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ChemTrak Training Contents

 Descripción general de la suite • Introduccion de los resultado de la pruebas 17

ChemTrak • Grabacion de composicion 20
3 • Edicion del registro de historial 21
• Opciones del sistema  Control estadistico
4 • Diagrama, histograma y registro 22
• Descripcion general de la pantalla 11 • Uso de auto-añadir 23
• Pantalla de inicio
• Reduccion de la varianza 24
 Descripcion general de la entrada de prueba
• Pantalla de entrada de prueba
• Mostrando metodos
• Mostrando Historial
• Mostrando estadisticas

ChemTrak Training.07 1
ChemTrak Training Contents
 Configuracion del tanque • Uso de un motor de Excel 39
• Biblioteca de ChemTrak 26  Mantenimiento
• Montaje de tanques 27 • Mantenimiento preventivo 40
• Consideraciones de configuracion 30 • Mantenimiento de tanques 41
• Ejemplo de volume del tanque 31 • Pruebas periodicas 42
• Vinculacion de documentos 32  Informes
• Metodos de analisis 33 • Ejecucion de informes 43
• Uso de la ecuacion 34 • Resumen de los informes 44

 Administracion de usuarios 47 • Quimica ChemTrak 57

 Descripcion de ChemStock  Gestion de inventario
• Catalogos de ChemStock 48 • Descripcion general de ChemPad 58
• Importacion de catalogos 49 • Inventario fisico 59
• Busqueda 50 • Analisis de inventario 61
• Bajo stock 52
• Expiracion del suministro 53
 Administracion de suministros
• Iniciando abastecimiento 54
ChemTrak Training.07 2
ChemTrak Training Contents
 Compra de suministros • Bloqueo de orden 70
• Inicio de una solicitud 62  Recibiendo inspeccion
• Solicitud de aprobacion 66 • Con ChemStock 71
• Aprobacion de una solicitud 67 • Con ChemPad 73
 Orden de compra  Gestion de proveedores
• Orden de compra por correo electronico 68 • Descripcion general del proveedor 75
• Orden de compra impresa 69 • Detalles del proveedor 76

ChemTrak Training.07 3
ChemTrak Suite Overview

Configuracion del tanque
Control de soluciones
Registro de los tanques
Control de inventario
Encuesta de proveedores
Entrada de datos del
Controll de inventario y
compras (en cualquier
lugar de la tienda).
Visualizacion de Archivos de
desplazamiento del estado progrma Archivos
del tanque (en HDTV) de opciones * ...
ChemDash * Ver las siguientes
Venta de acoplamiento diapositivas
Mostrando el estado del La carpeta Chem_install Carpeta de datos
tanque y todos los contenidos Archivos de la base de
se pueden ubicar en un datos ...
ChemTools servidor de red. Utilizado por el Formularios de archivos...
Utilidades de la base de sistema Las platinllas de excel para
datos ChemTrakHD require un informes, hojas de adicion,
La carpeta de copias de etc. se pueden personalizar.
monitor 1920x1080. seguridad tiene copias
de seguridad diarias.
Options (Path.txt File)
Required Lines
1. Company name for window title bar.
2. Path to ChemTrak database 1
3. CalcOn or CalcOff
CalcOn  ChemTrak defaults to Required lines 4
automatically calculate post-addition 5
4. Date Format  MM/DD/YY is US
5. First Purchase Order number Optional lines
(used for ChemStock only)
6. Path to Backup databases

Optional Lines
PrintPM  Shop Schedule spreadsheet
will include preventive maintenance
and periodic testing tasks. If this line
is not in the file, Shop Schedule will
only show chemical checks.
TargetOpt  Sets default to calculate
adds and makeups to user-defined
target (as defined in tank setup).
SortOnline  Sort button remove off-line
tanks instead of sorting by Definition
which is the normal Sort option.
Weekdays  Period calculation will not
include weekends
Options Details
The “Shop Schedule” spreadsheet shows all
of the testing that must be done per the
ChemTrak schedule. If PrintPM is set in
the Path.txt file, the Schedule will include
preventive maintenance, periodic testing,
and other tests and tasks that are to be
done. If Print PM is not set, only solution
testing will appear on the sheet.

