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1. Disease : particullar abnormal condition that negatiffully affect structure or

function of part or all an organism
2. Pollution : an inclusion or entry of organism,substance and energy that affect to
environment and makes environment cannot function normally
3. Diarrhea : disease cause by bacterial infection from contaminated food. Diare is
consistency with defecation in liquid form 3 times or more in one day
4. Household : kegiatan rumah tangga
5. Sanitation : effort to control enviromental that effect health status, a process to make
the environment stay clean and healthy by providing a sewage system and clean water
6. Biomass fuels : fuels from living creature
7. Urban design : process of designing the phisical feature of city
8. Policy makers : someone or organization that make a policy


1. What is definition of environment?

2. How many types of the pollution?
3. How can environment pollution impact human health?
4. How to make a healthy environment?
5. What are the characteristics of healthy environment?
6. What are the component of environment
7. What are criteria of healthy water?
8. What are the factors that affect environment pollution?
9. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?


1. What is definition of environment?

 All object and conditions in the room in which we live and used effects in our live
 The complex of physical, chemical and biotic factor that act on organism or an
ecological community and it can determine its form
 Not only environment that affect us but we as a human have opportunity to affect
2. What is the types of living environment?
 A. Air
B. water
C. Soil
 Lingkungan dimana makhluk hidup bisa hidup serta bisa saling berinteraksi
dengan makhluk hidup yang lain
 Human has interaction with others like social economic culture phsycological etc
3. How to make a healthy environment?
 A. Reuse : we can use an old thing
B. Reduce : we can use something that can replaces
C. Recycle : mengolah sesuatu yang tidak digunakan menjadi barang yang
baru (daur ulang)
 Mencegah dan mengurangi adanya polusi
 Kita harus menjaga merawat lingkungan agar makhluk hidup disekitar kita bisa
hidup dengan nyaman dan aman
 Menerapkan PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dsn Sehat) , reboisasi, Menerapkan
3M (Menguras,Menutup,Mengubur)
4. What are the characteristics of healthy environment?
 Terdapat air bersih, udara tidak ada solusi, tanah tidak tercemar, sampah sedikit
dan faskes baik dan memadai
 Menejemen limbah : bisa diolah terlebih dahulu oleh pabriknya
 Bisa dilihat dari indikator suatu lingkungan tersebut seperti angka kesakitan yang
5. What are the component of environment
 Biotik : komponen yang bersifat hayati atau hidup, seperti manusia
 Abiotik : komponen yang bersifat non hayati contoh angin air tanah
 Social Cultural : nilai nilai, kepercayaan dan psikologis dari manusia dan
membuat terjadi keseimbangan lingkungan.
6. What are criteria of healthy water?
 Safe (tempertatur normal, ph normal, and hygine
 Colorless odorless tasteless
 Available
7. How the technique to make drinking water?
 Destilasi
 Dari sumber air lalu di rebus lalu di saring lalu di minum
8. How many types of the pollution?
 Water : disebabkan karena pembuangan sampah
 Air : CFC AC
 Soil : Pemberian pestisida terlalu banyak
 Sound : intensitas bunyi >50 desible, sedangakan normalnya 30-50 desible,
kendaraan atau klakson bisa juga karena mesin pabrik
Berdasarkan material ada 4
 Chemical : CO, heavy metal (Pb, Hg), radioactive material
 Biology : Mikroorganism (Virus, Bakteri, Jamur)
 Physics : Metal, Plastics, Glass
 Sound : intensitas bunyi >50 desible, sedangakan normalnya 30-50 desible,
kendaraan atau klakson bisa juga karena mesin pabrik
9. How can environment pollution impact human health?
 If the environment is good, so can make the human health good too and if the
environment is bad, so can make the human health bad too because human living
in environment
 Disebabkan oleh jika lingkungan buruk, maka akan membuat seperti air udara
juga akan memburuk sehingga dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit dan
menurunkan kualitas kesehatan
10. What are the factors that affect environment pollution?
 Industrial factor : Limbah
 Lifestyle : pola hidup manusianya
 Economic : meningkatnya penggunaan bahan bakar
 Urbanization : seperti pembangunan gedung di lahan kosong
11. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?
 Mengatur pola makan dan minum
 Mengendalikan kehidupan atau populasi dari hewan pengerat dan serangga
 Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja

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