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15 Seconds : Using Visual Studio .NET Wizards to Create an N-Tiered...

15 Seconds : Using Visual Studio .NET Wizards to Create an N-Tiered

Application - Part 2
David Catherman
11/17 / 2005


Microsoft is known for providing good tools for Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools for
developers. MS Access, Visual Studio 6, Visual Interdev and others have provided an environment to
visually combine controls, properties, and generated code for quick applications. Visual Studio .NET has
combined the best of the previous tools into a great development environment with several different
coding languages.

There are many wizards in Visual Studio .NET (VS) that assist new users in creating applications.
Unfortunately, they tend not to promote good programming habits--specifically there is not a separation of
code into layers and they do not adhere to OOP standards isolating business logic. The default model of
VS is to drag and drop data objects onto the form we are building. VS generates the code necessary, but
mixes the data access code and the business logic code directly in the user interface form object. This
limits the reusability of the code and tends to duplicate code where the same table data is used on more
than one form.

Most architects recommend more of an n-tiered approach where the code is separated into different
layers. There should at least be a data access layer, business logic layer, and a presentation layer. When
working with distributed applications (different parts of the application running on different servers) more
layers may need to be added.

There are two primary advantages for separating the layers: code reusability and de-coupling code from
the database. By separating out the data access and business logic layers, many different forms can be
used to collect and display the information without rewriting or duplicating the code to access and use the
information. The de-coupling helps keep your code from breaking when the database schema changes and
makes it easier to even change data storage providers without much code change.

Microsoft .NET has made great strides in supporting and encouraging developers to move toward Object
Oriented Programming (OOP) standards. While OOP is a large (and deep) subject, one facet that should
interest developers of database applications is the concept of a business object. While database tables and
fields do a good job of implementing entities and attributes, business objects bring together both the
properties and behavior of a particular entity. When the application instantiates a business object class to
represent each entity (table), the attributes can be accessed through properties and the behavior of the
entity can be called through methods. This concept also brings all the code for an entity together into one
place that can be referenced easily from other parts of the application. Through inheritance and
polymorphism, the business objects can be quite flexible and have substantial power to accomplish much
with little code.

Part 2 - Using Visual Studio 2005

The new version of .NET and Visual Studio offers several enhancements that change the way we develop
database centric applications. In the context of this article, we will be looking specifically at Data Sources
and Partial Classes.

The Binding Context Manager has been expanded and greatly simplified into Binding Sources component
that allows forms to provide better data binding to datasets, Web services, and business objects.

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Partial Classes provides a way to extend classes across multiple files which will be combined together at
compile time. The Typed Dataset class has been extended to include partial classes, separating generated
code from hand crafted code, allowing us to add business logic to the dataset class without the
complications of inheritance.

Getting Started

After opening VS2005, create a new project (File / New Project) and let's start with a VB Windows
project. In the dialog at the bottom, name your project NorthwindWin and the Solution Northwind.

Figure 1 - New Project in VS2005

The Data Object

The first step in creating a data application is to create a Typed DataSet object to define the data object to
be used. You can add a new DataSet object to you project from the Solution Explorer window by right-
clicking on the project and selecting Add / New Item. The design surface of the DataSet has been
enhanced to automatically include relations from the database when more than one table is added to the
dataset (by dragging from the Server Explorer or Database Explorer (Express Version) window). The
dataset has been expanded to include one or more data adapters to handle the "Fill" and "Update"
methods so we don't need to create an inherited class to implement them. The Configuration Wizard has
been changed slightly, but accomplished the same effect.

A better way to create a DataSet is to use the Data Sources wizard. With the proper project selected, click
the top line Data menu and select "Add New Data Source". The Data Source Configuration Wizard will
take over and step you through creating a DataSet with the proper connection. Just click Next on the first
screen. The next screen allows you to choose the type of Data Source.