Avg Tests/Day 24
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Qt Yr
Tank Description Test Per M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T W T F M T rlW T
iod F
C-01 Nadcap Review Ano Line 7 1 1 1 1
C-01 Nadcap Review Ni Line 7 1 1 1 1

Nadcap Review, M-01

Boiler Check
Boiler Check
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Boiler Check, and M-01 Boiler Check Pressure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
M-01 Boiler Check Blowdown 7 1 1 1 1
Periodic Testing M-02 Niklad 797 NiMetal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
M-02 Niklad 797 Hypo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
will be included if M-02 Niklad 797 MTurns 7 1 1 1 1

PrintPM is set. M-02

Niklad 797
Niklad 797
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
M-03 Aluminum Cleaner AC166 7 1 1 1 1
P-01 166
Periodic Testing Corrosion 28 1
P-01 Periodic Testing Abrasion 28 1
T01 CuMac Supreme Cu Metal 7 1 1 1 1
T01 CuMac Supreme H2SO4 7 1 1 1 1
T01 CuMac Supreme Cl- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
T01 CuMac Supreme CuMac-S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
If “TargetOPT” appears in the Path.txt file,
ChemTrak will wake up with the Target
checkbox checked and additions will be
calculated to hit the Shop Target.
If “TargetOPT” does not appear, ChemTrak
will wake up with the Target checkbox
unchecked and additions will be
calculated to hit the Shop High.
The Target checkbox can be manually
checked and unchecked during operation.
The Path.txt options only control how
ChemTrak wakes up.

We recommend that you set TargetOPT in the Path.txt file, and that you
design all of your tanks using the Shop Target. This will give you a margin
between your Shop High and your makeup and addition target. The Shop
Target should be set just under the Shop High so that you utilize as much of
your specification range as possible without exceeding the Shop High.
If “SortOnLine” appears in the Path.txt file, the Sort checkbox will remove all offline tanks;
otherwise the Sort checkbox will sort tanks into alphabetical order by Tank Description.

Sort checked and SortOnLine Sort checked and SortOnLine

NOT in Path.txt file: tanks IN Path.txt file: tanks appear
Sort unchecked: tanks appear appear alphabetical by Tank alphabetical by Tank Name
alphabetical by Tank Name. Description with offline tanks. with offline tanks removed.

T-02 Oakite 160 is not in list.

T-02 Oakite 160 is offline.
Options (Path.txt File)

Optional Lines
InvRcvd  Inventory will be updated
when PO is received. Leave this line
out if you do not do receiving
inspection of supplies and inventory
will be updated on PO Due Date.
TaxRate  Sets the rate for tax
calculation on purchase orders: only
used for taxable items.
Terms  This text will appear at the end
of Email purchase orders.
Optional lines

Note: the spacing on TaxRate and

Terms must match the example: first
digit of TaxRate in column 9 and first
word of terms reference in column 9.
Options: Tax and Terms

Taxable items show blue.

Tax calculated at tax rate.
Reference to terms in PO.
Options (Tasks.txt File)

This file controls the maintenance drop The other entries should be a list of
down list in the entry area. The first non-scheduled repair and maintenance
two entries in the drop down are fixed: activity that might be recorded in the
Periodic Test Run and New Makeup. tank history. These can be set up to
The New Makeup selection is used to match your shop needs. Scheduled
mark tank makeups in the chart and log tank maintenance should be handled
and to control the turns logic; makeups with a Maintenance Only tank. See
should be recorded every time a bath is Slide 38 for details.
renewed (see Slide 15). The Periodic Note: Maintain column alignment in the
Test Run selection allows you to log a Tasks.txt file when editing (one blank
specimen run in ChemTrak if desired. space after each number). This file is
in the Forms folder.
Screen Overview

Test Data & Result Area Tank Data

Selected Tank

Control Chart

Test Results Histogram
Entry Area & Statistics History Log
Startup Screen
1 Operating Mode Selection
Target  User-selected 6 7
12 3
concentration for addition
and makeup calculations.
Setup  Edit selected tank
(name, volume, analysis
methods, calculations ...)
Adds  Auto-calculate
post add concentrations.
Library  Show Library of
ready-to-use tanks.
2 Search Fields
3 Tank-Test View Control
4 User’s Tank List
5 Command Buttons
6 User’s Company Name 5
7 Version and User ID
Test Entry Screen
1 Select a tank by clicking
the tank number or button.
2 All tests will appear when 2
a tank is selected. You
can enter ... 6
3 ... your titrant usage and
let ChemTrak calculate
value and additions;
4 ... concentration values (if 3 4 5
you know them already);
5 ... and/or addition values.
6 Then save all entries and
results with 1 click of the
Save All Data button.
Showing Method & Makeup
1 When a value is entered
into any of the test boxes,
either the tank history or
the analysis and makeup
instructions will appear.
2 In the example shown to 3 Analysis
the right, the History box
is not checked ...
3 ... so the analysis method 1
for the NiMetal test shows
along with tank makeup.

3 Makeup
Showing Tank History
1 When a value is entered
into any of the test boxes,
either the tank history or
the analysis and makeup
instructions will appear.
2 In the example shown to 3 Control
the right, the History box
is checked ...
3 ... so the Control Chart, 1
Histogram, and History
Log for NiMetal appears.

3 Histogram
and Log
Showing Tank Statistics
1 When the History check
box is checked and the
Statistics check box is
checked ...
2 ... a best-fit Gaussian
curve appears on the 1
Histogram along with
mean value, Cpk value,
and both 3σ control limits.
If either side of the curve
achieves 6σ, the 6σ limits
will be shown.

