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© Idōkan Poland Association

“IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”,

Vol. 18, no. 1(2018), pp. 39–44
DOI: 10.14589/ido.18.1.6

Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos¹ (A,B,C,D,E,F), Irineu Loturco² (A,B,C,D,E,F),

Emerson Franchini¹(A,B,C,D,E,F)
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, Sport Department, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São
Paulo (Brazil)
Nucleus of High Performance in Sport – NAR, São Paulo (Brazil)
Corresponding author: Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos: Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, Sport Department, School
of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Av. Prof. Mello Morais, 65, Cidade Universitária – CEP:
05508-030–São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Orcid code: 0000-0002-3309-4731; e-mail:

Relationship between frequency speed of kick test performance,

optimal load, and anthropometric variables in black-belt taekwondo
Submission: 7.09.2017; acceptance: 10.11.2017

Key words: measure, specific evaluation, combat sports, performance

Aim. The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between frequency speed of kick test (FSKT) performance, optimal
load, and anthropometric characteristics in taekwondo athletes.
Material and Methods. Sixteen black-belt taekwondo athletes volunteered to participate in the study. FSKT performance with durations
of 10s and 90s, optimal load in jump squat and bench throw, and anthropometric characteristics were measured, including somatotype.
Results. Significant correlations were found between height and FSKT10s (rs = -0.53 [large]; p = 0.017), height and FSKT4 (rs = -0.514
[large]; p = 0.021), and body fat (kg) and FSKT4 (rs = -0.606 [large]; p = 0.006). The ANOVA (F 1.68, 25.20 = 23.28; p<0.001; η² = 0.608
[large]; post hoc observed power: 1.00) results indicated that the number of kicks during FSKT1 (Mean±SD: 21±2) was superior
to FSKT2 (20±2), FSKT3 (19±2), FSKT4 (18±2), and FSKT5 (18±2) (p <0.01). The number of kicks during FSKT2 was superior to
FSKT3, FSKT4, and FSKT5 (p <0.05). The number of kicks during FSKT3 was superior to FSKT4 (p <0.05).
Conclusions. The FSKT is a field test that correlates with physical characteristics important to the performance of taekwondo ath-
letes and which can be conducted in training centers. Additionally, FSKT is a new field taekwondo test that presents peak of kicks,
total kicks and kick decrement index. Coaches and strength and conditioning professionals will benefit from using this tool to
monitor taekwondo athletes.

Introduction Wheeler 2010]. The anaerobic conditioning is a necessary

characteristic for successful application of kicks during
Taekwondo is a combat sport, with intermittent character- all taekwondo matches.
istics, in which athletes perform complex high-intensity The most commonly used test to measure anaer-
movements, followed by periods of activity at low-in- obic power in taekwondo athletes is the Wingate test
tensity or pauses [Bridge et al. 2014; Santos, Franchini, [Bridge et al. 2014], but unfortunately, specific field tests
Lima-Silva 2011]. Matches are structured across six to assess anaerobic physical fitness are less widely known
minutes, divided into three two-minute rounds with a [Santos et al., 2016; Santos, Valenzuela, Franchini, 2015;
one-minute break between them [World Taekwondo, Sant’Ana et al. 2014; Sant’Ana, Silva, Guglielmo 2009].
2016]. The purpose of a taekwondo match is to make the The frequency speed of kick test (FSKT) has been used
most points without suffering counterattack or knock- to measure performance in recent investigations [San-
out of the opponent. Considering these purposes, it is tos et al. 2016; Santos, Valenzuela, Franchini 2015]. The
important for taekwondo athletes to develop anaerobic FSKT is performed in two forms, the first composed of
conditioning during the competition season [Ball, Nolan, one 10s set and the second of five 10s sets with a 10s
40 “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 1 (2018)

