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A. Background
Liver cirrhosis disease is the biggest cause of death after cardiovascular

diseases and cancer. Liver cirrhosis worldwide ranks seventh leading cause of

death. Approximately 25,000 people death each year from the disease. Liver

cirrhosis is a liver disease that is often found in space in the disease. Clinical

symptoms of liver cirrhosis are highly variable, ranging from no symptoms until

the symptoms are very obvious. If noted, the reports in developed countries, the

case of liver cirrhosis medicine for treatment, only about 30% of the entire

population of this disease and more than 30% more were found by chance when

the medical treatment, the remainder was found during autopsy (Sutadi, 2003).
According to World Health Organization (WHO), in Sutadi (2003), in 2000

approximately 170 million human beings infected with liver cirrhosis. This

figure includes about 3% of the entire human population in the world and each

year new liver cirrhosis infection increased 3-4 million people. Liver cirrhosis

disease prevalence rate in Indonesia, definitely have not known a disease

prevalence of liver cirrhosis in 2003 in Indonesia ranges from 1 to 2.4%. Than

average prevalence (1.7%), estimated at more than 7 million population of

Indonesia suffered from liver cirrhosis.
According to Sudoyo, (2006: 443), the rate of chronic liver disease cases in

Indonesia is very high. If not treated promptly, the disease can progress to

cirrhosis or liver cancer, about 20 million Indonesian population have chronic

liver disease. This figure is a calculation of the prevalence of patients with

hepatitis B infection in Indonesia, which ranges from 40-50% and hepatitis C,


approximately 30-40%. While 10-20%, the causes are not viruses B and C.

Alcohol as a cause cirrhosis in Indonesia may be small because the frequency

does not exist, only the reports from several educational centers. In Dr. Sarjito

Yogyakarta hospital the patient number of liver cirrhosis ranged from 4.1% from

the patient who cared in Internal Medicine Section, within a period of one year

(2004). In Medan in the past four years looked the patient liver cirrhosis in 4%

of all patients in Section disease. In the phatofisiology of the disease, 20-40% of

patients with chronic liver disease that would be cirrhosis of the liver in about 15

years, depending on how many old man was suffering from chronic hepatitis.
Cirrhosis term was given by Laence in 1819, which comed from the word

meaning Khirros yellow orange (orange yellow), because the color changes in

nodules are formed. Definition of liver cirrhosis following can be said that

chronic liver disease in which the state of disorganization that diffuse of normal

liver structure to regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrotic tissue. These cases

were more common in men than women with a comparison of 2 until 4.5 : 1

(Noer, 2004: 271).

In appropriate with the introduction study obtained in the preliminary

Getasan Health Center, in 2010 in the last three months of data showed that

people suffered from liver cirrhosis in Getasan sub district in February 13 cases,

11 cases in March and April, 10 cases. From these data showed 8 cases of liver

cirrhosis had suffered from the disease in the Nogosaren village, which in the last

three months of this amount still remaied the case until April 2010. From the

assessment results conducted in Nogosaren Village that was on Mr. K which was

currently suffered liver cirrhosis, which was estimated to cause illness was a

pattern of unhealthy eating, and too many activities and a lack of knowledge.

Based on data obtained at the Getasan primary Health Center, Getasan sub

district, Semarang regency the patients with liver cirrhosis disease could

be viewed on the diagram below :

Table . 1 . 1. Distribution of liver cirrhosis events in Getasan primary health
center, Getasan sub district, Semarang regency.

From the data above indicated that the prevalence of liver cirrhosis disease

in Getasaan Primary Health Center, Getasan sub district, Semarang Regency in

February were 13 cases, the month of March had decreased experience as many

as 11 cases, and in April declined experience as many as 10 cases. Based on the

background of the problems mentioned above the author would like to know

more information about nursing care at Mr. K liver cirrhosis disease. Which was

currently suffered from liver cirrhosis disease at the Nogosaren Village, Getasan

sub district, Semarang regency.

B. Writing Purpose
1. General Purpose

Knowing about the care of a family with liver cirrhosis disease at

Nogosaren Village, Getasan sub district, Semarang regency.

2. Specific Purpose

a. The author was able to assess the family to Mr. K’s family about

liver cirrhosis that suffered by Mr. K.

b. The author was able to assign family nursing problems to Mr. K’s family

about liver cirrhosis that suffered by Mr. K.

c. The author was able to determine nursing interventions to Mr. K’s family

about liver cirrhosis that suffered by Mr. K which included five family

duties ware:

1) The family was able to know family health problems.

2) The family was able to take decisions related to liver cirrhosis.

3) The family was able to modify the environment for patients with liver


4) The family was able to care the sick family member esfecially

liver cirrhosis.

5) Families were able to use health care facilities.

d. The author was able to give family nursing implementation to Mr. K’s

family about liver cirrhosis that suffered by Mr. K.

e. The author was able able to evaluate the family nursing implementation to

Mr. K’s family about liver cirrhosis that suffered by Mr. K.

C. Benefit Writing

1. For Family

Could increase knowledge and experience of health education about the

liver cirrhosis so it could identify health problems both family and society.

2. For Community

As consideration for the increase of health education about health

problems that exist in society, especially liver cirrhosis and community

participation in providing support.


3. Nursing profession

Particularly for nursing community as an input in improving the

provision of health services associated with information providing about

health education especially liver cirrhosis.

4. Development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology)

Expected to contribute the development of science and technology

(Science and Technology). In the case of family care, especially families with

family members that suffered liver cirrhosis.

5. For Authors

Could add knowledge and experience in assessing, liver cirrhosis

especially factors that cause liver cirrhosis and management its disease.



A. Basic Concept of Family

1. Family Definition

Family according to WHO (1969) in Mubarak, (2006: 255), the family

is a members of the household who are related by consanguinity, adoption or

marriage. Family according to the Ministry of Health (1998) in Mubarak


(2006: 255), the family is the smallest unit of a society which consists of head

of households and some people who gathered and lived under a roof

somewhere in a state of dependency.

Bailon and Maglaya (1978) in Murwani Setyowati and (2008: 24),

describes a family is two or more individual living in one household because

to blood relationship, marriage or adoption. Sayekti (1994) in Setiadi (2008:

3), family is a bond, or the fellowship of life based on marriage between

adults of different species living together or a person male or female person

who was alone with or without children, both his own son or adoption and

live in household.

Family According to Friedman (1998) in Achjar (2010: 1), family is a

group of people related by marriage, adoption and birth which aims to create

and maintain a common culture, improve the physical, mental emotional and

social development of individuals in it seen from the pattern of

interdependence interaction to achieve common goals.

Some of the definitions above we can conclude that the family is the

smallest unit of society which consists of head of family who live in one
household or some people collected and living somewhere under a roof that

has the blood relationship, marriage or adoption and interdependence to

achieve common goals .

2. Family Characteristics

According to Setyowati and Muwani (2008: 25-26), family

characteristics are as follows:

a. Consist of two or more individuals who are bound by relationships.


b. The family members usually live together or if they remain separate

notice to each other.

c. Family members interact with one another and each has a social role of

husband, wife, children, brothers, sisters.

d. Having a purpose; (1) create and maintain the culture, (2) improve the

physical, psychological, and social members.

3. Type of Family

Family types according to Setiadi (2008: 4-6) depends on the context of

scientific and people who are classified as follows:

a. Traditional

1) Nuclear family is a family that consists only of father, mother and

child received from his descendants or adoption, or both.

2) Large family (Extended Family) is a nuclear family add to other

family members who still have blood relationship (grandparents,

uncles, aunts).

b. Modern

1) Traditional Nuclear

Nuclear family (father, mother and children) living in one home

defined by the legal sanctions within a marriage bond, one or both can

work outside the home.

2) Nuclear reconstituted

New formation from the nuclear family through marriage again

husband / wife lived in the formation of one house with their children,

either congenital from long marriage of new marriage the result, one

or both can work outside the home.

3) Niddle Age / Aging cauple

Husband as that searches of money, a wife at home / are both working

at home, the children have left home because of school / marriage /


4) Nuclear Dyadic

Husband and wife who have not had a second child or one working

outside the home.

5) Single perent

One parent as a result of divorce or death of spouse and children can

stay at home or outside the home.

6) Dual Carrier

Husband and wife or two person carrier and without children.

7) Commuter Married

Husband and wife or two person Carrier and stay at a certain distance

apart. Both find each other at certain times.

8) Single Adult

Adult man or woman living alone with no desire be married

9) Three Generetion

Three or more generations living in one home.

10) Institutional

Children or adults living in an asylums.

11) Communal

One house consists of two more couples to monogamy with the childs

and sames together in supply of the facility.

12) Group Marriage

A housing consists of parents and congenital in one family unit and

each individual is married with another and all daalah parents of the


13) Unmarried Parent and Child

Mother and child in which unwanted marriage, child adoption.

14) Cohibing coiple

Two people or a couple who live together without marriage.

15) Gay and Lasbian Family

Family formed by same-sex couples.

4. Family Structure

According to Setiadi (2008: 6-7), family structure is as follows:

a. Patrilineal

Is a family consist of blood relatives within a few generations, where the

relation is arranged through the father line.

b. Matrilineal

Is a family consist relative a few generations, where the relationship was

arranged through the maternal line.

c. Matriolokal

Is a husband and wife who lived with wife's blood relatives.

d. Patriolokal

Were a married couple who lived with husbands blood relatives.


e. Family Married

Is the relationship of husband and wife as a basis for family formation,

and several relatives who become part of the family because of the

relationship with husband or wife.

5. Family Function

According to Friedman (1998) in Suprajitno (2004: 13), family

functions are as follows:

a. Affective function (the affective function)

Are the main functions of the family to teach you everything to prepare

for family members relate to other people. This function is required for

the psychosocial development of individuals and family members.

b. The function of socialization and a place to socialize (socialization and

social pleacement)

Is a function to develop and train the child to place social life before

leaving the house to related to others outside the home.

c. Reproductive functions (the reproductive function)

Is the function of maintaining the continuity of generations and maintain

the family.

d. Function of Economy (the economic function)

Is a family of functions to meet the economic needs of families and places

to illustrate the ability of individuals to increase income to meet family


e. Function maintenance / maintenance (the Heath care fuction)

Is a function to maintain the health of family members that still have high

productivity. This function is developed to work in the field of family


6. Family Duties

According Achjar (2010: 9), is a family task of collecting data related to

the inability of family to include five family duties, namely:

a. Inability to recognize family health issues, including how the family

perception of the severity of the disease, understanding the signs and

symptoms, causes and family perception of the nature of family problems.

b. Family's inability to take decisions, including the extent to which family

understand about the nature and extent of the problem, how the problems

felt by the family, the family gave up or not with their problems, are there

or are there due to fear of negative attitudes towards family health issues,

how the decision-making system conducted the family of a sick family


c. Inability of family caring for sick family members like how family

understand the situation of his illness, the nature and development of the

necessary maintenance of existing resources within family and family

attitudes toward the sick.

d. Family's inability to modify the environment, such as the importance of

hygiene and sanitation for family, disease prevention efforts by family,


cohesiveness of family members in managing the environment within and

outside the home that impact on family health.

e. Inability to take advantage of the family health services, such as a family

trust of health workers and health care facility, the presence of existing

health facility, family benefits to the use of health facility, whether health

care affordable for family, is there any unfavorable experiences that

perceived family.

7. Family Development Stage

According to Duvall (1985) in Setiadi (2008: 14-15), stages of family

development are as follows:

a. New Family (beginning family)

Newly married couples who don’t have children. The task of this stage of

development of family are:

1) Maintain a satisfactory intimate relationship.

2) Decide common goal.