2 curve and statistics
Entering Test Results
1 A test result (usually the
amount of titrant used in 2
the analysis) is entered 3
into one of the boxes as
described by the method.
2 The concentration of the
tested chemical shows in 1
the Value box in the entry
area and the result area.
3 Suggested additions are
shown in the entry area 1 2 3
and the result area. The
addition is calculated so
that the post-add value of
the concentration is either
the shop high value or
shop target as optioned.
1 When too much titrant is
used, indicating that ... 3
2 ... concentration is above
the upper shop limit, ...
3 ... a bail amount is
calculated to result in the
optimum concentration.
NOTE: This is different
than using the Calc Bail
checkbox. Calc Bail is 2
used with impurity tests; 1
for example, see test for
dissolved aluminum in
anodizing baths.
1 You may directly edit the
addition fields in the entry
area to adjust or round an 2
addition amount.
2 When an add is changed,
the post-add value is 3
shown in the result area.
3 If tank history is showing,
the post-add concentration 4
is shown on the control
chart and the result area.
If you do not want to make
the suggested addition,
click the Eraser button to
delete the add before
saving the record (second
click will delete the entire
entry for the test).
Recording a Makeup

1 Enter a 0 into the Value field for

1 2 the first makeup chemical.
2 ChemTrak will calculate the proper
amount of chemical to be used
3 4 based on the shop target and
the tank volume.
3 Enter a 0 into the Value fields of
4 any other makeup chemicals to
5 calculate the amounts.
5 Then select New Makeup from
the Maintenance dropdown.
This will delete all zeroes from the
Value fields leaving the Adds.
6 Finally, click Save All Data. All
Adds will be stored for Usage
6 Report and ChemStock inventory.
Editing the History Log

2 1 Select record to be edited
by clicking its select button.
2 To remove record completely
click Delete Record button.
To make changes to record,
3 update Value or Adds in the
entry area and/or
4 update Date or Time, and
5 Click Update Log to save
all changes to the Log.
Chart, Histogram & Log

Tank Makeups

Limits Range of
daily test

Values below
lower target
Date of
last test

Statistics Time
Record scroll
Using the Auto-Add Feature

2 1 If you do not perform post-add analysis,

check the Adds check box to improve
the accuracy of statistical analysis.
2 As shown by the nickel metal results in
this example, inclusion of the post-add
data points will increase the mean value
and may expose statistical problems.
(Auto-Add calculates the concentration
after additions and includes that data
in the chart, histogram and analysis.)
Reducing Variance – Step 1

One way to improve the control of this

electroless nickel bath is to reduce the σ
(square root of variance) by testing more
frequently and keeping the concentration
above the 0.75 oz/gal shop low.
In this example, we have changed the
samples that were significantly below the
shop low. This has improved the Cpk
from 0.88 to 0.95, but Cpk < 1.0 remains
unacceptable (1.33 is a better goal for
quality-oriented finishing shops).
Reducing Variance – Step 2

A further improvement is made by slightly

dropping the shop target from 0.81oz/gal
to 0.805 oz/gal (while leaving the shop
high at 0.81 oz/gal). On the chart, note
that the upper tips of the bars are slightly
below the 0.81 line. The result is that the
mean drops slightly, the variance drops
slightly, and the Cpk increases above 1.0.
When the Cpk is just above 1.0 the 3σ
point is just inside of the USL and there is
no warning sign shown by ChemTrak.
ChemTrak Library

1 To see ChemTrak’s list of

1 ready-to-use tanks, click
the Library check box.
3 2
4 2 There are ~1,000 tanks in
the Library. To search by
chemistry name, enter the
name into box 2.
3 To search by manufacturer,
enter the code into box 3.
4 When some or all of the
text is entered into box
2 and/or 3, click Search.
To restore the list of tanks,
click Refresh.
The Refresh button will
appear whenever the list
has been filtered. (You can
also search your tank list.)
Setting Up Tanks – Step 1

1 Select the library tank that

you want to use.
2 The tests for the tank will
appear when the tank is
selected so you can see if
this tank is suitable for your
starting point.
2 3 When your best-fit tank is
found, click Copy button. *
This will copy the tank from
the Library to your tank list.

1 *NOTE: Anoplex will add a

new tank to the Library if
you send a request with a
TDS attached.
Setting Up Tanks – Step 2
2 3

1 2

1 When the new tank

appears in your tank list, it
will have Tank Name 000.
2 You will need to change the
Tank Name and Volume to
match your physical tank.
3 You should also make the
Rev match your document
control system and enter a
DCN number if required
for release.
Setting Up Tanks – Step 3

We have made best efforts to set
up ChemTrak Library tanks per
2 manufacturers’ technical data
sheets; however, you are free to
3 make changes.
1 Select a test to modify or a
blank selection to add a test.
2 Set Period = 0 to remove test.
Set an integer period for days
and a fraction for hours. See
“Weekdays” option in Path.txt.
3 Set measurement units and
shop targets as required.

