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On the Difficult Birth of


Neil Edmunds is a specialist in the Is There any Evidence SAGD is Better

thermal recovery of bitumen and heavy Than Conventional Methods?
oil, and development of related simula- The best evidence of this is that the more successful SAGD
tion software. He has over 20 years of projects have demonstrated comparable oil/steam ratios (OSRs) to
experience, including reservoir, produc- those of vertical/thermal implementations, even though the SAGD
tion, and software engineering and has projects were conducted in reservoirs of significantly lower quali-
practised as a specialist, manager, and ty. This is illustrated in Figure 1, which compares the realized or
entrepreneur. projected OSRs of four actual projects plus a projected “prime
Mr. Edmunds earned a B.Sc. in Athabasca” case. Reservoir quality is characterized by permeabili-
mechanical engineering at the ty times thickness. It can be seen that approximately twice the kh
University of Alberta in 1978. He began his career with Gulf is needed to achieve the same OSR using vertical technology, as
Canada and went on to AOSTRA and Vikor Resources. He can be obtained with twin-well SAGD.
joined the UTF project in 1986, working on the Phase A, Pikes Peak and Cold Lake were each conducted in essentially
HASDrive, and B–pattern pilots until 1992. During the Phase the best reservoirs ever found in their respective formations;
B design period, he developed the Gensim coupled whereas the pay zone at Senlac, at only about 40 feet thick, would
wellbore/reservoir simulator. have failed most screening criteria that have been proposed for
In 1993, Mr. Edmunds joined CS Resources with responsi- vertical CSS or steam flood.
bility for design and construction of the Senlac Thermal The low value of kh assigned to the UTF B Pattern is actually
Project, a twin–well SAGD scheme in southwest on the generous side. A low–energy estuary resulted in good qual-
Saskatchewan, and was later appointed vice president of ity sand units (5 Darcys) but with frequent silty laminations (25 –
recovery technologies. He retired from CS in 1997, and is cur- 250 mD), which prevented easy passage of steam around them.
rently engaged in a new software venture. The reservoir was too heterogenous to estimate an effective bulk
Mr. Edmunds is a member of APEGGA, the Petroleum permeability, but geostatistical simulations and the observed pro-
Society of CIM, and the SPE. He is the author or co–author of ject performance suggest an overall effective SAGD permeability
over 25 papers and patents on in situ technology, and was an of about 1.0 ± 0.3 Darcy.
SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 1996 – 1997. The projected Prime McMurray case is based on 40 m of 5 D
sand, representing perhaps a top–decile Athabasca reservoir. Such
reservoir quality is not ubiquitous over the deposit, but is known
Introduction in commercial quantity at a number of widely-separated places.(5)
This contribution attempts to address some questions suggested Finally, OSR is by far the most important economic indicator
by the series(1,2,3) to date. The answers are not all technical in for steam recovery, but the high productivity of SAGD pairs also
nature: promises lower unit costs for drilling, workovers, wellbore heat
“Problems aren’t solved by technology alone; we also need a losses, and field operating labour.
thorough understanding of social dynamics.”(4)
After some select technical observations, this contribution is
indeed an essay on social dynamics, as they relate to R&D in gen-
eral, and SAGD development in particular.

NOTE: An excellent article by S.M. Farouq Ali

entitled, “Is There Life After SAGD?”
was featured in our Distinguished Author Series here in the
JCPT, in the June 1997, Vol. 36, No. 6 issue. Since its publica-
tion, Farouq’s article has engendered considerable discussion.
Ever mindful of the need for healthy dialogue and debate (Yes!
There have been some differing opinions!) we have invited a
follow-up series of Distinguished Authors to offer their views
on this thermal technique for promoting gravity drainage of
heavy oils/bitumen using horizontal well technology.

E.S. Denbina
Distinguished Author Series Chairman
FIGURE 1: COSR vs. reservoir quality, Canadian steam projects.

