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1 A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach

2 (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring Bloom’s
3 Revised Taxonomy to student learning

4 Q1 Rocío Tíjaro-Rojas a,b , Andrea Arce-Trigatti c , Jann Cupp d , Jennifer Pascal a ,

5 Pedro E. Arce a,∗
a Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA
b Environmental Engineering, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile
c College of Education, Health, and Human Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

d Counseling and Psychology, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA


11 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

13Q3 Article history: In this contribution, a methodical and student-based learning sequence entitled System-
14 Received 8 June 2015 atic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) is introduced. Primarily utilized within STEM
15 Accepted 7 June 2016 disciplines, SISA is inspired by instructivist and constructivist approaches to learning and
16 Available online xxx ultimately seeks to help students reach mastery learning levels regarding complex concepts
within these fields. By organizing and anchoring lesson plans concerning these concepts
to the cognitive objectives outlined by Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2002), SISA
facilitates students’ preparedness to contribute to the creation of technological develop-
ments and innovation in STEM fields. Offering an example of its application, this paper
outlines how SISA has been integrated into the instruction of hydrodynamic velocity profiles
in viscous flows. In addition, this effort highlights exploratory data collected from students
taught by the SISA approach. Analysis of this study and implications for future work are
also discussed.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.

1. Introduction with regards to innovation (Felder, 2006; Luecke and Katz, 28

Q4 2003; National Academy of Engineering [NAE], 2010). Moreover, 29

17 Traditionally, STEM instruction has been dominated by a rigid scholars have found that classrooms which focus solely on 30

18 philosophy aimed at forming students that can master estab- critical thinking and retaining rigorous content often result 31

19 lished methods of analysis (Downey et al., 2008). As scholar in the high attrition of students initially interested in STEM 32

20 Felder (2012) postulates, this ‘trust me’ approach is anchored (Epstein and Miller, 2011; Felder, 2006; Klein, 2003). In effect, 33

21 in the instruction of teaching theories, derivations, models, this teaching-centered approach hinders the ingenuity and 34

22 and algorithms, with the student’s trust that one day these creativity in discovering innovative practical applications of 35

23 concepts will be practically important or useful. Although technological developments within the STEM teaching frame- 36

24 this method of instruction is indeed successful in relating work (Arce, 2009; Gattie and Wicklein, 2007). 37

25 important information to students, it is a poor motivator of Throughout the past decade scholarly work has revealed 38

26 learning, an ineffective approach in the retention of valu- that in order to develop the next generation of innova- 39

27 able and applicable information, and pedagogically barren tive STEM professionals, the adoption of a new curricular

Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, Box 5013, 1020 Stadium Drive,
Cookeville, TN 38505, USA.
E-mail address: (P.E. Arce).
1749-7728/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
2 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

40 framework is required (Felder et al., 2011; Morell and DeBoer, In part two, we focus on the sequence itself, providing a 99

41 2011). As part of this new curricular framework, STEM scho- description of the overall technique and its implementation 100

42 lars have advocated for the integration of more learning-based through the review of a case study within a fluid dynamics 101

43 approaches which foster a higher level of expertise in students course. Finally, in part three, we conclude with the overview 102

44 by promoting the understanding of fundamental concepts of student reactions to SISA (exploratory study), future direc- 103

45 and relationships through: active, collaborative, hands-on, tions, and argue for its potential application to other, similar 104

46 and student-centered practices (Felder, 2012; Felder, 2006; disciplines. 105

47 Loggins et al., 2010; Luecke and Katz, 2003). In accordance,

48 this type of teaching method promotes the skills that are
49 necessary for creating not only literate professionals, but 2. Part I – Background
50 socially-responsible leaders who can adapt their expertise
51 to address the disparate needs (e.g. utilization of regional 2.1. Motivation 106

52 resources or the quality of healthcare) of communities across

53 the world (DeBoer, 2012; Felder et al., 2011). Due to the fact that Arguably, within the traditional pedagogy used for STEM, 107

54 the STEM challenges are continuously requiring more com- particularly as used in engineering disciplines at the under- 108

55 plex and adaptable skill sets that integrate interdisciplinary graduate level, the intrinsic, learning benefits supplied by the 109

56 knowledge into the traditional hard sciences, there is a press- application of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy have been shielded 110

57 ing need to increase approaches that are student-focused, or from students behind what divides the instructor domain 111

58 learning-based, into the classroom (Accreditation Board for from the student domain (Downey et al., 2008; Felder, 2012). 112

59 Engineering and Technology [ABET], 2012). The verity of this statement is supported by illustrations 113

60 Thus, the purpose of this paper is to introduce a learn- within the textbooks utilized in the field. For example, the 114

61 ing sequence entitled the Systematic and Integrative Sequence instructor companion site for the McGraw Hill engineering 115

62 Approach (SISA) as a response to this call for transforma- textbooks such as Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (Navidi, 116

63 tional learning within STEM disciplines. Understanding the 2015) includes activities and assessment tools referencing 117

64 demands of STEM education, SISA is inspired by primarily Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy; however, there is no mention 118

65 instructivist and constructivist approaches to learning and of the taxonomy in the student version of the book. Simi- 119

66 ultimately seeks to help students reach mastery learning lev- larly, textbooks such as Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 120

67 els regarding complex concepts within these fields (Larson (Bergman et al., 2011) and Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Fox, 121

68 and Lockee, 2014; Schowalter, 1978). As its name indicates, 2011), both from Wiley, present a problem solving sequence 122

69 SISA focuses on the systematization, i.e. sequential-style, of the that can be connected somehow to Bloom’s Revised Taxon- 123

70 different steps involved in obtaining complex, engineering omy. Yet, there is no mention of the connection to this method 124

71 calculations (e.g., a velocity profile), as well as on the inte- and the importance of it to enhance learning that is specifi- 125

72 gration of related math/physics concepts from other courses cally addressed to students (Bergman et al., 2011; Fox, 2011). 126

73 (Arce, 2000).1 By organizing and anchoring lesson plans con- Moreover, even when Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is utilized 127

74 cerning these concepts to the cognitive objectives outlined as the main pedagogical framework for instructors, it is gen- 128

75 by Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (Krathwohl, 2002), SISA facil- erally focused on the lower levels of the taxonomy. Seldom 129

76 itates students’ preparedness to contribute to the creation of are the higher cognitive levels, necessary for mastery learning 130

77 technological developments and innovation in STEM fields. and for creating projects like innovative prototypes of tech- 131

78 The key innovation of this sequence, then, is the explicit nology, integrated into the lesson (Felder, 2012; Larson and 132

79 connection of engineering concepts with the cognitive levels Lockee, 2014). A review of the aforementioned textbooks (i.e., 133