rest interval between sets. Variables generated are: kick Before testing session, a general and specific warm-up
number in each set, total kick number, and kick decre- routine were realized, composed by running, stretching
ment index (KDI) [Santos et al. 2016; Santos, Valenzuela, and low intensity kicks and punches, totalizing approx-
Franchini 2015]. These variables can be used to define imately 15-minutes.
the performance, however, no study has correlated FSKT
with anthropometrical characteristics such as height, Procedures
weight, and body fat for example. Taekwondo athletes
desire maintenance or reduction in body mass, mus- Anthropometric Variables
cle mass and low body fat because these characteristics Body mass and Height. Body mass was measured using
maybe are associated with success [Bridge et al. 2014]. a scale accurate to 0.1 kg and height using a stadiome-
However, until the present moment, it is not known ter accurate to 0.1 cm. Body mass and height were used
whether the same characteristics are necessary for good to calculate the body mass index (BMI), using the for-
performance during the FSKT. mula: kg/m².
Different behavior is expected in field tests using
specific gestures which can be quickly and easily applied. Perimeters. Perimeters were measured and used to
Currently, there are few investigations using specific taek- calculate the somatotype as described previously
wondo gestures [Santos et al. 2016; Santos, Valenzuela, by the International Society for the Advancement of
Franchini 2015; Sant’Ana et al. 2014; Sant’Ana, Silva, Kineanthropometry standardization (ISAK) [Norton,
Guglielmo 2009]. For this reason, the purpose of the pres- Olds 1996].
ent study was to investigate the relationship between FSKT
performance, optimal load, and anthropometric charac- Skinfolds. The skinfolds measured were chest, mid-ax-
teristics in taekwondo athletes. There was expected an illary, triceps, subscapular, abdominal, and thigh. The
association between FSKT performance and anthropo- skinfolds were used to calculate somatotype. All proce-
metric variables, specially body fat and lean body mass, dures adopted followed ISAK standardization [Norton,
and between FSKT and neuromuscular performance. Olds 1996].

Body Density. Body density (BD) was estimated using

Material and Methods Jackson and Pollock’s [Jackson, Pollock 1978] formula,
as follows.
BD = 1.112 - .00043499 (∑7EDC) + .00000055
Sixteen male black-belt taekwondo athletes volunteered (∑7EDC)² - .00028826 (age)
to participate (age: 23±5 years; height: 180±7 cm; weight:
73±13 kg; experience time: 11±5 years) and provided ∑7EDC = is the sum of seven skinfolds (chest, midaxillary,
written consent after being informed about the proce- triceps, subscapular, abdominal, suprailiac, and thigh).
dures and risks associated. The athletes were competing
at a regional or more prominent level (international: Body Fat. Siri’s [Siri, 1961] equation was used to estimate
3; national: 5; state: 6; regional: 2) and trained in taek- body fat (BF), as follows.
wondo 5-times per week, with a 2-h duration per session.
Prior to testing, the athletes were informed of the proce- BF% = [(4.95/BD)] – 4.50] x 100
dures, including the possible risks involved, and signed an
informed consent form. They were free from any injury BF% is the percentage of BF.
or neuromuscular disorder. The research was approved
by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Somatotype. Determination of somatotype was calculated
following Health and Carter [Health, Carter 1967] pro-
Study Design tocols. Weight, height, diameters (humeral and femoral),
girth (arm contracted and medial calf), and skinfold
This is a cross-sectional association study among physical, thickness (triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, and medial
muscular power and FSKT of male black-belt taekwondo leg) were included to calculate somatotype components.
athletes. All athletes involved in this study had experi-
ence with testing procedures, including FSKT. The tests Frequency Speed of Kick Test. The FSKT had duration
were executed in center training of each athlete, during of 10s and was described in a previous study [Santos,
competitive period. The assessment was performed at Valenzuela, Franchini 2015]. During its execution each
the same period (starting 9 AM) following order physi- athlete was placed in front of the stand bag equipped
cal measurement, muscular power, FSKT10s and FSKTmult. with a simple trunk taekwondo protector. After a com-
Rest interval of 20 minutes among tests were applied. mand, the athlete performed the maximal number of
da Silva Santos J.F., Loturco I., Franchini E. — Relationship between frequency speed of kick… 41

