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Concise Definitive Review

Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD, Series Editor

Treatment of Coagulopathy Related to

Hepatic Insufficiency
Cassie A. Barton, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

Objectives: To provide a concise review of the medical man- sary and should consider patient specific factors. (Crit Care
agement of coagulopathy related to hepatic insufficiency. This Med 2016; 44:1927–1933)
review will focus on prevention and management of bleeding Key Words: blood coagulation factors; coagulopathy; hepatic
episodes in patients with hepatic insufficiency. The treatment insufficiency; liver failure; prothrombin complex concentrate
and prevention of thromboembolic complications will also be
Data Sources: Electronic search of PubMed database using rele-

vant search terms, including hepatic coagulopathy, hemorrhage, anagement of hepatic coagulopathy has tradition-
liver diseases, blood coagulation disorders, blood transfusion, ally been addressed dogmatically, but new methods
disseminated intravascular coagulation, and liver failure. Subse- to evaluate the risk of bleeding and new strategies to
quent searches were done on specific issues. address acute bleeding episodes are challenging the status quo.
Study Selection: Articles considered include original articles, It is now recognized that hepatic insufficiency results in a myr-
review articles, guidelines, consensus statements, and confer- iad of profound changes in the hemostatic system. Concomi-
ence proceedings. tant reductions in both pro- and anticoagulant factors create a
Data Extraction: A detailed review of scientific, peer-reviewed dynamic rebalancing of hemostasis, but the balance can be easily
data was performed. Relevant publications were included and disrupted (1–3). Routine tests of hemostasis, such as activated
summarized. partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time/
Data Synthesis: Available evidence is used to describe and international normalized ratio (PT/INR), are unable to fully
summarize currently available tests of hemostasis, utilization of characterize this rebalanced coagulopathy. Using the normaliza-
prohemostatic agents, transfusion strategies, use of prophylac- tion of aPTT and PT/INR as an endpoint of prophylactic and
tic anticoagulation and treatment of thromboembolic events in resuscitative strategies should be avoided. Advances in trans-
patients with hepatic insufficiency. fusion protocols, notably with lower transfusion triggers, have
Conclusions: Dynamic changes to hemostasis occur in been shown to reduce rebleeding risk and transfusion-associ-
patients with hepatic insufficiency. Routine laboratory tests ated complications. Thrombotic complications are also com-
of hemostasis are unable to reflect these changes and should monly seen in patients with hepatic coagulopathy. Prophylaxis
not be used exclusively to evaluate coagulopathy. Newer against and treatment of these complications are necessary (4).
testing methods are available to provide data on the entire
spectrum of clotting but are not validated in acute bleeding. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Prohemostatic agents utilized to prevent bleeding should only Changes in all phases of hemostasis are seen in liver disease
be considered when the risk of bleeding outweighs the risk (Table 1). Due to the liver’s role in the synthesis of most coagula-
of thrombotic complications. Restrictive transfusion strate- tion factors, reductions in procoagulant and anticoagulant factors,
gies may avoid exacerbation of acute bleeding. Prophylaxis fibrinolytic factors, and antifibrinolytic proteins are seen (5).
against and treatment of thromboembolic events are neces- Production of all procoagulant factors, with the exception
of factor VIII, occurs in the liver. Consequently, levels of pro-
Department of Pharmacy, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR coagulant factors, including prothrombin, V, VII, IX, and X, are
Dr. Barton disclosed off-label product use (the use of recombinant factor reduced in hepatic insufficiency (6). Production of anticoagu-
VIIa, prothrombin complex concentrates, desmopressin, eltrombopag, lant factors, including antithrombin, protein C, and protein S,
and tranexamic acid are all off-label uses for indications discussed in
this article). are also decreased (6). Factor VIII levels are frequently elevated
For information regarding this article, E-mail: in liver failure, possibly due to extrahepatic synthesis, up-regula-
Copyright © 2016 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters tion of alternate production pathways, or reduced clearance (7).
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thrombocytopenia is common in both acute and chronic
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000001998 liver disease, and it has multiple underlying etiologies. Liver

Critical Care Medicine 1927

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Table 1. Changes to Hemostasis Seen With Hepatic Insufficiency