80 suggested by Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in the implementa- Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer and Introduction to Fluid 134

81 tion of the course materials (Arce and Schreiber, 2004; Bloom Mechanics) used in traditional engineering disciplines, as well 135

82 and Krathwohl, 1956). Subsequently, these elements allow as other textbooks, like Statistics for Engineers and Scientists used 136

83 SISA to transform tradition classroom spaces by promot- in statistics courses (Navidi, 2015), confirms this point. 137

84 ing active and collaborative learning, both learner-centered Effectively, this focus on the lower cognitive levels of 138

85 approaches that foster adaptive expertise (i.e., creatively uti- the taxonomy limits student learning and does not advance 139

86 lizing available resources in various situations) and effective students to the cognitive skills (e.g., analyzing, evaluating, 140

87 self-learning habits (i.e., connecting concepts from previous creating) necessary to become a 2020 engineer (i.e., critical 141

88 courses and other disciplines) in students (Arce et al., 2015; thinker, creativity, innovation) (Krathwohl, 2002; NAE, 2005; 142

89 Larson and Lockee, 2014; Schunk, 2014). Phase, 2005). However, an expanded sequence to help stu- 143

90 In our presentation of SISA as a transformational learning dents understand complex engineering concepts in a way 144

91 tool, we map out the inspiration, creation, and imple- that allows them to progress cognitively with each presented 145

92 mentation of this pedagogical technique. Subsequently we element, as outlined by Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, and be 146

93 accomplish this by splitting the paper into three central parts. prepared to reach the higher level of cognitive thinking has 147

94 The first part of this paper is primarily theoretical and outlines yet to be developed pedagogically (Phase, 2005). Effectively, 148

95 the motivation behind the creation of SISA as well as the ped- only some elements appear to exist in the current litera- 149

96 agogical theories that helped develop the learning technique. ture, scattered throughout traditional textbooks (Bird et al., 150

97 Also, we further explicate how SISA expands on the traditional 2007; Geankoplis, 2003; Whitaker, 1992). Furthermore, these 151

98 notions of teaching STEM, in particular, engineering concepts. elements seem to be disconnected to the logical, more rigor- 152

ous, calculus-based sequence which is necessary for achieving 153

the proper level of mastery in essential subjects within engi- 154

SISA can be adapted to other calculations such as temperature neering and STEM (Krathwohl, 2002). Ultimately, SISA was 155

and concentrations profiles. These will be subject matters of future created as a response to these pedagogical gaps left by the 156

communications. extant teaching literature in the field (Felder, 2012). For the 157

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx 3

158 engineering/STEM contexts, SISA is therefore valuable 2008; Vosniadou, 2003). Moreover, as SISA is generally flexible 222

159 because of its adaptability as a pedagogical sequence that can and applicable to different learning environments, its active 223

160 be applied to various, complex concepts by simply combining and collaborative nature will effectively enhance students’ 224

161 disconnected elements already in the curricula into a logical, learning values such as critical thinking, innovation, diver- 225

162 accessible guideline that helps students reach mastery levels sity of proposed solutions, and other similar characteristics of 226

163 of learning. students’ high performance-style (Felder, 2006; Prince, 2004; 227

164 In accordance, in an effort to address the demands of an Prince and Felder, 2006). Stemming from these characteris- 228

165 ever-changing engineering field, SISA also integrates student- tics, SISA promotes higher student engagement that assists in 229

166 based learning approaches into the pedagogy. Specifically, increasing overall student participation in any classroom envi- 230

167 there are two characteristics promoted by the learning-based ronment, which ultimately leads to improved self-learning 231

168 approaches that are highlighted in the SISA model: (1) active skills. Furthermore, SISA as a building block methodology pro- 232

169 and collaborative learning, and (2) the pedagogical concept vides a helpful guideline for the future professional career of 233

170 relating to the integrative-based principle. Active and collabo- the graduating engineer. From the instructor viewpoint, SISA 234

171 rative learning techniques require students to be engaged and represents a solid blueprint for the syllabus design based on 235

172 be responsible for the mastering of course concepts related criterion 3 (a–k) from the Accreditation Board for Engineering 236

173 to a given subject (Schwartz et al., 2005). By adopting the SISA and Technology (ABET) for accrediting engineering programs 237

174 technique, instructors will offer to the student, i.e. the appren- (ABET, 2012).2 Finally, SISA also brings a common language and 238

175 tice, a road map on how to achieve a mastery level of learning framework to both students and instructors in the learning 239

176 complex concepts that will lead to a degree of preparedness for of new material (knowledge acquisition) and the application 240

177 tackling engineering challenges introduced either within the of such material (knowledge transfer) to the solutions of new 241

178 same course or in their overall academic experience. SISA also challenges (Arce and Schreiber, 2004). 242