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Figure 2 - Create DataSource Wizard, Screen 2

This time we will choose the Database type, but take note of the other options to use a Web Service or
existing Business Object, because we will come back to them.

The second screen allows you to choose an existing connection or create a new one.

Figure 3 - Data Source Wizard, Screen 3

If you do not have a connection to the Northwind database, use the New Connection button to create one
now. If you have not previously set up a Project Setting for this connection, the Wizard will do it for you

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Figure 4 - Data Source Wizard, Screen 4

In the next screen of the Wizard, you will be shown a tree list of all the metadata in the database. Expand
the Tables node and select the tables needed in this DataSet (Orders, Order Detail, and Products)

Figure 5 - Data Source Wizard, Screen 5

Before leaving this screen, be sure to correctly name your DataSet. (Some of the earlier Betas had
problems renaming DataSets correctly.) In this case, we need to change the name of the dataset from
NorthwindDataSet to OrdersDataSet.

After finishing the Wizard, you will have a dataset added to your project with 3 tables in it.

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Figure 6 - Resulting DataSet Visual representation

With this design surface, you can continue to drag more tables from the Server Explorer (Database
Explorer in Standard version) to add to the dataset. Looking ahead, we know we will need to add the
Customers and Employees tables for combo box lookups.

You can edit the tables by right-clicking on the header and selecting Configure... from the drop down
menu (or use top line Data menu, Configure).

Figure 7 - Configuration Wizard page 1

Click the Query Builder button to visually edit the SQL for the Table Adapter. In this case, the combo box
will need a Full Name field that combines the last and first names.

You can also click the Advanced Options button to deselect the option to generate Update and Delete
methods since this table is for lookup only and will not be edited. Click the Next button for more options
on the Fill, GetData and Update methods and finish the Wizard. Repeat this configuration for the
Customers table.

Presentation Layer

Data Sources RAD Tool

Once the dataset is created, you can open the Data Sources pane
from the top line Data menu. This pane will already show the
dataset created, but you may also add other sources from a database
server, local database file (such as Access or FoxPro), a Web

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Service, or a predefined Business Object class. The wizard will

proceed through each step required for adding data sources. You
may also expand the table node to see all the fields available in the
data table.

When you have a form open in the IDE, the Data Sources pane
exposes some additional functionality. As each node is selected, a
dropdown (combo) box allows the user to choose how the object
should be rendered when dragged to the form. For tables, the
choices are GridView or Details view. The GridView will create a
DataGridView control that implements each field in a default form,
but can be edited to render different embedded controls. The Detail
view creates a label and textbox (or other component) for each field
showing a single record at a time.

Other choices for field controls are: Textbox, NumericUpDown,

Combobox, Label, Linked Label, and Listbox. You can also create
custom user controls and add them to the list.

The Data Sources tool fosters a Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment where developers
can quickly create a User Interface (UI) based on database schema. Rather than binding controls directly
to dataset fields, VS2005 adds another layer call the Binding Source which correlates to the data object
stored in the dataset. The controls on the UI are bound to the Binding Source fields. This is a new
component that is a combination of the Binding Context and DataView objects.

The Controls have simplified binding by reducing the number of properties available for binding to a
couple of the more popular (tag, text, selected value, etc.). You can still bind to the other myriad of
properties through the Advanced settings if needed, but the common bindings are prominent and defaulted
in most cases by the Data Sources wizard.

Building the Orders View/Edit screen

Now it is time to build a form to edit the Orders data. Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer / Add
/ New Item and select the Windows Form icon, giving it a name of OrdersForm.vb. VS will present a blank
form to work with.

If your Data Sources window is not open, click the top line Data menu
and select Show Data Sources. In your tree, you should see the dataset
and data tables. To the right of each table is a dropdown that allows you
to choose between implementing it as a DataGridView or free form
Details controls. You can further expand the table to see the data fields
and similarly select which control to use to implement the field in free
form controls. (Note: In the Beta, you could configure how the field
would be rendered in the DataGridView as well, but this was removed in
the final version so that only Textboxes are rendered, but they can be
changed by editing the columns later.) This Wizard can be modified
through the Tools / Options / Windows Forms Designer / Data UI
Customization to allow custom controls to be listed as well.

