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Hemsley 1

Isabelle Hemsley


Physical Science

12 December 2018

Which Brand of Honey Dissolves the Fastest in Warm Water?

When any type of honey gets mixed in with warm water it will dissolve in seconds. The

warm water has a greater effect on breaking particles down than cold or hot water does..When

someone is mixing honey into their tea there sometimes will stiff be honey at the bottom when they

are done with their drink. I am going to be showing which type of honey is the most efficient when

it comes to mixing it in with other drinks. I thought that if I mix Gunter’s, Nature Nate’s and Sam’s

Choice honey with warm water, then Sam’s Choice honey will dissolve the fastest.

What Does it Mean for Something to Dissolve?

When something dissolves it blends into another substance. (Solutions) When something is

getting dissolved it is broken up into many pieces. It is to merge something with a liquid. (Dissolve)

To dissolve is also called to solute. When something gets dissolved it usually turns a substance into

a liquid. For a liquid to dissolve into another liquid it has to be able to create a non-covalent

interactions with the solvent. (Helmestine)

How Does Temperature Affect the Speed at Which Something Dissolves?

Molecular motion is increased when there is more heat to dissolve something in. (Does) The

substance will gain more kinetic energy when there is more heat. (How) The sulfate becomes less

soluble when the temperature increases. The solvent becomes more effective to smaller parts.

Sulfate becomes less soluble as temperature increases. When dissolving a gas the solute makes it so

it dissolves slower. (Boundless) The temperature can vary depending on what is being dissolved.
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How Does Movement Affect the Speed at Which Something Dissolves?

It helps bond the molecules to become one substance. It helps mix. (Lu) It helps the solute

come together with new solvent. It helps the solvent absorb as much liquid as it can. By stirring the

dissolving time will increase. (Leado) it takes stirring and temperature for something to fully

dissolve. (Croc)

What is Solubility and How is it Measured?

Solubility is the measurement that a substance can get dissolved into another substance.

(Helmestine) The speed of the solubility dissolving depends on what two substances you are mixing

together. (Thoughtco) Solubility is usually measured in grams or kilograms. Solute and soluble are

the two parts that make up solubility. (Gronsoir) The ability to make itself into a solvent would be

solubility. To form a new solution is also considered solubility. A solubility can be any size or but it

has to form a new substance out of two substances. (Mott)

What is Surface Area and How Does it Impact the Speed at Which Something Dissolves?

Surface area is how much space there is in the provided area. It can also be the extra space that is

exposed. (Li) Surface area can break one big substance into little pieces.If you take your substance

and divide it into smaller amounts then it will dissolve much faster then it being in the regular

amount. The new surface area of each of the little molecules get more contact with whatever it is

dissolving in. Sometimes with a big amount of the substance it can sink to the bottom. (CK)

What are Solutes and Solvents?

Solvents are liquids that dissolve in a liquid, solid, or gas. Solutes are substances that get dissolved

into other substances. Both of them mixed together can make up a substance. When you mix them

together there is usually a smaller amount of the solute then the solvent. (Shire) The solvent is the
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substance that does the dissolving. The solute is the one that is being dissolved. (Mohan)

I thought that if I mix Gunter’s, Nature Nate’s and Sam’s Choice honey with warm water,

then Sam’s Choice honey will dissolve the fastest, and I found out that Gunter’s honey dissolves the

fastest. The average of the three honeys was 26.43 (Gunter’s) , 29.25 (Sam's choice) and 33.4

(Nature Nate’s). All three of the honeys had a close dissolving rate. The middle priced honey had

the best results in dissolving. The most expensive honey took the longest out of the three honeys.

Works Cited

Boundless. “Boundless Chemistry.” Lumen Learning, Lumen,
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CK-12 Foundation. “Factors Affecting Solubility.” CK-12 Foundation, CK-12 Foundation, 9 Apr.


Croc, Doc. “How Does Stirring Affect the Rate of Solution Formation? | Socratic.”,

9 June 2014,


“Dissolve.” Women's Rights Dictionary Definition | Women's Rights Defined,

LoveToKnowCorp, 2018,

“Does Temperature Affect Dissolving?” What Is Density? | Chapter 3: Density | Middle School

Chemistry, The American Chemical Society, 2018,

Gonsoir, Kristen. “In What Units Is Solubility Measured?”, Sciencing, 24 Apr.


Helmenstine, Anne Marie, and Helmenstine. “Understand What Solubility Means in Chemistry.”

Helmenstine, Anne Marie. “Dissolve Definition in Chemistry.” Thoughtco., Dotdash, 8 Oct.


“How Does Increased Temperature Affect Rate of Dissolving? .”,,



Leado, Byjus. “3 Ways To Increase Dissolving Rate | Factors and Definition - Byjus.” : Exam

Preparation for CBSE, CAT,GRE, GMAT, JEE, IAS, 22 July 2016,

Li, Meng. “Surface Area and Solubility.” NJIT, 7 June 2017

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Lu, Jue Xi. “Chemistry, Dissolution and Solubility.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience

Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 21 May 2017,

Mohan, Sindhu. “How Does a Solute Differ from a Solvent? | Socratic.”, 22 Mar.


Mott, Vallerie. “Introduction to Chemistry.” Lumen Learning, Lumen,

Shire, Wyong. “Mixtures.” BluePlanet - Science Year 7 and 8 Solutes, Solvents and Solutions,


“Solutions and Dissolving.” About Water Temperature, Global Lab,

Thoughtco., Dotdash, 24 Sept. 2018,

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