ChemTrak Training.07 29
Tank Setup Considerations
4 3

When a liquid chemical is added 2 The Maintenance Only check

to replenish a tank, the volume of box is used to identify a special
liquid in the tank is changed. “tank” that is used to schedule
Frequently, this change in volume tank maintenance, preventive
is not taken into account when the maintenance, periodic testing,
addition amount is calculated. or other shop activity.
ChemTrak assumes that the tank 3 Check Take Tank Offline to
volume that is entered into your stop scheduling of activity.
tank setup is the volume of the
4 Check Include Time Log if you
tank after the addition of a liquid.
Liquid additions suggested by want to see both time and date
ChemTrak will appear larger than in the History Log. This is
what you are expecting if you usually checked for electroless
have not been taking the change nickel tanks and not checked
in volume into account. for tanks that are checked only
once per day.
Tank Volume Example
To get a feel for how additions of liquids can affect your process control, let’s look at an example using a
replenishment chemical with relatively low concentration. Let’s assume a 225 gallon nickel tank with a target
concentration of 15 oz/gal, and a liquid replenishment solution containing 24 oz/gal of nickel metal. If the
concentration tests at 14 oz/gal, which is 1 oz/gal below the target, the simplistic calculation tells you to add
9.38 gallons (1 oz/gal x 225 gal / 24 oz/gal).

Case 1 : Let’s assume solution volume is 225 gallons before the add ...
Original amount of nickel : 225 gallons at 14 oz/gallon = 3,150 oz
Added amount of nickel in 9.38 gallons = 9.38 x 24 oz/gal = 225 oz
Total nickel after add = 3,150 oz + 225 oz = 3,375 oz
Total solution after add assuming 225 gallons before add = 225 gal + 9.38 gal = 234.38 gallons
Concentration is then 3,375 oz / 234.38 gallons = 14.4 oz/gal after the addition – well short of target.

Case 2 : Let’s assume that the solution volume after the addition is 225 gallons ...
Original amount of nickel : (225 - 9.38) gallons x 14 oz/gal = 215.62 gallons x 14 oz/gal = 3,018.75 oz
Added amount of nickel in 9.38 gallons = 9.38 x 24 oz/gal = 225 oz (no change here)
Total nickel after add = 3,018.75 oz + 225 oz = 3,243.75 oz
Concentration is then 3,243.90 oz / 225 gallons = 14.4 oz/gal after the addition – not the 15 oz/gal target

In Case 1 and Case 2 you are less than half way to the 15 oz/gal target. Actually, you need to add over 20
gallons to this tank to raise the concentration to 15 oz/gal, and, obviously you need to have room in the tank to
make that addition. So the simplistic math tells you to add 9.38 gallons when you really need to add 20+
gallons - not insignificant!

Notice that both Case 1 and Case 2 calculate to almost the same concentration. ChemTrak assumes that you
will operate your tank sufficiently below the top level to leave room for additions, and that your post-addition
volume will be the volume that you enter into the ChemTrak Volume text box.
Linking Documents

1 Click the Link Document button.
2 Navigate to the desired file.
3 Double click or open the file.
4 After you close the file, it will appear in the tank folder the next time the
Link Document button is clicked. You must have an application that
opens the file for ChemTrak to support the format.
Analysis Methods (H2SO4 in Anodize Bath)

If you change the analysis method,

1 maintain consistency between the
method, equation and
1 Multiplier (k1) should match
constant in method text
2 Selected equation (A x k1) is
2 correct form. Switch AB opens
the B box instead of the A box.
3 Alllibrary tanks use built-in
equations. You may also link
Excel as an engine.
Analysis Methods (H2SO4 in Anodize Bath)
Analysis Methods (Al in Anodize Bath)

1 Selected equation [A - B] x k1
is correct form for calculating
the dissolved aluminum.
1 2
2 You must also change k1 to
match the method wording.
Analysis Additions (H2SO4 in Anodize Bath)

Analysis methods also calculate

one or two addition amounts.
1 First addition (Add1) units.
2 Conversion factor for Add1.
Used to convert liquid to solid
(1715 grams of H2SO4 per liter of
1 H2SO4) or to convert from weight
2 of added salt to measured metal.
4 3 Second addition (Add2) units.
4 Multiplier used to determine
Add2 from Add1.
Optimizing Methods

1 When in Setup mode, select Open Tools.

2 Select Sample size and titrant converter.
3 Enter the sample size and titrant normality from
a known-good analysis method.
4 Enter the new sample size and titrant normality
to calculate a new correct constant.

