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The problem with legacy systems is that they separate you from your customers and if you are planning for a disruption
or a new ecosystem , making sure that your new ecosystem is ready for new technologies (timing is everything when it
comes to disruption)
View points expressed in the articles
Creative destruction is always fascinating but not all innovations end up in immediate triumph. The timing of
technological changes still remains a secret. Companies like Uber and Twitter took off overnight but it took
decades for HDTVs and Cloud Computing to gain a noticeable market share. There are two types of fears for
every innovation:
 Too late to come in the market e.g. Block Buster — a video rental company ignored the shift to
 Too early to come in the market e.g. Dot-com bubble that busted in 2001 and then reborn as Web 2.0
There are some new technologies that quickly replace older ones while others do so gradually. It’s not just the
technology that matters but also the ecosystem that supports it. The competition is always between the
technologies and their supporting ecosystems.
The race between new and old technology ecosystems begin when the new technology isn’t just replacing the
old technology on the existing infrastructure. For example, the success of cloud-based applications and storage
was depended on the broadband connection and its security and in the case of desktop storage, extension
opportunities included faster interfaces and more-robust components. Now when these opportunities have
exhausted, we can expect substitution of desktop storage with cloud storage to accelerate. Hence, the speed of
substitution is dependent on the rate at which the ecosystem of new technology can overcome its emergence
challenges as compared to the rate at which the ecosystem of old technology can exploit its extension
Ecosystems are just as important as technologies, it’s easier to think how quickly change is going to occur and
deciding what level of performance is needed to aim for in the meantime.
Also, the advances in computing and communication allow businesses to extend their relationships with
customers, and that taking advantage of the digital technologies requires companies to create a more
interdependent architecture for the innovation. Thus, companies of all varieties will need to reshape their value
chains. Taking a “wait and see” approach can be disastrous, because businesses that make data a core asset can
build early and insurmountable leads. Those first-mover advantages exist because data is scalable, defensible
and reinforceable.
Some of the best practices among companies to manage transition from one business model to other include
developing better metrices, creating commercial opportunity for partners, establishing a polestar etc.
Opinion / Lessons learned:
1.Focus on customer needs and wants. If there is a gap in what the customer needs vs what you provide- you are at risk
2.Look at the full picture. Innovating or transforming part of your offerings is only going to get temporary gains. The
entire value chain has to be modified.
3.Dont be emotional towards initiatives. Acknowledge failure quickly and also feel free to re-disrupt again and also feel
free to re-disrupt again and again.
Both the articles talk about importance technology in the given era -one with respect to time and other with respect to

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