kicks possible, alternating right and left legs. The turning titions for each load, starting at 30% of their body mass in
kick, known as Bandal Tchagui, was used during test. the BT and 40% of their body mass in the JS. A load of 5%
and 10% of body mass was gradually added in each set for
Performance Variables BT and JS, respectively, until a decrease in mean propulsive
power (MPP) (W) performance was observed. MPP load
Frequency Speed of Kick Test Mult. The same procedures (kg) and MPP relative (W/kg) were obtained based on
adopted in the FSKT10s, were used during the FSKTmult. MPP. Mean propulsive power was measured considering
In this study, each athlete performed five FSKTs with only the concentric phase during which the acceleration
a 10s rest interval between repetitions. Performance is greater than acceleration due to gravity (i.e., a ≥ – 9.81
was determined by the total number of kicks in each m.s-2) [Sanchez-Medina,
4 Perez, Gonzalez-Badillo 2010].
set, the total number of kicks in five sets, and the kick
Performance index. FSKT multiple sets presented mean intr- Statistical analysis
aclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = .85 between test
e Variables and retest. The mean coefficient of variation between Data are presented as M, SD, and 95% confidence interval
Frequency Speed of Kick Test Mult. The same procedures adopted in the FSKT10s, were used
test and retest was 3.9%.
during the FSKTmult. In this study, each athlete performed five FSKT with (95%
a 10sCI).
restThe Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess data
Speed of between
Kick Testrepetitions.
Mult. The Performance
same procedures was determined
adopted in the by the
FSKT total10s number
, were of
used normality.
kicks in eachCorrelations
set, the were carried out using Spearman’s
SKTmult. total number
In this of each
study, in Index.
Kick anddecrement
the kick
five FSKTfatigue aindex.
with 10s restper-FSKT multiple
interval sets presented
correlation coefficients, calculated to examine the rela-
etitions. mean intraclass
formance was correlation
decrease coefficient
by thethe
during total (ICC)
test [Santos, =of.85
kicks between
et al., each test
in2016]. andtionships
set, the retest. The
between meandependent (i.e., FSKT outcomes) and
r of kickscoefficient of variation
in five sets, and the betweenkick fatigue test index.
and retestFSKT wasmultiple
3.9%. sets presented
To calculate
Kick Decrement the kick
Index. Kick decrement
decrement the number of blows decrease independent variables
test (i.e., anthropometric data and per-
lass correlation coefficient (ICC) = .85 betweenindicates
test and performance
retest. The mean during the
of variation applied
betweenet al., during
and retestTo the multiple
was 3.9%. theFSKT was considered.
kick decrement the number The of blows formance tests).the
applied during The correlations were classified as 0.0
ment Index. equation
Kick FSKT takes
decrement into
considered. account
indicates The the results
performance of all
takes intoFSKT
decrease account
during setsthe test- 0.1of(trivial),
the results all FSKT>0.1 sets - 0.3 (small), >0.3 - 0.5 (moderate),
l., 2016].(Equation)
To calculate[Girard,
(Equation) the kick Mendez-Villanueva,
[Girard, the number
Mendez-Villanueva, Bishop, 2011].
of blows
Bishopapplied 2011]. during the>0.5 - 0.7 (large), >0.7 - 0.9 (very large), and >0.9 – 1.0
KT was considered. The equation takes into account the results of all FSKT sets(nearly perfect) [Hopkins 2002], and only moderate and