Change to Hemostatic System Proteins Affected Pathophysiology of Change

Decreases in procoagulant ↓ Prothrombin Decreased hepatic production

proteins ↓ Factor V
↓ Factor VII
↓ Factor IX
↓ Factor X
Decreases in anticoagulant ↓ Antithrombin Decreased hepatic production
proteins ↓ Protein C
↓ Protein S
Increases in procoagulant ↑ Factor VIII Extra-hepatic synthesis
protein Up-regulation of alternate production pathways
Reduced clearance
Thrombocytopenia, functional ↓ Platelets Decreased thrombopoietin production
platelet defects Increased platelet consumption
Congestive splenomegaly in cirrhosis pooling platelets in spleen
Increases in platelet adhesive ↑ von Willebrand factor Increased production
protein Reduced hepatic clearance
Changes in fibrinogen ↔ Fibrinogen Increased fibrinolysis in acute liver failure
Hyperfibrinolysis in advanced liver disease
Often normal in stable chronic disease

failure results in decreased thrombopoietin production, which, The coagulopathy associated with acute and chronic
in turn, leads to decreased platelet production (8). Increased liver failure differ significantly. Changes to liver structure in
platelet consumption, possibly from chronic, low level dissem- chronic liver failure lead to portal hypertension, hypersplen-
inated intravascular coagulation (DIC), may also be a contrib- ism, thrombocytopenia, and gastroesophageal varices, each of
uting factor (9). Thrombocytopenia can be further potentiated which is associated with increased bleeding risk. Acute liver
by continued alcohol use and its toxic effects on the bone mar- failure is not associated with significant portal hypertension,
row, folic acid deficiency, or myelosuppression from hepatitis and the thrombocytopenia seen is typically modest. Therefore
viruses (10, 11). In patients with cirrhosis, portal hypertension less significant bleeding after an invasive procedure is expected
can cause congestive splenomegaly, which results in pooling of as compared to bleeding in chronic disease states (21, 22).
platelets in the spleen (12). Further complicating this picture Concomitant disease states alter the hemostatic balance in
are the platelet function defects found in liver disease patients. liver failure. Bacterial infections in these patients are linked to
Defects are seen in both platelet aggregation and platelet vessel an increased risk of and an inability to control bleeding, most
wall interaction necessary for primary hemostasis (5, 13). prominently acute variceal bleeding (23–25). While the exact
The thrombocytopenia of liver disease is balanced by the con- mechanism of infection inducing or potentiating bleeding is
comitant, substantial increase in the concentration of platelet still debated, endotoxins and cytokines are implicated (25).
adhesive protein von Willebrand factor (VWF), which is produced Endotoxins and cytokines produced in the presence of bacte-
by endothelial cells and megakaryocytes (7, 14). High plasma rial infection can induce DIC, inhibit platelet function, and
levels of VWF likely result from increased production, reduced enhance the effects of nitric oxide (25, 26). Adequate treat-
hepatic clearance, and increased endothelial activation seen in ment of known infection and prophylaxis against potential
portal hypertension and bacterial infection (15–17). Although it infection is required (27). Renal insufficiency is also a common
has been shown that the VWF in liver patients has reduced func- complication of liver dysfunction, leading to increased risk of
tionality, the elevated levels are still able to partially compensate bleeding through acquired uremic platelet dysfunction and
for platelet defects and contribute to primary hemostasis (15). impaired platelet vessel wall interactions (28).
Fibrinogen levels are often decreased in acute liver fail-
ure and advanced disease, but frequently remain normal in CURRENT COAGULATION TESTING METHODS
chronic stable disease (18). The fibrinolytic system is under the Laboratory values are routinely used to assess bleeding and throm-
strict control of activators, including tissue plasminogen acti- botic risk in patients with hepatic insufficiency. Unfortunately,
vator (tPA) and urokinase plasminogen activator, and inhibi- currently available laboratory tests are unable to provide a com-
tors of tPA and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor. In prehensive view of hemostatic changes in these patients (Table 2).
liver disease, reductions in both the activators and inhibitors of Basic laboratory coagulation tests, including PT/INR and
the fibrinolytic system are seen (5, 18–20). Overall, while still aPTT, are frequently used in patients with hepatic coagulopathy.
debated, it appears that a state of hyperfibrinolysis predomi- Although PT, INR, and aPTT were created to monitor vitamin
nates in patients with active bleeding. K antagonist therapy and screen for congenital coagulopathies,

1928 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

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Concise Definitive Review

Table 2. Advantages and Limitations of Available Laboratory Measurements in Patients