3) Maintain relations with other family, friends and social groups.

4) Discussing the plan to have children or family planning.

5) Prepare to become parents.

6) Understand the prenatal care (understanding of pregnancy, childbirth

and parenthood).

b. Families with first child <30 months (child Bering)

This period represents the transition of parenthood that would cause

family crisis. The task of this stage of development are:


1) Adapting changes in family members (roles, interactions, and sexual


2) Maintaining a satisfactory relationship with their spouse.

3) Dividing the roles and responsibilities.

4) Counseling parents about growth and development.

5) Counselling 6 weeks post partum family planning.

6) Arranging the room for the child.

7) Facilitating the learning role family members.

8) Conducting regular religious practice.

c. Family with Children Pre School

The task at this stage of family development are:

1) Fulfilling the needs of family members.

2) Helping children socializing.

3) Adapting to the new born child, other children who also fulfilled

4) The division of time, individuals, couples and children.

5) The division of responsibility to plan activities and time of stimulation

to growth and develotmen children.

d. Family with school age children (6-13 years)

The task at this stage of family development are:

1) Helping children to socialize outside the home environment, school,

and the wider environment.

2) Encourage the child to achieve the development of intellectual power.


3) To provide activities for children.

4) Adapting to community activities by involving children.

5) Fulfilling the increased need for including the cost life of family

health members.

e. Family with adolescent Children (13-20 years)

The task at this stage of family development are:

1) The development of young adult (give freedom a balanced and


2) Maintain open communication (gep prevent communication).

3) Maintain of intim relationships within the family.

4) Prepare the system changes the role and regulation of family members

to meet the needs of growth and development of family members.

f. Family with adult children (first child abandon the house)

The task at this stage of family development are:

1) Extending the nuclear family into a large family.

2) Maintaining intimacy.

3) Helping children to be independent and accept his son's departure.

4) Contribute husband and wife, grandfather and grandmother.

5) Creating a home environment that can become examples for their


g. Midlle Age Family

Family development task at this stage are:

1) Having more time and freedom in the process of social interests and

relaxed time.

2) Restoring the relationship between the generation young old

3) Familiarity with the couple.

4) Maintaining the relationship / contact with children and families.

5) Preparation of old age / retirement.

h. Elderly family

The task at this stage of family development are:

1) The adjustment phases of the pension with the change of life style.

2) Receive the death of mate, and preparing for death.

3) Maintaining couple pair and treat each other.

4) Undertake a review of the past life

8. Family nursing Concept

a. Definition

Nursing is a professional service which forms an integral part of health

care based on science and art of nursing services in the form of bio-

psycho-social-spiritual that komprehesif addressed to individual, family,

groups and society both healthy and sick that covers the entire process

human life (Setiadi, 2008: 25-26). Family health care is that health care

intended or focused on the family as a unit or a unit that was treated, the

healthy as a goal made by a person of professional nurses with nursing

process which is guided by practices based on ethical and nursing ethics

and the authority and responsibility nursing (Setiadi, 2008: 26). While

according Setyowati and Murwani (2008: 75) family of nursing care is a

series of activities provided by nursing practice to family to help family

completed the approach, the nursing process.


b. Goal

According to Setyowati and Nurwani (2008: 75), family nursing purpose

consists of:

1) General Purpose

Increased ability of families to cope with health problems


2) Specific Purpose

a) Recognize family health problems.

b) Decide on appropriate action to overcome the problem of family


c) Conducting health nursing action to members who are sick.

c. Target

According to Setyowati and Murwani (2008: 75) target of family nursing

care is a families health prone namely families who have health problems

or who are at risk to incidence of health problems.

d. Stages of the process of family nursing

Stages of the family nursing process accourding to Muwarni and

Setyowati (2008: 75) is:

1) Assessment of families and individuals in the family is included in the

family assessment is to identify demographic and socio-cultural data,

environmental data, structure and function of family, stress and coping

strategies used by family, family development.

While included in the assessment of an individual as a member of the

family is the assessment of physical, mental, emotional, social,


spiritual, formulation of nursing diagnosis, arranging planning,

implementation of nursing care, evaluation.

e. The role of nurses in family nursing

According to Setiadi (2008: 27-28), give to family nursing care there are

some roles that can be done by nurses, among others, identification of

health (health promotion), the service providers on a sick family member,

coordinator of health services and family health nursing, facilities, health

education outreach, education and consulting.

B. Elderly Basic Concepts

1. Definition of Elderly

According to the law No.4 of 1965 article 1 in Mubarak (2006: 181), the

elderly are aged or elderly people concerned after reaching the age of 55

years, not having or powerless to make a living alone for the purposes of

everyday life and receive their living from other people.

According to WHO, in Bandiyah (2009: 19), the elderly, is someone

whose age is between 60 and 74 years. CHAPTER I Article 1 paragraph (2)

Law No.13 year 1998, and in Tamher Noorkasiani (2009: 2), explaining the

elderly is someone who reaches the age of 60 years or older. Setyonegoro

(1984) in Tamher and Noorkasiani (2009: 2), the elderly are those aged over

65 years.

2. Limitations Elderly

According to the Ministry Of Health Mubarak, (2006: 181), are as follows:

a. Approaching old age groups (45-54 years) as the vibrilitas


b. Old age group (55-64 years) as presenium

c. Elderly group (65 years>) as seneum

According to WHO in Mubarak (2006: 181); Bandiyah (2009: 19), the

boundaries of the elderly are as follows:

a. Middle age is the age group 45-59 years

b. Elderly is the age group 60-74 years

c. Advanced old age (old) age group 76-90 years

d. Very old age (very old) age group above 90 years

According to the smith and smith (1999) in Tember and Noorkasiani (2009:

2), the elderly were classified into three namely:

a. Young old is the age group 65-74 years

b. Midlle are a group of 75-84 years old

c. Old is the age group of more than 85 years

3. Aging Process

The process of aging is a natural process after the third stage of life that

is adulthood and old age can not be avoided by every individual. Age will

cause changes to the structure and physiology of various cells / tissues /

organs and systems that exist in the human body. This process makes the

physical and psychological deterioration. Fsikis setbacks signed by skin relax,

graying hair, decreased hearing, eyesight deteriorating, slow motion and

abnormalities of function of vital organs. While the decline of psychological

emotional sesitivitas increased, decreased arousal, increased interest in the

self, loss of interest in appearance, increased material and the interests of


recreational activities do not change only the orientation and different

subjects (Mubarak, 2006: 182).

According to Constantinides (1994) in Darmojo (2009: 3) aging (=

become old = aging) is a process of gradual disappearance of the tissu

capacity to improve / replace ourselves and maintain normal structure and

function so it can not withstand the lesion (including infection) and improve

the damage suffered.

4. Theories of Aging Process

There are several theories explaining the process of aging, according to

Mubarak, et al. (2006: 186-187) are as follows:

a. Biological Theory

Theory which is a biological theory, namely:

1) The theory of genetic clock

According to this theory of aging has genetic progarammed manner

certain species. Each spisies have nuclear cell within an hour that has

been genetically screened by a replication.

2) Theory of Error Catastrophe (somatic mutation theory)

According to this theory, aging is caused successive errors in a long

time in traskripsi and translation.

3) The theory of auto-immune

In this theory be explained that in the process of metabolism of a

particular substance when produced. There are certain body tissues are

resistant to these substances so that the body's tissues become weak

and sick.

4) The theory of free radicals

Free radicals can be formed in the nature free, unstable free radicals

(groups of atoms) of oxygen resulted in oxidation of organic materials

such as carbohydrates and protein.

5) Usage and damaged

The excess of effort and stress causes the body cells is damaged.

6) The theory of "Imonology slow virus"

Immune system becomes less effective with increasing age and the

entry of viruses into the body can cause damage to organs.

7) The theory of stress

Aging occurs cause to loss of cells commonly used in the body.

8) Theory of cross chain

Cells that are old or obsolete, chemical reactions cause a strong bond,

especially the collagen tissu. This bond causes a lack of elasticity,

strength and loss of function.

9) Theory courses

Ability fatherly organism determines the number of cells dividing, the

cells die.

b. Psychosocial Theory

According Tumher and Noorkasiani (2009: 19-21) As for the

psychosocial theory of groups, successively put forward several theories

which are as follows :

1) Disengagements Theory

The theory states that individuals and society experiencing a mutual

disengagement in withdrawl (pull away). Enter to ald age, individuals

begin withdrawing from society to enable individuals to save more

activities focused on your self in meeting the stability in this stadium.

2) Activity theory

Is the importance of participation in society activities for the elderly

people life.

3) The theory of continuity

According to this theory, individual personality traits following

strategies coping have been formed long before a person enters old

age, but also the personality description is dynamic and continuously


4) The theory of subculture

In this theory has to say as a group have norm of hope, trust and

customs that can be classified as a separate subculture.

5) The theory of strati cation age

This theory was proposed by Riley (1972) says the interdependence

between the ages of the social structure.

6) The theory of individual adjustment to the environment

According to this theory that, there is a relationship between

individual compertesiwith the environment . Compertensi here in the

form of all the processes that are the functional characteristics of


individual, among others: ego strength, skill, motor health, biological,

cognitive capacity and sensory function.

5. Factors Affecting Aging

According Bandiyah (2009: 19) the factors that affect aging is heredity

= descent or genetic, nutritional = food, health status, life experience,

environment, stress.

6. Changes that Occurred In Elderly

According to Mary, (2008: 55-62) changes in the elderly, are as follows:

a. Physical Changes

1) Tues/cells

The number is reduced, enlarged size, body fluids and intra-cellular

fluid decreases.

2) Cardiovascular

Heart valves to thicken and the nails, the blood's ability decreases, the

elasticity of blood vessels decreased.

3) Respiration

Decreased respiratory muscles, as well as bronchial constriction


4) Nerves

Sensory nerve decreases, decreases and loss of axons mealin layer.

5) Musculoskeletal

Fluid decreases bone, joints stiff and enlarged, cramps, tremors,

tendons constrict and experience sclerosis.

6) Gastrointestinal

Widened esophagus, side acid decreases, hunger decreases and

peristaltic decline, shrinking the side size.

7) Genitourinaria

Smaller kidneys, blood current to kidney decreases, the filtering

glomerulus decreased and decreased body functions.

8) Vesika urinary

The muscles weaken, the capacity decreased, and urinary retention,

prostatic hypertrophy.

9) Vagina

Lenders dried membrane and secretion decrease.

10) Hearing

Tympanic membrane atrophy and bone loss experienced stiffness.

11) Sight

Declining light toward response, decreased dark adaptation, the field

of view decreases and cataracts.

12) Endocrine

Hormone production decreases.

13) Skin

Wrinkles along with head skin scalp and hair thinning, elasticity


14) Learning and memory

Learning ability is still there, but relative decreases.

15) Intelligence

In general, nothing has changed.


b. Social Change

1) The role, post-power syndrome, single women and single parents.

2) Family, loneliness, emptiness.

3) Frend, when other elderly people died there appears a sense of when

to die, was at home, continuously, senile.

4) Economics, the opportunity to get a suitable job and income security

for the elderly.

5) Recreation, for inner Cananga.

6) Security, fell from slipping.

7) Education, in association with illiteracy.

8) Religions, fulfilling their worship.

9) Nursing home, feel disposed / aside.

c. Psychosocial Changes

Psychological changes in the elderly include short term memory,

frustration, loneliness, fear of losing freedom, fear of facing death, change

of loss, depression and anxiety.

Common problems that are often experienced by the elderly:

1) The physical condition of weak and helpless, so dependent on others.

2) The economic status of critically endangered so it is quite reasonable

to perform a variety of major changes in the pattern of his life.