Girard, Mendez-Villanueva,
KICK DECREMENT Bishop, 2011]. INDEX (%) = [1- ] x 100
Best FSKT SET X Number of Sets large correlations between the FSKT and other variables
] x 100 were presented. ANOVA one-way with repeated measures
Best FSKT SET X Number of Sets
Squat Jump and Countermovement Jump Heights. The taekwondo athletes were allowed five was used to check the differences between FSKT series,
attempts, interspersed by ~15 second intervals between each jump. All jumps followed
were by the Bonferroni post-hoc test and observed
with hands
and Countermovement the
Jump and
hips. Countermovement
Heights. the taekwondo
The squat jump, Jump Heights.
a static
athletes position
were Thewithfive
allowed 90 power,
degree knee-flexion
which was the mainly test used. The Mauchly’s
erspersed wasby maintained
~15 secondfor
taekwondo approximately
athletes between 2each
were allowed seconds
jump. before
five a newwere
jumps jump
inter- attempt,test
performed without preparatory
indicated that the sphericity assumption was violated
on the hips. During During
the squat the
jump, countermovement
a static position jump,90athletes
with degree were instructed to perform a
spersed by ~15 second intervals between each jump. (c² (9) = 33.5, p <0.05), thus the degrees of freedom were
downward movement
ned for approximately 2 seconds followed
before by a newa complete
jump attempt, extension of the
without lower limb joints. The jumps
were All jumps
performed on were
a mat performed
platform with
During the countermovement jump, athletes were instructed to perform a hands
jump; on
fusion the
sport, hips.coopers corrected
plains, using
Australia) the Greenhouse and Geisser estimate of
movement During
recorded athe
byflight squat
time (t)
complete jump, being
extension a static
used position
to estimate
of the lower limb with 90height of thesphericity
The rise of the (ε body’s
= 12:42). ANOVA was classified using the
med on acenter of gravity(smart
mat platform duringwas amaintained
jump; vertical
fusion jump. forThe
sport, best attempt
coopers plains,2wassecondsretainedwith
Australia) forpartial
data analysis.
eta squared (η2) according to the following scale
d flight time (t)before
being ausednew to jump estimate
attempt, the height
without (h)preparatory
of the rise move- of the body’s[Cohen 1988]: small = 0.01; medium = 0.06; large = 0.14.
avity during a vertical jump. The best attempt was retained for data analysis.
Loadedment.Bench During
throwthe (BT) countermovement
and Jump Squatjump, (JS). athletes
A linearwere transducer The level ofDynamic
(T-Force, significance was set at 5%.
instructed System; Ergotech
to perform Consulting movement
a downward S. L., Murcia, Spain) was attached to the smith
nch throw machine bar
(BT)byand (adapted
Jump Squat
a complete by Hammer
(JS). A of
extension Strength,
linear Rosemont,
the lower USA) The
joints. to Dynamic
determine MPP. Bar position
nt System; data were sampled
Ergotech Consulting at a frequency
S. L., Murcia, of 1000 Hz and
Spain) wasrecorded
attachedintoa the computer.
smith During the BT, the
by Hammer
were performed
Strength, were instructed
on a to mat platform
USA)lower the bar
to determine
until jump;
MPP. itBartouched
position Results
the chest and, after a
mpled atcommand, fusion
a frequency sport,
of 1000 Coopers
it as Hzhighand Plains,
andrecorded Australia)
fast as possible.
in a computer.with the
The JSDuring recorded
startedthe fromBT,a static
the squat position (90
athletes degree flight