With Hepatic Insufficiency
Laboratory Test Advantages Limitations

Prothrombin time/international Widely available Elevations do not correlate to bleed risk

normalized ratio
Activated partial thromboplastin time Widely available Limited clinical relevance
Platelet count Very low levels correlate to bleed risk Does not provide information on platelet
Widely available function
Does not account for elevated von Willebrand
Bleeding time/platelet function assay Assesses platelet function Results do not correlate to bleed risk
Limited availability
Thromboelastography Assesses all stages of hemostasis Requires experience to interpret results
Can identify hyper- and hypocoagulability Parameters not standardized
Increasingly available
Can guide transfusion therapy

the tests have been widely applied. The dynamic effects to the bleeding episodes often remains largely unchanged. There are
hemostatic system seen in hepatic coagulopathy are unable to no guidelines available to direct the management of blood prod-
be fully represented by these tests (14, 29). PT/INR and aPTT uct transfusion, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), or coagulation factor
testing should be interpreted with caution, knowing that the concentrates such as recombinant factor VIIa (rfVIIa) or pro-
full spectrum of changes seen in hepatic coagulopathy cannot thrombin complex concentrates (PCCs). Goals of resuscitation
be represented by their result. should focus on problem-based resuscitation and management,
Thrombin generation testing is a more comprehensive rather than correction of routine laboratory values. This practice
method of evaluating hemostatic capacity in liver disease. This is supported by liver transplantation data, where many patients
test measures the amount of thrombin generated during in vitro are able to undergo transplant with minimal blood product
coagulation. As compared to traditional tests that are elevated administration despite abnormal laboratory values (33, 34).
in liver disease, thrombin generation is often not affected, and
may be enhanced (30). It remains unclear if thrombin genera-
tion testing can predict either bleeding or thrombosis, and, for
now, routine use cannot be recommended.
The routine practice of empiric blood product transfusion prior
Whole blood coagulation tests, such as thromboelastog-
to invasive procedures should be avoided. There is a lack of evi-
raphy or rotational thromboelastometry, provide data on the
dence supporting empiric transfusion not targeting transfusion
entire spectrum of clotting. These tests deliver information on
thresholds, likely because this practice is targeted at normaliza-
phases of coagulation over time, including initial platelet adhe-
tion of routine laboratory parameters rather than bleeding dia-
sion, clot formation, clot stability, and fibrinolysis. These tests
theses. Table 3 summarizes the advantages and limitations of
can inform providers of the presence of hypercoagulability and
commonly available transfusion products and hemostatic agents.
hypocoagulability. This more specific data can direct the clini-
Routine transfusion of FFP has not been shown to be effica-
cian to which pathways of coagulation are affected, and there-
cious for prophylaxis of bleeding, and is not recommended as
fore allow treatment directed at the identified derangements
patients are unlikely to benefit (35). Response to FFP is unpre-
(14, 31, 32). These tests have been routinely used to guide
dictable and often does not fully normalize INR or PT in this
transfusion requirements during liver transplantation and to
population. Patients undergoing a very high risk procedure
guide resuscitation in patients without liver disease (14, 31).
where the benefit of decreasing bleeding outweighs transfusion
Important hindrances to widespread application include non-
risk, such as intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor placement,
standardized hemostasis evaluation parameters and, while
are potential candidates for FFP transfusion.
access is expanding, availability of the technology. At this time,
Recent data supports a reasonable platelet transfusion
thromboelastography is not validated to predict bleeding or
threshold of 50,000/μL prior to high risk procedures (36–38).
thrombosis in patients with hepatic coagulopathy not under-
In the case of major neurologic procedures, this recommen-
going liver transplantation, but it presents a promising option
dation increases to greater than 100,000/μL. At this threshold,
to validate or refute results of more standard hemostatic tests.
sufficient thrombin production is seen and elevations in VWF
likely balance the relative thrombocytopenia. Given the risk of
TREATMENT transfusion reaction and other potential side effects, admin-
Despite an increased awareness of the pathologic changes istration should be reserved for patients falling below these
contributing to hepatic coagulopathy, management of acute thresholds.

Critical Care Medicine 1929

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Table 3. Advantages and Limitations of Available Transfusion Therapies and

Prohemostatic Agents in Patients With Hepatic Insufficiency
Suggested Transfusion
Product Advantages Limitations Trigger