3) Therefore learning to treat children who grow up as adults.

4) Determine the appropriate conditions with changes in economic status

and physical changes.


5) Starting involved in community activities that are specifically

designed for adults.

7. Elderly Nursing Process

According to Mary, (2008: 76) in elderly nursing process include the


a. Assessment

Assessment of the elderly in the family by involving the family as

the nearest person who knows about the problem kesehatn elderly. For

this assessment format used is the assessment of the elderly developed in

accordance with the existence of the elderly. Assessment format

developed at least consist of: the data base (identity, address, age,

educational background, occupation, religion, and ethnicity); data bio-

psycho-socio-cultural, environmental, functional status, existing health

facilities; a physical examination .

b. Nursing diagnosis

Nursing diagnosis can be either individual nursing diagnosis,

nursing diagnosis with the elderly, or nursing diagnosis in the elderly


c. Nursing Plan

Nursing care plan helps patient obtain and maintain state at the

highest levels, prosperity and quality can be achieved, as well as for

dying peacefully. goals, priorities, and approaches used in nursing nursing

plan includes terapiutik interests, promotive, preventive, and


d. Nursing Actions

Nurses perform nursing nursing action with nursing plans that have

been made. Nurses provide health services to maintain the functional

ability of elderly and to prevent complications and improve the disability.

Nursing actions based on the nursing plan of every nursing diagnosis has

been made based on the concept of nursing care gerontic.

e. Nursing Evaluation

Nurses need to evaluate on a continuals patient respons and families

of nursing actions that have been done to achieve the purpose of updating

dams nursing diagnosis and nursing care plan nursing actions undertaken

if not achieved the expected goals. Evaluation was made in the progress

notes using the SOAP (subjective, objective, analysis, planning).

C. Basic Concepts Hepatic Cirrhosis

1. Definition

Hepatic cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease characterized by the

establishment of diffuse connective tissue with nodules (Noer, 2004: 271).

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease and liver distersi normal

architecture by sheets of connective tissue and nodules regenerating liver

cells, which do not relate to normal vaskulatur. Nodules this regeneration may

be small (mikronudular) or large (makronudular) (Price, 2006: 493).

Cirrhosis is a condition siepatis fibrosis and scarring that diffuse in the

liver. Normal liver tissue is replaced by the nodes hard fibrous, and fibrous

bands that constrict and surrounding hepatocytes (Corwin, 2009: 660).


Liver cirrhosis is a disease characterized by diffuse and chronic

inflammation of the liver, followed by proliporasi connective tissue,

degeneration and regeneration of liver cells causing chaos in the composition

of the liver parenchyma (Mansjoer, et al. 2000: 508).

Several definitions can be concluded that liver cirrhosis is a chronic

liver disease characterized by diffuse inflammation and scarring in the liver

are accompanied by nodules.

2. Type of scar formation in cirrhosis or liver

According to Smeltzer (2002: 1178) type of cirrhosis is as follows:

a. Laennec portal cirrhosis (alcoholic, nutritional), in which scar tissue

typically surrounding the portal areas. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused

by chronic alcoholism and is the type most commonly found in western


b. Post-necrotic cirrhosis, where there is a wide band of scar tissue as a

result-up of acute viral hepatitis that occurred previously.

c. Biliary cirrhosis, where the formation of scar tissue occurs around the bile

ducts within the liver.

3. Etiology

According to Noer (2004: 272), etiology serosis hepatis is a type of viral

hepatitis B and C, alcohol, metabolic.

Hemokromatosis idiopathic, Wilson's disease, alpha 1 difisiensi

antitripsi, galactosemia, congenital tirosinemia, diabetes mellitus, diseases of

glycogen accumulation.

a. Chronic Cholestasis / billiards serosis secondary intra ekstrahepatik


b. Obstruction of hepatic venous flow

c. Imonologis Disorders

d. Intestinal bypass operation in obese

e. Malnutrition, infections, like malaria, sistosomiasis

4. Pathophysiology

According to Smeltzer (2002: 1178), pathophysiology of liver cirrhosis

was as follows:

Although there are several factors involved in the a etiology of cirrhosis,

alcohol consumption is considered as a major factor. Cirrhosis occurs with

high frequency in most liquor drinkers even though nutritional deficiencies

contribute to the decrease in protein intake in the cirrhotic liver damage, but

excessive alcohol intake was the main cause and consequences of fatty liver

caused. However, cirrhosis has also occurred in individuals who do not have

the habit of drinking and in individuals with normal diet but with high normal

consumption. Most individuals seem more susceptible to this disease

compared to other individuals without find whether the individual has the

habit of drinking or suffering from malnutrition. Other factors can lead role,

including exposure to certain chemicals (carbon tetrachloride, naphthalene

terklorenasi, arsenic or phosphorus) or skistosoniasis a contagious infection.

Laennec cirrhosis is a disease marked by episodes involving necrosis of

liver cells are destroyed gradually replaced by scar tissue, eventually the

amount of scar tissue exceeded the amount of liver tissue that are still

functioning. The islands of remaining normal tissue and liver tissue

regeneration may result from the salient parts of the contract so that the heart

which shows the picture looked like a nail sirotik soles typical big headed.

Liver cirrhosis usually have a insidius awitan and travel a very long illness.

5. Clinical Manifestations

According Mansjoer (2000: 508) clinical manifestation sirosisi hepatis

is as follows:

a. Gastrointestinal symptoms are not typical, such as anorexia, nausea,

vomiting and diarrhea

b. Fever, weight loss, rapid fatigue

c. Ascites, hidrotoraks, and edema

d. Jaundice, the urine sometimes get old or brownish color

e. Hepatomegaly, when it has continued to shrink due to liver fibrosis. When

clinically show the fever, jaundice and ascites would caution potential

hepatikum prekoma and coma.

f. Vascular disorders such as collateral-collateral in the abdominal wall and

thorax, the head of medusa, haemorrhoids and oesophageal varices.

g. Endocrine abnormalities are a sign of impotence hiperestrogenusme ie,

atrophy, gynecomastia, loss of axillary hair, and pubic, amenorrhea,

hyperpigmentation, mammary areola, Spider Nevi and erythema.

6. Examination Support

According to Noer, et al. (2004: 275) liver cirrhosis investigation are as


a. Blood, can be found lower Hb, anemia normokrom normositer, hipokrom


b. The increase in transaminase enzyme levels / SGPT is not about weight

and breadth pointer parenchymal liver damage.

c. Albumin, albumin levels are low is a reflection of the lack of the ability of

liver cells.

d. CHE Investigation (cholinesterase), important in assessing the ability of

liver cells in case of liver cell damage CHE levels will drop.

e. Checking electrolyte levels, important in the use of diuretics and

restriction of salt in the diet.

f. Protombin elongation period, is an indication of impairment of liver

function. Provision of parenteral vitamin K can improve the protombin.

g. Elevated blood sugar levels in advanced stage liver cirrhosis due to lack

of ability of cells to form liver glycogen.

h. Examination of serological markers as a sign of viral HBsAg / HbsAb.

7. Treatment

Medical Treatment by Mansjoer (2000: 509) is as follows:

a. Low-protein diet (diet heart III: 1 g protein / kg, 55 g protein, 2000

calories). If there was ascites given low-salt diet II (600-800 mg) or III

(1000-2000 mg). When the process is not active, it needs high-calorie diet

(2000-3000 calories) and high in protein (80-125 g / day)

b. Overcome the infection with antibiotics cultivated memakain drugs which

obviously is not hepatotoxic

c. Improving the nutritional situation, if necessary by providing branch

chain essential amino acids and glucose


d. Control of ascites fluid. Expected for weight loss 1 kg / 2 days or a

negative fluid balance 600-800 ml / day. Be careful when too much fluid

removed, can spark hepatic encephalopathy.

e. Treatment nursing according Mansjoer (2000: 509), are as follows:

1) RestAlkoholisme
in bed until sleep until there is improvement Hepatitis
Malnutrition of jaundice, ascites
  hemocrematosis, toxic
and fever
Liver cells are destroyed Decrease in protein subtaces, vena hepatica,
 intake Willson desease
2) Do not eat or drink
Liver imflamation substances containing
 alcohol. 
 Liver damage Enlarged liver
8. Complication 
Comfortable Necrosis of liver
feeling pain Accordingparenchym Irregular hard
to Noer (2004: 277), complication of liver cirrhosis was as
disorders  
follows: Scar tissue Atrophy

a. The failure of thetissue
liver (hepatocellular)
b. Portal hypertension

c. Heart
Parenchym liverfailure, resulting Nevi spiders, palmar erythema, Discomfort,
portal Hypertension testicular atrophy,
failer   nausea, ti
gynecomastia, jaundice, encephalopathy
 esofageal Varices Emphasis vomiting 
Difisiensi Vit K.  diaphragm stomach Decreased
d. Portal hypertension may cause spelenomegali, expansion veins
 Pressure increase   consciousne
Haemorage  Pulmonary Anorexia 
oesophageal / cardia, caput medusae, hemorrhoids
 Rupture of blood space  Risk of
e. Ascites vessels narrowing Nutritional injury
  requirement of
Deficiensy O2 in
f. Encephalopathy (neurological death) asphyxiate less than good
Hematemesis Melena
the tissue impaired does your Resiko
g.  Bacterial Peritonitis / spontaneous breathing body cedera
Activity intolerance Tissue perfution pattern
h. Sindorm hepatorenaldistubence

i. Towards the transformation of primary liver cancer (hepatoma)

9. Pathway
Bagan .52family duties
. 1 Pathway. Patient respons
1.Ability to recognize health problems the Asphyxiat
family Upper right
abdominal pain
2. Ability to decide appropriate health Sclera ikteric
measures Limp

3. Ability of caring for a sick member

4. ability of modifying the family

(Smeltzer, 2002 : 1178) ; (Mansjoer, 2005 : 508) ; (Noer, 2004 : 272)


10. Focused Intervention

a. Ineffective breathing pattern disorders associated with (Nanda, 2007 to

2008: 68).

Ineffective breathing pattern is inspired or expired air exchange is not


1) Inability to recognize family or family health problems

2) inability of families to make decisions appropriate health measures

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members

4) Inability to modify the family environment

5) Inability of families utilizing the existing health care facilities

General objective: To maintain effective breathing patterns

Specific objectives:

1) The family is able to know family health problems

Intervention :

a) Assess family knowledge about ineffective breathing pattern

b) Explain the process of ineffective breathing pattern.

c) Auscultation of breath sounds, record the existence of allergens,

Ronchi, wheezing and krekers.

d) Give health education by strengthening the important things to

know ineffectiveness in the treatment of respiratory pattern.

2) Families are able to make appropriate health decisions actions


a) Assess the level of knowledge about important families make the

right decisions to identify ineffective breathing pattern

b) Explain about how to make the right decisions to find out the

ineffectiveness of breathing pattern


c) Teach how to make the right decisions in addressing the problem

is not breathing pattern efekif

d) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The family is able to give care to a sick member

Intervention :

a) Give an explanation on how to give care to sick family members

b) Explain the treatment pentingnya sick family members

c) Teach a way to give treatment to the sick family members

d) Teach breathing techniques and positions in the semi-Fowler

4) The family is able to modify a healthy home


a) Assess the level family knowledge about how to modify healthy


b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

c) Teach to modify home healthy

d) Maintain adequate humidity inspiration

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities

Intervention :

a) Instruct the family utilize existing health facility / nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge of the family in utilizing health


c) Explain about the benefits of health facilities.

b. Comfortable feeling pain disorders associated with (Doengoes, 2000:


Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that comes the

actual or potential tissue damage or describe the damage (pain studies

association): sudden attacks or slow the intentiasnya from mild to severe.