knee time
were instructed to (t)
flexion), lowerbeing
andthe used
after to
bar auntil estimate
it touched thethe
the height
participants and, of
after aas high1 as
Table possible,
presents the anthropometric variables of the
hrow it aswithout
high the
as possible. losing The contact
JS with
started from
rise of the body’s center of gravity during a vertical the bar.
a The
static squatathletes
positionwere (90instructed to execute
taekwondo athletes.
e flexion),three
after aThe for each load,
command, starting at 30%
the participants jumpedof their
as body
high mass in the BT and 40% of their
as possible,
jump. best attempt was retained for data analysis.
r shoulder masscontact
losing in the JS. A load
with of 5%
the bar. Theandathletes
10% ofwere bodyinstructed
mass was to gradually
executeadded in each set for
ions for BT
eachand JS,starting
load, respectively,
at 30%until a decrease
of their body massin mean
in thepropulsive
BT and 40% power Table
of their (W)1.performance
Anthropometric characteristics of taekwondo ath-
observed. Bench
MPP throw
load (kg)(BT)
and and
MPP Jump Squat
relative (JS).
(W/kg) A
n the JS. A load of 5% and 10% of body mass was gradually added in each set forletes (n=16). Mean
was obtained based on MPP.
respectively, until a power
transducer wasin measured considering
mean propulsive
(T-Force, Dynamic poweronly (MPP)
Measurement the(W)
concentric phase during which the
System; Variable Mean (SD) 95% CI
d. MPP acceleration
Ergotech Consulting S. L., Murcia, Spain) was attached – 9.81
load (kg) andis greater
MPP than
relative acceleration
(W/kg) were due to
obtained gravity
based (i.e.,
on a
MPP. ≥Mean m.s-2) [Sanchez-
power wasMedina, Perez,considering
measured Gonzalez-Badillo,
only the 2010].
concentric phase during which the Body mass (kg) 74 (12) 67 – 80
to the smith machine bar (adapted by Hammer Strength,
is greater than acceleration due to gravity (i.e., a ≥ – 9.81 m.s ) [Sanchez- Body height (m)
-2 1.80 (0.7) 1.76 – 1.84
ez, Gonzalez-Badillo, 2010].USA) to determine MPP. Bar position data
analysis BMI (kg/m²) 22.6 (2.6) 21.3 – 24.0
were sampled at a frequency of 1000 Hz and recorded in Body fat (%) 9.4 (4.4) 6.9 – 11.6
nalysis aData are presented
computer. DuringastheM,BT, SD,
theand 95% confidence
taekwondo athletes interval
were (95%Body CI). The Shapiro-
fat (kg) 7.0 (3.9) 4.9 – 9.1
Wilk test was used to assess data normality. Correlations were carried out using Spearman’s
to lower the bar until it touched the chest and, LBM (kg) 66.5 (9.8) 61.2 – 71.8
are presented as M,coefficients,
SD, and 95% calculated
confidence to examine
interval (95% the relationships
CI). The Shapiro-between dependent (i.e.,
as used to after
assess dataa normality.
outcomes)command, throw itvariables
and independent
Correlations aswere
and fast
(i.e., outasusing
anthropometric data and Somatotype
Spearman’s performance tests).
The JS started
coefficients, calculated from a static
to examine squat position
the relationships (90 degree
between knee (i.e., Endomorph
dependent 3.7 (1.5) 2.8 – 4.5
mes) and independent
and after(i.e., anthropometric
a command, data and performance
the participants jumped as tests). Mesomorph 4.9 (1.2) 4.3 – 5.5
high as possible, without their shoulder losing contact with Ectomorph 3.0 (1.1) 2.4 – 3.6
the bar. The athletes were instructed to execute three repe- BMI = Body mass index; LBM = lean body mass. SD: standard
42 “IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, Vol. 18, no. 1 (2018)