179 motivates a constant communication and discussion of these

180 concepts with members of the class, discussion with instruc- 2.2. Pedagogical theories: connection of SISA to 243
181 tor/s, and the consultation of notes from previous courses. For Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy 244
182 instance, once a fluid mechanic challenge has been presented
183 to students (Roselli and Diller, 2011; Schwartz et al., 2005), Effectively, two pedagogical frameworks inspired the creation 245
184 e.g. the calculation of a hydrodynamic-based velocity profile, of SISA: the instructivist and constructivist models of learning. 246
185 SISA helps students efficiently implement the following steps: The difference between these methods begins with the way 247
186 (a) the detection of the starting point, (b) the construction of that knowledge is conceptualized and this, in turn, impacts 248
187 a suitable or proper sequence of steps in order to achieve a how that knowledge is taught. For instructivists, knowledge 249
188 solution to the given task, and (c) the correct tools to build is objective and absolute, whereas for constructivists knowl- 250
189 additional knowledge related to the lesson. In consequence, edge is not absolute, but individually and socially constructed 251
190 when SISA is applied, the elements of active and collaborative- (Larson and Lockee, 2014). Thus, when it comes to teaching, 252
191 learning used in the approach enhance students’ level of instructivist methods are more systematic, structured, and 253
192 proficiency in a given subject (Martinez-Mediano and Lord, organized, where, in contrast, lessons based on constructivst 254
193 2012). approaches tend to be more flexible, embedded in experien- 255
194 Moreover, SISA takes into account the integrative-based tial learning, or problem solving contexts (Larson and Lockee, 256
195 principle, as stated by Vosniadou (2003): “new knowledge is 2014). Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, for example, was created 257
196 constructed on the basis of what is already understood and based on the fundamental cognitive and behaviorist notions 258
197 believed” (p. 12). Vosniadou (2003) also explains that, “. . .when guiding instructivist approaches to learning (Anderson and 259
198 something is understood, it is not forgotten easily and it can be Krathwohl, 2000; Larson and Lockee, 2014). 260
199 transferred to other situations,” implying that students have Arguably, both learning methodologies are valuable within 261
200 (possibly) achieved mastery of the concept (p. 20). Cognitively, an engineering context where key concepts can be system- 262
201 SISA utilizes students’ previous knowledge (i.e. geometry, ized, however students are also encouraged to build on that 263
202 physics, calculus, differential equations, inter alia) to assist information and create new knowledge. Effectively, as SISA is 264
203 them in building an effective and efficient path to obtain anchored in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy this pedagogical tool 265
204 the correct calculations concerning intricate engineering con- is inspired primarily by instructivist approaches to learning. 266
205 cepts (e.g., hydrodynamic velocity profile for any viscous flow However, SISA is meant to be applied in a constructivist learn- 267
206 case). Furthermore, SISA (as a “building block” methodol- ing environment where students are ultimately encouraged to 268
207 ogy) provides valuable, learning objectives and guidelines that work with one another to create new knowledge (e.g., a pro- 269
208 students can apply to various contexts within their future pro- totype of innovative technology). Thus, although SISA itself 270
209 fessional career. does not reach the last level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy 271
210 In addition to these foundational pedagogical implications, (i.e., creating, see Fig. 1), it expands how previous engineering 272
211 SISA brings various important benefits to both the students pedagogy has integrated the taxonomy by explicitly incor- 273
212 and the instructors that lead to enhancing students’ skills porating two higher level thinking elements (i.e., analyzing 274
213 in several types of classroom and extracurricular settings. and evaluating) into the systematic way of learning funda- 275
214 These outcomes are important for the successful engineer in mental engineering concepts (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2000; 276
215 today’s changeable workforce because they allow students to Larson and Lockee, 2014). This integration provides a path for 277
216 use specific skill sets engendered by the SISA model to become
217 adaptable innovators in various types of environments. For
218 example, since SISA’s pedagogical foundations are sequential 2
ABET suggests guidelines for accrediting engineering and tech-
219 and integrative, it allows students to avoid misconceptions nology programs that include several criteria. Criteria a–k include
220 and false beliefs throughout their learning process and over- characteristics of lifelong learning and proficiency of engineering
221 all academic career in the engineering field (Streveler et al., principles to be mastered by the student.

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
4 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

adapts Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to fit the pedagogical objec- 306

tives for mastery learning. This instructive method is further 307

supported by the scholarly observations clearly stated by sev- 308

eral authors including Prince and Felder (2006), Wankat (2002), 309

Mazher (2002), and Silverstein and Osei-Prempeh (2010) that 310

have worked on successful pedagogical approaches based on 311

the inductive method of teaching (Clements, 1979). Thus, by 312

incorporating Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, the creators of SISA 313

were, in addition to satisfying curriculum needs, attempting 314

to link the technical content of each course on effective 315

pedagogical methodologies to improve students’ motivation, 316

retention, and understanding. 317

Tables 1 and 2 outline how SISA connects fundamental 318

engineering concepts with the cognitive levels of Bloom’s 319

Revised Taxonomy. Whereas Table 1 is an integration (a simple 320

process descriptor) of the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy cogni- 321

tive levels with a description of the fundamental SISA steps, 322

Table 2 outlines the learning objectives for each SISA step as 323

it is applied in a lesson plan for finding the hydrodynamic 324

velocity profile within an engineering fluid mechanics course. 325

Both tables are designed to be pedagogically friendly and 326

Q7 Fig. 1 – Adapted Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy.
complementary to one another for the introduction and 327

implementation of SISA to both students and instructors. As 328

278 students to bridge what they have learned at the “Foundations mentioned, the engineering innovation process starts by rec- 329

279 for Learning” (remembering, understanding, and applying; see ognizing essential technical tools and connecting new and 330

280 Fig. 1) levels toward the higher cognitive levels (analyzing, previous knowledge. These two concepts are well represented 331

281 evaluating, and creating; see Fig. 1) as outlined by Bloom’s at the first two levels of the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy where 332

282 Revised Taxonomy. Moreover, by taking students past the students learn the material (e.g., remembering and under- 333

283 lower cognitive levels of the taxonomy into the higher levels, standing) (Krathwohl, 2002). Once they have reached those 334

284 SISA is essentially better preparing students to enter into the rudimentary levels, they are prepared to do practical activi- 335

285 last phase of the taxonomy, creating (Larson and Lockee, 2014; ties or experiments which connect to the next two cognitive 336

286 Schunk, 2014). levels of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy: applying and analyzing. 337

287 To clarify, in order to achieve mastery learning, stu- The application and analysis levels are developed through 338

288 dents must go through different cognitive levels such as the the student’s realization of how effective or/and efficient the 339

289 ones proposed by Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Effectively, the hands-on activities of these levels are at completing certain 340

290 necessary knowledge to perform at the last level of the taxon- challenges. At this point, students have reached the final two 341

291 omy (i.e. creating) must be acquired. The revised taxonomy and more complex learning levels of the taxonomy – evaluat- 342

292 (Fig. 1) is a sequential approach that presents six cogni- ing and creating. It is at this stage that students are able to 343

293 tive domain levels: remembering, understanding, applying, develop technological or theoretical innovations. Thus, SISA 344

294 analyzing, evaluating, and creating (Anderson et al., 2001; is anchored on the first five pedagogical levels of the Bloom’s 345

295 Krathwohl, 2002). In effect, this taxonomy was chosen due to Revised Taxonomy (i.e. remembering – evaluating) in an effort 346

296 its similarity with various engineering processes, where each to prepare students for the final and most cognitively demand- 347

297 previous piece of acquired knowledge constitutes an impor- ing level (i.e. creating). When students have reached this final 348

298 tant ‘block’ for learning and development. Bloom’s Revised level, they are capable of transferring their acquired knowl- 349

299 Taxonomy has, for this reason, been commonly applied to edge to create new innovations (see Section 4.1) (Arce, 2014; 350

300 design and develop curricula, learning objectives and assess- Arce et al., 2015). 351

301 ment tools (Starr et al., 2008). In accordance, SISA integrates Again, this systematic approach of integrating Bloom’s 352

302 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to the design and execution of core Revised Taxonomy is meant to be applied in a collaborative 353

303 engineering courses, specifically within the chemical engi- learning space that incorporate constructivist approaches to 354

304 neering context. In particular, SISA was developed utilizing learning that encourages the creation of new knowledge (e.g. 355

305 the sequential approach as its foundation, which effectively prototypes of innovative technology). As mentioned above, 356

Table 1 – SISA: steps and process descriptors.