Most presentations usually prefer to have parent screens shown in Details format so in Data Sources,
change the format for the Orders table to Details. Now comes the exciting part--drag the Orders table
from the Data Sources window and drop it in the upper left corner of the blank form in the design surface
of Visual Studio. The Data Sources Wizard will create each of the controls in the table, according to the
default selected. You may also drag the fields one at a time from Data Sources pane, but it is much faster
to just have them all created at once. You will notice that each control is properly named and bound to the
correct field in the table. The wizard also creates a label for each control, using the description property if

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available and otherwise, the name of the field, inserting spaces where needed.

More than just the controls, the Wizard has added functionality to our form by adding a Data Navigation
strip that allows the user to switch between records using VCR style buttons. The Wizard also added the
components necessary to provide connectivity and binding with the dataset and database. If you open the
code window, you will see that the Wizard has even added a line of code to call the Table Adapter
component to fill the DataSet component. If you set the project to be the Startup project and the
properties of the project to show this form at startup, you can build and run the solution now and see the
form fully functional, showing all the records in the Orders table. There is a little work to do to get the
Combo Box controls working correctly, but the form is basically functional.

Figure 8 - Orders Form Master

To get the Combo Boxes functional, we can open the DataSet and add the Customer and Employee tables
(or create separate datasets for them). After building the project, you can refresh the Data Sources
window to see the new tables or add new data sources if you put them in a different DataSet.

Back on the form, drag the Employee table from the Data Source and drop it on the combo box. The first
thing you notice is another Binding Source component is added to for the Employee table. If you select
the employee combo box control, you will notice that the proper settings for the Data Source, Display
Member and Value Member have been set and the binding has been changed from Text to Selected Value.
This is what Microsoft calls "Connect the dots"--you can drag and drop a table to any list driven control.
The wizard takes the primary key for the Value Member and the first character field for the Display
Member property.

You can drag the Customer table to the Customer combo box in the same way and a Binding Source
component will be added for it also. If you open the code behind the form, you will also notice that VS has
added code to the OrdersForm_Load class to fill the tables with data from the dataset for each binding
source added to the form.

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After a little rearrangement of controls, here is what the form should look like:

Figure 9 - Order Form Master final

Master Detail Presentation

The heart of a good relational application is the ability to display parent-child relationships. Visual Studio
2005 offers a fairly flexible tool to help rapid development of this functionality. In the Data Sources pane
if you expand the tables, you will see below the fields, an entry for each child relationship of the table. In
our example, expanding the Orders table node, you will see an entry for the relationship to the Order
Details table. If you select the DataGridView representation and drag the relation node to the form, VS
assumes you want a master-detail arrangement and will created the needed links for you.

VS will add a new BindingSource component to the form for the table and a table adapter to fill the table
on form load. The Smart Data tag will expand (or you can click on the arrow in the upper right of the grid
control) to show several properties and actions for the control. The "Choose Data Source" should be set to
the new binding source based on the relation between the tables. This is all that is necessary to set the
detail grid to link with the master record. If you look at the properties, you will see that the Data Source
for the newly added Binding Source is the OrdersBindingSource and the Data Member is the relationship.

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Figure 10 - Adding Details to the Order Form

If you compile and run the project now, you will see the linking between the master and detail parts. But
the grid needs some editing to make it show productive data.

You will need to replace the ProductID with a combo box to display the name of the product instead. This
will require another binding source to be added to the form. Drag a Binding Source component from the
Data section of the Toolbox, name it ProductsBindingSource and set the Data Source property to
OrdersDataSet and the Data Member property to the Products table.