3 4 New sample size,

molarity, k1, and
titrant usage
Examples of Equation Usage
[ A x B ] x k1
[ A / B ] x k1 : See Clariant dye baths for
example of using this equation to compare
bath reading to a standard.
[ A + k1 x B ] x k2
[ A – k1 x B ] x k2 : Linear equations used to
convert instrument readings to chemical
concentration. See calculation of NiSO4-
6H2O concentration in the generic Watts
nickel bath for example of other uses.
[ k1 – A x B ] x k2
[ k1 – A / B ] x k2 : See AN-EE analysis in the
Clariant Anodal EE Library bath for example.
[ k1 – A ] x k2 : See hypophosphite calculation
in various electroless nickel baths.
A x k1 : Basic equation used for most methods.
[ A – k1 ] x k2 : See SNAP (wetter) analysis in
See soak cleaners in the Library for
sulfamate nickel baths for example.
[ ATn – ATo ] x k1 : Amp-time calculation for
k1 x A + k2
brighteners and precious metals.
k1 x A – k2 : See Citrisurf 2250 where specific
gravity is used to calculate concentration. [ (A – B) x C / (A x D) ] x k1 : Etch rate
calculation used by Boeing.
[ A + B ] x k1
[ A - B ] x k1 : See EconoChrome BK where Excel : All six analysis equations can be set up in
trivalent chrome is calculated using an Excel spreadsheet.
total chrome and hex chrome results.
Total Adds : Used when adds of two chemicals
are to be in proportion, and the test result is
affected by both adds. See Sulfuric/Nitric
Bright Dip in the Library for example. Can be
used to maintain accurate color in dye baths
using mixed dyes.
Feed Add : Used when the concentration of an
add chemical is determined by a previous
test. See Atotech Ecolozinc 4040 for an
example using a zinc generator.
Calc Bail : Used when the purpose of a test is to
measure an impurity and the desired result is
to calculate a bail amount to hit shop target.
See dissolved aluminum in BAC 5022 bath
and other anodize baths for examples.
Switch AB : Causes the B box to be used instead
of the A box and vice versa. Use when Sub Add : Used when the added chemical
needed to make text box labels match your causes the measured value to decrease.
analysis wording. For example, the A x k1 For example, if you were measuring pH and
equation will become B x k1, and the [ A+B ] x calculating the correct addition of acid.
k1 equation will become [ B+A ] x k1. See Red Add : Used when a previously added
analysis for dissolved aluminum on BAC 5022 chemical contains some amount of the
anodize bath for an example: Boeing calls the currently tested chemical. See the Dipsol IZ-
flask with KF “flask A” so the dissolved C17+ zinc-nickel bath where replenishment
aluminum test must switch to use a [ B – A ] of the zinc requires addition of NaOH.
Using an Excel Engine
In the AnoplexData/Engines folder there is a sample engine spreadsheet.
The following is clipped from that sample ...

Sets calculation

Opens A box
Opens B box

In the sample, boxes A1 and B1 will be opened for Test 1 and the result
calculation will be (A1 – 0.5 * (B1 – 50)) * 4. You can use boxes A thru D.

Calculation works
Box A & B open

After you are done, save the file as “Engine.xxxx” and link it to your tank
(see Linking Documents). Use “Excel” as the equation in the tank set up.
You can use the same spreadsheet for all tests by filling in rows 1 thru 6.
Preventive Maintenance

1 Use Maintenance Only

for preventive
maintenance tasks.
2 Test results logged and
tracked if you decide to
record measurements.
3 Positive indication that
tasks were done and
who performed the test.
Tank Maintenance

Solution Information
Tank Name T-01 Volume 400 gal

1 When preventive Tank Type ENi Plate - HiPhos

3 Temp 190 °F

Tank Desc Fidelity 5023 Revision 00

is to be performed on a tank, DCN


the maintenance tasks can be NiMetal

4.4 4.8 4.9 5 5.2

linked by name to the tank so MTurns 0 0 0 4 5

that they show up with the tank

in the tank list.
2 Each task can have its own Notes

Wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, footwear, and goggles.□

schedule, results logged, and 1 Fill a properly prepared tank 1/2 full of DI water.□
2 Add 6% by volume 5023A.□
3 Add 15% by volume 5023B.□

notes taken. 4 Fill with DI water to working level.□

5 Adjust nickel and hypo concentration as required.□
6 Adjust pH to optimum specification□
increase pH with ammonium hydroxide (50% v/v)□

3 The Tank/PM Sheet Report will decrease pH with additions of dilute H2SO4 (10% v/v)□
7 Filter and heat to operating temperature.□
8 Enter makeup record into ChemTrak maintenance log.

