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Student name: Sukirti Misra


Patient Name : _________________ Age: 62 years

Date of initial exam: 09-07-2018 Date completed: _______

1. Medical History: (systemic conditions altering treatment, pre-medication, medical clearance)

explain steps to be taken to minimize or avoid occurrence, effect on dental hygiene diagnosis and/or

 The patient is 62 years old, she is 5’3” and weighs 160 lbs. She does not have a dentist that she
goes to on a regular basis. I explained the need for regular dental visits similar to physical and
how they are both equally important to identify diseases in early stages. She goes for regular
physical exams and the last one was done in March 2018. Presently the patient is not taking any
medications, but she mentioned some medications she takes on an as-needed basis. These as-
needed medications are Tramadol (for moderate to severe pain), Tizanidine (muscle relaxant) and
an inhaler that is used for seasonal allergies when needed. Patient also takes the following over
the counter medications: Calcium for osteoporosis, Tylenol for arthritis pain, Zyrtec for sinus
problems and Omeprazole for reflux/GERD. Except for Calcium all other medications are also as
taken as needed. Additionally, patient takes vitamin supplements as well. I advised patient to pay
close attention to the medical conditions she listed and notify her doctor if she experiences any
changes or worsening of symptoms. Since she is not on any medications for them regular
monitoring of these conditions is extremely vital. Patient was informed of the correlation between
periodontal disease and arthritis, osteoporosis and smoking. And even though these conditions
directly don’t cause periodontal disease however, their presence makes the patient susceptible to
acquire periodontal disease.
 Patient had a hysterectomy done 37 years ago.
 She had Hepatitis A infection 4-5 years ago due to a needle prick while working in a laboratory.
Patient has no known allergies.
 Patient uses tobacco produces for 10 years in the form of cigarette smoking 1 pack a day. She
mentioned trying to quit unsuccessfully three times and is unsure whether she wants to quit now.
I told the patient there are several benefits of quitting and to not get disheartened if she couldn’t
quit it in the past. I mentioned to the patient that whenever she feels ready to quit I would be
delighted to talk to help her about tobacco cessation in depth. We would work as a team to help
her get rid of the habit and there are several resources available to help her in doing so. Patient
does not use any other tobacco products, alcohol, drugs or other substances. Towards the end the
patient expressed willing ness to undergo tobacco cessation session with me.
 Patient’s vital sign readings are all within normal limits. Her blood pressure was 116/78 and it is
usually in that range. However, it is important to monitor vital signs at each appointment because
the values may vary based on patient’s stress level etc.
 Patient does not require pre-medications or medical clearance based on the medical history

2. Dental History: (past dental disease, response to treatment, attitudes, dental I.Q., chief complaint,
present oral hygiene habits, effect on dental hygiene diagnosis and/or care)

 Patient’s chief complaint or reason to visit is cleaning. Her last dental visit was 5-6 years ago for
teeth cleaning and that is when her last dental radiographs were done. It had been more than 5
years since her last radiographs therefore I did a full-mouth series of radiographs to look for caries
and bone loss. I also did vertical bitewings to better visualize the bone loss in comparison to the
horizontal bitewings which does not show the full extent of it.
 She mentions that at her last teeth cleaning she experienced a lot of sensitivity on her teeth and
felt that she wasn’t given adequate anesthesia. This experience contributed in her discontinuing
visit to the dentist. I explained to the patient that gum disease is “silent” and the patient may not
have any symptoms at all. However, if ignored the disease progresses with increased amount of
bone loss which is an irreversible condition. Since the bone is holding the tooth in place the worst-
case scenario for patients who do not seek treatment, could be tooth loss. Therefore, it’s very
important for her to maintain regular dental visits. An open communication is important between
the patient and the dental team and I assured the patient that I would do my best to make her
comfortable during the course of treatment. I also emphasized that for me her comfort will be my
top priority and requested her to let me know if she
 She is not happy with the appearance of her teeth/smile because of staining. I explained to her that
the stains on her teeth are due to smoking and coffee. These stains can be removed by professional
cleaning by the hygienist.
 Patient clenches her jaws and did not mention grinding her teeth. However, the clinical exam
shows generalized attrition so it may be assumed that she does it at night without her knowledge.
I recommended using a mouthguard to prevent excessive wear-down of chewing surfaces of teeth.
 There is no bleeding while brushing and flossing. I explained to the patient that tobacco use can
sometimes “mask” signs of gum disease such as bleeding. Therefore, it may be deceptive to
assume that gums are healthy based on no bleeding and we must evaluate other signs for gum
disease. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between tobacco use and gum disease. It is
important to do a thorough clinical exam along with radiographs to determine the correct extent
of gum disease.
 Patient takes sugar containing drink once a day (coffee). I told her to minimize the exposure of
teeth to sugary drink by avoid sipping on coffee for a prolonged time. Alternatively, she can
consume non-sugary foods such as, nuts and cheese along with the coffee to minimize the effect
of sugar exposure on teeth.
 She also chews Trident sugarless gum.
 Patient is currently using a Colgate toothbrush with soft bristles. I applauded the patient for
choosing soft bristles as that is the best option and to focus on the correct technique for brushing.
Patient was able to demonstrate brushing using the Bass technique and I appreciated her for using
it correctly. I reiterated that she brushes for at least 2 minutes and covers all surfaces of the teeth
for example, the surfaces facing the tongue etc. I also recommended using an electric toothbrush
to make sure she brushes for the entire 2 minutes and better plaque and stain control. She brushes
2-3 times a day and flosses once. She mentioned difficulty in flossing lower front teeth and I
showed her with a hand mirror the calculus built-up on those surfaces. She uses a mouth rinse
(Act) once a day and uses Crest toothpaste. I told her that the most important feature for toothpaste
selection is the presence of Fluoride, since it makes teeth stronger and is beneficial in preventing
cavities. Patient does not use any other home care aids. All in all, patient seems to have fair oral
hygiene practices. For her, it is important to go for regular teeth cleaning and consider quitting
smoking to enhance treatment outcome.
 Her dental IQ can be considered good. She is aware of using correct toothbrushing technique. Her
irregular dental visits were a result of a bad experience at the dental office. It is possible that the
patient follows hygienist recommendations as she seems motivated in having better oral health.