14 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

Why Do All SAGD Wells Seem to Produce law to each phase and dividing gives krw/kro = 2.0 (µw/µo). This
shows that only a small krw, and thus a reasonably low Sw, are
at 100 m3/d? required to drain twice the water under the same potential gradient
The UTF B pattern performance has widely come to be viewed as the oil; it also implies a value of kro that is fairly close to 1.0,
as representative of the better Athabasca reservoirs. Nothing could given typical oil/water relative permeability functions for uncon-
be further from the truth; at least 1/3 of the total Athabasca solidated sands.(9) Viscous fingering or other channelling effects
resource is better than the B pattern, and the top 10% is enor- would strengthen these conclusions.
mously better. The author hypothesises that this situation has
resulted in a syndrome of significant under-design in many pro-
jects, exploiting much better reservoirs. How Can Experts Disagree so Much?
In order to reconcile predictions for such reservoirs with UTF In particular, how can eminent authorities in thermal recovery
results (while assuming sand quality is comparable), unrealistical- still doubt that SAGD will be commercially successful, or even
ly low values for k h , k r o i , and/or k v/ k h must be employed. that such a thing really exists? The answer would seem to be that,
Acceptable OSRs are nevertheless predicted, and the project pro- SAGD simply makes no sense from the point of view of persons
ceeds. The resulting field design may be too conservative by a experienced with vertical schemes. This is not the fault of insuffi-
factor of two or three, in terms of unit–length well performance. cient sense, common or otherwise; it simply reflects a different
Thus, facility and lifting(2) capacities are short by similar factors worldview.
compared to the true potential of the wells, and individually the The Nature of Scientific Revolutions (10) coined the phrase, “par-
wells may be too long to approach this potential without hydraulic adigm shift.” In Kuhn’s context (the progress of physical science
impairment.(6) since Copernicus), a paradigm is a set of shared assumptions
After start-up, the expected (low) oil rate is easily achieved, but which underlie and pervade a scientific tradition. Kuhn identifies
the OSR is found to be much poorer than predictions. This is an historical pattern in scientific fields, which begins when some
because if injection and production rates are substantially lower new observation or calculation casts doubt on fundamental
than the natural potential, SAGD degrades to a large pool of very assumptions of existing theory. Resolution of such crises may
hot water and oil, with the steam zone pancaked at the top of the require a paradigm shift: adoption of a whole new world view,
zone. Most of the heat goes to losses, and the accumulated con- and the simultaneous abandonment of the old.
densate does not allow much oil to drain. “Performance is worse There is more than one working assumption of conventional
than expected, because the reservoir is better than assumed.” and conventional–thermal reservoir engineering which is discard-
It has formerly been assumed that this situation would be evi- ed in SAGD theory, but the key one is: “gravity is a weak force, a
dent from the producer (BHT), or conversely that operation at low secondary perturbation on viscous mechanisms.” In most reser-
subcool (i.e., at temperatures slightly less than saturated steam) voirs, under conventional depletion, this is quite valid. It just hap-
would automatically imply good drainage and maximum perfor- pens to not be valid in the case of gas/liquid displacements (e.g.,
mance. It now appears that this is not correct, because the mea- steam floods) in high vertical permeability units, with low viscosi-
sured BHT is only the average resulting from mixing together var- ty liquids. These are conditions where gravity is dominant, and
ious streams from along the pair.(7) It is possible to have a few match those inside a steam chamber.
tens of metres producing live steam with maximum oil rates, But stating the creed like this, or even reciting dozens of papers