Packed RBCs Maintains tissue perfusion and Transfusion-associated adverse events Hemoglobin 7 g/dL
prevents hemorrhagic shock Over-transfusion impairs hemostasis via physical
in acute blood loss anemia pressure increases or induced coagulopathy
Fresh frozen Replaces hemostatic proteins Transfusion-associated adverse events None available
plasma Large volume transfusion impairs hemostasis via
exacerbation of portal hypertension
Platelets Improves primary hemostasis Transfusion-associated adverse events 50,000/μL
via increasing thrombin
Recombinant Small volume Cost Risk of bleeding outweighs
factor VIIa Timely normalization of Thrombosis risk of thrombotic
standard hemostatic tests Promotes targeting of standard hemostatic test complications
Lack of proven efficacy in active bleeding
Prothrombin Small volume Cost Risk of bleeding outweighs
complex Balanced resuscitation of pro- Thrombosis risk of thrombotic
concentrates and anticoagulant factors Lack of proven efficacy in active bleeding complications
Tranexamic Small volume Lack of proven efficacy in active bleeding Risk of bleeding outweighs
acid risk of thrombotic
Cryoprecipitate Small volume Only replaces fibrinogen, factor VIII and von Fibrinogen < 150 mg/dL
Replaces fibrinogen Willebrand factor

Medications utilized to improve platelet count and function The contribution of vitamin K deficiency to the coagu-
have been investigated without clear benefit. Eltrombopag, a lopathy of liver disease is controversial. Empiric IV vitamin K
thrombopoietin receptor agonist, has been shown to increase administration should be considered in all patients, as treat-
thrombotic complications and should not be routinely ment of known or suspected deficiency is associated with few
used (39). Desmopressin, a synthetic analogue of human adverse events. Dosing of 10 mg daily for 2–3 doses should pro-
antidiuretic hormone, has been studied to support hemostasis vide sufficient replacement.
in patients with chronic liver disease with mixed results (40–
45). The available clinical data for desmopressin use in dispa- TREATMENT STRATEGIES DURING ACTIVE
rate mechanisms of bleeding, from dental extraction to variceal BLEEDING EPISODES
bleeding, has shown little impact on blood loss. The role of There are no guidelines for the resuscitation of actively bleed-
desmopressin in hemostasis remains unclear, and routine pro- ing patients with hepatic insufficiency. An increasing body of
phylactic use is not recommended for hepatic coagulopathy. evidence supports more restrictive transfusion strategies in
Case reports and series suggest rFVIIa for INR normaliza- patients with hepatic insufficiency than are frequently utilized.
tion and reduction of bleeding risk prior to high risk surgical Transfusion of packed RBCs, FFP, and platelets have been asso-
procedures, namely ICP monitor placement and liver biopsy, ciated with increased morbidity and mortality in patients with
may be effective (46–53). This practice is often favored over FFP hepatic insufficiency (57–59). Transfusion increases circulating
administration due to more consistent and timely INR normal- blood volume, resulting in the reversal of splanchnic vasocon-
ization and lower volume requirements (48). Available literature striction induced by hypovolemia. This decrease in splanchnic
utilizes a dose of 20–40 μg/kg administered 30 minutes prior to vasoconstriction allows for increasing blood flow and pressure
procedure. Limitations to rFVIIa use in this setting include cost, which impairs clot formation. In patients with portal hyper-
targeting PT and INR normalization despite these tests being tension, an increase in circulating volume from resuscitation
inadequate assessment of coagulation, and thrombosis (54, 55). aimed at completely replacing blood loss can prompt rebound
Coagulation factor concentrates, such as PCCs, offer poten- escalations in portal pressure. This increased portal pressure
tial advantages over rFVIIa in reduced thromboembolic com- can lead to increased bleeding. More restrictive resuscitative
plications, and over FFP via reduced volume requirements. strategies in patients with hepatic insufficiency lead to reduced
While studies reveal reductions in blood loss during liver trans- volumes transfused, allowing for hemodynamic stabilization
plantation, use outside of this population cannot be recom- and increased survival (60, 61). Transfusion-induced coagula-
mended routinely due to lack of supporting evidence (2, 56). tion abnormalities are also of concern.