Now expand the Smart Tag on the DataGridView control again (or look at the Properties pane) and click
the "Edit Columns" action. This allows you to edit width and style of columns, reorder the columns, and
add / delete columns. You can remove any columns that are not necessary and hide (Visible property
equals False) the Primary Key and Foreign Key fields. You should also convert the ProductID column
from a Text Box control to a Combo Box control to display value of Product Name. Set the Data Source
property to ProductsBindingSource, the Display Member to ProductName and the Value Member to

When the Order Detail Binding Source was added, VS also added the following lines of code to the
OrdersForm_Load event to fill the Order Detail table:
Dim OrdersDetailTableAdapter As New Order_DetailsTableAdapter

That is all we need to do. We can build and run our application by pressing F5 (or selecting "Start
Debugging from the Debug Menu.) Here is an example of the final form running. Notice that the
Navigation Bar allows us to move between records and the Order Detail information is linked to the
Orders record selected. Also in the navigation bar is a yellow asterisk button to create a new record, a red
X button to delete the current record, and a diskette button to save changes.

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Figure 11 - Final Application Running

Whereas VS2003 provided one inflexible wizard for RAD construction of master-detail form, VS2005 has
an infrastructure to allow RAD construction of a wide variety of form styles. The Data Sources tool is a
welcome improvement to Visual Studio.

Separating the Tiers

Once again Visual Studio has fostered bad habits in promoting RAD. To get the functionality described
above, the datasets need to be in the same project as the User Interface. But in the real world, it is better
to separate your business layer from your UI so if you decide to implement a Web interface instead of
Windows, much of the application will not need to change.

We can correct this easily enough. Create a new Class Library project in your solution for your business
objects. It is best to start out with this project and create the original DataSet there instead of in the UI

Note: If you have all ready created the application as in the above tutorial, you can move the DataSet we
just created to the new project, but you need to also move the app.config file to keep the connection

Create a new Class Library project in your solution named NorthwindBiz and move the dataset there. VS
will actually make a new copy of the dataset, leaving the original alone. After copying the dataset, you
will need to remove the dataset in the Windows project. Your will also need to search and replace the hard
coded Namespace references, changing "NorthwindWin" to "NorthwindBiz".

After the data set has been created, go back to

the form and open the Data Sources pane. This
time when you add a new data source, instead
of using the Database tool, select the Object
tool. On the next screen, you will see a list of
referenced projects you could use. If the
reference is not shown, you will need to click
the "Add Reference" button and select the

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NorthwindBiz project. Expand the

NorthwindBiz project and select the
OrdersDataSet object. Click Next and Finish
and you will see the OrdersDataSet listed in the
Data Sources Pane.

If you actually create the business project

before creating the windows project, you will
notice a couple of differences. The Wizard no
longer automatically instantiates the table
adapter in the form load event. Since we are
using an Object Data Source which may not
even be a dataset, VS leaves the Data Access
logic up to us. We must write that code
ourselves now, but rather than write it in the
Presentation layer, we need to write it in the
Business layer.

Business Logic Code

If you wish to add business logic to your application, VS 2005 adds a Partial Class to the DataSet to
facilitate this. Right-click on the OrdersDataSet and select View Code to generate another file under the
DataSet with code stubs for the Partial Public Class where you can add code that will not be overwritten
when the dataset is rebuilt. Partial Classes are a great tool in .NET 2.0 where a class may be separated into
different physical files. When you build the project, the code will be merged and compiled together. This
is valuable where we have generated code and developer code in the same class.

You can add partial classes for the DataTable, DataRow, and TableAdapter as follows:
Partial Public Class OrdersDataSet
Partial Public Class OrdersDataTable

End Class
Partial Public Class OrdersRow

End Class
End Class

Partial Public Class OrdersDataAdapter

End Class

If your business logic has to do with the whole table, add your code to the DataTable class. If your logic
has to do with validating a row, add the code to the DataRow class. If you wish to add logic to the Data
layer of your application, add the code in the Data Adapter class (note how it is outside the DataSet class.)