Step SISA process descriptor

(a) Remembering – Remembering different types of geometry in order to describe the control domain
(b) Understanding – Understanding the coordinate system in order to select and anchor the proper reference system to the control domain
(c) Applying – Applying the proper kinematics of the flow by observing the system and suggesting the scalar components of the velocity
(d) Analyzing (Kinematics) – Analyzing and characterizing the flow conditions of the system: Incompressible, type of driving forces,
isothermal conditions, etc.
(e) Analyzing (Momentum) – Analyzing the suitable conservation of momentum equation with the appropriate selected boundary
conditions in order to compute the velocity profile
(f) Evaluating – Evaluating and validating the velocity profile for consistency

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2 – SISA learning objectives.

Overall SISA objective:
After completing the six steps in the Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA), students enrolled in the undergraduate fluid mechanics
course will be able to integrate and build upon various concepts from other courses to obtain velocity profiles while conceptually linking these
pedagogical steps to the cognitive levels of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy.

Outcomes Strategies Assessments

(Written for instructor and (Written for (Written for
students) instructor) students)

(1.0) As part of the first step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy level remembering, students enrolled in the course will. . .

(1.1) Work in small groups to select and Encourages seeking, making sense of, and (1.1) To complete this step, within your
describe the system geometry fitting with sharing information about different geometry of group, you must arrive at a consensus of
the problem to solve. Specifically, student systems. what will be a suitable geometry to
groups are asked to calculate the describe the rectangular domain.
hydrodynamic velocity profile in a Effectively you will need to remember
rectangular domain (see image below). specific details of this geometry
Student groups are given a concrete associated with the problem.
example of the system to compute the Also, using guided discovery processes through
velocity profile and are asked to remember interaction with peers by highlighting
concepts from previous courses about similarities and differences between the various
geometry of the systems. geometries and coordinate systems.
Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of remembering
and helps students to link cognitive level to
lesson plan.
Details: Details: Details:
Instructivist learning; cognitive; SISA step Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
(a), Table 1 instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach

(2.0) As part of the second step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy level understanding, students enrolled in the course will. . .

(2.1) Work within small groups to select Facilitates an understanding of the different (2.1) To complete this step, within your
the proper coordinate system and anchor situations associated with flow systems in groups, you must arrive at a consensus of
it to the geometrical domain identified in different geometries and how these what will be a suitable coordinate system.
learning objective (1.0). Student is still characteristics may impact the calculation of the In order to properly select the coordinate
using a concrete example to calculate the hydrodynamic velocity profile. system, you need to demonstrate an
hydrodynamic velocity profile in a understanding of key assumptions related
rectangular domain (see image below). to the system. These include, for
However, they will need to develop an example, symmetry of the system,
understanding of key characteristics of the direction and flow, etc.
domain including: long channel
approximation, no losses, horizontal flow,
constant density, symmetry, etc.
Guiding discovery processes through
encouraging interactions with peers and
exploring various concepts to develop a deeper
understanding of coordinate system
Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of
understanding and helps students to link
cognitive level to lesson plan.
Details: Details: Details:
Instructivist learning; cognitive; SISA step Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
(b), Table 1 instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach

(3.0) As part of the third step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy level applying, students enrolled in the course will. . .

(3.1) Work in small groups to propose the Managing cognitive load by presenting students (3.1) To complete this step, within your
kinematics of the flow. Student groups with information in a way that will assist with groups, you must arrive at a consensus
will be asked to specify the scalar understanding and recall. about the suitable scalar components for
components of the velocity field by the hydrodynamic velocity field of the
applying the information obtained in system under analysis. For example, you
learning objectives (1.0) and (2.0) to the Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of applying and must identify which of these components
flow within the rectangular domain. helps students link this cognitive level to lesson will be equal to zero and which will be
plan and previous learning objectives. non-equal to zero. You need to
Encourages student interaction through group demonstrate a commanding application of
work. the assumptions that you gathered in the
Facilitate the use of different resources available previous learning objectives.
to the student by encouraging exploration of
 f (vx , vy , vz )
V ideas, resources, and interactions.
vx = / 0
vy = vz = 0
p0 > p1 > p2 > · · · > pn

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
6 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

– Table 2 (Continued)
(2.0) As part of the second step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy level understanding, students enrolled in the course will. . .

Details: Details: Details:

Instructivist learning; cognitive; SISA step Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
(c), Table 1 instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach

(4.0) As part of the fourth step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, analyzing, students enrolled in the course will. . .

(4.1) Within small groups to characterize Encourages seeking, making sense of, and (4.1) To complete this step, within your
the flow conditions within a rectangular analyzing information. groups, you must arrive at a consensus
domain (see image below). Student about the characteristics of the flow
groups will be asked to analyze different conditions within a rectangular domain.
type of flow (i.e., incompressible or In particular, you must identify different
compressible flow), driving forces, types of flow and the conditions under
Kinematics, and specific conditions. The which they prevail. You need to
information obtained in learning demonstrate a commanding level of
objectives (1.0), (2.0) and (3.0) should be analysis of all the parameters and
incorporated in this analysis. conditions that determine the different
Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of applying and type of flow.
helps students link this cognitive level to lesson
plan and previous learning objectives.
Encourages student interaction through group
Facilitate the use of different resources available
to the student by encouraging exploration of
ideas, resources, and interactions.
Details: Details: Details:
Instructivist learning; cognitive; Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
intellectual skills – concepts and instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach
higher-order rules); SISA step (d), Table 1

(4.2) Within small groups, analyze the Encourages seeking, making sense of, and (4.2) To complete this step, within your
conservation of momentum using the analyzing information. groups, you must arrive at a consensus
equation below by also relating all the about the suitable equation for the
previous assumptions and conditions conservation of momentum in the
acting on the system within a rectangular rectangular domain. In particular, you

domain.  must select appropriate boundary
 ∂v∂t + v · ∇v = conditions for this equation. You need to
T Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of applying and demonstrate a commanding level of
−∇p + ∇ · ( · (∇v + (∇v) )) + ∇(∇ · v) + g
Within these groups, students will also helps students link this cognitive level to lesson analysis of the different driving forces,
select appropriate boundary conditions to plan and previous learning objectives. implication of the kinematics, and type of
achieve the goal of the learning session: Encourages student interaction through group flow.
obtaining and analyzing the velocity work.
profile (see equation below). Facilitate the use of different resources available
1 ∂p 2 to the student by encouraging exploration of
vx = 2 ∂x y + C1 y + C2
ideas, resources, and interactions.
Details: Details: Details:
Instructivist learning; cognitive; Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
intellectual skills – concepts and instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach
higher-order rules); SISA step (d), Table 1

(5.0) As part of the fifth step in SISA, anchored to the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, evaluating, students enrolled in the course will. . .