1) Inability to recognize family or family health problems

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate action

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members

4) Inability to modify the family environment

5) Inability of families utilizing the existing health care facilities

The common objective: the family is able to eliminate or control pain

Specific objectives:

1) Family able to recognize family problems

Intervention :

a) Review of knowledge about the pain the family

b) Explain the process of pain

c) Explain the causes of pain

2) Families are able to make decisions appropriate health measures


a) Assess the level of knowledge about the importance of families

make the right decisions to address / control pain

b) Explain about how to make the right decisions to control pain

c) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The ability of families caring for sick family members


a) Give an explanation on how to give care to sick family members

b) Explain the importance of maintenance of sick family members

c) Teach how to give treatment of sick family members

d) Teach relaxation and distraction techniques

4) Family able to modify a healthy home


a) Assess the level family knowledge about how to modify the


b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

c) Teach to modify healthy home

d) Maintain adequate humidity inspiration

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities


a) Instruct the family utilize existing health facility / nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge of the family in utilizing health


c) Explain about the benefits of health facilities

c. Impaired nutritional needs less than body requirements related to (Nanda,

2007 to 2008: 315)

Impaired nutritional needs less than the body needs is not enough

nutrition for the body's metabolism.

1) Inability to recognize family of environmental health issues

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate action

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members


4) Inability to modify the family environment

5) Inability to utilize existing health care facilities

The common objective: the body's nutritional needs are met

Specific objectives:

1) Inability to recognize family or family health problems


a) Assess family knowledge about the nutritional needs of less than

body requirements

b) Explain the process of the nutritional needs of less than body


c) Give health education by strengthening the important things in the

care of nutritional needs is less than your body needs.

2) Families are able to make the right decisions in nursing actions


a) Assess the level family knowledge about the importance of

making good decisions to find ways to overcome the nutritional

needs of less than body requirements.

b) Explain about how to make the right decisions to find ways to

overcome the nutritional needs of less than body requirements.

c) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The family is able to give care to sick family members


a) Give an explanation on how to give care to sick family members

b) Explain the importance of maintenance of sick family members

c) Teach how to give care to sick family members, by providing

small but frequent meals

4) The family is able to modify a healthy home


a) Assess the level family knowledge about how to modify healthy


b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

c) Teach to modify healthy home

d) Maintain adequate humidity inspiration

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities


a) Instruct the family utilize existing health facility / nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge of the family in utilizing health


c) Explain the benefits of health facilities

d. Activity intolerance related to (Nanda, 2007 to 2008: 317)

Intolerant activity is insufficient physiological or psychological energy to

continue or complete the required activities and everyday activities.

1) Inability to recognize family or family health problems

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate nursing actions

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members

4) Inability to modify the family environment


5) Inability of families utilizing the existing health care facilities

General objective: patient tolerance to activity

Specific objectives:

1) The family is able to know family health problems


a) Assess family knowledge about the intolerant activity

b) Explain the process of activity intolerance

c) Provide health education by strengthening the important things in

care to know how to deal with intolerant activity

2) Families are able to make decisions appropriate health measures


a) Assess the level family knowledge about the importance of

making good decisions to find ways to overcome intolerance


b) Explain about how to make the right decisions about the intolerant


c) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The family is able to give care to sick family members


a) Give an explanation on how to give care to sick family members

b) Explain the importance of maintenance of sick family members

c) Teach how to give care to sick family members

d) Encourage activities to help families with sick family members

4) The family is able to modify a healthy home



a) Assess the level family knowledge about how to modify healthy


b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities


a) Instruct the family utilize existing health facility / nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge of the family in utilizing health


c) Explain about the benefits of health facilities

e. Impaired tissue perfusion associated with (Nanda, 2007 to 2008: 35)

Impaired tissue perfusion is the reduction of oxygen in the failure to feed

the network at the capillary level.

1) Inability to recognize family health problems

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate action

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members

4) Inability to modify the family environment

5) Inability of families utilizing the existing health care facilities

The common objective: the patient returns to normal tissue perfusion

Specific objectives:

1) Inability to recognize family health problems


a) Assess family knowledge about tissue perfusion disturbances


b) Explain the process by which a tissue perfusion disorder

c) Give health education on tissue perfusion disturbances

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate action


a) Assess the level family knowledge about tissue perfusion


b) Explain about how to make the right decisions to address tissue

perfusion disturbances

c) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The family is able to give care to sick family members


a) Give an explanation on how to give care to sick family members

b) Explain the importance of maintenance of sick family members

c) Teach how to give care to sick family members

4) The family is able to modify a healthy home


a) Assess the level family knowledge about how to modify healthy


b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

c) Teach amemodifikasi healthy home

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities


a) Instruct the family utilize existing health facility / nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge akeluarga to utilize health facilities

c) Explain about the benefits of health facilities

f. The risk of injury associated with (Nanda, 2005: 122)

Cedra risk is the risk cedra as a result of interactions with environmental

conditions of individual adaptation and defense sources.

1) Inability to recognize family health problems

2) Inability of families to make decisions appropriate action

3) Inability to families caring for sick family members

4) Inability to modify the family environment

5) Inability of families utilizing the existing health care facilities

General objective:

Specific objectives:

1) The family is able to know family health problems


a) Assess family knowledge about the risk of injury

b) Explain the process by which the risk of injury

c) Provide health education about the importance of the risk of injury


2) Families are able to make decisions appropriate health measures


a) Assess the level of knowledge about the importance of making the

right decisions to prevent risk of injury

b) Explain about how to make the right decisions to prevent the risk

of injury

c) Discuss what's become an obstacle in making decisions

3) The family is able to give care to sick family members


a) Give an explanation on how to provide care to sick members

b) Explain the importance of maintenance of sick family members

c) Teach how to give care to sick family members

d) Encourage family members pay attention to sick family members

to prevent the injury occurred

4) The family is able to modify a healthy home


a) Assess the level of knowledge about how to modify the family

home healthy

b) Explain the importance of a healthy home

c) Teach to modify healthy home

d) Maintain adequate humidity inspiration

5) Families are able to use existing health facilities


a) Instruct the family take advantage of existing health facilities or

the nearest

b) Assess the level of knowledge of the family in utilizing health


c) Explain about the benefits of health facilities




The assessment of Mr. K’s family was done on April 18th, 2010 at 01.00 A.M in

Nogosaren village, Nogosaren sub distric, Semarang regency.

1. General Identity

a. The identity of the family head

Name : Mr. K

Age : 60 years

Religion : Islam

Tribe : Java

Education : SR

Occupation : Farmer

Address : Village Nogosaren

b. Family composition

Table. 3. 1. Family Composition.

Family Imunization Status

Pair Infor
No Name Age connecti education BC Polio DPT Hepatitis
sort Campak mation
on G 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Mr. K ♂ 60 year Head Society
family school
2 Mrs. T ♀ 54 year Wife Society
3 Mr. Ko ♂ 27 year Child Junior
4 Mrs. S ♀ 24 year Daughter Junior
5 Child. N ♀ 11 month Grend √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
c. Genogram
Chart. 3. 2. Genogram.

Information :

: Male

: Female

: Patients

: Died

: Married

: Brother

: Living roof

d. Family types

It belonged to a family in a big family type (Extended Family),

because in a house consisted fathers, mothers, children who were married,

daughter and grandchildren.

e. Tribe

1) This family civilized tribes java.

2) Most of the society surrounding Mr. K residence was the java and

ethnic composition homogeneous character.


3) There were few environment activity were still closely associated with

ethnic values, among others, worked to clean the environment,

harisan, and yasinan in RT 02 Nogosaren Village.

4) Mr. K and his wife typically used traditional dress patterns and child

along with law uses modern fashion.

5) Decision making in the family was usually agreed upon by all

members of the family.

6) According to Mr. K if there’s a sick family member brought to

primary health centers or general doctor. There isn’t problem in using

health services.

7) The language used was Java language, and sometimes used

Indonesian language, there were any barriers in communication within

family, especially the language.

f. Religion and beliefs

1) All members of the family embraced Islam and the same view in the

practice of religious beliefs.

2) All family members were still active in religious activity, such as

prayers five times and yasinan organize.

3) According to Mr. K that the disease was destiny outlined by the

Almighty and will always strived for a cure. There weren’t values

that conflict with the health beliefs.

g. Socioeconomic status

Mr. K said that family income wasn’t necessarily, his wife and his

son worked as a farmer. ± 500 000 a month income; and his law worked

as a seamstress, ± 500 000 a month income;. Supplies include

expenditures incurred for daily needs and the cost of electricity.

h. Family leisure activities

Mr. K said that in free time, Mr. K and his family went to Salatiga

to relatives' houses. And Mr. K usually took advantage of free time the

assemble with his family while watching TV.

2. History and Family Development Stage

a. Current stage of family development

The first and the second child were married, it means that the family was

on stage parent families with middle age.

b. Stage of development of the unmet family

Stage was the stage of the unmet family in retired age and elderly.

3. Family Health History

a. Previous family health history

1) Mr. K said that he didn’t quite understand about his mother and

father’s health history because they died caused of old age.

2) Mrs. T said that his father had died of illness, but Mrs. T didn’t know

about her father's illness. While her mother Mrs. T was still in good


b. Healthl history of each family member currently

According to Mr. K health history of each family member was as


1) Mr. K was currently not good condition now Mr. K suffered from

liver cirrhosis.

2) Mrs. T was currently in good health and not suffered from diseases

such as Mr. K illness now. Mrs. T also didn’t have a history of

hypertension and symptoms of diabetes militus (DM).

3) Mr. Ko was currently in good health, never suffered illness like his

father now.

4) Mrs. S was currently in good health, never experienced illnesses like

his parent.

5) child. N was currently in good health, but Mrs. S said that her

daughter had fever three days ago.

c. Source of health services utilized

Mr. K said that if there’s a sick family member immediately checked

to the nearest health service.

4. Environmental Assessment

a. House Characteristics

House status was own property.


1) Ground Plan house

Chart 3.2. Ground Plan Houses.

1 2 8
3 4 5 6

Information :

1. Page 5. Bedroom

2. Terrace 6. Bedroom

3. Bedroom 7. living room

4. Bedroom. 8. Bathroom

9. Kitchen

2) House consists of living room, four bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen.

In front of the house which was also used for drying clothes and there

was the terrace. Disordered arrangement of the furniture was pretty

neat, sufficient ventilation, adequate lighting during the day because

there were windows and doors that opened in the morning and

afternoon, tile floors, walls permanent homes, and sufficient lighting

for the bedroom.

3) The kitchen was clean, the source of water from springs, complete and

clean utensils for each meal household items were always in the wash,

there’s not safety device to fire.


4) a complete bathroom equipment, bathroom equipment each family

member individually, drained the tub once a week and there weren’t

mosquito larvas.

5) Mr. K slept with his wife. Privacy assured people that there’s room

because it had door and could be locked.

6) Mr. K house have pets such as cows, chickens and cats.

7) Mr. K said that he felt safe living in the house because Mr. K could

rest comfortably.

8) Houses ware relatively safe from the risk of accidents or criminal

threat, a house surrounded by permanent walls, strong doors and the

driveway was relatively devoid of large vehicles, so the risk of small


9) Household Waste collected waste storage site

10) Mr. K was satisfied with the arrangement of the house, because he

realized the land and their houses weren’t too large.

b. Characteristics Neighbors

Mr. K neighbor rarely came to his house in the afternoon and when

there were yasinan associations. He said that if there were problems

experienced by him now, a neighbor helped the his family.

c. Geographic Mobility Family

Mr. K said that all family members resided in the Nogosaren village

they were native Nogosaren village.


d. Association of Family and society with Interaction

Currently Mr. K wasn’t in good condition, but he could still

assemble with other society members, such as when there were yasinan


e. Family Support System

Currently Mr. K condition wasn’t good, because he said that

breathlessness and heartburn. But his family was always trought him to

health to health service.

