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A- Recognized.

With respect to principal 1 program development, the librarian must blend

the district and her school’s mission statement to better reflect what her school’s vision is
regarding the library. It fulfills all state and local standards and ensures that both faculty,
student, and community needs are being met. She strives to provide resources and library
services to all patrons while aspiring a love of reading and life-long learning to all who
enter through these special doors.
B- Exemplary. Shelby is the IT’s Learning online management coordinator and is also a
trail blazer/guide for the district. She oversees computer trainings for the teachers, helps
develop curriculum and promotes digital citizenship within the classroom. She is also
available after school to help teachers with any computer issues they may be
experiencing within their classroom and the time spent with her is counted towards their
professional development required hours. She attends district wide curriculum meetings
with other instructional specialists and librarians once a month and then parlays that
information on to the teachers and administrators within her building. She will be
attending this years TLA conference in Austin, Texas to further her professional
development along with garnering new ideas and materials that can enhance her own
library at school.
C- Recognized. Currently Shelby is the leader of a tech refresh committee which is a club
that meets monthly to discuss issues pertaining to the library, books they would like to
see added or removed, and helps decide which new technology equipment and programs
will need to be purchased or updated for the current and coming school year. Next year
there will be a student library committee that helps with all aspects of running a
successful library. They will focus more on the resources other than technology that are
needed within the library. She provides the students with current information and
instructional videos via a library YouTube channel, putting documents on the Google
drive and by giving the students her work e-mail.
Professional Staffing- Below standard. Stratford currently has 1 certified librarian within a
school of 2,137 students. This places the library at below standard program development at the
present time. In previous years there were 2 certified librarians and 1 paraprofessional, but due to
budgetary constraints the district has cut back in all high schools regarding library personnel.
Shelby continues to advocate at the district and building level to increase the professional library
staff to better serve students and staff. This would allow her more time to provide more help on a
one to one basis along with group and full class instruction.

Paraprofessional Staffing - Below standard. Paraprofessional staffing is nonexistent at the

present time with little hope that it will change soon. This lack of help is again due to budgetary
constraints and the district personnel feeling that other areas need more staffing then the library.
Shelby uses student library aides along with community volunteers to help with checkout,
shelving books, and upkeep of the library.

District level staff to support student achievement- below standard. Stratford falls into the
41-81 category of district schools and places it at the below standard level. This placement is due
to having only 1 district wide coordinator and only 1 certified librarian per campus. They do
have a part time cataloguer who works remotely since the district has a universal catalog system
called Destiny.

Level of support-student achievement- exemplary. Shelby has the library open a minimum of
45 min before school as well as an hour and a half after school. Students are also welcome to
come in during their lunch period and if they have any off campus period assigned as well. The
library is basically open 24-7 due to the utilization of the Follett’s Destiny Library Management
System. This web-based system allows access to many of the collection items, e-books, and
other technology items. She also provides in school and at home use iPads, Chromebooks, and
wifi hotspots. Shelby enjoys helping students who are having difficulty with their assignments
and encourages them to seek tutorials and other help when needed. She also tries to find
whatever ancillary materials she can and guides the student to use them whenever it aids their
understanding of the constructional concepts in their various classes.
A- Below standard. Stratford’s budgetary allocation for thee year is $4,850 along with a
donation of $3,000 from the PTA. The amount that should be allocated by state standards
per year based on the student population is $60,904.50. This lack of budget means Shelby
uses her own money to provide for any resources and supplies needed that hinder the
students and staff. She also applies for grants to help supplement the district budget along
with accepting donations of books from the community. She has vocally addressed her
concerns to building administration and district officials that the library is the HUB of the
school and needs to stay current and viable to all who use it as a resource in their
educational journey. She has presented a requested budget each year that would better
serve the needs of the building, but it has not been approved or granted to this date. Any
additional funding that is in the district is allocated to the Robin Hood recapture payment
B- Exemplary. Shelby has developed an itemized 5-year plan list of goals and purchases
that would need to be met for Stratford to receive an exemplary status. Her budget plan
entails increasing purchases in the following areas: books, periodicals, professional
materials, book bindery, A/V computer materials, general supplies, and capital outlay
expenditures. She has given suggested monetary expenditures in each area along with
justification of how these monies would be used within each category. She inventories
the library each year in order ensure that replacement and new materials are being
considered. She presents her budget to building administration and district officials each
C- Exemplary. Shelby utilizes the CREW method for weeding and weeds the library
constantly. Inventory is done every 1-2 years with this current year requiring her to
complete a full inventory of all materials. Shelby solicits student and faculty input for
items that would definitely be needed as a possible expenditure item in her budget request
for the following year.
A. Exemplary. Shelby prepares monthly analytics reports with infographics and shares
them with the administration and building department heads. All information is pulled
from Destiny, the online library management system that the district utilizes. She also
attends monthly district and job specific meetings with the administration and library
director. The information that she pulls and includes in her report is the monthly total
number of books checked out, the titles of the top checkouts for the month, how many
students visit the library before, during, and after school, and how many classes were
facilitated or co-taught by the librarian.
B. Exemplary. Based on the information received from the analytical reports Shelby
evaluates the current collection and weeds out any resources currently not in use. She is
also able to also see which resources she will need to purchase to enhance the students
educational experience weather it be print resources or additional technological
equipment. The overall focus of the library staff is to ensure that the curriculum needs,
and requests of our school are met while also providing her library community with
materials that present varying levels of difficulty, diversity of appeals, and a variety of
viewpoints. In order to accomplish this task, our materials are chosen with the assistance
of faculty members, students, community members, and professional selection tools.
Based on their choices a proposed list is compiled along with two reviews from the top
library publication journals and then the information is submitted for approval and
C. Exemplary. Her goal is to build a professional learning library with materials that
support the curriculum, enhance the library, and encourage life-long learning. She also
strives to provide library patrons with appropriate facilities and technology items that
meet their needs and wants. She can only do all these things with an accurate depiction of
the library and an increased budget from the district.

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