(5.1) Work within small group to evaluate Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of evaluating (5.1) After calculating the velocity profile
the feasibility of the equation obtained in and helps students link this cognitive level to in learning objective (4.2), you will work
learning objective (4.2) of being the lesson plan and previous learning objectives. within your group to evaluate whether or
appropriate velocity profile, in this case, a not this is the most feasible velocity
parabolic profile, for the rectangular profile. Within your group, you should
domain (see image below). arrive at the conclusion that the parabolic
Encourages student interaction through group profile is indeed the correct profile for this
work and exploration of information. activity.
Facilitate the use of different resources available
to the student by encouraging exploration of
ideas, resources, and interactions.
Details: Details: Details:
Instructivist learning; cognitive; Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
intellectual skills – concepts and instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach
higher-order rules); SISA step (e), Table 1

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx 7

– Table 2 (Continued)
(6.0) After completing all five SISA steps, the lesson will expand the applicability of the previous learning objectives (1.0–5.0) toward the highest
level of the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, creating, by. . .

(6.1) Working within small groups to Introduces Bloom’s Revised Level of creating and (6.1) To complete this step, you will work
identify practical flow situations that are helps students link this cognitive level to lesson within your group to create an engineering
relevant for workforce application. Ideally, plan and previous learning objectives. challenge that can be addressed based on
this situation will be different than a Introducing the concept of transfer of knowledge the knowledge you have acquired in the
rectangular domain case. Effectively, which is a critical aspect of the creating process previous learning objectives. You are
students are creating engineering in engineering application (Tíjaro-Rojas et al., specifically asked to identify practical
challenges that can be addressed based 2016). flow situations that are relevant for
on the knowledge they have acquired in Encourages student interaction through group workforce application. This will be
the previous learning objectives. work and exploration of information. different than a rectangular domain case.
Facilitate the use of different resources available
to the student by encouraging exploration of
ideas, resources, and interactions
Details: Details: Details:
Constructivist learning; cognitive; Learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, Non-traditional – discussion and team
intellectual skills – concepts and instructor-to-learner, synchronous based approach
higher-order rules)

357 within this framework it can be presumed that prior to reach- have not been integrated into a pedagogical learning sequence 396

358 ing this mastery level the necessary knowledge to perform as it developed in SISA. This is precisely the issue and ped- 397

359 effectively at the last level of the taxonomy (i.e. creating) must agogical gap we are trying to address with this pedagogical 398

360 be acquired. This final step concerns the transfer of knowl- technique. Moreover, as this sequence encourages active and 399

361 edge, where students may apply acquired concepts to a wide collaborative learning, students are constantly being exposed 400

362 variety of particular cases according to their own interest to the purpose and reasoning for the step being introduced 401

363 (Fig. 1). Effectively, this step leads to the creation of tech- into the lesson plan. To clarify, students are also being taught 402

364 nological innovations that are focused on solving societal the phases of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and the rationale 403

365 problems. Thus, the preceding levels related to the taxon- behind building that knowledge to reach the higher cognitive 404

366 omy (i.e. remembering – evaluating) are associated with the levels of learning (see Tables 1 and 2). Effectively, the applica- 405

367 acquisition of knowledge whereas the last step (i.e. creating) tion process contains a series of steps that, when applied from 406

368 is connected with the transfer of knowledge (Arce, 2014; Arce the beginning of the series to the end, brings an efficient path 407

369 et al., 2015). to solve the viscous flow problem toward the computation of 408

370 To summarize, as it is generally observed in an inductive the associated velocity profile. Such a series helps students to 409

371 approach, each SISA step matches a cognitive level of the organize the use of concepts (e.g. geometry, coordinate sys- 410

372 Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy in increasing complexity (Ambrose tems, domains, etc.) and optimize the resources available (e.g. 411

373 et al., 2010; Brent and Felder, 2012; Felder and Brent, 2004). calculus, physics, etc.) without losing focus on the desired 412

374 Furthermore, each one of these steps requires the student to results. 413

375 connect with a variety of concepts and tools that they have
376 used during previous learning experiences; this characteristic
377 leads to an effective, integrative approach among conceptual 3.2. SISA and the computation of velocity profiles 414

378 knowledge acquired in courses of a given curriculum. Finally, (suggested protocol) 415

379 creative qualities (e.g., effective resource allocation, knowl-

380 edge building, and critical thinking) are fostered by SISA and As mentioned, SISA is principally focused on closing the gap 416

381 become useful skills that students will exhibit after they have between traditional engineering pedagogy, which would end 417

382 been exposed to the use of this particular learning tool. In the lesson at the lower levels of the taxonomy, by integrat- 418

383 effect, these are also skills that are welcomed by the engi- ing two of the higher levels of the taxonomy directly into 419

384 neering profession and other societal sectors (e.g., health, the lesson plan (Bird et al., 2007; Geankoplis, 2003; Whitaker, 420

385 education, and technology), which face financial, material, or 1992). Thus, SISA is primarily focused on building the nec- 421

Q5 other resource challenges (Felder, 2012; NAE, 2006).

386 essary acquisition of knowledge to better prepare students 422

for effectively transferring this knowledge in level six of this 423

taxonomy. 424
3. Part II – SISA: a sequential, pedagogical, In this section, the subtitles of each paragraph represent, in 425
and integrative tool for courses ascending order, the first five levels of Bloom’s Revised Taxon- 426

omy followed by the corresponding SISA step (a–f) presented 427

387 3.1. Description of SISA as a sequence of steps in Table 1. The last step of the revised taxonomy (i.e. creat- 428

ing) constitutes what is considered the transfer of knowledge 429

388 SISA is a very general procedure to acquire and transfer beyond the SISA sequence. This is where the instructor would 430

389 knowledge in a number of transport phenomena problems leave this primarily instructivist approach and integrate ele- 431

390 (e.g. computation of temperature profile, concentration pro- ments of a constructivist learning environment into the lesson 432

391 file, etc.); however, this contribution specifically focuses on plan (Larson and Lockee, 2014). This is illustrated in Table 2, 433

392 hydrodynamic flow problems, in particular we use SISA to learning objective 6.1 (see Section 3.3). To clarify, based on 434

393 describe the computation of the hydrodynamic velocity pro- the SISA steps described in Table 1, Table 2 was constructed 435

394 file for a viscous flow problem. Similar steps are listed in to explicitly identify the Learning Objectives and pedagogical 436

395 fluid mechanics textbooks (e.g. Schowalter, 1978) however they strategies related to each step. Therefore, because such detail 437

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
8 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

438 is provided in Table 2, only key observations associated with acquired in other courses and now enables the successful 492

439 these steps are provided in the following sections. transfer to the analysis of viscous flow. 493

The next SISA step, (e) in Table 1 (also see Learning 494

440 3.2.1. Remembering – Level 1, step (a) Objective 4.2 in Table 2), involves the identification of the 495

