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The Teen Brain

focuses on newborn-brain injury, and
David K. Urion, an associate professor of
neurology who treats children with cogni-
tive impairments like autism and attention

deficit disorder, are giving lectures at sec-
our teenage daughter gets remain unconnected. This leaves teens ondary schools and other likely places.
top marks in school, captains easily influenced by their environment They hope to inform students, parents, ed-
the debate team, and volunteers and more prone to impulsive behavior, ucators, and even fellow scientists about
at a shelter for homeless people. even without the impact of souped-up these new data, which have wide-ranging
But while driving the family car, she text- hormones and any genetic or family pre- implications for how we teach, punish,
messages her best friend and rear-ends dispositions. and medically treat this age group. As
another vehicle. Most teenagers don’t understand their Jensen told some 50 workshop attendees
How can teens be so clever, mental hardwiring, so Jensen, whose at Boston’s Museum of Science in April,
accomplished, and responsi- laboratory research “This is the first generation of teenagers
ble—and reckless at the that has access to this information,
same time? Easily, accord- and they need to understand some
ing to two physicians at of their vulnerabilities.”
Children’s Hospital Bos- Human and animal stud-
ton and Harvard Med- ies, Jensen and Urion note,
ical School (HMS) who have shown that the
have been exploring the brain grows and
unique structure and changes continually
chemistry of the adoles- in young people—
cent brain. “The teenage and that it is only
brain is not just an adult about 80 percent de-
brain with fewer miles veloped in adolescents.
on it,” says Frances E. The largest part, the
Jensen, a professor of neu- cortex, is divided into
rology. “It’s a paradoxi- lobes that mature from
cal time of development. back to front. The last
These are people with section to connect is the
very sharp brains, but frontal lobe, responsible
they’re not quite sure for cognitive processes
what to do with them.” such as reasoning, plan-
Research during the ning, and judgment. Nor-
past 10 years, powered mally this mental merger
by technology such as is not completed until
functional magnetic reso- somewhere between ages
nance imaging, has re- 25 and 30—much later than
vealed that young brains these two neurologists
have both fast- growing were taught in medical
synapses and sections that school.

8 Se ptember - October 200 8 I l l u s t ra t i o n b y

L e s l i e C o b e r- G e n t r y
Time-lapse MRI images of human-brain development between ages five and ing in teen brains. Learning takes place at
20 show the growth and then gradual loss of gray matter, which consists the synapses between neurons, as cells
of cells that process information. (Red areas contain more gray
matter, blue areas less.) Paradoxically, the thinning of gray excite or inhibit one another and develop
matter that starts around puberty corresponds to in- more robust synapses with repeated
creasing cognitive abilities. This probably reflects stimulation. This cellular excitement, or
improved neural organization, as the brain
pares redundant connections and bene-
“long-term potentiation,” enables chil-
fits from increases in the white dren and teenagers to learn languages or
matter that helps brain cells musical instruments more easily than
communicate. adults.
On the flip side, this plasticity also
makes adolescent brains more vulnerable
to external stressors, as Jensen and Urion
point out.
Teen brains, for example, are more sus-
ceptible than their adult counterparts to
alcohol-induced toxicity. Jensen high-
There are lights an experiment in which rat brain

also gender di≠er- cells were exposed to alcohol, which

ences in brain develop- blocks certain synaptic activity. When
ment. As Urion and Jensen ex- the alcohol was washed out, the adult
plain, the part of our brain that processes cells recovered while the adolescent cells
information expands during childhood remained “disabled.” And because stud-
and then begins to thin, peaking in girls tunities ies show that marijuana (cannabinoid)
at roughly 12 to 14 years old and in boys to reach them. use blocks cell signaling in the brain, ac-
about two years later. This suggests that Meanwhile, the cording to Jensen, “We make the point
girls and boys may be ready to absorb neural networks that help that what you did on the weekend is still
challenging material at di≠erent stages, brain cells (neurons) communi- with you during that test on Thursday.
and that schools may be missing oppor- cate through chemical signals are enlarg- You’ve been trying to study with a self-