5. Family Structure

a. Family communication patterns

Family communication patterns conducted openly, the language

used every day was Java language and sometimes used Indonesia

language. Family didn’t have difficulty in speaking with family members

or with others.

b. Family power structure

Decisions within the family despite the small problems or large

problems, the decision had to be agreed by all members of the family.

c. Role structure

Role for a living was by Mr. K, but his condition wasn’t good at that

moment. For the time being carried by his wife and children. So far in the

his family didsn’t occur family role conflict.


d. Values and norms of family

Family norms related to health was when there’re sick family

immediately checked to health service. In life every day demands of

family life based on Islam.

6. Family Function

a. Effective function

Mr. K attitudes and relationships with his family well and he said

within a family hed to have mutual respect among fellow members of the


b. The function of socialization

Mr. K lived at home with his family, so that the function of

socialization among the well-knit family.

c. Health care functions

1) Ability to recognize the problem: Mr. K didn’t know about the

disease he suffered and also the diet that must be obeyed by Mr. K.

2) The ability of family to make decisions: any decision taken must be

agreed upon by members of the family.

3) The ability of family in cared for sick family members: Mr. K said

that if there were one sick family member, consider each other family

and keeping a sick family member and immediately checked into the

health service that is the nearest primary health center.

4) Ability to maintain a family in the home environment: the family

knows the importance of cleanliness of the home environment, that


was by sweeping the floor every day and mop the floor every three

time a weeks.

5) The ability of families utilize health facility: if the sick family

member, Mr. K said that always consult the nearest health service.

d. Reproductive function

Mr. K said that having two children, Mrs. T was in the menopause

stage, before Mrs. T followed the family planning program.

e. Economic function

Primary income source was by Mr. K, but his coundition wasn’t

good. At this time was carried by his wife and children.

7. Stress and Family Coping

a. Short-term stressors

Mr. K said that in the second period this month his coundition

wasn’t good, because he felt breathlessness and heartburn.

b. Ability of families respond to situations and stressors

If there were health problems as experienced in the Mr. K’s family

currently, the family immediately checked Mr. K to the nearest health


c. Coping strategies used

If there’re problems both large and small problems were always

discussed with family members who lived one house.


d. Dysfunctional adaptation strategies

Mr. K was usually in the face of Mr. K problem felt confused and if

the problem could be solved he was able to relax.

8. Physical examination

No Examination Mr. K Mrs. T

1 Age 60 years 55 years
2 TD 120/70 mmHg 110/60 mmHg
3 Pulse 76 X / min 70 x / min
4 RR 25 x / min 22 x / min
5 Weight 50 Kg 51 Kg
6 Height 155 cm 150 cm
7 Head Mesochepal Mesochepal
8 Hair Wavy, black, spread Straight, black, spread
evenly, there were gray evenly, not branched, and
hairs, and not dandruff. not dandruff.
9 Eye Sclera not Icteric, Sclera not Icteric,
conjunctiva not anemis, conjunctiva not anemis,
unclear vision, not clear vision, not tenderness.
10 Nose Symmetrical, there Symmetrical, there wasn’t
wasn’t buildup of buildup of secretions, no
secretions, not enlargement of polyps, there
enlargement of polyps, wasn’t tenderness, not pull
there wasn’t tenderness, nostrils.
11 Ear not pull nostrils. Symmetrical, clean, not
Symmetrical, clean, not buildup serumen, not
buildup serumen, not tenderness, and good
tenderness, and good hearing.
12 Mouth Mucosa, dry lips, not Mucosa moist lips, not
stomastitis, tongue fairly stomastitis, tongue fairly
clean, there were dental clean, not caries in the teeth.
13 Neck There wasn’t There wasn’t enlargement of
enlargement of the the thyroid gland and the
thyroid gland and lymph lymph glands, there weren’t
glands, there aren’t tenderness, not swallow.
tenderness, not swallow.
Symmetrical, there was Symmetrical, ther waren’t
interkosta attraction. interkosta attraction.
Pal There wasn’t tenderness.
There wasn’t tenderness.

Per Resonant Resonant

A Audible wheezing. Not audible wheezing and
15 Heart
I Cardiac Ictus invisible. Cardiac Ictus invisible.
Pal There wasn’t cardiac There wasn’t cardiac
enlargement and enlargement and tenderness.
Per Dull. Dull.
A S1 and S2 regular S1 and S2 regular
17 Stomach Convex surface.
I Intestinal peristalsis 18 Convex surface.
A x / min Intestinal peristalsis 16 x /
There was tenderness in min
Pal quadrant one and There wasn’t tenderness, not
palpated region there palpable enlargement of the
enlargement of the liver. liver.
Per Tympani.
18 Extremity There weren’t injuries,
a. Superior could be moved freely, There weren’t injuries, could
there was’t hematum and be moved freely, there
not congenital defects. wasn’t hematum and not
There weren’t injuries, congenital defects.
b. Inferior could be moved freely, There weren’t injuries, could
not defects, there wasn’t be moved freely, not defects,
hematum farises. there wasn’t hematum
Damp, not injuries, and farises.
19 Skin not cyanosis occurs. Damp, not injuries, and not
Net, there weren’t signs cyanosis occurs.
20 Nail of hypoxia. Net, there weren’t signs of

No Examination Mr. Ko Mrs. S

1 Age 27 years 24 years
2 TD 110/70 mmHg 110/60 mmHg
3 Pulse 70 x / min 68 x / min
4 RR 22 x / min 22 x / min
5 Weight 55 Kg 42 Kg
6 Height 163 cm 150 cm
7 Head Mesochepal Mesochepal
8 Hair Wavy, black, spread Straight, black, spread
evenly, not gray hairs, evenly, not branched, and
and not dandruff not dandruff.
9 Eye Sclera not icteric, Sclera not icteric,
conjunctiva not anemis, conjunctiva not anemis,

clear vision, not clear vision, not

Nose tenderness. tenderness.
10 Symmetrical, there Symmetrical, there wasn’t
wasn’t buildup of buildup of secretions, not
secretions, not enlargement of polyps,
enlargement of polyps, there wasn’t tenderness,
there wasn’t tenderness, not pull nostrils.
Ear not pull nostrils.
11 Symmetrical, clean, not Symmetrical, clean, not
buildup serumen, not buildup serumen, not
tenderness, and good tenderness, and good
Mouth hearing. hearing.
12 Mucosa moist lips, there Mucosa moist lips, there
wasn’t stomstitis, tongue wasn’t stomstitis, tongue
fairly clean, not dental fairly clean, not caries in
Neck caries. the teeth.
13 There wasn’t There wasn’t enlargement
enlargement of the of the thyroid gland and
thyroid gland and the the lymph glands, there
lymph glands, there wasn’t tenderness, there
wasn’not tenderness, wasn’t swallow pain.
there wasn’t swallow
Lungs pain.
Symmetrical, not pull Symmetrical, not pull
Pal interkosta. interkosta.
Per There wasn’t tenderness. There wasn’t tenderness.
A Resonant. Resonant
Not audible wheezing. Not audible wheezing and
Heart Ronchi.
Pal Cardiac Ictus invisible.
Cardiac Ictus invisible.
There wasn’t cardiac There wasn’t cardiac
enlargement and enlargement and
Per tenderness.
A Dull.
Stomach S1 and S2 regular
S1 and S2 regular
A Convex surface.
Convex surface.
Intestinal peristalsis 18 Intestinal peristalsis 16 x /
Pal min
x / min
There wasn’t tenderness There wasn’t tenderness,
and there wasn’t there wasn’t palpable
enlargement of the liver. enlargement of the liver
Tympani. Tympani.
a. Superior
There weren’t injuries, There weren’t injuries,
could be moved freely, could be moved freely,

there wasn’t hematum there wassn’t hematum

b. Inferior and there weren’t and there weren’t
congenital defects. congenital defects.
There weren’t injuries, There weren’t injuries,
could be moved freely, could be moved freely,
there weren’t defects, there weren’t defects,
Skin there wasn’t hematum there wasn’t hematum
farises. farises.
19 Nail Damp, not injuries, and Damp, not injuries, and
not cyanosis occurs. not cyanosis occurs.
20 Net, there weren’t signs Net, there weren’t signs
of hypoxia. of hypoxia.

No Examination Child. N
1 Age 11 months
2 Pulse 110 x / min
3 RR 35 x / min
4 Weight 8 Kg
5 Height 69 cm
6 Arm circumference 14 cm
7 Chest circumference 57 cm
8 Head circumference 45 cm
9 Head Mesochepal
10 Hair Curly, black, spreading evenly, and there
wasn’t dandruff.
11 Eye Sclera not icteric, conjunctiva not anemis,
there wasn’t tenderness.
12 Nose Symmetrical, there wasn’t buildup of
secretions, there weren’t enlargement of
polyps, there wasn’t tenderness, not pull
13 Ear Symmetrical, clean, not buildup serumen,
not tenderness, and good hearing
14 Mouth Mucosa moist lips, not stomstitis, tongue
cleaner, not dental caries.
15 Neck There wasn’t enlargement of the thyroid
gland and the lymph glands, there wasn’t
swallow pain.
16 Lungs
I Symmetrical, not pull interkosta
Pal There wasn’t tenderness.
Per Resonant.
A Not audible wheezing and Ronchi.
17 Heart
I Cardiac Ictus invisible.
Pal There wasn’t cardiac enlargement and

Per Dull.
A S1 and S2 regular

18 I Flat surface.
A Intestinal peristalsis 18 x / min.
Pal There wasn’t tenderness.
Per Tympani.
19 a. Superior There weren’t injuries, could be moved
freely, there wasn’t hematum and there
weren’t congenital defects.
b. Inferior There weren’t injuries, could be moved
freely, not defects, there wasn’t hematum
Skin Damp, not injuries, and there wasn’t
20 cyanosis occurs.
Nail Net, there weren’t signs of hypoxia

9. Additional Data

DS : Mr. K said that pain

DO : P = Pain due to liver enlargement

Q = Pain felt by clients such as compressed

R = Pain that is felt area to the right upper abdomen

S = Scale 4 pain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

light average heavy

T = Missing arise

Bathel Assessment Index

No Criteria Independent information
1 Eat 5 10√ Frequency: 3 times a
day, the number of: 1
plate, type: rice,
vegetables, side dishes
2 Drink 5 10√ Frequency: 6-8 cups a
day, number: 1 600 cc,
type: water.
3 Moving from place to 5-10 15√
wheelchair seat
4 Personal toileting 0 5√
5 In and out of toilet 5 10√
6 Bath 5 10√ Frequency: 2 times a
0 15√ day
7 Flat surface road 5 10√
8 Up and down stairs 5 10√
9 Wearing apparel 5 10√ Frequency: 1 times a
10 Control Bouel 5 10√ day
11 Bladder Control 5 10√ Consistency: soft
5 10√ Frequency: 5-7 times a
12 Sports
13 Recreation
number 0 130

Assumption: the value of 130 is classified as an independent state.

Mental Status Assessment Gerontic

True wrong No Quietion

√ 01 What's the date today?
√ 02 What day is today?
√ 03 What is the name of this place?
√ 04 Where is your address?
√ 05 How old are you?
√ 06 When you were born?
√ 07 Who was president of Indonesia now?
√ 08 Who was president before Indonesis?
√ 09 Who is your mother's name?
√ 10 3 Less than 20 and remains third
reduction of any new figures, all in

Assessment Index KATZ

No Criteria Information
1 BATHING Mr. K shower 1times a day and can be done alone.
2 DRESSING Mr. K changing clothes 1x a day and can wear his
own clothes.
3 TOILETING Mr. K could go the toilet (bowel and bladder) own.
4 TRANSFER Mr. K can be moved from place to place without
5 KONTINENCE Mr. K could be controlled with good impulses.
6 FEEDING eat 3 times a day without assistance.