441 After a challenge for the calculation of the velocity profile different driving forces and, therefore, concepts related to lin- 496

442 has been identified, students following the SISA methodology ear momentum conservation are brought into the analysis. In 497

443 remember different types of geometry in order to describe the addition, the use of the kinematics information in the linear 498

444 control domain. This step, indicated by (a) in Table 1 (also see momentum conservation equation becomes both integrated 499

445 Learning Objective 1.0 in Table 2), involves the identification into the SISA and useful in a systematic simplification of this 500

446 and recollection of the proper/suitable geometry of the sys- equation.4 501

447 tem or domain. In the case that the system geometry is not
448 well defined, the student should carefully make assumptions 3.2.5. Analyzing (momentum) – Level 4, step (e) 502

449 leading to a selection that closely describes the system. For The next step that the students must make is the identifica- 503

450 courses in the undergraduate curriculum the most commonly tion of the type of fluid (Newtonian, non-Newtonian), where, 504

451 used geometries include rectangular, cylindrical, and spher- for example, Bird et al. (2007) will lead to the selection of the 505

452 ical; however, in real life applications many others may be proper linear momentum conservation equation.5 The use of 506

453 necessary for an accurate computation of the velocity profile. the information at hand (obtained in the previous SISA steps) 507

will lead to a simplified Navier–Stokes equation (also known 508

as the engineering equation) for the case of Newtonian flu- 509

454 3.2.2. Understanding – Level 2, step (b)
ids (Cerro et al., 2005). Students are coached to start with the 510
455 Following the completion of the first step, the student focuses
component of the Navier–Stokes equation that corresponds to 511
456 on step (b) in Table 1 (also see Learning Objective 2.0 in Table 2),
the direction of the flow; the other components will be useful 512
457 which entails the comprehension of the coordinate system in
as secondary sources of information when the integration of 513
458 order to select the proper reference system that captures the
the engineering equation takes place.6 In order to complete 514
459 domain’s symmetry. Next, such a system’s origin is anchored
this step, the students must provide the appropriate bound- 515
460 to the control domain. If the objective is to obtain a velocity
ary conditions suitable for the flow system under analysis; 516
461 profile, rather than a streamline function, then an Eulerian
this is necessary in order to solve the engineering equation 517
462 coordinate system must be chosen (Batchelor, 1954; Whitaker,
to obtain the hydrodynamic velocity profile. Typically, for all 518
463 1992). With the aim of completing this step, the student also
the cases in the (Chemical) Engineering Momentum Transfer 519
464 must characterize the control domain (i.e. whether or not it is
courses observed, the no-slip boundary conditions are suitable 520
465 isothermal, adiabatic, isotropic, etc.).3
for the engineering equation (Whitaker, 1992). 521

466 3.2.3. Applying – Level 3, step (c)

3.2.6. Evaluating – Level 5, step (f) 522
467 The next step in the SISA sequence, (c) in Table 1 (also see
The last SISA step (step (f) in Table 1 and Learning Objec- 523
468 Learning Objective 3.0 in Table 2), is to apply the kinemat-
tive 5.0 in Table 2) deals with the evaluation and validation 524
469 ics of the flow within the control domain. Usually this can be
of the velocity profile obtained in the previous step. This 525
470 achieved by observing the system and identifying the direc-
might include the verification of the engineering equation 526
471 tion(s) where the flow takes place. This observation will lead
and its boundary conditions by this profile and, in addition, 527
472 to the identification of which are the scalar components of
the proper qualitative mathematical shape (i.e. parabolic, lin- 528
473 the velocity field equal to zero for the case under analysis and
ear function, etc.). Once the hydrodynamic velocity profile is 529
474 which ones are not.
determined and validated, numerous pieces of information 530

can be extracted; among them, the value of the shear stress of 531
475 3.2.4. Analyzing (kinematics) – Level 4, step (d) the fluid as a function of the position, the value of the maxi- 532
476 The analysis related to the kinematics of flow is complete with mum velocity, and the flow rate are typical examples. 533
477 the characterization of the type of flow present in the system,
478 such as whether or not the flow is incompressible (see (d) in 3.2.7. Creating – Level 6 534
479 Table 1 and also Learning Objective 4.0 in Table 2). For this At this level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (see Learning Objec- 535
480 particular situation the velocity profile must satisfy the con- tive 6.0 in Table 2), students are assumed to have reached 536
481 dition ∇ · v̄ = 0 (Bird et al., 2007; Golbayani et al., 2011). Using
a mastery level related to the computation of the velocity 537
482 the kinematics of the flow in the incompressible flow condi- profile (for the case under analysis). Therefore, if they are 538
483 tion leads to constraints that the hydrodynamics must satisfy. faced with a new challenge related to the utilization of the 539
484 Students are usually surprised to find a restriction on the velocity velocity profile, they should be able to transfer the knowledge 540
485 profile resulting from the conservation of total mass.
486 Steps (a–d) identified in Table 1 (also see Learning Objective
487 4.1 in Table 2) involve no concepts related to linear momen- 4
The most general conservation equation for viscous flows is
488 tum conservation. Only geometrical, vector-based calculus given by the Cauchy equation of linear momentum conservation
489 and conservation of total mass have been used. This is a great where the stress tensor for the viscous effect is given in general
490 revelation for student trainees and also helps to clarify many terms and without the constitutive rheological equation.
491 confusing concepts related to the role of previous knowledge For the cases of the viscous flow examples useful for the
chemical engineering courses where SISA has been applied, all of
them fall into the category of Newtonian fluids; this leads to the
Navier–Stokes equations.
3 6
Most of the problems related to the chemical engineering For example, these components could be an excellent help in
courses where SISA was applied were under isothermal order to determine whether or not the pressure gradient is a
conditions. function of spatial variables.