show all of the tank and test

information on one page.
Strip Liner Le

Fidelity 5023
Tank Maintenance 7 days
7 days
Periodic Tests

3 2

1 Use Maintenance Only

for periodic tests.
2 Test results logged and
tracked per AC 7108
using ChemTrak tools.
3 AC 7108 test results
built in so conformance
is easier and audits
are smooth and fast.
1 The Report Selection
menu is accessed by
clicking Select Report.
2 After the selection list
appears, click the
button next to the
1 desired report.
3 If the report offers a
date range option, fill in
the desired dates.
4 Click Create xL Report.
A spreadsheet will open
with the report data.
Report templates are in 3
the Forms folder and
can be customized (see
Slide 2). 4
SPC Summary : Shows specification and target
ranges; µ, σ, Cpk; target range violations, Tank/Task Log : Shows the history log for the
and turns for all tanks and tests within a selected tank from a specified start date.
specified date range. Shop Schedule : Generates a spreadsheet
Total Add Sheet : Shows a list of all additions with all tanks and tests that can be used to
scheduled for the selected date in a format make a work schedule for posting.
that allows check off by a technician. Test Matrix : Shows all tests, specifications and
Tank Add Sheet : Shows adds for all tests for test periods matching previous revisions of
the selected tank on the selected date. AC 7108 Appendix C (now removed).

Tests Checklist : Shows all late tests with due Tank/PM Sheet : One-page list of chemical and
date, out of target and out of specification maintenance tests for the selected tank.
readings, and additions for all tanks and PM Schedule : Spreadsheet with a list of all
tests during the specified time period. This preventive maintenance and periodic tests.
reports is designed for AC 7108 review. Chemical Cost : Sums all makeups and adds for
Control Trends : Shows control charts for all all chemicals, converts to purchasing units,
tanks and tests during specified time period. and shows dollar costs by tank, line, etc.
Selected Test : Shows histogram and control Material Lots : Lot number, received date,
chart for specified period. Tank and test expiration date, quantity received, and tracks
must be selected before running report. usage in tanks for ChemTrak chemicals.
Tank Data Sheet : Generates a spreadsheet that Import Template : Generates a spreadsheet that
documents all tank settings. Should be run shows the format for importing test results
before incorporating document changes. from Excel. Normally used for populating
tank history after ChemTrak is installed.
Chemical Cost Report

Liters of H2SO4
1 used Pounds of H2SO4 Cost of H2SO4
in X-03 anodizing bath purchased for X-03 purchased for X-03

Start: 05/01/09
End: 05/31/16

Chemical Cost Printed: 06/01/16

Tank Tank Type Description Test Add Amt UM Supply Name PSU Used UM Cost Total
X-02 Anodize III Anodize Type III H2SO4 H2SO4 716.00 gal Acid, Sulfuric, 66Be Tech 0.070 50.12 lb $0.52 $25.96
X-03 Etch - Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 ~35% H2SO4 H2SO4 950.00 liter Acid, Sulfuric, 66Be Tech 0.018 17.57 lb $0.52 $9.10
X-04 Etch - Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 ~35% H2SO4 H2SO4 265.60 gal Acid, Sulfuric, 66Be Tech 0.070 18.59 lb $0.52 $9.63
X-01 ENi Plate - HiPhos Fidelity 5023 NiMetal 5023A 6007.65 liter ENi Fidelity 5023A MU/REP 0.264 1587.06 gal $16.84 $26726.06
X-01 ENi Plate - HiPhos Fidelity 5023 Hypo 5023D 4909.18 liter ENi Fidelity 5023D Hypo 0.264 1296.87 gal $37.72 $48918.02
X-01 ENi Plate - HiPhos Fidelity 5023 NiMetal 5023D 32.84 liter ENi Fidelity 5023D Hypo 0.264 8.68 gal $37.72 $327.24
X-09 Zinc (alkaline bath) Envirozin Prima ZnMetal Isobrite 408 105.00 gal Not Found
X-09 Zinc (alkaline bath) Envirozin Prima NaOH NaOH 688.00 lb Not Found
X.9 Zinc (alkaline bath) Envirozin Prima Carrier Not linked in
Carrier 190.00 mL Not Found X-09 Zinc
(alkaline bath) Envirozin Prima Brightener Brightener 3581.00 mL Not
Found X-09 Zinc (alkaline bath) Envirozin Prima NaOH Env B Liquid
14.00 gal Not Found X-10 Cleaner - Alkaline Dipsol X-1304
X-1304 X-1304 14.90 gal Not

Since ChemTrak has converted from usage

units to stock units and then to purchased
units, Excel can be used to total across tank
lines or processes to determine usage or cost.
Material Lots Report