Assumption : In this study obtained a mean value of equilibrium Mr. K in both


A Change the position or movement value

1 Waking up from a chair 1

2 Sit down into a chair 1
3 Resisting the urge of the sternum 1
4 Eyes closed 1
5 Neck rotation 1
6 The movement reached something 1
7 Bow 1
B Components of gait / movement value
8 Ask the client to walk to the place specified 1
9 Feet altitude 1
10 Continuity footsteps 1
11 symmetrical footsteps 1
12 deviation path at run-time 1
13 Turn 1

Assumption : In this assessment could be seen the value obtained by Mr. K

means the balance of Mr. K in performing its still good.



Name of client : Mr. K Dx. Medical : liver cirrhosis

Date / Nursing
No Data Focus Possible cause Sgn
Jam Hour problems
1 Sunday DS: inability of the Ineffective
18-04-10 Mr. K said that shortness family in caring breathing
16:00 of breath. for sick family pattern
P.M DO: members
- RR 25 x / min
- Mr. K appeared holding
his chest
- There were pull
- There were pull nostrils
- When Mr. K breath.
middle look out of breath
2 Sunday DS: The inability of Impaired
18-04-10 Mr. K said that pain in the family to cope sense of
16:00 upper right abdomen. with a sick family comfort pain
P.M DO: member illness.
- P = pain
because there
Was liver damage
- Q = pain as pressed
- R = abdominal pain side
Right on
- S=4
- T = loss arising
- Mr. K looks grimace
Withstand pain
- Mr. K looks pale Mr. K
holds regional pain
3 Sunday DS: Inability of family Anxiety
18-04-10 Mr. K said that to feel to know the
16:00 anxious with the disease health problems
- Mr. K was restless
- Mr. K looked confused
Cold acral
4 Sunday - DS: Inability of family Lack of
18-04-10 Patients told not know about to know the knowledge
16:00 her illness and her diet. health problems. about
P.M DS: disease and
- Mr. K to wonder about diet.
the disease and diit.

- Mr. K silent when asked

about his illness


Name of client: Mr. K Dx. Medical: liver cirrhosis

1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to the inability of the family in caring for

sick family members.

2. Pain related to the inability of family to cope with a sick family member


3. Anxiety related to the inability of family to know the health problems.

4. Lack of knowledge about disease and diet related to the inability of family to

know the health problems.


Criteria Score Justification

a. The nature of the problem /3 x 1 = 1 If things wren’t going to
Scale: less healthy jeopardize Mr. K addressed
urgently. because Mr. K was
shortness of breath, so family
need to pay attention and bring
Mr. K to health service.
b. Possible problems that could be ½x2=1 Health care facility far enough
changed 2
/3 x 1 = 2/3 away from his house, but Mr. K
Scale: some 2
/2 x 1 = 1 still has the desire to seek
c. Potential problems to be Family have their own activity,
prevented but the family took the time to
Scale: enough Mr. K.
d. Prominence of the issue Mr. K and the family feel this
Scale: the problem must be was a problem that must be
addressed addressed.
a. The nature of the problem /3 x 1 = 1 If things weren’t going to
Scale: less healthy jeopardize Mr. K overcome.

because at this time Mr. K felt

pain upper right abdomen that
needs to be taken family health
b. Possible problems which could ½ x 2 = 1 Not only environmental issues
be changed 2
/3 x 1 = 2/3 but also the physical condition of
Scale: some 2
/2 x 1 = 1 Mr. K so that also requires
regular medication and diet.
c. Potential problems to be Family have their own busy but
prevented take the time to Mr. K’s family.
Scale: enough
d. Prominence of the issue Mr. K and the family feel this
Scale: the problem must be was a problem that must be
addressed addressed.
a. The nature of the problem /3 x 1 = 2/3 If things weren’t resolved will
Scale: health threats appear belarut anxiety, so Mr. K
to stress and new problems arise.
b. Possible problems that could be ½ x 2 = 1 Health-care facilities far enough
changed 2
/3 x 1 = 2/3 away from home Mr. K, but Mr.
Scale: some 2
/2 x 1 = 1 K still has the desire to seek
c. Potential problems to be Family have their own activity,
prevented but the family took the time to
Scale: enough Mr. K.
d. Prominence of the issue Mr. K and the family feel this
Scale: the problem must be was a problem that must be
addressed addressed.
a. The nature of the problem /3 x 1 = 2/3 if the situation wasn’t resolved
Scale: health threats then the Mr. K’s family and Mr.
K in particular didn’t know
about the disease and diet.
b. Possible problems that could be ½ x 2 = 1 Mr. K education was SR
changed 2
/3 x 1 = 2/3 (Society school) and still able to
Scale: some 0
/2 x 1 = 0 read, because the age factor so
that his memory started to
c. Potential problems to be decrease.
prevented Mr. K education SR (Society
Scale: enough school) and could read as well
as existing television and radio
d. Prominence of the issue media.
Scale: the problem wasn’t felt Fill the family issues are not too
problematic, the critical illness
suffered by Mr. K can be


Name of client: Mr. K Dx. Medical: liver cirrhosis

1. Ineffective breathing pattern related to the inability of the family in caring for

sick family members.

2. Pain related to the inability of family to cope with a sick family member


3. Anxiety related to the inability of family to know the health problems.

4. Lack of knowledge about disease and diit related to the inability of family to

know the health problems.


Name of client : Mr. K Dx. Medical: liver cirrhosis

No. Sfecifiic
General purpose Criteria Intervention
Dx purpose
I Having provided 1. Mr. K’s family Knowledge 1. Dig family knowledge
nursing care during could recognize to know the cause of
the four days the the impact of shortness of breath
family is expected Mr. K disease. Mr. K.
Mr. K capable of 2. Explain the process of
Mr. K treating. occurrence of
shortness of breath on
the Mr. K’s family
and Mr. K.
3. Invite family and Mr.
K to explain the return
process shortness of
breath occur.

2. Mr.K’s family Affective 1. Explain to the Mr.

could decide the K’s family and Mr. K
appropriate regarding measures
health measures to reduce the problem
in striked of ineffective
ineffective breathing pattern
breathing 2. Involve family
pattern members in making
problems. decisions.
Provide suggestions
for action that can be
done at house.
3. Mr. K’s family Psychomotor 1. Adjust the Mr. K
could treat Mr. position.
K. 2. Advise Mr. K to
practice breathing
3. Instruct Mr. K’s
family to note the
Mr. K condition.
II Having provided 1. Mr. family. K Knowledge 1. Dig knowledge about
nursing care during could recognize the cause of pain Mr.
the four days the the impact of K’s family.
family is expected Mr. K disease. 2. Explain about the
Mr. K capable of process of pain on
Mr. K treating. the Mr. K’s family
and Mr. K.
3. Mr. K’s family
guided and Mr. K to
explain the return of
2. Mr. K’s family Afektive 1. Explain to the
could decide family and Mr. K
appropriate regarding measures
health measures to reduce the
in striked pain problem of pain
problems 2. Involve the
whole family in
making decisions.
Give advice abstain
appropriate action
done at house.

3. Mr. K’s family. Psychomotor 1. Teach relaxation

could treat Mr. and distraction
K. techniques.
2. Advise Mr. K
adequate rest.
Advise Mr. K to not
move the weight.
III Having provided 1. Mr. K’s family Knowledge 1. Assess family
nursing care during could recognize knowledge about
the four days the health problems anxiety felt by Mr..
family was K.
expected Mr. K 2. Explain to the
capable of Mr.K family about how to
treating. overcome anxiety
3. Mr. K’s family and
Mr. K guides to
explain again about
the way overcome
2. Mr.K’s family Afektive 1. Motivation Mr. K for
health can positive action to
decided an anxiety
appropriate decrease.
acton of dealing 2. Give advice to
with anxiety family to keep
problems. control to health
3. Mr. K’s family Psychomotor 1. Teach the technique
could treat Mr. of distraction.
K. 2. Advise Mr. K so as
not to stress.
IV After given health Mr. K’s Family Knowledge 1. Dig family
education during may be familiar knowledge about the
expected Mr. 1x30 with Mr. K disease liver
minutes. K bias to health problems. cirrhosis.
explain again about 2. Tell than about the
the disease and diet. disease including
liver cirrhosis:
a. Definition
b. Cause
b. Signs and
c. Handling
d. Complication
e. Diet
3. Invite family to
explain the return of

liver cirrhosis


Name of client : Mr. K Dx. Medical: liver cirrhosis

Day / No. Dx.

Hour Implementation Respon Sgn
Date Nursing
Friday 11.00 IV 1. Digging family knowledge DS : Mr. K’s
23-04-10 A.M about the liver cirrhosis Family and
disease. Mr. K said
that didn’t
know about
- Mr. K and
family couldn’t
answer when
asked about
2. Explaining to the family and DS : Mr. K’s
Mr. K of liver cirrhosis Family and
disease, including: Mr. K said
a. Definition that obvious
b. Cause about liver
c. Signs and symptoms cirrhosis
d. Handling disease.
e. Complication DO:
f. Diet - Mr. K and
About liver
disease and

3. Guiding the Mr. K’s family DS : Mr. K and
and Mr. K to repeat the Mr. K’s
explanation of liver cirrhosis family said
and diet. that could
of liver
cirrhosis and
- Mr. K and Mr.
K’s family
could explain
about liver
cirrhosis and
his diet.
4. Giving a compliment to the DS : Mr. K’s
family and Mr. K because the family and
cooperative to listen and Mr. K said
answer about liver cirrhosis that happy
and diet were given
DO : - Mr. K
- Mr. K and
the family
seemed to
- Mr. K
Saturday 11.00 II 1. Adjust the position of DS : Mr. K said
24-04-10 A.M Mr. K with semi-Fowler that more
position. cozy with
DO :
- Mr. K appear
- Mr. K not
DS : Mr. K said
2. Mr. K teaches deep that after do
breathing techniques. breathing

Inside, Mr. K
felt more
DO :
- Mr. K
could do


Name of client : Mr. K Dx. Medical : liver chirrosis

Day / Date
No. Dx.
/ Jam Evaluation Sgn
Friday IV S : Mr. K ‘s family and Mr. K said that glad to know
23-04-10 about the liver cirrhosis disease.
11.30 O : Mr. K’s family and Mr. K was able to answer
A.M questions that include:
a. Definition
b. Cause
c. Signs and symptoms
d. Handlers
e. Complication
f. Diet
A : Problem solved
P : Preserve intervention
Saturday I S : Mr. K said that after the technique of breathing in,
24-04-10 Mr. K was more relieved and less crowded
11.25 already.
A.M O :
- Mr. K can perform independently in a breath
- Mr. K seemed calm.
- Mr. K didn’t seem agitated
- RR 24 x / min
A : Problem solved
P : Keep intervention



In this chapter the author would discuss about nursing care of Mr. K’s family

especially Mr. K with liver cirrhosis, in the Nogosaren Village, Getasan sub district,

Semarang regency. On April 18 until 27 April 2010, which started from the stage of

assessment, planning, implementation to evaluation stages. On the implementation of

family nursing care was a real case which of course there was a gap between the

problems that arise with existing nursing theory.

