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Project P1: Personal Website

Project P2: UIET Website
(Appropriately assume required information yourself for each of these projects)

1. Write HTML code to demonstrate following HTML tags in context to projects P-1 and P-2:
Basic HTML tags
<!DOCTYPE> <html> <title> <body> <h1> to <h6> <p> <br> <hr>  <!‐‐...‐‐> 
Meta Info
<head> <meta> <base> <basefont> 
Formatting tags
<b> <i> <em> <font> <pre> <small> <strong> <sub> <sup> <time> 

2. Write HTML code to demonstrate following HTML tags in context to projects P-1 and P-2:
<a> <link> <nav>
<ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <menu> <menuitem> 
<table> <caption> <th> <tr> <td> <thead> <tbody> <tfoot> <col> <colgroup> 

3. Write HTML code to demonstrate following HTML tags in context to projects P-1 and P-2:

<img> <map> <area> <canvas> <figcaption> <figure> 
<audio> <source> <track> <video>   

4. Write HTML code to demonstrate following HTML tags in context to projects P-1 and P-2:

Forms and Input

<form> <input> <textarea> <button> <select> <optgroup> <option> <label>  
<frame> <frameset> <noframes> <iframe> 

5. Write HTML code to demonstrate following HTML tags in context to projects P-1 and P-2:

Styles and Semantics

<style> <div> <span> <header> <footer> <main> <section> <article> <aside> <details> <dialog> 
<script> <noscript> <applet> <embed> <object> <param>    
6. Use internal style sheets to demonstrate following in context to projects P-1 and P-2:

CSS Colors, CSS Backgrounds, CSS Margins, CSS Padding, CSS Height/Width, CSS
Text, CSS Fonts, CSS Links, CSS Lists, CSS Tables

7. Use external style sheets to demonstrate following in context to projects P-1 and P-2:

CSS Box Model, CSS Outline, CSS Display, CSS Max-width, CSS-Position, CSS-
Float, CSS-Inline-block, CSS-Align, CSS-Combinators, CSS-Pseudo-class

8. Consider employee of an organization having employee id, name, department, salary and
one or more projects on which the employee is working. Name consists of first name, an
optional middle name and a last name. A project has project id, project name and one or
more project locations. Write a DTD for this scenario.

9. Consider a XML file containing employee information as described in practical 8 above.

Use CSS to display this information.

10. Write XML schema for the scenario described in practical 8.

11. Crete an interface that asks for the Basic Salary, DA percentage and TA of an employee.
Write JavaScript program to calculate and displays the total salary as per formulae: Total
Salary=Basic Salary + (DA percentage of Basic Salary) + TA

12. Write and use function in JavaScript that returns the sum of all prime numbers between two
numbers, say m and n.

13. Write JavaScript program to store n strings in an array and then sort and displays them on
the browser screen.

14. Write JavaScript code to check that “Password” and “Re-type Password” fields are not
blank and their content match exactly.

15. Write JavaScript validation code to check whether the email entered is correct.

16. Write JavaScript program to validate XML document against a schema.

17. Demonstrate the use of AJAX in context to projects P-1 and P-2.

18. Perform practicals 11-15 in PHP.

19. Consider a student table stored in the database having roll number, name, address, branch
and result of the students. Write PHP code to connect to the database, supply roll number
and then display the result of the student whose roll number is supplied. Use AJAX.

20. Write Java programs to demonstrate the concepts of classes, inheritance and

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