Start: 01/01/16
End: 06/30/16

Material Printed: 06/05/16

Lot Supply Description Vendor Vendor Description Rcvd Date Qty Expiration Test
605.01 Acid, Hydrochloric, 0.1N A-BRITE HYDROCHLORIC ACID 0.1N Rcvd
06/02/16 UM
1 btl Tank
605.02 Acid, Hydrochloric, 0.1N A-BRITE (GL)
HYDROCHLORIC ACID 0.1N 06/03/16 1 btl None
16060401 Acid, Hydrochloric, 0.1N A-BRITE (GL)
HYDROCHLORIC ACID 0.1N 06/03/16 1 btl 06/04/17 None
160604- Acetone ACS Reagent UNIVAR- (GL)
Acetone CL10 4x1GLBT/CS 06/04/16 1 gal 06/04/17 None
16060402 Acid, Hydrochloric, 0.1N US
A-BRITE HYDROCHLORIC ACID 0.1N 06/04/16 1 btl 06/04/17 None
160604-04 Indicator, Bromophenol Blue, 100 mL A-BRITE (GL)
BROMOPHENOL BLUE (100 06/04/16 1 btl 06/04/17 None
160604-05 Acid, Sulfuric, 66Be UNIVAR- ML)
Sulfuric Acid 66Be Tech 750LB 06/04/16 750 lb 06/04/17 X-02 H2S
US X-03 O4
160604-06 Acid, Sulfuric, 66Be Sulfuric Acid 66Be Tech 750LB 06/04/16 750 lb 06/04/17 X-02 H2S
160604- Acetone ACS Reagent UNIVAR- Acetone CL10 4x1GLBT/CS 06/04/16 1 gal 06/04/17 None O4
10052.5 AA Std, Gold, 1000ug/mL US
VWR- Baker AA Std, Gold 150ML 06/05/16 4 mL None
160604- Acetone ACS Reagent INTL
UNIVAR- Acetone CL10 4x1GLBT/CS 06/05/16 1 gal 06/04/17 None
1005.51 AA Std, Cobalt, 1000ug/mL US
VWR- Baker AA Std, Cobalt 150ML 06/05/16 4 mL 06/06/17 None
10052.7 AA Std, Gold, 1000ug/mL INTL
VWR- Baker AA Std, Gold 150ML 06/05/16 6 mL None
1005.52 AA Std, Cobalt, 1000ug/mL INTL
VWR- Baker AA Std, Cobalt 150ML 06/05/16 6 mL 06/06/17 None
1005.53 AA Std, Cobalt, 1000ug/mL INTL
VWR- Baker AA Std, Cobalt 150ML 06/06/16 5 mL 06/06/17 None
material lotCobalt,
AA Std, numbers
1000ug/mL and expiration
VWR- Bakerdates are
AA Std, Cobalt captured
150ML at receiving
06/06/16 5 mL using either
06/06/17 None ChemStock o
Managing Users

1 Select Manage Users

2 Set user log in name,
employee number,
password, and level
for each ChemTrak,
ChemStock and
ChemPad user.
ChemPad users
should have numeric
passwords to facilitate
log in with the number
3 3 Save Changes
ChemStock Catalogs

Thousands of metal
finishing supplies are
available in catalogs
to help initialize your
supply list.
Importing Catalogs

You can add your own

supplies to a catalog (in
Excel) and then import
everything you need.
ChemStock Overview : Searching


1 Enter a word from the

supply name (or
2 Click the Find button.

3 Only matching supplies will

appear in the supply list.
4 Click the Show button to
restore the full supply list.
ChemStock Overview : Low Stock

1 Pink highlight shows low

stock in the supply list.
2 Type of problem indicated.
ChemStock Overview : Expired Chemical

1 Indicator shows expiration.

2 Supply with low stock
shows warning in list.

1 Click Manage Supplies

2 Select expired supply.
3 Drill down to lot information.
Managing Supplies

1 Select Manage Supplies.

2 Select the supply.
Initializing a Laboratory Chemical / Supply

1 Remove reference to
1 container size if you
2 want to have alternates
with different containers.
2 Uncheck the Alternate
3 4 box if this is the primary.
3 Set inventory controls.
ChemStock will show
Average Usage after
purchasing begins.
4 Select best units for
stock (taking inventory)
and set conversion.
5 Reorder Qty and Last
Price will default on PO.
Initializing a ChemTrak Chemical

1 Stock units must convert

to tank add units. If adds
are liquid, Stock Units
must be gallons, liters, or
other liquid units. If adds
are solid, Stock Units
must be lb, kg, or other
solid units. Containers
(e.g. drums) can only be
used as purchase units.
2 All tanks that use this
chemical and the name
used for Add1 and
Add2 must be listed
All addition(s) and tank
make up(s) must be
recorded in ChemTrak.
ChemPad Overview

Links to ChemTrak / ChemStock

databases over WiFi so you can
enter data anywhere in the shop
Tank temperatures
Titration results
Preventive Maintenance
Receiving Inspection
Physical Inventory
Purchase Orders
Requires Windows 10 tablet
(Microsoft Surface 3 shown)
Physical Inventory
Showing inventory using ChemPad since ChemPad can be used in
the stock room. The procedure is virtually identical with ChemStock .

1 4

1 Select Inventory.
2 Select the supply.
3 Enter up to 3
quantities, click the
Total button
4 Click the Save button.

Showing inventory using ChemPad since ChemPad can be used in
the stock room. The procedure is virtually identical with ChemStock .