deviation, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. anthropometric variables and specific taekwondo per-
Table 2 presents variables related to physical per- formance, as well as assist them in understanding the
formance. results obtained.
The taekwondo athletes who participated in this
Table 2. Physical performance of taekwondo athletes (n=16). study presented low body fat percentage and body mass,
Variable Mean (SD) 95% CI consistent with those reported in a recent literature
SJ (cm) 35.7 (5.8) 32.7 – 38.8 review [Bridge et al. 2014]. The literature describes that
CMJ (cm) 36.4 (5.9) 33.3 – 39.6 male taekwondo athletes have fat percentage between
Bench Throw 7% and 20% [Bridge, et al. 2014; Taaffe, Pieter, 1990]
MPP (W) 418.0 (103.5) 362.8 – 473.1 and international level athletes between 7% and14%
MPP Load (kg) 26.5 (5.6) 23.5 – 29.5 [Chiodo et al. 2011; Ghorbanzadeh et al. 2011; Pilz-
MPP Relative (W/kg) 5.5 (1.0) 5.0 – 6.1 Burstein et al. 2010; Úbeda et al. 2010; Lin et al. 2006;
Jump Squat Olds, 2000; Pieter, Taaffe 1990; Taaffe, Pieter 1990].
MPP (W) 650.7 (192.0) 548.4 – 753.0 In this study, it was reported fat percentages within
MPP load (kg) 53.1 (14.5) 45.4 – 60.9 the range described in literature. This may be mainly
MPP Relative (W/kg) 8.6 (2.0) 7.5 – 9.7 because the majority of athletes in the sample partic-
FSKT ipated in high weekly training volumes. Although it is
FSKT10s 20 (3) 19 – 22 still not possible to make recommendations as to the
FSKTmult ideal body fat percentage for a taekwondo athlete, it is
FSKT1* 21 (2) 19 – 22 clear that a low percentage of body fat is desirable for
FSKT2** 20 (2) 18 – 21 good performance in competitions [Bridge et al. 2014].
FSKT3*** 19 (2) 18 – 20 The taekwondo athletes of this study were clas-
FSKT4 18 (2) 17 – 19 sified as endo-mesomorphic (Table 1), characterized
FSKT5 18 (2) 17 – 19 by having a high proportion of mesomorphic compo-
FSKTtotal 95 (9) 90 – 100 nent, indicating predominance of skeletal muscle mass
Kick Decrement Index (%) 7.5 (3.6) 5.5 – 9.4 [Bridge et al. 2014]. The literature tends to describe the
MPP: Mean propulsive power; FSKT: Frequency Speed of Kick second component presented by taekwondo athletes as
Test; SD: standard deviation, 95% CI: 95% confidence inter- ectomorphic, indicating higher linearity, and finally, the
val.* FSKT1 was different from conditions FSKT2, FSKT3, FSKT4 endomorph component, accounting for the low per-
and FSKT5 (p < 0.01). **FSKT2 was different from conditions centage of fat [Leon, Viramontes, Veitia 2009; Fritzsche,
Raschkam 2008; Pieter 2008; Pieter 2001; Olds 2000;
Significant correlations were only found between: Pieter, Taaffe 1990; Taaffe, Pieter 1990], being classi-
height and FSKT10s (rs = -0.53 [large]; p = 0.017), height fied as ecto-mesomorphic. This characteristic, higher
and FSKT4 (rs = -0.514 [large]; p = 0.021), and BF (kg) linearity means the athletes reach the opponent during
and FSKT4 (rs = -0.606 [large]; p = 0.006). a match, without conceding counterattacks that result
The ANOVA results indicated that the FSKT series in scores. However, in some instances, athletes have
were significantly different (F (1.68, 25.20) = 23.28; the reverse order of the somatotype components, the
p<0.001; η² = 0.608 [large]; post hoc observed power: second component being classified as endomorphic,
1.00) (Table 2). The number of kicks during FSKT1 followed by ectomorphic (Endomorph, mesomorph,
was superior to FSKT2, FSKT3, FSKT4, and FSKT5 (p ectomorph: 4.2, 4.7, 3.8) being classified as endo-mes-
<0.01). The number of kicks during FSKT2 was superior omorph [Chan, Pieter, Moloney 2003]. Similar results
to FSKT3, FSKT4, and FSKT5 (p <0.05). The number of were found with the athletes in the present study (Table
kicks during FSKT3 was superior to FSKT4 (p <0.05). 1). Additionally, the taekwondo athletes who com-
posed the sample of this study presented high muscle
mass and low body fat percentages, as shown in Table
Discussion 1. These characteristics may be necessary to increase
performance [Bridge et al. 2014].
The purpose this study was to verify the relationship The FSKT has been used in recent studies [Santos
between FSKT, optimal load, and anthropometric charac- et al. 2016; Santos, Valenzuela, Franchini, 2015] and it
teristics in taekwondo athletes. The main contribution of is a test that utilizes a specific gesture, the bandal tcha-
this study was the description of new tests being used in gui, which is the most commonly used gesture during
combat sports athletes, specifically taekwondo, as in the taekwondo competitions. Additionally, FSKT generates
case of tests with FSKT and optimal load. In addition, few information that can perhaps be associated with perfor-
correlations were observed between FSKT and anthro- mance during the match, such as the peak, total, and
pometric variables. These findings could help trainers decrease in kicks applied. The results generated in the
and coaches to better understand the interaction between present study were similar to previous studies, which
da Silva Santos J.F., Loturco I., Franchini E. — Relationship between frequency speed of kick… 43