When you build the dataset in the Windows project, VS automatically adds code to fill the dataset and
update back to the database. When you build the dataset in a separate business project, VS assumes that
logic will be built into the business object. This is wise because you want to separate any data access logic
away from the presentation layer. To build these functions, we need to add a couple functions to the
partial class for the dataset as follows.
Imports ta = NorthwindDataSetTableAdapters
Partial Public Class NorthwindDataSet

Private taOrders As New ta.OrdersTableAdapter

Private taOrderDetail As New ta.Order_DetailsTableAdapter
Private taCustomer As New ta.CustomersTableAdapter
Private taEmployee As New ta.EmployeesTableAdapter
Private taProduct As New ta.ProductsTableAdapter

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Public Sub FillDataSetAll()

End Sub

First, we need to instantiate an object for each of the table adapters. Then we add a method that will call
the Fill method for each of the table adapters and fill dataset.

Other methods need to be added to update the tables. In this dataset, only the Orders and Order Details
tables need to be updated since all the others are for lookup only.
Public Sub UpdateOrders()
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateOrderDetails()
End Sub
End Class

These few lines of code will provide access to the Data Access layer through the Business Logic layer,
providing the necessary separation from the presentation layer.

Now, back in the presentation layer, in the code behind the form, we need to call these methods of the
business object. You can create the code stub for the load even by double-clicking in the title bar of the
form and calling the method just created in the Business Layer of our application.
Partial Public Class OrderForm

Private Sub OrderForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

Another piece of code needs to be added to save updates back to the database. There is a an icon in the
Navigation Bar for this for which code is written automatically when the dataset was in the Windows
project, but when using Object Data Sources, the Wizard leaves that for us to write. You may need to
change the enabled property for the button and then you can build a code stub for the save event by
double-clicking on the Save Item button in the navigation bar. The following code needs to be added. Note
that you must call the EndEdit method of the binding source to force the form to update the dataset.
Private Sub bindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

End Sub
End Class

You can once again press F5 to run the application to see that the data is filled in and all the same
functions exist. If any changes to the data are made, the user must click the save button to write the
changes back to the database.


The new version of Visual Studio 2005 offers significant improvements in the flexibility of creating multi-
tiered application using RAD tools. The Typed Dataset generation tool allows data abstraction between

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the database and the UI/Business Logic and also provides Object Oriented access to the entities and
attributes of a database. The Dataset generator also provides the Data Access code virtually separated into
a separate layer. The Partial Classes feature gives us a nice place to implement Business Logic layer with
complete access to the Dataset component.

The Binding Sources component isolates the UI from the Business Logic layer and provides a smooth data
binding tool, transforming our application into more of a 4-tiered application. Finally, the Data Sources
window allows rapid generation of the Presentation layer and preserving the n-tiered environment.

While we do have to write a few lines of code to fill the dataset--in a few minutes, we have generated a
good multi-tier application and the only code we have to write is to implement our unique business logic.

What's Next?

In Part 3 of the series, I will look more closely at what can be done in the Business Logic layer to enhance
our application. I will also show some more code generation tools to help write some of the Data Access
code and also show how to make the Data Access code provider independent so the same application can
work with different database servers.


Overview of Visual Basic 9.0

Drag once data binding (Steve Lasker)
Domain Model Architecture (Database Guy)
Webcast on New Data Features in Win Forms
Webcast:: Building Data-Bound Windows Forms Applications with Visual Studio 2005

About the Author

David Catherman - CMI Solutions

Email: DCatherman (at) CMiSolutions (dot) com

David Catherman has 20+ years designing and developing database applications with
specific concentration for the last 4-5 years on Microsoft .NET and SQL Server. He is
currently Application Architect and Senior Developer at CMI Solutions using Visual
Studio and SQL Server 2005. He has 3 MCP certifications in .NET and is pursuing MCSD.

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