while the rest of the well produces cool fluids at low rates per unit in support of it, is not likely to win many converts; Kuhn shows
metre, and still obtain a normal subcool at the liner outlet. why that is. In the first place, no one changes their whole world
The recommended approach to production control in view of view without very compelling motivation, in fact without a crisis,
these conclusions, is simply to 1) control fluid production rate, not to use Kuhn’s word. Conversion is thus a personal experience
BHT; and 2) periodically increment the rate, then wait long which can’t be forced by the words of others.
enough to judge the effect on oil rate and OSR; and 3) thus opti- In any event, those words often make little sense to the intend-
mize the fluid rate according to operating profit. When excess ed audience:
steam capacity is available, the optimum production rate will like- “. . . new paradigms . . . ordinarily incorporate much of the
ly involve some live steam production. If lack of steam capacity vocabulary and apparatus . . . previously employed. But they sel-
prevents producers from being operated up to the point of nomi- dom employ these borrowed elements in quite the traditional way.
nal, but sustained, steam production, then some pairs should be Within the new paradigm, old terms, concepts, and experiments
shut in to allow proper operation of the remainder. fall into new relationships one with the other . . . Communication
across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial . . .”
“. . . the proponents of competing paradigms practice their
How Important is the Condensate? trades in different worlds . . . they see different things when they
Farouq mentions “numerical simulations by Ito and Suzuki look from the same point in the same direction.”(11)
(which) clearly show that convection is far more important than Regular readers of this JCPT series may have perceived a cer-
conduction,” referring to the role of condensate carrying heat into tain flavour of “talking at cross-purposes” from one contribution
the mobile oil zone. It is very difficult to agree, however, when to the next. A specific example comes from Farouq Ali’s discus-
one considers the actual heat capacity of the condensate. sion under Well Spacing: “A horizontal injector would accelerate
Ito and Suzuki’s results(8) predict an average depth of water the override, and accomplish little more than what is already hap-
penetration to only about the 200° C isotherm, starting at a 263° C pening.” Override is a negative word in the traditional paradigm:
steam chamber. Based on the associated change in enthalpy, the it is gravity, come to rain on the linear parade. But in the SAGD
liquid water could carry and deposit at most about 18% of the heat paradigm, SAGD is (a kind of) override, which is heat transfer
of condensation of the same water, which was obviously left back and depletion; the object of twin horizontal wells is to accelerate
at the front. Convection due to oil is around 1/5 of this; conduction recovery as much as possible, to minimize heat loss and maximize
is the only thing available to carry the remaining 78%. When it is economic recovery. We say, “accelerate that override!” Similarly,
considered that the water streamlines are nearly perpendicular to if condensate convection was important, that would be an
the temperature gradient (nearly parallel to the isotherms), then enhancement, not a “concern.”
the convective heat deposition per unit volume of reservoir must
be reduced by the sine of the angle between the streamlines and
the isotherms—if the water travels exactly along the isotherms, If We’re so Smart, Why Aren’t We Rich?
there is zero net convection. Convection is then probably less than In other words, if concept and performance projections have
5% of that due to conduction. been essentially correct all these years, why have major commer-
Condensate is 50 – 100 times less viscous than any oil at steam cial operations not yet appeared? The answer to this may be sum-
temperature. If the flowing WOR is 2.0, then applying Darcy’s marized as: there is a vast difference between a proven concept

