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Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang

Senen (20 September 2010)

Lecturer: Dr. Chusnul Mari’yah, MA

Perbandingan Politik

Tugas Critical Review

Pendekatan Kelembagaan/Institutional Approach


 Institution in political theory, historical perspective

 Plato: in the Republic, is largely comparison of different forms of government, timocracy
(Negara yang dikuasai oleh orang yang mempunyai property) , democracy, oligarchy, and
 In law, comparison Sparta and Crete, arguing that the state is needed not only for defence
against foreign enemies but also to secure internal peace and to promote civic virtue.

 Timocracy: a form of government in which a certain amount of property is requisite as a

qualification for office.

 Oligarchy: a form of government in which the power is vested in a few or in dominant class
or clique

 Poliarchy: Robert Dahl called for democracy.

Pada zaman plato, perempuan bukan menjadi warga Negara. Negara yang memperbolehkan
perempuan mempunyai hak untuk memilih adalah Australia dan New Zealand.

Table institutional carination among western capitalist democracies (schmitter and Karl 1991: Lijphart

 Party System : two party vs multy party system

 Electoral System : proportional vs majoritarian
 Legislative assembly : unicameral vs bicameral
 Government Structure : Unitarian vs federalist
 Central Authority : Parliamentarism vs presidenstialism
 Court System : Judical Review vs Judical preview
 Local Government : weak vs strong autonomy
 Civil Service : Spoils vs merit recruitment
 Armed Forces : Professional vs conscription
 State economy : liberal vs corporatist

Note: Indonesia menganut Bicameral.

Pemilu proses penyelesaian konflik tanpa kekerasan.

What is different about federalism (federal government and states government) 13 negara bagian di
amerika sepakat membuat negera federasi, kemudian menjadi USA.

Political government adalah political machine dari Negara bagian.

Andrew Leigh, MPs from Kennedy School. (open his facebook to know election in Australia). Now
Andrew is member of parliament from Labour Party. He is believed to be right hand form Julia Gilard
to business economic policy.

What are political institutions?

 Political institutions are ‘the rules of game’

 The question is what should be included in the concept of rules. One classic division is
between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ rules
 Political institutions in a narrower sense can be defined as ‘formal arrangements for
aggregating individuals and regulating their behaviour through the use of explicit rules and
decision process enforced by an actor or set of actors formally recognized as possessing
such power.

18 Oktober 2010 ada kuliah di kedutaan besar USA. Jam 12.45.


27 September 2010

Tugas: Buat perbandingan antarnegara. Pilih Negara kecuali Indonesia untuk dianalisis dengan
memakai 1 pendekatan.

Penilaian makalah: kerangka teori digunakan dengan cukup baik. Sistematika penulisan kerangka
teori harus dipahami.

Salah satu pendekatan yang penting dalam comparative politic adalah teori system.


 Is ecological concept implying an organization interacting with an environment, influencing it

and being influence by it.
 The political system is part of arrangements that are society has for formulating and pursuing
its collective goals.

Lihat diagram analisis system di buku teori system (Mochtar Mas’oed and Collin Mc Andrews).
Example: Draft Bills

DPR à Bamus/BalegàPansus/panjaàTimusàParipurna


(soft bicameral bukan strong bicameral seperti di luar negeri) fungsi DPD Cuma ini: Memberikan
masukan kepada DPR tentang budget (kayak LSM-kata Chusnul). Yang jadi DPD adalah para istri atau
kerabat dari pemerintah daerah jadinya house of lord bukan senator. Wkwkwkwkwkwk

Structure and function

 In order to carry on many activities, political system has institution or structure such as
parliaments, bureaucracies, court, and political parties.
 Which carry on specific activities or functions

Political Structure

 Locates within the polity the familiar structure of the political system: interest groups,
political parties, executives, bureaucracies, and courts.

System, process, and policy

 Political socialization and political culture

 Political recruitment and political structure
 Interest group and interest articulation
 Political parties and interest aggregation
 Government and policy making
 Public policy

Political Socialization

 is also the way one generation passes on political standards and belief to succeeding
generation, a process called cultural transmission
 P4 melalui BP7: ideology pancasila disosialisasikan oleh Negara.
 The term socialization to refer the way children are introduced to the values and attitudes of
their society and how they learn what will be expected of them in their adult roles
 Political socialization is part of this process that shape political attitudes

Agent of Political Socialization

 The Family
 The School
 Peer Groups
 Occupation
 Mass media
 Political Parties
 Direct contact with governmental structure
 The Social and cultural environment
 The Political Self

Struktur Pusat Federal

Daerah States
Kabupaten/kota Local Government

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyanyang

Daya tarik demokrasi.

1. Secara prinsip adalah penolakannya terhadap konsep-konsep political good lain selain
daripada yang berasal dari rakyat sendiri.
2. Id edemokrasi penting karena ide ini tidak mempersentasikan satu nilai – dari banyak nilai
seperti liberty, equalitiy, justice – tapi merupakan nilai yang dapat mengkaitkan dan menjadi
mediator di antara sejumlah kepedulian preskiptif. Ia merupakan orientasi pembimbing yang
dapat menghasilkan dasar menspesikasi hubungan di antara berbaghai kepedulian normative
dan merupakan usulan cara membuat hubungan antara satu nilai dengan nilai lainnya.
3. Membuka landasan untuk membela dialog public dan proses pengambilan keputusan
tentang berbagai persoalan yang menjadi perhatian bersama danmemberi usulan cara-cara
kelembagaan untuk mengembangkannya.

 Barrington Moore’s Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

 Social class are arising

Route One Bourgeois Revolution

 Common starting points: Agrarian Bureacracy

 Bourguois impulse: Strong/strong
 Mode of commercial agriculture: market/labour represseive
 Peasant revolutionary potential: low high
 Critical Political Event: bourgouis revolution
 Major systematic political outcome: democratic capitalism
 Cases: Britain and USA/france

Route two reactionary capitalism

 Common starting points: agrarian bureaucracy

 Bourguois impulse: medium strength
 Mode of commercial agriculture: labour repressive
 Peasant revolutionary potential law
 Critical political event: revolution from above
 Major systemic political outcome: fascism
 Cases: Germany and japan.

Route three communism

 Common starting points: agrarian bureaucracy

 Bourguis impuls: weak
 Mode of commercial agriculture: labour repressive
 Peasant revolutionary potential: high
 Critical political event: peasant revolution
 Major systemic political outcome: Communist dictactorship
 Cases: Russia and China.

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