1930 October 2016 • Volume 44 • Number 10

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Concise Definitive Review

The use of a restrictive blood transfusion strategy with a HYPERCOAGULATION AND VENOUS
hemoglobin threshold for transfusion of 7 g/dL and a target THROMBOEMBOLISM
post transfusion hemoglobin level of 7–9 g/dL has been shown Just as the balance of hemostasis in patients with liver failure can
to increase survival and reduce the risk of further bleeding and tilt toward bleeding diatheses, elevated factor VIII levels and rel-
complications in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding ative protein C deficiency frequently lead to hypercoagulopathy
events (61). Application of this restrictive transfusion strategy and thromboembolic complications. Compared to patients with
to massive bleeding episodes is not supported by the available similar risk factors without cirrhosis, patients with hepatic coag-
literature at this time, likely due to the inability to precisely ulopathy are equally at risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary
target values in these situations. embolism, and portal vein thrombosis (70, 71). Routine throm-
Maintaining platelet counts above 50,000/μL is suggested boprophylaxis should not be withheld in this population when
(36–38). In the setting of intracranial hemorrhage, it is recom- risk factors for thromboembolic complications are present, even
mended that platelet counts are maintained above 100,000/μL. if routine tests for hemostasis are elevated (72). The anticoagu-
Targeting fibrinogen levels above 150 mg/dL has been sug- lant agent of choice for thromboembolic prophylaxis in hepatic
gested, but this threshold has not been thoroughly tested (62). coagulopathy remains to be determined. It has been suggested
Efforts to correct coagulopathy via transfusion of FFP that heparin may be less active in these patients, as it relies upon
are fraught with disadvantages. Large volumes are required, antithrombin to exert anticoagulant action. The levels of anti-
typically 20–40 mL/kg, to fully replenish coagulation factors. thrombin are often reduced in patients with liver insufficiency.
As mentioned previously, this large volume transfusion can Interestingly, the low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) are
impair primary hemostasis and increase the risk of rebleeding. efficacious in patients with cirrhosis at preventing thromboem-
Even with full treatment doses, standard laboratory parame- bolic complications (73). Head-to-head comparisons of heparin
ters are rarely normalized. Adverse events associated with FFP and LMWHs aimed at evaluating comparable safety and efficacy
use include transfusion-related acute lung injury, transfusion- have not been performed in patients with hepatic insufficiency.
associated cardiac overload, pulmonary edema, and anasarca. As these patients are at elevated risk of both thrombosis and
Potential prohemostatic strategies requiring less volume bleeding, careful clinical decision making should guide the use
while correcting coagulopathy include the use rFVIIa, PCCs, of prophylactic anticoagulants.
and antifibrinolytic agents, such as tranexamic acid. Newly diagnosed thromboembolic complications should be
The role of rFVIIa in active bleeding remains limited. Initial treated promptly with anticoagulation. If possible, screening
data suggested decreased transfusion requirements during liver for and eradication of varices prior to initiation of anticoagula-
transplantation with prophylactic rFVIIa administration (63). tion should be attempted. Anticoagulant agent choices include
However, this result has not been borne out in subsequent vitamin K antagonists, LMWHs, and newer direct acting oral
studies, with only modest reductions in blood transfusion seen anticoagulants. Vitamin K antagonists have been associated
(64–66). Use of rFVIIa in active upper gastrointestinal and with increased bleeding risk and can be difficult to monitor
variceal bleeding has been associated with an increased throm- in patients with premorbid elevations in INR. Heparin and
boembolic risk (67, 68). Given the modest reduction in trans- LMWHs are viable alternatives, especially in the acute setting,
fusion with increased risk of thromboembolic events, the use as they are able to achieve rapid anticoagulation. The direct
of rFVIIa for the acutely bleeding patient should be limited to acting oral anticoagulants dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixa-
rescue therapy for uncontrollable bleeding. ban are promising but clinical experience is limited and dosing
The role of PCC use in liver transplantation and acutely bleed- adjustments are needed for liver and renal impairment.
ing patients remains to be fully elucidated. It is theorized that the
more balanced factor replacement with PCC, as compared to CONCLUSIONS
rFVIIa, will allow for coagulopathy correction with lower throm- Knowledge of the diverse changes to the hemostatic system in
boembolic potential. Safety and efficacy of PCC use in cirrhotic liver disease is growing. Clinicians should be cognizant that
patients undergoing liver transplantation are being investigated traditional measures of coagulopathy are not able to fully char-
(56). Use of any prohemostatic agent during liver transplantation acterize the complexity of changes seen in hepatic coagulopa-
should be balanced against the risk of thromboembolic events, thy. The use of prohemostatic agents as prophylaxis against
particularly hepatic artery and portal vein thrombosis. bleeding in the setting of high risk procedures should only be
Tranexamic acid decreases transfusion requirements dur- used when benefits of bleeding avoidance outweigh poten-
ing liver transplantation, but data in spontaneous bleeding tial thrombotic risks. In the acutely bleeding patient, restric-
episodes are less robust (69). One may consider the use of tive transfusion strategies are suggested to avoid potentiating
tranexamic acid when ongoing bleeding is attributed to excess bleeding. Adequate thromboprophylaxis and treatment of
fibrinolysis, as indicated via thromboelastography. thromboembolic events should also be addressed with consid-
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