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Harvard Magazine 9

induced learning disability.” study showing how sensory overload can iors themselves. (“I have yet to meet a
Similarly, even though there is evidence hinder undergraduates’ ability to recall pregnant teenager who didn’t know bio-
that sleep is important for learning and words. “It’s truly a brave new world. Our logically how this transpired,” he says.)
memory, teenagers are notoriously sleep- brains, evolutionarily, have never been By raising awareness of this paradoxi-
deprived. Studying right before bedtime subjected to the amount of cognitive cal period in brain development, the neu-
can help cement the information under input that’s coming at us,” she says. “You rologists hope to help young people cope
review, Jensen notes. So can aerobic exer- can’t close down the world. All you can with their challenges, as well as recognize
cise, says Urion, bemoaning the current do is educate kids to help them manage their considerable strengths.
lack of physical-education opportunities this.” For his part, Urion believes pro- debra bradley ruder
for many American youths. grams aimed at preventing risky adoles-
Teens are also bombarded by informa- cent behaviors would be more e≠ective if frances jensen e-mail address:
tion in this electronic age, and multitask- they o≠ered practical strategies for mak-
ing is as routine as chatting with friends ing in-the-moment decisions, rather than david urion e-mail address:
on line. But Jensen highlights a recent merely lecturing teens about the behav-

M Y S T E R I E S O F M AT H mately 1.6 to 1). Some analyses find the

Proof Positive
ratio in structures—most famously the
Parthenon—built centuries before its
first written formulation. More recently,
scientists have found that the faces peo-

ple find most beautiful are those in
s academics work to under- of mathematics: curved spaces, from geom- which the proportions conform most
stand the architecture of the etry, and modular arithmetic, which has to closely to the ratio.
universe, they sometimes un- do with counting. Taylor has spent his ca- The geometry-arithmetic connection
cover connections in mysteri- reer studying this nexus, and recently explored by Taylor solves another puzzle
ous places. So it is with Smith professor proved it is possible to use one domain to that has enticed mathematicians across
of mathematics Richard L. Taylor, whose solve complex problems in the other. “It centuries. In 1637, French mathematician
work connects two dis- just astounded me,” he says, “that there Pierre de Fermat scrawled in a book’s
crete domains should be a connection between these margin a theorem involving equations like
two things, when nobody could the one in the Pythagorean theorem (a2 +
see any real reason why there b2 = c2), but with powers higher than two.
should be.” Fermat’s theorem said such equations
This is not the first have no solutions that are whole num-
instance of finding bers, either positive or negative. Go ahead,
in geometry an el- try—it is impossible to find three inte-
egant explana- gers, other than zero, that work in the
tion for a seem- equation a3 + b3 = c3.
ingly unrelat- The French mathematician also wrote
ed phenom- that he had discovered a way to prove
enon. Schol- this—but he never wrote the proof down,
ars during or if he did, it was lost. For more than 350
the Renais- years, mathematicians tried in vain to
sance, seek- prove what became known as Fermat’s
ing a math- Last Theorem. They could find lots of ex-
ematical ba- amples that fit the pattern, and no coun-
sis for our terexamples, but could not erase all

conceptions doubt until Princeton University mathe-

of beauty, fin- matician Andrew Wiles presented a
gered the so- proof in 1993.
called Golden His discovery made the front page of
Ratio (approxi- the New York Times, but six months later,

M.C. Escher’s Circle Limit III illustrates the concept of hyperbolic space.
Although the fish appear to get smaller toward the edge of the image, in
the non-Euclidean world of hyperbolic geometry, the white lines along all
the fishes’ spines are actually the exact same length. Each fish is the same
size as all the others, and an inhabitant of this world would have to walk
an infinite distance to reach the circle’s edge.

10 Se ptember - October 200 8

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