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Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630

A boundary collocation method for cracked plates

Y.H. Wang a, L.G. Tham b,*
, P.K.K. Lee b, Y. Tsui b

Department of Civil Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Rock Engineering Center, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Received 4 October 2002; accepted 8 July 2003

A boundary collocation method is developed for analyzing cracked thin plates. Complex stress functions which
satisfy the equilibrium equations of an infinite domain having a single crack are first derived. As the functions have also
satisfied the stress singularity at the crack tips, it is only necessary to enforce the stress functions to satisfy the boundary
conditions along the edges of the plates and the surfaces of the cracks, if there is more than one crack. This is achieved
by the collocation least square approach. The unknown coefficients of the stress functions having been determined, the
stress intensity factors can then be computed according to the related formulae. Examples of rectangular and circular
plates with a different number of cracks and under different loadings are used to demonstrate the accuracy, versatility
and advantages of the method.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bending plate; Stress intensity factors; Complex stress functions; Boundary collocation method

1. Introduction ones. As most bending plates can be treated as thin

plates, Kirchhoff’s theory is adopted in this paper.
In the design of structures, such as aircraft, the tol- The stress field around the crack tips of a thin plate
erance of the structures to flaws is very limited. There- (Kirchhoff plate) was first obtained by Williams [6].
fore, one has to carry out fracture analyses in many Since then, the SIFs of cracked Kirchhoff plates had
cases. To predict the growth of a crack, it is necessary to been solved by various authors. They were first calcu-
calculate its stress intensity factors (SIFs). For plane lated in the pioneering work of Sih et al. [7], and had
fracture problems, different numerical methods for been incorporated into handbooks [1,4]. Most of these
computing SIFs have been proposed, and the results can analytical solutions are usually for infinite plates [8,9],
be found in handbooks [1–4]. On the other hand, not and therefore, their applications are limited. For finite
many results of cracked plates, especially plates of finite cracked plates, the finite element method was used to
dimensions, have been published. It may be due to the obtain the SIFs [10–18]. However, this method usually
fact that the theory of plate bending is more complicated involves a large number of unknowns and is not suited
than that of plane problems. Furthermore, different to simulating the stress concentration at the crack tips.
theories for describing the plate bending behaviour are To overcome the difficulties, the integral equation
available. Among them, Kirchhoff’s theory and Reiss- method had been developed to solve two-dimensional
ner’s theory are the common ones [5]. The former is used fracture problems [19]. Keer et al. used this method to
for thin plates and the latter can also be used for thick analyze cracked bending plates [3,20].
Furthermore, the boundary collocation method
(BCM), an efficient method for analyzing continuous
Corresponding author. Tel.: +852-2959-1965/2589-2668; media, was used by some investigators to analyze plate
fax: +852-2559-5337. problems. As it makes use of the exact solutions of the
E-mail address: (L.G. Tham). governing differential equations, the approximations are

0045-7949/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2622 Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630

