patients treated with cetuximab, 10 of 10
patients experienced a follicular rash, which devel-
DISCUSSION oped approximately 1 week after initiation of ther-
EGF-R is overexpressed in malignant cells and apy. The rash presented in an acneiform distribution,
plays an important role in proliferation, differentia- affecting the face, scalp, chest, and upper back. The
tion, and the eventual development and progression cutaneous reactions that presented in patients of the
of cancer.1,14,15 EGF-RIs are currently being used in EGF-RI studies were described as acneiform or acne-
cancer therapy to prevent the activation of these like in terms of clinical presentation (erythematous,
receptors in tumor cells. In nonmalignant cells, such papulopustular lesions) and distribution (face, scalp,
as epidermal keratinocytes, sebocytes, and cells chest, and upper back), similar to what we report in
of the hair follicle, EGF-R is involved in normal our 3 cases.
cell growth and differentiation. Numerous studies Data from some studies show a positive correla-
involving cancer patients placed on a regimen of tion between the presence and grade of cutaneous
EGF-RI therapy have reported cutaneous reactions eruption and survival time. Perez-Soler et al8 found
as being the most common side effect of therapy, that there was a statistically significant increase in the
occurring shortly after the subjects were placed on survival of patients treated with erlotinib who
an EGF-RI regimen.3,6-13 Acneiform eruptions have presented with a rash of grade I, II or III versus
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Case reports 503

Table I. National Cancer Institute adverse event scale for acneiform eruptions*
Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V
Degree of Intervention not Intervention Associated with pain, disfigurement, — Death
acneiform rash indicated indicated ulceration, or desquamation

*Using the Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0.

those with no rash at all. Soulieres et al6 noted that interfollicular epidermis. Thinning of the stratum
patients treated with erlotinib who developed a corneum was also noted. Comparatively, biopsy
grade II rash or higher had a significant increase in specimens of lesional skin revealed prominent ker-
survival time when compared with those without a atin plugs and microorganisms in dilated infundib-
rash. In a phase II study involving 52 patients with ula. Other specimens showed acute neutrophilic
head and neck cancer treated with gefitinib, Cohen folliculitis. In a pharmacodynamic study of the
et al9 found that the development of a rash predicted epidermis of cancer patients treated with erlotinib,
statistically significant survival outcomes. Patients biopsy results of normal skin demonstrated thinning
who developed a rash had a greater than two-fold of the stratum corneum and lymphocytic infiltrates in
median survival when compared with patients who hair follicles.4 One specimen revealed a prominent
did not develop a rash. Saltz et al11 observed that follicular plug and microorganisms in a dilated
patients on a regimen of cetuximab with a rash of any infundibulum. The histopathologic findings in these
grade had an increase in survival compared with studies suggest alterations in keratinocyte prolifera-
patients with no occurrence of rash. Furthermore, tion and maturation with subsequent inflammation
increase in severity of the rash seemed to corre- as a result of EGF-R inhibition.
late with an increase in survival time, with grade We propose this is a unique eruption that is not
III patients having the longest survival, grade I acne per se, but ‘‘acneiform.’’ Others have suggested
and II patients having intermediate survival, and it to be a ‘‘folliculitis.’’ We believe, however, that the
grade 0 patients have the shortest survival. Over- clinical and histopathologic features of follicular
all, data from these studies suggest that EGF-RIe dysfunction are present and are more reminiscent
induced acneiform eruptions may serve as an of acne and acne-like eruptions to preclude use of
important clinical tool for determining tumor re- this particular term.
sponse and survival outcomes in cancer patients An underlying mechanism linking EGF-RIs to the
treated with EGF-RIs. presence of acneiform eruption has not been estab-
An interesting discussion among oncologists is the lished. The cell cycle inhibitor p27 may play an
role of pretreatment testing for the presence and/or important role in the pathogenic mechanism of EGF-
intensity of EGF-R. In the initial clinical trials spec- RIeinduced eruptions. It has been shown that the
imens were scored on the basis of the percentage of administration of EGF-RIs result in the up-regulation
cells expressing EGF-R and intensity. Response rate of p27.3,4,10 p27 is a cell cycle regulator that inhibits
did not correlate with either the percentage of the actions of cyclin-dependent kinase-2 (Cdk2),
positive cells or the intensity of EGF-R expression. preventing progression from G1 to S phase in the cell
Current data do not support the use of the EGF-R cycle.18 Alterations in cell growth and differentiation
testing for making any clinical decisions regarding as a result of increased expression of p27 may lead
patient management.17 Accordingly, use of the drug to changes in the stratum corneum of the follicular
should not be determined solely on the absence, infundibulum, thereby resulting in hyperkeratosis,
presence, or degree of EGF-R expression. As such, abnormal desquamation, follicular plugging with
our patients did not have EGF-R testing as it is not bacterial overgrowth, and the eventual development
the current standard of care to routinely conduct of acne-like lesions. To date, no studies have specif-
screening tests. ically investigated the role of p27 in follicular occlu-
Histopathologic findings of the skin in numerous sion diseases. Although Propionibacterium acnes
studies were also similar to our findings. Busam has not been found in the follicles of patients treated
et al10 noted infiltrates of T lymphocytes surrounding with EGF-RIs, other microorganisms have been
the follicular infundibulum occurring in 4 patients found in the plugged infundibulum, which may
and sparse neutrophilic infiltrate in the terminal induce an inflammatory response similar to that of
portion of the sweat duct occurring in 2 patients. P acnes. It is also possible that monoclonal antibody
Albanell et al3 examined the biopsy results of normal inhibitors themselves may induce an inflammatory
skin from the patients in their study and observed reaction by the activation of neutrophils and
focal mononuclear infiltrates in hair follicles and the complement through the binding of its Fc domain.10
504 Case reports J AM ACAD DERMATOL
MARCH 2007