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx 9

541 hitherto acquired to address this challenge and potentially population in order to help to statistically support the veracity 589

542 create a new technology.7 of these previous claims as well as highlight details previously 590

overlooked by the aforementioned data. 591

543 3.3. Example of application: more on SISA’s learning For this study, two cross-sectional samples were collected: 592

544 objectives one from Spring 2012, consisting of 33 students, and another 593

from Spring 2014, consisting of 59 students. A purposeful 594

545 As indicated above, Table 2 helps to connect the SISA steps sampling method was utilized focusing on two fundamen- 595

546 with their respective learning objectives. Moreover, Table 2 tal characteristics of the population (Babbie, 2008). The first 596

547 was designed to provide guidelines and illustrate how SISA can characteristic was that students, at the junior level, were the 597

548 be effectively converted into a lesson plan for a given course. primary units of analysis because this is to whom SISA is 598

549 Furthermore, to facilitate pedagogical planning, it was envi- directed at assisting. The second was that these students were 599

550 sioned that Tables 1 and 2 could be used simultaneously to actively registered for the fluid mechanics courses that had a 600

551 provide instructor flexibility in the design of the lesson plan team problem-based project (prototype) required during their 601

552 for the course. semesters under study (i.e., the constructivist learning envi- 602

553 For this paper, Table 2 illustrates the application of SISA to ronment for which SISA prepares students). This population 603

554 design a lesson plan that guides students in the calculation was selected because of the class content (fluid mechanics) 604

555 of the hydrodynamic velocity profile for viscous flows within and because their experience with the team problem-based 605

556 a fluid mechanics course. In this lesson plan, students are project would allow us to explore and therefore have a better 606

557 exposed to the different cases of elementary viscous flows, i.e., understanding of the students’ perceptions and their perfor- 607

558 Couette, Poiseuille and Stokes. Table 2 sketches the Poiseuille mance in the application of the methodology to a specific case. 608

559 case in a rectangular geometry with fixed walls and pressure A survey approach, or standardized questionnaire, was the 609

560 gradient in the horizontal direction (x), representing the driv- selected primary method of data collection for this study. 610

561 ing force present in the fluid. Although this example only A survey allowed us the flexibility to design and construct 611

562 shows one application, by changing Learning Objectives 5.0 the questions tailoring them to our exploratory inquiries 612

563 and 6.0 in Table 2 (steps (e) and (f) in Table 1) within the while providing a strong reliability factor due to its unifor- 613

564 methodology, it can be applied to any case. For instance, in mity in what was being asked and how it was asked (Babbie, 614

565 Learning Objective 5.0 (Table 2; step (e) in Table 1) instead 2008). This was a researcher-administered survey totaling 615

566 of using the linear momentum conservation principle, the nine questions which was given to students enrolled in the 616

567 energy conservation principle can be applied. Then, the flow fluid mechanics course at the end of the aforementioned 617

568 to be calculated is the energy flow, and the profile mentioned terms (Table 3). Questions 1–4 were structured as simple, 618

569 in Learning Objective 6.0 (Table 2; step (f) in Table 1) will be close-ended, yes/no response inquiries targeted at collecting 619

570 based on temperature changes instead of velocity. background information from the population. Questions 5–9 620

were modified Likert scale questions organized in a matrix 621

4. Part III – Exploratory study question format. Four answer options were available from 622

strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (4). For the purpose 623

571 4.1. SISA in CHE transfer science I of this analysis, these responses were combined into two 624

categories (positive response and negative response) and mea- 625

572 Preliminary versions of SISA have been applied in different sured in overall percentage. 626

573 courses in chemical engineering departments at two large, With regards to the reliability and validity of this survey 627

574 four-year, U.S., Southeastern universities; however, the cur- instrument, prior to the survey being administered, the con- 628

575 rent version was used and assessed for the first time during tent, or face, validity of this survey was informally evaluated 629

576 the Spring 2012 semester in a junior level fluid mechanics (Babbie, 2008). A draft was submitted by e-mail to three experts 630

577 course at only one of these institutions.8 Throughout the on fluid mechanics, engineering education, and statistics; the 631

578 implementation of these preliminary versions of SISA, obser- expert panel concurred that the survey appeared to measure 632

579 vational and rudimentary data were collected in the form of what it was designed to measure. Moreover, specific questions 633

580 basic assessments, interviews with students, and feedback within the survey offered some assurance of construct valid- 634

581 received from engineers in the work force, inter alia. Over- ity (i.e. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9) because they were uniform and ensured 635

582 all, these prior data indicated a favorable acceptance of SISA that logically, if one is an affirmative response, the others 636

583 as a useful tool for learning by students. Subsequently, the should also be affirmative (Babbie, 2008). It must be mentioned 637

584 purpose of this current exploratory study was thus to further that this study is limited in the rigor traditionally associated 638

585 expand what previous observational and preliminary data col- with experimental designs, and thus the conclusions cannot 639

586 lection regarding SISA suggested. Further, by conducting an explain any causal inferences (Babbie, 2008); however, at the 640

587 exploratory study designed to target the opinions of students, same time, it must be clarified that finding causal inferences is 641

588 preliminary descriptive data were collected from SISA’s target not our aim. Rather, through this purposeful design, the main 642

objective of this study was to descriptively measure the effi- 643

cacy of SISA in students’ understanding of calculating velocity 644

The co-authors in the courses where SISA has been profiles. As such, using two, cross-sectional samples to gather 645

implemented have required students to build a prototype and data on student opinions provide a feasible platform for con- 646
demonstrate their capability to transfer knowledge associated ducting such a study (Babbie, 2008). 647
with hydrodynamic velocity profile. This, in effect, completes the
utilization of the six levels associated with Bloom’s Revised
4.2. Results of the exploratory study 648
These versions did not include two elements: the pedagogical
mapping that integrated Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and the Tables 3 and 4, as well as Figs. 2–5 present the results of the 649

integrative aspect with different courses was not emphasized. surveys given to Chemical Engineering students in the fluid 650

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
10 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

Table 3 – Exploratory study survey.

Instructions: Questions 1–4 only answer YES or NO.
Statements 5–9 answers are positive and related to a scale where:
1 = strongly agree; 2 = agree; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree

1. Have you received classes in the past explaining about Systematic YESNO
and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) to calculate velocity
2. Did you know how to calculate velocity profiles in any case before? YESNO
3. Have any of the concepts presented by the instructor to calculate YESNO
velocity profiles become clearer to you after this course?
4. Has the instructor asked you to develop one or more scenarios in YESNO
which you construct problems to solve for homework/project?

5. I invested enough studying time in order to get positive results on

my homework/project.

6. I solved the homework/project by myself.

7. After this class was taught, I feel as though I understand the initial
goal of the design (calculate velocity profiles).

8. I have a better perception of my knowledge on this topic after this

course (either on homework or studying by myself).

9. I feel prepared for the work environment if part of my job was

calculating and evaluating velocity profiles in different operations.