restricted to the boundaries. Such approximations are in which E is the Young’s modulus, m the Poisson ratio
usually accomplished at discrete points on the bound- and t the thickness of the plate.
aries. As the method does not require any discretization It can be shown readily that the moments are:
of the domain, it can easily be applied to problems  2 
having irregular domains and arbitrary boundary con- ow o2 w
Mx ¼ D þ m ð2aÞ
ditions. BCM was first used by Barta [21] in 1937 to ox2 oy 2
analyze thin square clamped plates under uniformly
distributed loads and concentrated loads. Since then, a  2 
ow o2 w
number of papers in which BCM were applied to plate My ¼ D þm 2 ð2bÞ
bending problems have been published. Conway [22] oy 2 ox
considered triangular, hexagonal as well as square
plates. Leissa et al. [23] treated uniformly loaded o2 w
clamped and simply supported polygonal plates. Con- Mxy ¼ Dð1  mÞ ð2cÞ
ox oy
way and Farnham [24] and Leissa and Clausen [25]
presented results for circular plates having mixed The shear forces are:
boundary conditions. A comprehensive review of BCM  
was compiled by Kolodziej [26]. Recently, Hutchinson o o2 w o2 w
Qx ¼ D þ ð3aÞ
[27] reviewed the applications of BCM in bending, ox ox2 oy 2
buckling and vibration analyses of plates.
BCM is also an efficient tool for solving plane crack  
problems of various geometries and loading conditions o o2 w o2 w
Qy ¼ D þ ð3bÞ
[28–31]. In this paper, BCM is further extended so that it oy ox2 oy 2
can be applied to bending analysis of cracked plates.
Stress functions satisfying the governing equations of
the bending plate are derived. As the stress functions 2.2. Representation of the displacement, moments and
also satisfy the r1=2 singularity of the stress components forces by complex stress functions
at the crack tips, only the boundary conditions along the
edges of the plates and surfaces of the cracks, if the Muskhelishvili first solved plane elasticity problems
plates contain more than one crack, have to be enforced using complex stress functions [32]. Later, Lekhnitskii
in the solution process. The boundary conditions can be extended the complex solutions to bending problems
enforced at selected points by the collocation method. [33–35].
Forcing the stress functions to satisfy the boundary To analyze a given plate, a new variable z ¼ x þ iy
conditions, the unknown coefficients of the stress func- and its conjugate z ¼ x  iy are introduced. The z-plane
tions are determined and the SIFs can then be computed is chosen to coincide with the mid-surface of the plate.
according to the related formulae. The normal of the z-plane is denoted by x3 with
In the present paper, this approach is used to analyze h=2 6 x3 6 h=2, in which h is the thickness of the plate.
plates which contain a single crack or multiple cracks. It can be shown that the deflection of the plate can be
The edges of the plates can be straight or curved and written in terms of complex functions /ðzÞ and vðzÞ [33–
have different support conditions. 36]
w ¼ Re½z/ðzÞ þ vðzÞ ð4Þ

2. Basic theory For convenience, we define

2.1. Basic formulae of thin plate wðzÞ ¼ v0 ðzÞ

According to the theory of bending of thin plates [5], UðzÞ ¼ /0 ðzÞ

the deflection w can be determined by the following
differential equation:
WðzÞ ¼ w0 ðzÞ
r w ¼ q=D ð1Þ
It can be shown readily that these functions are an-
where q is the total transverse load per unit area of the alytic or holomorphic in the region occupied by the
plate, D the flexural rigidity and is equal to: plate.
Substituting (4) into (2), the moments (Mx , My and
Et3 Mxy ) can be written in terms of the above complex stress

12ð1  m2 Þ functions as [33–36]
Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630 2623