showed a reduction in the number of kicks over FSKTmult professionals should consider these tools to measure and
[Santos, Valenzuela, Franchini 2015]. The decrease gen- prescribe exercises. Finally, any correlations presented
erated during this study was lower than that observed in between test performance and anthropometry could
the previous study. This feature may be associated with possibly influence performance.
the physical condition and technical quality of the ath-
letes comprising the respective samples. Although the
number of kicks applied in the first series was ~20 in Acknowledgments
both studies, in the present study the athletes applied
more kicks in the following series in comparison with The authors are grateful to the coaches and athletes who
previous studies [Santos, Valenzuela, Franchini 2015]. participated in the study. Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos
We suggest that this may have occurred because of the was supported by Coordination for the Improvement
technical quality and/or better physical condition of the of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) scholarship
athletes in the present study. Another possibility is that during PhD.
in the Santos study the athletes may have applied kicks
with a greater force component, which could result in
fewer kicks and punches. Although the test is explained References
according to the description, athletes can take different
positions during the execution. 1. Ball N., Nolan E., Wheeler K. (2010), Anthrpometrical,
Some correlations between anthropometric charac- physiological, and tracked power profiles of elite taekwondo
teristics and performance during FSKT were observed in athletes 9 weeks before the Olympic competition phase, “J
this study. A negative correlation was observed between Strength Cond Res”, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2752-2763.
height and FSKT10s (rs = -0.53 [large]; p = 0.017) and 2. Bridge C.A., Santos J.F.S., Chaabene H., Pieter W., Franchini
height and FSKT4 (rs = -.514 [large]; p = 0.021), indicat- E. (2014), Physical and physiological profiles of taekwondo
ing that taller taekwondo athletes can perform a lower athletes, “Sports Med”, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 713-733.
number of repetitions in the FSKT, compared to shorter
3. Chan K., Pieter W., Moloney K. (2003), Kinathropometric
athletes. This may be due to the fact that taller athletes
profile of recreational taekwondo athletes, “Biol Sport”, vol.
need more time than shorter athletes to go through the
20, no. 2, pp. 175-180.
space equivalent to the height of the trunk itself. The
4. Chiodo S., Tessitore A., Cortis C., Lupo C. (2011), Effects
target was set for each performer, according to their
of official Taekwondo competitions on all-out performances
height. Body fat mass was negatively correlated with
of elite athletes, “J Strength Cond Res”, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.
FSKT4 (rs = -0.606 [large]; p = 0.006). This result rein-
forces the statement made previously that it is desirable
5. Cohen J. (1988), Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral
for athletes to have low percentages of fat to optimize
Sciences, Routledge Academic, New York, NY.
their performance.
6. Fritzsche J., Raschka C. (2008), Body composition and the
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