Table 4 – Results of survey given to chemical engineering students, spring 2012 and 2014.
# Survey questions 2012 2014

Yes No Yes No

1 Have you received classes in the past explaining 24% (8) 76%(25) 8% (5) 92%(54)
about Systematic and Integrative Sequence
Approach (SISA) to calculate velocity profiles?
2 Before this SISA class, did you know how to 21% (7) 79%(26) 49%(29) 51%(30)
calculate velocity profiles in a systematic way?
3 Have any of the concepts presented by the 55%(18) 45%(15) 88%(52) 12% (7)
instructor become clearer to you after SISA was
4 Has the instructor asked you to develop one or 61%(20) 39%(13) 47%(28) 53%(31)
more scenarios in which you construct problems
to solve for homework?
5 I did invest enough studying time with this type 48%(16) 52%(17) 64%(38) 36%(21)
of procedure in order to get positive results on
my homework.
6 I did solve the homework by myself. 52%(17) 48%(16) 58%(34) 42%(25)
7 After SISA was taught, I did feel as though I 58%(19) 42%(14) 76%(45) 24%(14)
understand the initial goal of the design
(calculate velocity profile).
8 I do have a better perception of my knowledge 52%(17) 48%(16) 73%(43) 27%(16)
on this topic after I applied SISA (either on
homework or studying by myself).
9 I do you feel prepared for the work environment 45%(15) 55%(18) 69%(41) 31%(18)
if part of my job was calculating and evaluating
velocity profiles in different operations.

Fig. 3 – Responses to question three and statement seven.

Fig. 2 – Responses to question two – student knowledge.

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx 11

grade for this effort was 84% in 2012 and, therefore, they at 686

least should recognize the type of problem developed (vali- 687

dating statement 7 responses). Also, 100% of students worked 688

on the homework and prototype project and 84% obtained a 689

good grade on the assignment. Overall, the feedback is quite 690

encouraging and suggests the use of SISA assisted students 691

in their efforts to obtain velocity profiles in viscous flow prob- 692

lems and strengthened the use of effective practices in student 693

learning (Table 4). 694

5. Discussion and implications

Fig. 4 – Responses to statements five and six.
Thus far we have presented an inclusive pedagogical tool 695

that integrates Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. 696

Specifically, the steps associated with the Systematic and Inte- 697

grative Sequence Approach (SISA) introduced in this paper are 698

anchored to the first five levels of the Bloom’s Revised Taxon- 699

omy (i.e. remembering – evaluating) in an attempt to establish 700

the foundation necessary to effectively perform at the high- 701

est cognitive level of this taxonomy (i.e. creating). In other 702

words this sequence purposefully builds students’ acquisi- 703

tion of knowledge to the level needed in order to transfer this 704

knowledge to create innovative prototypes of technology (Arce 705

et al., 2015). Effectively, this tool opens a once closed curtain 706

that had permanently divided the student from the instruc- 707
Fig. 5 – Comparison of student responses to statements
tor domain concerning Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and allows 708
seven, eight, and nine.
students the opportunity to understand and implement activi- 709

ties that develop the higher cognitive levels that this taxonomy 710

651 mechanics course offered by a large U.S. Southeastern uni- identifies. 711

652 versity during Spring 2012 and Spring 2014. Both the table Moreover, the exploratory study highlighted in this work 712

653 and figures displaying the results of the study are included provides preliminary data that support the efficaciousness 713

654 in an effort to provide multiple avenues of interpretation (i.e. of SISA. Specifically, there are two important points to take 714

655 numerically and visually). Whereas Table 3 allows for an over- away from this study. First, the majority of the students 715

656 all numerical comparison of the survey responses, Figs. 2–5 did not have knowledge concerning this type of integrative 716

657 permit a more focalized interpretation of the questions. sequence. This reinforces the point that this metaphorical cur- 717

658 From responses to question 1, it is evident that for most of tain between the student and instructor domain effectively 718

659 the students (76% in 2012 and 92% in 2014) the methodology is exists and was barring students from a concrete connection 719

660 completely novel (Table 4). The responses to question 2 show to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Second, this tool enhances stu- 720

661 that 79% of students in 2012 and 51% in 2014 did not know how dent perception regarding their confidence in their self-guided 721

662 to obtain a velocity profile before SISA was applied (Table 4 and application of SISA. The fact that students that have been 722

663 Fig. 2). When the students were asked whether the concepts exposed to SISA successfully develop a prototype in innova- 723

664 and goals of the learning session became clearer after students tive technology, which requires students to perform well in the 724

665 were incorporated into the SISA pedagogical session (question highest level of the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (i.e., creating), 725

666 3 and statement 7), students’ responses were affirmative: 55% demonstrates that when students understand the full poten- 726

667 and 58% in 2012, and 88% and 76% in 2014, respectively (Table 4 tial of this taxonomy they are also more motivated to obtain 727

668 and Fig. 3). its benefits at the higher levels (Tíjaro-Rojas et al., 2016). More- 728

669 Referring to students’ efforts, the responses to statements over, using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy as a core foundation, 729

670 5 and 6 show half of the class declared they had not invested the principles of learning and the pedagogical techniques of 730

671 enough time studying (48%) and doing related activities by this approach can be adapted to diverse disciplines. 731

672 themselves (52%) during 2012, while the 2014 class displayed The implications of this paper are guided by the inquiry 732

673 an increase in positive responses (64% and 58% respectively) into what is needed in order to address the gap between the 733

674 concerning these statements (Table 4 and Fig. 4). Statements current engineering practice of incorporating Bloom’s Revised 734

675 7–9 inquired about students’ knowledge improvement and Taxonomy just short of reaching the higher levels of cogni- 735

676 confidence about their performance as professionals in the tion, as well as incorporating active student learning in the 736

677 specific topic. The survey provides positive feedback regarding integration of these approaches. A first step to answer this 737

678 the confidence that students have in their abilities to apply the question will be to propose a wider and systematic application 738

679 knowledge acquired using SISA in the future: 58%, 52%, and of this integrative sequence in STEM curricula that effectively 739

680 45% of affirmative answers in 2012 versus 76%, 73%, and 79% connects students to the higher levels of cognitive skills asso- 740

681 in 2014 (Table 4 and Fig. 5). ciated with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. A second step will 741

682 By comparing these results with students’ performance be to propose studies that further assess the hypothesis that 742

683 (based on the team prototype projects and homework results) applying methods such as SISA will potentially contribute to 743

684 some key conclusions can be postulated. For example, every developing students that will be more prepared to create, for 744

685 student submitted their homework on time and the average instance, innovative prototypes of technology. A third step 745

Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
ECE 120 1–13
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),
ECE 120 1–13
12 education for chemical engineers x x x ( 2 0 1 6 ) xxx–xxx

746 includes, as part of future efforts, the quantitative study of DeBoer, J., 2012. The Role of Engineering Skills in Development. 810

747 the pedagogical effects on student learning by comparing tra- ETD Vanderbilt University, Retrieved from http://etd.library. 811

748 ditional approaches to the one described in this contribution. 812
DeBoer.pdf. 813
749 Finally, but no less important, continued reliability and valid-
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Please cite this article in press as: Tíjaro-Rojas, R., et al., A Systematic and Integrative Sequence Approach (SISA) for mastery learning: Anchoring
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Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to student learning. Education for Chemical Engineers (2016),

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