1m ow
Mx ¼ D ð1 þ mÞ½UðzÞ þ UðzÞ þ ½zU0 ðzÞ ¼0 ð12bÞ
2 on

þ zU0 ðzÞ þ WðzÞ þ WðzÞ ð5aÞ (2) Simply supported edge
w¼0 ð13aÞ

My ¼ D ð1 þ mÞ½UðzÞ þ UðzÞ  ½zU0 ðzÞ Mn ¼ Mno ¼ 0 ð13bÞ

þ zU0 ðzÞ þ WðzÞ þ WðzÞ ð5bÞ (3) Free edge
Mn ¼ Mno ð14aÞ
ð1 þ mÞ
Mxy ¼ iD ½zU0 ðzÞ þ WðzÞ  zU0 ðzÞ  WðzÞ ð5cÞ Mns ¼ Mnso ð14bÞ
From (3) and (4), the shear forces (Qx and Qy ) can be Qn ¼ Qno ð14cÞ
re-written as
Qx ¼ 2D½U0 ðzÞ þ U0 ðzÞ ð6aÞ
where n is the normal to the edge of the plate. Mn , Mns
and Qn are the normal moment, the tangential moment
Qy ¼ 2iD½U0 ðzÞ  U0 ðzÞ ð6bÞ and the shear force acting along the edges of the plates.
Mno , Mnso and Qno are the prescribed values of the cor-
In a more compact form, the moments and forces can
responding moments and shear force.
be represented by
The above equations of the boundary conditions can
Mx þ My ¼ 2ð1 þ mÞD½UðzÞ þ UðzÞ ð7Þ also be expressed in terms of the complex stress func-
tions and the details are given as follows.
My  My þ 2iMxy ¼ 2ð1  mÞD½zU0 ðzÞ þ WðzÞ ð8Þ From (4), (12a) and (13a), that is w ¼ 0, can be re-
written as
Qx  iQy ¼ 4DU0 ðzÞ ð9Þ Re½z/ðzÞ þ vðzÞ ¼ 0 ð15Þ
It can be shown readily that the deflection of the plate For ow ¼ 0, that is (12b), it is necessary to define the
consists of two parts, namely the general solution and the derivatives of the deflections in the curvilinear coordi-
particular solution. Having determined the general so- nates:
lution, one can proceed to obtain the particular solution
ow ow ox ow oy
which depends on the loadings acting on the plates. ¼ þ ð16aÞ
For the case of concentrated load P acting at z0 of the on ox on oy on
plate, the particular solution is [5,37]
ow ow ox ow oy
P ¼ þ ð16bÞ
w ¼ ðz  z0 Þðz  z0 Þ ln½ðz  z0 Þðz  z0 Þ ð10Þ os ox os oy os
For other complex transverse loadings such as patch Assuming that # is the angle between n and the x-
load, the particular solution can be obtained by inte- axis, we have
grating (10). If the loading is uniformly distributed and oy ox
has a magnitude of q0 , it can be shown readily that [5,37] ¼ ¼ cos #
os on
q0 2 2
w ¼ z z ð11Þ ox oy
64D ¼  ¼  sin #
os on
2.3. Boundary conditions Combining (16a) and (16b), we have
ow ow ow ow i#
The coordinate axes for a point on the edge of a plate þi ¼ þi e ð17Þ
ox oy on os
can be taken in the directions of the tangent s and the
normal n. There are three common boundary condi- Using (4) and (17), (12b) can be rewritten as [33–36]
/ðzÞ þ z/0 ðzÞ þ wðzÞ ¼ 0 ð18Þ
(1) Built in edge
If the moments are prescribed ((13b), (14a) and
w¼0 ð12aÞ (14b)), it is necessary to the transform the Mx , My and
2624 Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630

Mxy , which are given by (5), into Mn and Mns by the problem. Depending on the boundary conditions, dif-
following equations [5]: ferent approaches are adopted to obtain the solutions.
If the boundary conditions are defined by known
Mn ¼ Mx l2 þ My m2 þ 2Mxy lm ¼ Mno ð19Þ moments and shear forces, it is better to assume UðzÞ
and XðzÞ directly and then obtain /ðzÞ and xðzÞ. In the
Mns ¼ ðMx  My Þlm þ Mxy ðl2  m2 Þ ¼ Mnso ð20Þ present analysis, they are defined as

where l and m are the direction cosines. 1 X

UðzÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek zk1 þ Fk zk1 ð24aÞ
Similarly, the shear force can be represented as z2  a2 k¼1 k¼1

Qn ¼ Qx l þ Qy m ð21Þ !
1 X

where Qx and Qy are determined by the complex stress XðzÞ ¼ j pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek zk1  Fk zk1 ð24bÞ
z2  a2 k¼1 k¼1
function UðzÞ as given in (9).
From the above analysis, it is obvious that all
where Ek and Fk are complex constants, M is the number
boundary conditions can be represented by complex
of the summation terms, and j is related to Poisson’s
stress functions.
ratio by
3. Stress functions 1m
On the other hand, it is better to assume /ðzÞ and
In the analysis, the functions wðzÞ and WðzÞ are xðzÞ directly if the deflection is defined along the
written in terms of another two new complex functions boundary, that is
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X
xðzÞ ¼ zUðzÞ þ wðzÞ ð22Þ /ðzÞ ¼ z2  a2 Ek zk1 þ F k zk ð25aÞ
k¼1 k¼1

XðzÞ ¼ x0 ðzÞ ¼ zU0 ðzÞ þ UðzÞ þ WðzÞ ð23Þ !

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X
xðzÞ ¼ j z2  a2 Ek zk1  F k zk ð25bÞ
For a single open crack in the bending plate as shown k¼1 k¼1
in Fig. 1, based on the properties of holomorphic
functions, these functions can be solved from the With these complex functions, the load-free bound-
boundary values on either side of the mathematical slit ary conditions along the crack surfaces are automati-
½a; þa. One can easily note that it is a so-called Hilbert cally satisfied [36]. Therefore, one only has to enforce the
boundary conditions along the edges and it is achieved
by the BCM.
For plates with multiple cracks, the complex stress
functions will be composed of multiple stress functions
and the analysis is more complicated than that of a
single crack. Let us use the case as shown in Fig. 2 to
illustrate the solution procedures. In this case, the plate
has a pair of slant cracks and M0 is applied along the two
horizontal edges. The cracks are located with their
centers at points oj ðj ¼ 1; 2Þ. The crack lengths are
2aj ðj ¼ 1; 2Þ and the slant angles are aj ðj ¼ 1; 2Þ. The
complex stress functions are:
UðzÞ ¼ U1 ðz1 Þ þ U2 ðz2 Þ þ U3 ðzÞ ð26aÞ

