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It is important that you scan every document (not every sheet) of your file separately,
in other words, when you have 6 documents you should have 6 attachments to your
application request for the residence permit.

 Give the documents the correct file name. Below you will find the list with the
correct name for each document. Give each document the date (yyyymmdd)
you send your files to us. Some documents require your family name and first
name. Make sure that all documents are saved as a .pdf document.

Example: 20150120_infosheet_Mulligan_Martin

Document Correct name

Non-EU nationals

Passport yyyymmdd_PP_family name_first name

Visa yyyymmdd_Visa_family name_first name

Study certificate yyyymmdd_attest_school

Rental agreement yyyymmdd_huurcontract

Scholarship yyyymmdd_bewijs_studiebeurs

Sponsorship commitment (annex 32) yyyymmdd_verklaring_bestaansmiddelen

Proof of solvency yyyymmdd_verklaring_bestaansmiddelen

Identity information sheet yyyymmdd_infoblad_family name

EU nationals

Passport yyyymmdd_PP_family name_first name

ID card yyyymmdd_IK_family name_first name

Study certificate yyyymmdd_attest_school

European Health Insurance Card yyyymmdd_bewijs_ziekteverzekering

Rental agreement yyyymmdd_huurcontract

Declaration of sufficient financial means yyyymmdd_verklaring_bestaansmiddelen

Scholarship yyyymmdd_bewijs_studiebeurs

Identity information sheet yyyymmdd_infoblad_family name

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