1 Active Lot and

Expiration are the last
entered at receiving
2 If lot or expiration is not
entered or is incorrect, it
can be updated during
physical inventory.
1 Purchasing and usage
calculation for this supply
1 starts at the last inventory.
2 (You must take inventory to
3 begin the process.)
4 2 All quantities received since
last inventory are summed
by ChemStock …
5 3 and converted to stock units.
4 Estimated usage (or actual
usage for ChemTrak
Chemicals) is calculated and
subtracted from stock.
5 Projected stock assumes
estimated usage continues
through lead time.
Purchasing Supplies

1 Select Purchase Supplies.
2 Select the first item for
the purchase request.

3 Only this vendor’s

supplies will show in the
list to facilitate further
4 The selected item will
appear in the requisition.
5 Reorder Qty from supply
data, and last price will be
automatically set.

6 Select additional items.

7 ChemStock will show if any
items are below min stock.
8 9

6 Enter Qty and Price if

changes required.
7 Tax & Total will calculate.
8 Check the Email checkbox.
9 Click the Save button
Email Request for



10 Email box is checked.
11 No PO Number filled.
12 Email opens with
request approval
subject so you can
send to approvers.
Can also be sent to
vendor as a
request for quote.

1 4

1 Select Manage Orders.

2 Select request in the list
(Note no PO
3 If person is authorized,
the Approved boxes will
4 Enter approval and Save.
Email Purchase Order

1 Email box is checked.
2 PO Number filled in.
3 Email opens with PO
in subject and
vendor mail address
filled in.
4 Customer number for
this vendor must be
in vendor data.
Printed Purchase Order
Purchase Number: 1002
Order Date: 6/1/2016
Due Date: 6/8/2016

Supplier: A Brite Company Ship Company
To: Contact: James Greer / Equipment Mgr My
Phone: 214-291-0400 Street
1 Fax: 214-291-0299 My City
Phone: My
Priority: High Low Descripti Fax: Phone
Qt Uni Unit Net
Part Number
on y ts Price Price
1 L1-75063-GL HYDROCHLORIC ACID 0.1N 2 btl $33.11 $66.22
2 L1-75003-GL BUFFER PH 10 (GL) 1 btl $44.26 $44.26

2 3

1 Excel box is checked. 4

2 PO Number filled in. 6

3 Formatted PO opens NOT 1. CoA Required□ Subtot $110.48

E: al:
Shippin $0.00
in Excel using your g:
Tax: $9.67
Total: $120.15
customized template
including logo, ship to
address, notes, …
Quality Control reviewed and approved by Quality Manager : Abbott
Purchase Order reviewed and approved by Purchasing Costel
Manager : lo
Supplier must have a Quality Management System in
compliance with ISO9001, AS9100 or ISO10012 and a
Calibration System in compliance with ISO17025, Z540 or
Locking the Order

1 Order is unlocked.
(Lock button is
2 active.)
PO Number, Date
1 and other information
2 can be changed.

3 Order is locked.
(Lock button is
3 4 PO Number, Date
4 and other information
cannot be changed.
Receiving Inspection

4 6

7 5
2 3

1 Select Manage Receiving.

2 Select PO in the list.
3 Select item from the PO that is being received.
4 Enter Lot Qty, Date, Late, Pass/Fail inspection, Lot Number / Expiration.
5 Check Stock box or delivery location.
6 Click Save
Repeat for each material lot if received item includes multiple lots.
7 Rcvd Qty box will show the total amount received for all lots (so far).
Receiving Inspection – Multiple Lots

1 If there is more than one

material lot for an item,
all received lots will
show in the Lot Number
dropdown list.
2 The Lot Qty, Rcvd Date,
Expiration Date, and
other information for that
lot will populate when
the lot number is
Receiving Inspection : ChemPad

4 5

2 3

1 Select Rcvg / Orders.

2 Select PO in the list.
3 Select item from the PO that is being received.
4 Enter Rcvd Qty, Date, Late, Pass/Fail inspection, Lot Number /
Expiration. Check Stock box or Non-stock if segregated.
5 Click Save
Repeat these steps for each material lot that is received

2 3 1

If multiple material lots have been entered, ...

1 The blue dropdown arrow will appear.
2 If you click the arrow, all of the received lots will appear.
3 Click the lot that you want to edit or check.
4 Enter Rcvd Qty, Date, Late, Pass/Fail inspection, Lot Number /
Expiration. Check Stock box or Non-stock if segregated.
5 Click Save
Managing Vendors


1 Select Manage Vendors

2 Table shows vendor type,
approval status and need
for vendor survey.
3 Select a vendor to
see detailed
1 3

1 Point and click survey

2 Automatic delivery
tracking and
3 Vendor categories to
align with your QMS.
4 Contact information
for surveys, questions 4
and purchasing.
5 Customer number.

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