XðzÞ ¼ X1 ðz1 Þ þ X2 ðz2 Þ þ X3 ðzÞ ð26bÞ

where U1 ðz1 Þ and X1 ðz1 Þ are assumed in the local coor-

dinates system x1 –o1 –y1 and they should satisfy the stress
singularity at the crack tips z1 ¼ a1 :
1 X
U1 ðz1 Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek1 zk1
1 ð27aÞ
Fig. 1. The rectangular plate with a central crack. z21  a21 k¼1
Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630 2625

For plates with more than two cracks, a similar ap-

proach can be used to form the stress functions, and the
solution can be obtained by enforcing the conditions
along the edges of the plate and each crack surface.

4. Procedures

In the analysis, one has to choose some points on the

external boundaries of the plate for enforcing the
boundary conditions. For a multiple crack problem, it is
also necessary to choose some points on the crack sur-
faces. According to the support conditions, two or three
condition equations have to be satisfied at each point.
Assuming the total number of equations with real co-
efficients is N and there is only one crack, the coefficients
Ek and Fk ðk ¼ 1; . . . ; MÞ are to be determined. For cases
containing two cracks, the coefficients Ek1 , Ek2 and
Fk ðk ¼ 1; . . . ; MÞ are to be determined. If the total
number of the real unknown coefficients is L, N real
equations with L real unknowns can be obtained, that is
Fig. 2. Two cracks in a bending plate.
½AN L fX gL ¼ fF gN ð30Þ
1 X
where ½AN L is the matrix which can be determined by
X1 ðz1 Þ ¼ j pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek1 zk1
1 ð27bÞ the coordinates of the collocation points; fF gN is the
z21  a21 k¼1
matrix of the known external moments, forces or de-
Similarly, U2 ðz2 Þ and X2 ðz2 Þ are assumed in the local flections of the boundary points; fX gL the matrix of the
coordinates system x2 –o2 –y2 and they should satisfy the real coefficients of the stress functions.
stress singularity at the crack tips z2 ¼ a2 : If the number of the equations, N , is equal to the
number of real unknowns, L, the equations can be
1 X
solved by inverting ½A. To improve the accuracy, more
U2 ðz2 Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek2 zk1
2 ð28aÞ
z22  a22 k¼1 points are usually taken, that is, N > L, and the least
square method is employed to obtain the coefficients.
! Once the coefficients are determined, the bending
1 X
SIFs can then be calculated from the complex functions.
X2 ðz2 Þ ¼ j pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ek2 zk1
2 ð28bÞ
z22  a22 k¼1 For a single crack case, SIFs can be obtained by [7]
12 2pDð3 þ mÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
U3 ðzÞ and X3 ðzÞ are used to represent the global KI  iKII ¼  lim ½ ðz  aÞUðzÞ ð31Þ
h2 z!a
stresses and deformations, and assumed in the global
coordinates system x–o–y directly:
where KI and KII are the SIFs of the Mode I and Mode
pffiffiffirespectively. Note that Sih has not included the term
U3 ðzÞ ¼ Fk zk1 ð29aÞ p in his definitions of the SIFs. If K0 ¼ M0 pa=h2 , the
SIF coefficients for the right crack tip can be represented
! as
X3 ðzÞ ¼ j Fk zk1 ð29bÞ KI KII 12Dð3 þ mÞ XM

k¼1 i ¼ Ek ak2 ð32Þ

K0 K0 M0 k¼1

In the analysis, U1 ðz1 Þ, X1 ðz1 Þ, U2 ðz2 Þ and X2 ðz2 Þ have

to be transformed into the global coordinates system x– For multiple cracks, the SIFs at the crack tips of the
o–y. Combining these stress functions, the equilibrium right crack in Fig. 2 are:
equation and stress singularity at all crack tips can be pffiffiffiffiffiffi
12 2pDð3 þ mÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
satisfied. Unlike the single crack cases, one also has to KI  iKII ¼  lim ½ ðz1  aÞU1 ðz1 Þ
h2 z !a
enforce the stress free conditions along the crack sur-
faces by the boundary collocation method. ð33Þ
2626 Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630