A. Discussion

After assessment process of the data collecting and analyzing data finally the

author got the data of four issues on Mr. K’s family, well maked priority used the

scoring. The problems that were based on the priority issues were:

1. Ineffective breathing pattern on Mr. K’s family especially Mr. K associated

with the inability of family caring for sick family members by scoring 3 2/ 3.

The data that appeared on Mr. K said that shortness of breath,

cough, the pull of interkosta, audible wheezing. While for the signs that lead

to ineffective breathing pattern is the change in the depth, speed breathing,

development of the chest disturbance, cough with or without sputum

production, abnormal breath sounds such as krikels, wheezing (Doenges,

2000: 156).

Ineffective breathing pattern was inspired ventilation or air

exchange and / or inadequate expiratory (Nanda, 2005: 27). The process of


of shortness of breath or Ineffective breathing pattern on Mr. K because there

was ascites of the abdomen that could cause a pressure on the diaphragm so

the lungs become narrowed and the space there was shortness of breath

(Smeltzer, 2002: 1178).

Factors related to ineffective breathing pattern with family in caring

for family inability sick family member. According to Suprajitno (2004: 18)

has family taked appropriate and right action, but the family has a known

limitation of his own family. There were certain factors that will create

barriers or obstacles to healthy development, and cause to environmental

factors that bad.

Limitation of the major characteristics (one must exist) at diagnosis

are the changes in frequency or pattern of breathing, changes in pulse

(frequency, duration, quality), the age limit criteria were orthopnea,

tachycardia, hipercapnea, hyperventilation, respiratory diritmic, difficult

breathing, or be careful (Carpenito, 2001: 326).

Limitation of ineffective breathing pattern characteristics such as

decrease of expiration or inspiration, the decline in ventilation per minute, the


use of additional respiratory muscles for breathing, nasal pharynx breathing,

dyspnea, chest irregularities, shortness of breath, pursed-lip breathing (by

mouth), expiratory elongate, breath frequency (infants <25 or> 60, 1-4 years

<20 or> 30, 5-14 years <14 or> 25, more than 14 years <11 or> 24), decrease

the vital capacity (Nanda, 2005: 27).

Inability of family caring for sick family members is the inability of

family to know the disease, knowing about the nature and development of

treatments required, to know the existing resources within the family (a

family member who was responsible, finance physical facilities,

psychosocial), knowing the existence of the necessary facility to care and

family attitudes toward the sick (Mubarak, 2006: 289).

The reason of author to prioritize this diagnosis became the first

diagnosis of respiratory problems because according to author was the most

actual problems that must be addressed, if the need for oxygen (O2) in the

body weren’t met could be life threatening with a short time. Moreover, I also

saw the results of the scoring ability that could be changed with the scale part,

was a potential problem to be prevented simply because it was affected by

many factors, among others: environmental factors and intrinsic material, and

the prominence of issues that must be addressed. Besides, according to Perry

& Potter (2005: 1569-1570), describes the O2 (oxygen) is the most basic

physiological needs and if needs are not met would threaten the life that

previously showed signs of tissue hypoxia were inadequate oxygenation at

the tissue level this network if not addressed will lead to cardiac dysrhythmic

increased pulse rate and breathing and could cause death.


Intervention that had been prepared, among others, assessed

knowledge of Mr. K’s family especially Mr. K about the cause of shortness of

breath and a process of shortness of breath, set the positions and breathing

techniques taught in order to stimulate awareness and acceptance of family

related to problems and health needs and provide confidence for caring for

sick family members.

Author solved the above problems by doing that carried out the

implementation date of 24 April 2010 at 11:00 hours which assessment

knowledge of Mr. K’s family especially Mr. K about the causes and

processes of the occurrence of shortness of breath. Rational was to recognize

how much knowledge his family especially about the causes and occurrence

of shortness of breath, whose purpose was Mr. K’s family and especially Mr.

K could be explained again about the causes and processes of the occurrence

of shortness of breath. Adjust the position of Mr. K with semi-Fowler's

position or half-sitting position. Rational was to stimulate breathing function

or lung expansion, effective in the prevention and improvement of pulmonary

congestion with the aim to facilitate of respiratory or lung expansion

(Doenges, 2000: 123).

Teached relaxation techniques or breathing in to the Mr. K’s family especially

Mr. K Rational was to help breathing reekspansi or maintain airway potency

which aims to reduce shortness of breath and can demonstrate how relaxation

techniques or breathing in (Doenges, 2000: 123). Motivated family to

communicate with other family members about how the management of the

right decisions in caring for sick family, because the motivation of the family

will be able to changed the attitude of these family (Suprajitno, 2004: 50).

After the implementation of the evaluation was obtained as follows:

Mr. K’s family and Mr. K said that his shortness of breath was decreased

compared to before, and was able to overcome said that in shortness of

breath, respiratory frequency was reduced to 24 x / min. Mr. K’s family and

Mr. K knows the cause and process of occurrence of shortness of breath. And

able to demonstrate how to perform semifowler and engineering positions in

a breath. From the analysis of problems found in nursing diagnose the issue is

resolved so that the action plan is maintained.

Breathing techniques was a process of fulfilling the needs of O2

(oxygen) was adequate in the body, adequate oxygen in the body causing

oxygenation process is the process of ventilation, diffusion and perfusion can

be working perfectly so in the process of ventilation or gas exchange during

inspiration and expiratory path not experiencing respiratory obstruction or

narrowing. so that the author teaches breathing techniques to reduce his

shortness of breath.

Author determined factor endowments that support the family of

nursing problem solving in the Mr. K’s family, among others, the ability of

his family to understand the material that has been submitted, the desire of the

family members to achieve better health standards, while the inhibiting factor

was a bit of time to meet with his family members of the sidelines


2. Pain related to the inability of family to recognize health issues with scoring

3 2/3.

The formulation of nursing diagnoses in line with the needs of clients,

supported by restriction characteristics, which shows the basic data of clients,

aetiological conditions (Potter, Perry, 2006: 169-170).

The data that appeared on Mr. K said that pain in area at the upper

right abdomen and pain when performing activities increases, the pain

disappeared arise, activity limitations, there was hepatomegaly palpable,

pale, grimaced pain, and his holds regional pain (Doenges, 2000: 156). While

for the signs that lead to a sense of comfort and pain disorders was

found on Mr. K complaint, pain, discomfort, fatigue

Leisure is a situation that has been the fulfillment of basic human needs,

which include the need for tranquility (a satisfaction that enhance the

appearance of everyday), relief (needs have been met), and transcendent (a

state of something that exceeds any problems or pain) (Perry-Potter , 2006:


Pain was a sensory and emotional experience unpleasant damages

arising from actual or potential tissue or show damage. (Nanda, 2005:146).

While acute pain is pain that lasts from several seconds up to 6 months,

whereas chronic pain is constant or intermittent pain settled over a period of

time or held for six months or more (Smeltzer, 2002:213).

Pain receptors are free nerve endings in the skin that respond only to

strong stimuli, which are potentially damaging. Chemical mediators of pain is

the number of substances that affect the sensitivity of nerve endings or pain

receptors to tissue released extracellularly as a result or the perception of pain


include histamine, bradykinin, acetylcholine, and substance prostaglandin

(Smeltzer, 2002: 215). Changes in circumstances where the individual's

comfort is experienced or reported a great sense of discomfort or unpleasant

sensations (Carpenito, 2001: 42).

Processes and causes of pain in diseases suffered by Mr. K . liver

cirrhosis was caused by liver cells were destroyed resulting in inflammation

of the liver after liver inflammation pad liver parenchymal necrosis will occur

after that there was increased formation of scar tissue that causes the

connective tissue, causing the failure of the liver parenchyma. From the

failure of the liver parenchyma was then emerge the pain response (Smeltzer,

2002: 1178).

Limitation of the major characteristics (one must exist) on individual

diagnoses are reported to feel pain. While the characteristics of minor

limitations (not necessarily exist) was a disorder of social and family

relationships, sensitive stimulation, depression, holds part of the pain, anxiety,

grimacing appearance, fatigue, and anxiety.

Inability of family caring for sick family members is the inability of

family to know the disease, knowing about the nature and development of

needed care, knowing that there are resources within the family (a family

member who was responsible, finance physical facilities, psychosocial),

knowing the existence of the necessary facilities to care and family attitudes

toward the sick (Mubarak, 2006: 289).

The reason the writer to prioritize this diagnosis as a second diagnosis

because emergencies terms of the pain was at the second position which

should be treated after breathing problems. According Bailon and Maglaya in

Setyowati and Murwani (2008) mentioned that the diagnosis should consider

the prioritization criteria, the nature of the problem, possible problem was

changed, the potential problems to be prevented and the prominence of the

issue. From the assessment scoring, the authors get the same scoring value in

the case of Mr. K, but the authors continue to take pain as a priority both

because of the pain although it also could be life threatening but requires a

longer period than the breathing problems.

Mr. K’s family and Mr. K not know clearly about the process of pain

and prominence occurrence problem that must be addressed as his family

assume that health was very important, for the determination of priorities

should consider the criteria of the nature of the problem it was unhealthy or

because it has happened, possible problems could be handled in part because

of low education and low socio-economic.

Intervention on April 25, 2010 which dig knowledge of Mr. K’s

family and Mr. K about causes and processes aimed at the pain that the his

family and Mr. K know about the pain. Explain the causes and processes of

the occurrence of pain, to illustrate the existence of the causes and processes

given the occurrence of pain the his family is expected and Mr. K was able to

understand and apply the science that has been obtained. For how to

overcome the pain felt by Mr. K. Author teach relaxation techniques to the

Mr. K’s family and Mr. K. To achieve these objectives, the author conduct

health education and to demonstrate the way of relaxation and distraction


Authors in troubleshooting and implemented by the above conduct on

April 25, 2010, provides health education about the causes and processes of

the occurrence of pain. Rational was to provide basic knowledge to the family

and Mr. K in order to understand the causes and the process of pain, objective

that Mr. K’s family and Mr. K knows and could explain the causes and

processes of re-occurrence of pain. Teaches about how relaxation techniques

with a deep breath and imagine the fun things. Rational relaxation technique

that was by doing so could cause vasodilatation muscles become lax and

assist in reducing the decreased in pain perception or response, provides

control situations, and increase positive behaviors, which aims to enhance

relaxation and reduce pain.

Relaxation technique was a process of fulfilling the O2 (oxygen) in the

body including organs in the body by a deep breath. With fulfilled oxygen on

the internal organs of the body like the muscles in the body become loose

or relax so it could reduce the occurrence of pain response.

After doing these implementation in the evaluation obtained as

follows: Mr. K’s family and Mr. K said that could explain the causes and

processes of pain and Mr. K said the pain was reduced from the previous after

doing relaxation techniques and was able to overcome the pain when his

illness relapsed, three pain scale. his family and his could demonstrate how

the relaxation technique, the analysis found problems in nursing diagnose the

issue was resolved so that the action plan was maintained.

The author found a supporting factor in the management of his family is a

family capable of understanding the material presented and could


demonstration of relaxation techniques. While the inhibiting factors to lack of

time given to managing the his family.

3. Anxiety related to inability of Mr. K’s family and Mr. K know the health

problem by scoring 2 1 / 3.

The data that appeared on Mr. K said that anxiously, Mr. K looked

confused or restless, acral cold and dry lip mucosa. According to Carpenito

(2001: 90-10) for signs and symptoms that lead to anxiety could be

determined by three categories namely physiological, emotional, and

cognitive. Physiological include an increase in blood pressure, increased

cardiac frequency, respiratory frequency increased, pale, dry mouth, and

weakness. Emotional includes clients feel fear, helplessness, nervousness,

lack confidence, can not be relaxed, sensitive to stemuli, excessive anger, and

poor eye contact. Cognitive include client can not concentrate, lack of

awareness of surroundings, and decreased ability to learn.