Although an exact mechanism has not been found and oral antibiotics appear to be the best approach to
for the pathogenesis of the acne-like eruptions start with, it is important to have options beyond
induced by EGF-RIs, possible explanations include these.
the up-regulation of p27 with subsequent hyperker- In patient 3, isotretinoin was used successfully to
atinization, abnormal desquamation, and follicular rapidly control the eruption; thereby assuring that
plugging; the presence of microorganisms in the the patient would remain on EGF-RI therapy. The
follicular infundibulum; and the possibility of ability of isotretinoin to both decrease lipogenesis
monoclonal antibody inhibitors directly inducing a and reduce DNA synthesis and thus parakeratosis
cutaneous inflammatory response. likely represents the main mechanism for improve-
Treatment options in the current medical litera- ment.21,22 It therefore seems plausible to treat this
ture concerning acneiform eruptions due to EGF-RI EGF-RIeinduced rash with isotretinoin. One major
therapy vary and are limited. In one report, a patient concern, however, is the impact of retinoic acids on
with rectal adenocarcinoma developed severe and the EGF signaling pathway, particularly in human
extensive acne-like lesions after 1 week of cetuximab neoplastic cell lines. Although few data exist, there is
treatment. Therapy was started with topical clin- a favorable study on the use of retinoic acid on
damycin phosphate solution and triamcinolone human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell lines. In
acetonide cream. Since the eruption was so severe, this study, retinoic acid resulted in a decrease in
cetuximab treatment was temporarily withheld. His tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF-R, thus mim-
eruption improved within 2 weeks and cetuximab icking the EGF-RI mechanism of action. After treat-
therapy was resumed, resulting in relapse. The ment with retinoic acid, the tumor cells not only
patient’s lesions were controlled to some extent differentiated but also resulted in decreased cell
with the use of topical steroids and anti-inflamma- detachment, both favorable outcomes. The authors
tory medication.19 Although triamcinolone cream were able to conclude that retinoic acid induced
was used in this severe case, formal studies should differentiation in this tumor cell line via interference
be conducted before recommending this class of with the EGF-R signaling pathway.23 Additionally,
medications given concerns for the potential additive human skin fibroblasts show no change in the EGF-
adverse effects of steroid acne/rosacea. At this time, R number or affinity with use of retinoic acid.24
the company and published studies do not support Based on this reasoning, we attempted the use of
the routine empirical use of these medications.10 low-dose isotretinoin in our patient with excellent
In another report, a patient with adenocarcinoma clinical results. There has been no apparent negative
of the colon developed an acneiform eruption on effect on his tumor progression as he has been in
his face after a few days of cetuximab therapy. remission for 6 months. Further studies need to be
Cetuximab treatment was not stopped and 4% col- conducted, but isotretinoin appears to be a useful
loidal sulfur galenic cream was used to control the treatment of this acneiform eruption; and given the
lesion outbreak.20 theorized mechanisms, it is even possible that these
In patients 1 and 2, adapalene 0.1% gel/cream two drugs may have synergistic potential.
with the addition of oral and/or topical antibiotics In summary, we report 3 cases of acneiform
resulted in significant improvement in lesion counts eruptions occurring in cancer patients shortly after
and size of individual papules and pustules. The initiation of therapy with EGF-RIs. The occurrence of
therapy used in these patients is consistent with the an acne-like rash in cancer patients who are placed
standard treatment of acne. The goal is to reduce on these medications is a known adverse effect.
abnormal desquamation of stratum corneum kerat- Although the exact pathogenic mechanism of the
inocytes of the follicular infundibulum and hyper- cutaneous reaction is unknown, analyses of lesional
keratinization with retinoids and to reduce the and normal skin seem to point to a process similar to
number of microorganisms found in the follicle acne. Traditional acne mediations, including isotret-
with antimicrobial agents. inoin, appear to be successful in treating these acne-
It is noteworthy that in many cases, as mentioned like lesions; though caution is warranted with the use
previously in this article, this rash has led to the of systemic retinoids until further research on EGF-R
discontinuation of treatment. This is unfortunate signaling pathways in tumors is delineated. An im-
because those most affected appear to be most portant concept for the dermatologist to realize is
primed for survival. There are therefore two major that this is an expected outcome, and not a drug
concerns for the dermatologist: (1) ensure the patient reaction necessitating discontinuation. In fact, con-
remains on the EGF-RI therapy and (2) ensure that tinuation of EGF-RI therapy in these patients may
the therapy to treat the eruption does not negatively be especially favorable as studies have shown an
affect the EGF-RI therapy. Although topical agents increased survival with increasing severity of rash.
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Case reports 505

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