Table 1 11
Calculation parameters of the rectangular plate with a central
crack Present
10 [18]
Geometrical parameters (m)
Half height H ¼ 1:0
Half width W ¼ 1:0 9
Thickness h ¼ 0:01

Half crack length a ¼ 0:1–0.9 8
Material properties
Young’s modulus E ¼ 210 MPa 7
Poisson’s ratio m ¼ 0:3
Loading parameter 6
Moment on two end boundaries M0 ¼ 1:0
Calculation parameters 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Number of summation terms M ¼ 20
Number of points on each boundary N1 ¼ 20 a/ W

Fig. 3. KI =K0 for different a=W ratios of the rectangular plate

with a central crack.

5. Numerical examples
As the present fracture belongs to Mode I type, it is
5.1. Rectangular plate with a central crack not surprising to find that KII =K0 has very small values
(Table 2). The small values are mainly due to the round-
A rectangular plate with a central crack is considered off errors, and therefore, they are still considered to be
(Fig. 1). M0 is applied along the top and bottom edges of satisfactory. Using a different number of summation
the plate. The pertinent parameters adopted in the terms of the stress functions and collocation points, the
analysis are listed in Table 1. computed results are also satisfactory.
For such a rectangular plate, (7) and (8) can be used
to calculate Mxy and My along the horizontal edges and 5.2. Circular plate with a central crack
Mx along the vertical edges. (9) can be used to calculate
Qx and Qy . Fig. 4 shows a circular plate with a crack at its center.
For different ratios of a=W (crack length/plate- The radius of the plate is R and the length of the crack is
width), the calculated SIF coefficients are listed in Table 2a. A uniform moment of magnitude M0 is acting on the
2. It can be seen that the Mode I SIF coefficient, KI =K0 , circumference of the plate. Therefore, the boundary
increases as a=W increases. In Fig. 3, the FEM results conditions on the external boundary are:
[18] are compared to the present ones. The results ob- Mn ¼ M0 ; Mns ¼ 0; Qn ¼ 0
tained by the two methods agree fairly well in the range
of a=W 6 0:5. For the limiting case of a=W ! 0, which In this case, (21) is used to calculate the shear force,
can be treated as an infinite plate with a central crack, and (19) and (20) are used for computing the moments.
the theoretical result [7] is KI =K0 ¼ 6. From Fig. 3, it can M and N are 20 and 80, respectively. Other parameters
be seen that the present results also approach 6 as the are the same as those adopted in the previous example.
crack length decreases. This example demonstrates that The solutions are obtained for different crack lengths.
the present method is very accurate. The variation of the non-dimensional SIF, KI =K0 ,
Due to the effect of the edges, KI =K0 also increases as with the crack width is shown in Fig. 5. From the figure,
the crack length increases and the trend is similar to that it can be seen that when the crack length is small, KI =K0
obtained by Kobayashi et al. [29] and Wang [31] for approaches 6, which is the value obtained for an infinite
plane crack problems. Obviously, the SIFs of finite plate. KI =K0 increases as the ratio a=R increases. As it is
plates and infinite plates are very much different. also a typical Mode I crack problem, KII is again zero.

Table 2
SIFs for the central crack in a thin bending plate
a=W 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
KI =K0 6.0249 6.1042 6.2448 6.4603 6.7767 7.2434 7.9625 9.1624 10.9010
KII =K0 )0.00014 )0.00024 )0.00028 )0.00025 )0.00017 )0.00056 )0.000001 )0.00018 )0.00174
Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630 2627

Fig. 4. The circular plate with a central crack.

Fig. 6. A slant crack in the rectangular plate.

Fig. 7. SIFs for the slant crack in the rectangular plate.