January 1999, Volume 38, No. 1 15

and a working industrial technology. The Task Force Model
The author doesn’t expect to create controversy by suggesting
Concepts vs. Technologies that few majors have met these challenges well in the past. A
In Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation, James Utterback common approach to experimental projects has been to divide the
traces the history of many technological revolutions in diverse work into familiar specialties, supported by a mix of regular staff,
industries, demonstrating patterns which are familiar from Kuhn. researchers, and consultants. Since each specialty will only be
but amplified by organizational dynamics. A theory or concept is needed for a certain phase of the (one-time) project, many posi-
a single thing that costs relatively little and is complete in one or tions are filled with temporary and/or part-time secondments.
two technical papers, and perhaps proven with a small-scale Such a “task force” model is founded on the erroneous equation
experiment. A technology, on the other hand, is a complete sys- of a proven concept with a developed technology. Companies
tem of methods and tools, which requires the organized, long-term think of SAGD field projects as proof-of-application tests, to
efforts of many talented people to create. Consider horizontal “determine” the economics of SAGD in a given reservoir; where-
drilling: it’s a very simple concept, but there is an amazing as in reality they are entering into the process of learning and cre-
amount of sophisticated technology utilized today in making it ating the technology necessary to apply the concept. Without this
routine, including dedicated rigs. It took about ten years to devel- appreciation, there is a great tendency upon failure to blame the
op the supporting bits and pieces, and scepticism about the practi- concept, rather than improve the implementation.
cality of horizontal wells was widespread until this was largely A useful attitude for organizations contemplating technology
accomplished. projects is to view them as 1) the making of mistakes; 2) learning
If a new idea is sufficiently different, then a lot of existing from those mistakes; and 3) remembering the lessons. The task
tools, techniques, and rules of thumb become obsolete and must force model has serious problems in all of these areas.
be replaced. Because even new paradigms are built from old ones,
every individual and organization will grasp the new idea in their Making Mistakes
unique context, and none will have quite the same view of the Mistakes are inevitable, but they only manifest when you actu-
implications—promise and problems—of the breakthrough at ally try something. The task force model often diffuses technical
hand. Unexpected difficulties arise with every new piece of hard- authority to the point where no one is quite responsible for decid-
ware or type of operation. Utterback calls this extended, painful ing anything. Long debates ensue which pre-empt field experi-
process the “fluid phase.” Donnelly captured the essence of this ment; the problems which then actually appear are only rarely
phase, in his recent contribution to this series: among those previously debated.
“attempts to apply (new EOR) technology in every conceivable Seconded or contract personnel are insufficiently isolated from
situation are made with many of these attempts ending in failure their regular duties in the parent organization. When things aren’t
. . . there is a deluge of modifications to the original concept . . . going well on their special project, they feel a powerful desire to
many of these will . . . prove unfruitful.” return to their regular, successful career path. This is in proportion
The fluid phase ends when a dominant design finally emerges, to the diffusion of technical authority; people will be motivated
as a result of demonstrated economic success. No one can objec- only to the extent that they feel personally responsible for actions
tively predict exactly what that design will entail, until after it has and outcomes.
appeared; nor when it will appear, because no one can predict
which problems will be encountered or what will be required to Learning from Mistakes
overcome them.
A task force is assembled from industry specialists. The prob-
In Utterback’s survey, a time scale of twenty years from initial lem is, it’s the wrong industry. The right one doesn’t yet exist, and
concept to dominant process is not at all unusual. SAGD is going no one is certain what the new specialties should be; nor how their
to take somewhat longer than this, it appears; but consider that a individual efforts should be interfaced. Some emerging SAGD
SAGD test is conducted in a remote and invisible place, and specialties, for example, are “wellbore thermohydraulics” and
requires millions of dollars and typically five years to design, “3D steam trap dynamics.”
build, and operate. A reservoir is a “reactor” of uncertain proper- Whether extra or interdisciplinary, many severe problems tend
ties and proportions, which is never reproducible from one experi- to get lost in the voids between task force specialties. No one rec-
ment to the next. Needless to say, these aspects complicate mat- ognizes a problem as quite their problem, or else as a problem that
ters greatly. can be solved, or even, sometimes, as a problem at all. Working
relationships are transient, limiting both precision and honesty of
communication; home truths are left unspoken at critical times.
What’s the Biggest Hurdle?
Paradigm Meets Organization Remembering Mistakes
After a field pilot is decommissioned, the only remaining asset
Technology development is necessarily an organizational activ-
is intellectual. Given the difficulty of transmitting novel ideas by
ity, requiring large amounts of risk capital over many years.
paper reports and statistics alone, this asset primarily resides in
Established companies are the natural players, especially in the
the minds of project contributors. From this perspective, the entire
petroleum industry. Unfortunately, the effect of a truly radical
investment in a pilot project is ultimately towards training of per-
approach is to:
sonnel. The single-project task force model practically ensures
“. . . destroy the usefulness of the architectural knowledge of eventual dissipation of this investment; very few groups have
established firms; and since architectural knowledge tends to enjoyed continuity through a full business cycle.(13)
become embedded in the structure and information–processing
procedures of established organizations, this destruction is diffi-
cult for firms to recognize and hard to correct.”(12) A Proposed Model
The “architectural knowledge” of an oil company includes Ongoing businesses concentrate on efficient execution of
things like property evaluations, exploration focus, project cash proven technical recipes, but technical development is the search
flow profile, scheme optimization, well completions, lifting equip- for new recipes. The kitchen will get messy, there will be occa-
ment, treating economics, operating policy, maintenance profiles, sional smoke, and among the senior chefs an irresistible urge will
and so on. All of this is lost in the jump to thermal production. For eventually arise to put an end to experimentation and clean up.
example, under primary production, sand control is harmful and If technical development is an organizational activity, and if the
expensive; but with thermal recovery, it’s both essential and gen- organization needs a wholly different mindset from business as
erally benign to productivity. usual, what should it look like? The ideal characteristics of such a