Anxiety was a condition in which individual or groups experiencing feelings

of anxiety (assessment or opinion) and nervous system activity in autonum

respon to threats that were unclear, nonspecific (Carpenito, 2001: 9).

Anxiety was feeling uncomfortable or fear that weren’t clear and anxiety

accompanied by autonomic responses (sometimes non-specific sources or not

known by the individual), feelings of anxiety not to overcome the danger

(Nanda, 2005: 9).

Factors related to anxiety by the inability of Mr. K’s family to know

health problems. According Suprajitno (2004: 18), the family has the right

and correct action, but the family has limitations that have been known to the

family. There were certain factors that will create barriers or obstacles to

healthy development.

Limitation of anxiety characteristics according to Nanda (2005: 9-11),

in terms of behavioral, affective, physiological and cognitive. Behaviours

include decreased productivity, alertness and staring, restless glance, poor eye

contact, and restless. Includes affective feeling regret, iritabel, anguish, fear,

nervousness, feelings of inadequacy and easily offended. Physiological

tremble include voice, hand tremors, shaky, increased respiration, increased

urination and increased pulse. While cognitive include blocking,confused,

reflective, damage to attention, and a decrease in the field of perception.

Inability to recognize family health problems is the inability of family

to know the facts of health problems including the definition, causes, signs

and symptoms of, and that affects family, and the perception of problem

(Mubarak, 2006: 288-289).

The reason the author to prioritize this diagnosis became the third

diagnosis Because worry was a problem which should also be handled but the

result of third-ranked scoring worried that views of the nature of the problem,

scale health threats, possible problems that could be modified in part and

potential problems to be prevented simply because it was affected by various

One factor was the source environment. And the prominence of the issue

must be addressed so as not to cause new problems.

Interventions that had been prepared, among others, digging

knowledge of Mr. K’s family and Mr. K about anxiety and how to overcome

anxiety, teach or distracting distraction techniques with the aim to stimulate


awareness and acceptance of family related to problems and health needs and

provide confidence for caring for sick family members. Author to tackle the

problem of implementing the above authors carried out on 26 April 2010

10.05 hours digging knowledge Mr. K’s family and Mr. K how to overcome

anxiety. Rational was to know how far knowledge of the family and Mr. K to

overcome anxiety, objective oder his family and Mr. K knows how to identify

anxiety. Teaching the technique of distraction or divert attention. Rational was

to give meaning anxiety removal response, lowering of attention, enhancing

relaxation, improving coping skills, an objective that his family and Mr. K

was able to explain again and to demonstrate the technique of distraction for

overcome his anxiety.

Anxiety is a mixture of physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders

are divided into three components, namely the reception, perception, and

reaction. To overcome this author taught distraction techniques or in any way

distract the client so that client's perception of the mind wasn’t focused on


After the implementation of the evaluation is obtained as follows: Mr.

K’s family and Mr. K said that anxiety was felt already reduced after taught

distraction techniques (distraction) and his family and his was also able to

demonstrate how the distraction technique. From the analysis of problems

found in nursing diagnose the problem resolved, so the plan of action was


Authors determining factor endowments that support the settlement of

his family in family nursing problem, among others, the ability of Mr. K’s

family was able to explain again about how to overcome anxiety, the desire of

the family members to achieve health standards more where the inhibiting

factor was a bit of time to meet with Mr. K’s family members on the sidelines

of preoccupation.

4. Lack of knowledge on Mr. K’s family and Mr. K’s illness related to the

inability to recognize family health issues with scoring 21/3

The data that appeared on Mr. K said that it didn’t know about his

illness, Mr. K silent when asked about his illness, Mr. K to wonder about the

disease and the cause of her illness. According to Nanda (2007: 324), a sign

that leads about the lack of knowledge was the cognitive limitation, the

interpretation of the information was wrong or lack of desire to seek

information, and didn’t know the sources of information.

Notoatmodjo (2005: 3), describes the idea of knowledge was the

result of human beings, who merely answered the question "what" such as

what human beings, nature and so forth. According to Carpenito (2001: 223)

lack of knowledge was a state where an individual or group cognitive

deficiency of knowledge or psychomotor skills related to the condition with

treatment plan.

According to Potter-Perry (2005: 336) education for an important

client because the client has the right to know and get information about

doagnosis, prognosis, treatment and risks. The purpose of health education on

the client is to maintain good health, disease prevention, and improved health.

Limitation of the major characteristics which reveal the knowledge

and skills of information request. Minor characteristics that is less integration


of the treatment plan into daily activities, show changes in psychological

(anxiety, depression) lead to less information.

Inability to recognize family health problems is the inability of family

to know the facts of health problems including the understanding, causes,

signs and symptoms, and that affects family, and the perception of problem

(Mubarak, 2006: 288-289).

The reason the writer has taken this knowledge to prioritize diagnoses

become less diagnostic because it views the results of the fourth scoring

threat of the nature of health problem, possible problem that could be

modified in part and enough potential problem to be prevented while the

prominence of issues that weren’t perceived by Mr. K’s family especially

Mr. K.

Author to overcome the above problems have been planning the

nursing care that was given health education about the disease and liver

cirrhosis diet. The objective was that Mr. K’s family and his know and could

descrebs return of liver cirrhosis disease, (explain liver cirrhosis signs and

symptoms, treatment, complications, and diet to liver cirrhosis disease). Give

family the opportunity to express things that weren’t clear and give positive

praise for correct answers to the family, citing the family how much attention

to things that were discussed and motivate family to respect the family for it

was ability to answer questions.

The author in overcoming the above problem have been

implementation on 23 April 2010 at 11.30 which was provided health

education about the disease and liver cirrhosis diet. Rational was to provide

basic knowledge on Mr. K’s family and Mr. K so that it could make

information to overcome the illness, which aims to explore how far the

knowledge of his family and Mr. K, with the Mr. K’s family of response

criteria and Mr. K able to repeat the material presented was about the disease

liver cirrhosis, and explained again about liver cirrhosis diet. Giving family

the opportunity to ask about the things that have not been clear and positive

praise for correct answers to the family, with a reason to measure how much

attention the family against the things that have been discussed and

modification family to family appreciate the ability to answer question.

Results of evaluation of these nursing problems, the subjective data is

the family said that could explain the return of liver cirrhosis disease, signs

and symptoms, causes, treatment, complication and liver cirrhosis diet. From

the analysis of problems found in nursing diagnose the issue was resolved so

that the action plan was maintained.

The author found a supporting factor for solving the problem on Mr.

K’s family of nursing among others: the ability of family in understanding the

material, the desire of the family member to reach a better life. While the

inhibiting factors were: the limited time given to care for Mr. K’s family.

Implementation has been done on the authors to conclude that Mr. K’s

family and Mr. K was able to understand the extension has been granted.

B. Justification

Author in determining the priority of nursing diagnosis that was based on

the results of the assessment scoring, but the results of the assessment in the case

of Mr. K’s family especially Mr. K, the author found the same scoring value on

nursing diagnosis ineffective breathing pattern and pain, so that authors must

choose one of these diagnoses as a diagnostic priority. Finally, the author take the

diagnosis ineffective breathing pattern as the main priority of nursing diagnosis.

Because according to the author most current respiratory problems that must be

addressed, if the need for oxygen (O2) in the body weren’t met could be life

threatening with a short time. While Perry and Potter (2005: 1569-1570) also

explains the oxygen (O2) is the most basic physiological needs and if needs

weren’t met will threaten the life that previously showed signs of tissue hypoxia

was inadequate tissue oxygenation at the level of this network If not treated will

lead to cardiac dysrhythmic, increased pulse rate and respiration and could cause

death. Supported from Perry and Potter's explanation above, the writer set the

pattern of breathing wasn’t effective as a diagnostic priority. The author didn’t lift

all the diagnoses that appeared on the basic concepts of disease because of the

results of the assessment date of May 18th, 2010 in Mr. K there wasn’t data

showing that the diagnosis had to be appointed to cases review.




A. Conclusion

Liver cirrhosis was a chronic liver disease characterized by diffuse

inflammation and scarring in the liver are accompanied by noduls causing

confusion or damage in the composition of the liver parenchyma. The underlying

factors that often lead to the occurrence of disease was alcoholic liver cirrhosis,

viral hepatitis, and malnutrition. From those etiology of could be classified the

liver cirrhosis as the fowllowings:

1. Laennec portal cirrhosis (alcoholic, nutritional), in which scar tissue typically

surrounding the portal areas. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by chronic

alcoholism and is the type most commonly found in western countries.

2. Pascanekrotik cirrhosis, where there was a wide band of scar tissue as a

result-up of acute hepatitis viral that occurred previously.

3. Biliary cirrhosis, where the formation of scar tissue occurs around the bile

ducts within the liver.

Liver cirrhosis could also cause a complication or negative impacts if not

addressed promptly could lead to failures such as the liver, hepatomegaly


(enlarged liver), hypertension, portal, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy

(neurological death), Transformation towards primary liver cancer (hepatoma),

and final cause death.

In the case of Mr. K’s family and Mr. K, the authors provided health

education about liver cirrhosis disease, breathing techniques taught in the weeks

to reduce his shortness of breath teaches relaxation techniques and distraction to

reduce pain and anxiety. Problem that86arise in Mr. K’s family especially Mr. K,


1. Ineffective breathing pattern on Mr. K related the inability of family caring

for sick family members. On the first diagnosis of this author has taught

technique and breath in an effective manner that was positioned with

semifowler position which aims to reduce his shortness of breath. This

diagnosis was resolved, with the family of Mr. K response and Mr. K said that

shortness of breath was reduced, Mr. K’s family and Mr. K could be

explained again and to demonstrate the technique of breathing in a way.

2. Pain related to the inability of family to cope with a sick family member

illness. In this second diagnosis author have taught relaxation techniques and

encourage remain relaxed in order to reduce the pain felt by Mr. K. This

diagnosis was resolved with Mr. K’s family and Mr. K response his said that

pain had subsided, his family and Mr. K could be explained again and to

demonstrate how relaxation technique.

3. Anxiety related to the inability of family to know the health problem. In this

third diagnostic technique the author has taught Mr. K distraction or divert

attention, which aims to reduce the anxiety experienced by Mr. K. This


diagnosis was resolved with Mr. K’s family and Mr. K response his said that

anxiety had subsided, his family and Mr. K could be explained again and to

demonstrate how the distraction technique.

4. Lack of knowledge about disease and diet related to liver cirrhosis recognize

the inability of family health problems. In this fourth diagnosis authors

provide health education about the disease and liver cirrhosis diet aimed at

Mr. K’s family and Mr. K could be explained again about the disease and diet.

This diagnosis could be resolved with his family and Mr. K response his said

that it know about the disease and liver cirrhosis diet.

To the above four diagnoses found in the case of Mr. K has been

overcome all. But Mr. K conditions wasn’t stable, so that Mr. K everyday

activities. should be assisted family. While Mr. K family has the busyness of

each so that Mr. K activity performed his own house. Author to overcome this

problem the author has not been able to overcome because of the limited time and

Mr. K’s family member was busy.

B. Suggestion

1. For clients

It was expected to Mr. K didn’t do light an activity , avoid eating food

that should not be taken for patients with liver cirrhosis disease, and applyed

what had been obtained while following the health education provided.

2. For Families

It was expected Mr. K to participate in the process of healing the

patient, and could modify the environment for family who suffered from liver

cirrhosis and providing support to a sick family member illness that could be


3. For a nurse or health institutions.

Expected to increase his work in dealing with a health problem and

could provide optimal service and give priority to what the basic needs of the



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