Fig. 5. KI =K0 for different a=R ratios for the circular plate.
For the negative slant angle, KI =K0 is symmetric to
that of the positive a. On the other hand, KII =K0 is
5.3. Rectangular plate with a slant crack
negative and anti-symmetric to that of the positive slant
angle. This agrees with the FEM results reported in [17].
A plate with a slant crack is considered. As shown in
Sih et al. has given the formulae of SIFs of the slant
Fig. 6, the crack is slanting at an angle a with the x-axis.
crack in an infinite plate as [7]
In the analysis, a new coordinate system, x0 oy 0 , is used
so that the crack lies on the x0 axis, and the origin of the KI =K0 ¼ 6 cos2 a KII =K0 ¼ 6 sin a cos a ð34Þ
coordinate system is at the crack center. (19)–(21) are
then used to form the boundary equations. The crack Comparing the computed results of Fig. 7 with the
length is fixed, a ¼ 0:2, and the slant angle varies from above formulae, it can be seen that the variations of
)90° to 90°. Other parameters are the same as those SIFs with the slant angle are similar. As the present
given in Section 5.1. The results are shown in Fig. 7. results are for finite plate, the present results (KII =K0 are
In Fig. 7, it can be seen that KI =K0 has its maximum taken as the absolute values) are larger than those ob-
values at a ¼ 0°. As the slant angle varies from 0° to 90°, tained by (34).
KI =K0 decreases from the maximum value to zero. On
the other hand, KII =K0 is zero at a ¼ 0°. The ratio in- 5.4. A simply supported plate with a central crack
creases gradually as the slant angle increases and it
reaches its maximum when a ¼ 45°. Thereafter, it de- The fourth example deals with a simply supported
creases and becomes zero when a is 90°. plate. It is subjected to a uniformly distributed load q0 .
2628 Y.H. Wang et al. / Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 2621–2630

0.50 For different slant angles, the calculated results of

KI =K0 and KII =K0 are shown in Figs. 9 and 10. The
[20] trends of the curves are similar to those of the single
slant crack (Fig. 7). It is not unexpected because the
0.35 Present
interaction effect is insignificant as the cracks are small
and the distance between them is large.
KI /Ko

0.25 From Fig. 9, one can conclude that when the slant
angle increases, KI =K0 at Points A and B will decrease.
They have their maximum values at a ¼ 0° (that is, the
0.15 cracks are on the x-axis), and the minimum values at
0.10 a ¼ 90° (that is, the cracks are perpendicular to the x-
0.05 axis). Due to a larger interaction effect between the inner
0.00 points of the two cracks, it is not surprising to find that
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 the KI =K0 values at Point A (inner point) are larger than
a/ W those of Point B (outer point). When the crack lengths
Fig. 8. KI =K0 for different a=W ratios of the simply supported

The half length of the plate is H ¼ 1:2 and the other 6 Tip A
dimensions are the same as those in Section 5.1. The half Tip B
crack length, a, varies from 0.05 to 0.95. The complex 5
stress functions given by (25) are used for the analysis.
Note that this is also a Mode I fracture problem and
KI /Ko

the results of KI =K0 are shown in Fig. 8. For this ex- 3

ample, K0 is defined as
pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2
K0 ¼ q0 W 2 pa=h2
From the figure it can be seen that KI =K0 decreases as
a=W increases. When the crack tips are close to the edges 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
of the plate, KI =K0 decreases very fast. This is due to the α
fact that the supported edges can prevent the crack from
opening and being extended. The results obtained by Fig. 9. KI =K0 for different a in the rectangular plate with two
Keer et al. using the integral equation method [3,20] are cracks.
also shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the results
obtained by the two methods agree with each other.
5.5. Plate with two cracks 4.5 Tip A
4.0 Tip B
Using the Laurant series expansions of the complex
potential and a perturbation procedure, Isida has ana- 3.5

lyzed infinite plates with multiple cracks [8]. Unfortu-

nately, the method is only valid for infinite plates. 2.5
Furthermore, KII are not reported in Isida’s paper or 2.0
other handbooks.
In the present study, a plate with two cracks (Fig. 2) 1.5
is used as an example. The pair of slant cracks are lo- 1.0
cated symmetrically in the bending plate. It is assumed 0.5
that both cracks have length ð2aÞ of 0.2 and the distance 0.0
between the crack centers ðdÞ is 0.5. The slant angle 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
varies from 0° to 90°. The plate is subjected to moments α
M0 along the edges y ¼ H . The other parameters are
the same as before. The complex stress functions for Fig. 10. KII =K0 for different a in the rectangular plate with two
solving this problem are given by (27)–(29). cracks.
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