16 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

group might include that:
• It is a permanent and separate business unit which reports
the to parent organization at the executive level (all neces- ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS
sary management are members of the group)
• It is chartered solely to develop and implement a specific
technology opportunity (e.g., twin-well SAGD on lease X): The Petroleum Society is
no broad R&D mandate, no other operational responsibility.
Members are full time and free of extraneous duties celebrating its 50th Anniversary!
• It is of a minimum size, to maximize individual responsibili-
ty and challenge, and interdisciplinary communication We are initiating a worldwide membership drive.
• Group performance measured in terms of demonstrating The Petroleum Society currently has 3,000 members.
hard technical parameters (e.g., SOR, CDOR) within an THE GOAL FOR 1999 IS TOINCREASETO 5,000 MEMBERS.
agreed budget and timetable
• It designs, operates, and analyses all field tests, and with This is how it works . . .
success evolves into the commercial group, by means of In every J CPT package during 1999 you will find a membership form (your
timely infusion of seasoned managers, and perhaps reassign- mailing label will appear on the right side). Photocopy this form and pass it out
ment of the more easily-bored researchers
to as many of your colleagues as possible. Have all of the forms returned to you
The last ideal follows the observation that is easier to instill
operating discipline into a formerly freewheeling research group, and send them to us at once.
than it is to impose radical new technology on an existing opera-
tion. The best place to make converts is at cult headquarters.
Your incentive is the prizes . . .
Mail or fax us five new members’ applications (with payment) and we will
immediately REWARD you with a Petroleum Society Stainless Steel Travel
Was There Any Life Before SAGD? Mug.
It remains mystifying that enthusiasm for vertical/thermal tech- - OR -
nology should exist at all in Canada: not because of SAGD’s Mail or fax us ten new members’ applications (with payment) and we will
promise, but rather because of the failure of California-style tech- immediately REWARD you with a Petroleum Society Golf Shirt.
nology to address the vast bulk of Canadian heavy resources, - OR -
despite several decades of effort and hundreds of millions of dol- Mail or fax fifteen new members’ applications (with payment) and we will
lars. The two vertical projects in Figure 1, essentially the only immediately REWARD you with a Petroleum Society Denim Shirt. For com-
successes to date, generated marginal economic returns from the panies interested in becoming a corporate member, call us and we will fax
cream of reservoirs. Should we hope for reservoirs that fit a you a corporate membership application. Upon receiving the completed form
known technology, or should we build technologies that fit our (with payment) we will immediately REWARD the corporate representative
known reservoirs? with a Petroleum Society Denim Shirt.
All members participating in this membership drive will be entered into a draw for a
REFERENCES GRAND PRIZE (prize to be announced at a later date) to be awarded at the end of 1999.
1. FAROUQ ALI, S.M., Is There Life After SAGD?; Journal of
Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 36, No. 6, June 1997.
2. B U T L E R, R.M., SAGD Comes of AGE!; Journal of Canadian
Petroleum Technology, Vol. 37, No. 7, July 1998.
3. DONNELLY, J.K., Who Invented Gravity?; Journal of Canadian
Petroleum Technology, Vol. 37, No. 9, September 1998.
4. B A L L, Norman, An All Female Engineering School?; U of A
Engineer, University of Alberta, Fall 1998.
5. ALBERTA EUB Atlas of Crude Bitumen Reserves; A l b e r t a
Department of Energy, 1996.
6. EDMUNDS, N.R. and GITTINS,S.D., Effective Steam Assisted
Gravity Drainage to Long Horizontal Well Pairs; Journal of
Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 32, No. 6, June 1993.
7. EDMUNDS, N.R., Investigation of SAGD Steam Trap Control in 1/ page
Two and Three Dimensions, CIM/SPE 50413; I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Conference on Horzontal Well Technology, Calgary, Nov. 1 – 4,
8. I T O, Y., and S U Z U K I, S., Numerical Simulation of the SAGD 3 1/3 x 4 7/8
Process in the Hangingstone Oil Sands Reservoir; CIM Paper No.
96-57, 47th ATM, Calgary, Figs. 6 and 9, June 10 – 12, 1996.
9. M U S K A T, M., Physical Principles of Oil Production; I H R D C ,
Boston, Fig. 7.8 and Sec. 7.5., 1981/1949
10. KUHN, T.S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; The University
of Chicago, 1962.
11. KUHN, T.S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; The University
of Chicago, pp. 149-150, 1962.
12. HENDERSON, R., and CLARK, K., Architectural Innovation: The
Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of
Established Firms; Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 1
(1990), p. 9; quoted in Utterback, p. 195.
13. MILLER, K., What Causes Booms and Busts in Heavy Oil?; Journal
of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol. 37, No. 6, June, 1998.�

January 1999, Volume 38, No. 1 17

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