3. Oral Examination: (lesions noted, facial form, habits and awareness, consultation):


There were no significant findings on extraoral exam. No lymph nodes were enlarged and TMJ
findings were within normal limits. There was an atypical finding of palatine midline tori and I
explained to the patient that it does not require treatment unless it is inflamed or has a
pathology. Additionally, patient has a white coated tongue and explained to the patient that it
indicates presence of bacteria and it maybe a cause of bad breath. I talked to the patient about
cleaning the tongue gently with either a toothbrush or a tongue cleaner available at any


Grinding and clenching almost without knowledge. Grinding possibly during night time based
on generalized attrition. I explained to the patient on how the excessive grinding and clenching
forces are detrimental to the health of the periodontium. It is visible on radiograph in the form of
generalized widened periodontal space. Nightguard is strongly recommended for this patient
based on the extent of attrition.


Molar: Class I on both right and left side.

Canine: Class I on both right and left side.
Overbite: 2 mm
Overjet: 4 mm
Midline shift: 1 mm to the right side.
No open bite or cross bite.
Patient has excessive overjet and a midline shift, these findings along with crowding of lower
anterior teeth indicate malocclusion. Malocclusion causes abnormal masticatory forces on the
teeth and adversely affects the periodontal health. Additionally, presence of mal-positioned teeth
contributes to increased plaque and calculus retention as they are harder to clean. A consultation
with an Orthodontist was recommended for crowding of lower front teeth. However, the patient
mentioned that the orthodontist did not recommend treatment for her because of extensive bone
loss. I advised patient to take extra time in brushing and flossing the areas where the teeth are

4. Periodontal Examination: (color, contour, texture, consistency, etc.)

a. Case Classification: VII Periodontal Case Type: IV

b. Gingival Description: Generalized severe periodontitis with localized moderate bleeding.

App't 1: September 7th, 2018 (Baseline)

Architecture: Scalloped- generalized
Color: Pink- generalized and Red- lower anterior teeth
Consistency: Fibrotic- generalized and Edematous/spongy- lower anterior teeth
Margins: Rolled- generalized
Papillae: Blunted-generalized and Bulbous- between #24,25
Suppuration: None
Texture (papillary & margins): Smooth and shiny- generalized
Texture (attached): Smooth and shiny-generalized.

App't 2:
App't 3:
App't 4:
App't 5:
App't 6:
c. Plaque Index:
App’t 1: 2.5 (Fair)
2_____ 3_____ 4_____ 5_____

d. Gingival Index:
Initial: 1.79 (Fair) Final _____

e. Bleeding Index:
App’t 1: 50%
2_____ 3_____ 4_____5_____

f. Evaluation of Indices:

 The patient’s initial assessment showed that she had severe Generalized Periodontitis with moderate
localized bleeding. Localized bleeding maybe due to her tobacco use as the tissues become fibrotic
and mask the signs of inflammation. Hence it should not be considered healthy or absence of
 She has Generalized severe horizontal bone loss Additionally, she has generalized widened
periodontal ligament space and loss of crestal lamina dura.
 Patient’s Plaque score was 2.5 which is evaluated as being Fair. However, the goal is to achieve a
more ideal score of 0. The result of disclosing the selected teeth shows the patient needs to focus on
the following areas: #3- facial/mesial/distal, #14- the mesial/distal/facial, #19- mesial/distal/lingual,
#24-mesial/facial and #30- distal/lingual aspects. Better results can be obtained by proper brushing,
flossing, and routine dental visits.
 The Gingival index assesses severity of gingivitis based on the collection of color, consistency, and
BOP. Patient’s initial GI score was 1.79 which is considered Fair. As stated before, the goal is to get
her to 0 which will indicate healthy tissues. Her score was a consistent moderate inflammation on the
teeth evaluated with a few teeth with a less inflammatory signs. As described previously, signs of
gingival inflammation should be treated with caution as they may be masked due to the effects of
tobacco use by the patient.
 The patient’s Bleeding score was 50% which is relatively high. Her bleeding points were generalized
throughout her whole mouth. Most of the bleeding came from the molar teeth. This aligns with the
presence of deep periodontal pockets on those teeth. Bleeding points by quads: UR(#3,8)- 2 facial and
3 lingual surfaces, UL (#14)- 2 buccal 2 lingual surfaces, LL (#19,24)- 4 facial and 2 lingual surfaces
and LR (#30)- 2 facial and 1 lingual. This information shows the severity of her periodontal disease,
bleeding in deep periodontal pockets and lack of routine dental cleanings. The patient needs to
practice meticulous oral hygiene to lower her plaque, gingival, and bleeding indices. It is important
to note that patient’s bleeding score may be actually higher and due to smoking the tissue is fibrotic
and does not bleed. This should be explained to the patient and tobacco cessation should be stressed-
 All three of the above indices are associated with periodontitis. If the patient applies all directions that
we will discuss in patient education sessions such as correct brushing method and flossing techniques
she can lower these scores greatly. Thus, even though periodontitis is not reversible however, the
disease process will be halted and further bone loss can be prevented. Patient needs to understand that
since her disease is at an advanced state it is even more important to act immediately and maintenance
by regular dental visits is crucial.


g. Periodontal Chart: (Record Baseline and First Re-evaluation data)


 Patient’s periodontal assessment shows several pocket depths (PD) beyond the normal range of 1-
3mm. PD by quadrants: UR- molars have PD ranges from 4-8mm with the most severe reading for
#2- mesio-lingual at 8mm and # 3-disto-buccal at 7mm. #2 and 5 have 6mm PDs. UL- most severe
reading is at 6mm for # 11, 12, 14 and 15. LL- highest PD is 7mm for #19 on disto-buccal surface.
LR- highest PD is 6mm for # 29 and 31. It is important to note that patient had bands of subgingival
calculus and it prevented the probe from gathering the correct PD. For a more accurate PD it would
be advisable to re-record the reading after scaling has been completed.
 Tissue height: Patient has gingival recession for the following maxillary teeth: #2= 2mm, #3= 3mm,
#4= 1mm, #5= 2mm, #6= 1mm, #10= 1mm, #11= 2mm, #12= 3mm, #13= 1mm, #14= 3mm, #15=
2mm. All of the maxillary recession was on the facial side of the teeth. For mandibular teeth: #24=
4mm on facial aspect of the tooth surface. Similar to PD, gingival recession maybe incomplete due
to the presence of bands of supragingival calculus and will have to be re-recorded to obtain an
accurate reading. There was no suppuration associated with any teeth. Gingival inflammation was
generalized to the marginal and papillary areas with rolled margins. At each appointment one
quadrant will be scaled and a periodontal assessment will be repeated to obtain an accurate clinical
attachment loss (CAL) levels.

2. First evaluation
5. Dental Examination: (caries, attrition, midline position, mal-relation of groups of teeth, occlusion,

Missing has no wisdom teeth, they were extracted in her teens. There is generalized attrition on all
occlusal surfaces and cusps of posterior teeth and incisal surfaces of anterior teeth. There is toriversion
of teeth # 9 (disto-version), #21 (disto-version), #24 (disto-version) and # 26 (mesio-version). #23 is
in lingual version. These malpositioned teeth act as plaque and calculus retentive areas and I used a
hand mirror to show the patient the extent of calculus on these teeth. It is harder to keep these areas
clean and patient will need to spend extra time brushing and flossing these areas. There is
hypocalcification of teeth #10, 13, 14, 15 and 18. Since the patient has deep pit fissures and grooves
on all her posterior teeth it will be worthwhile to recommend sealants for all posterior teeth. Sealants
will help prevent food from getting stuck and forming cavities in the deep crevices of the teeth.
However, with the state of patient’s periodontal health this is not of top priority and can be performed
at the re-evaluation appointment.

6. Treatment Plan: (Include assessment of patient needs and education plan)

App't 1:
 Review medical/dental history
 Pre-rinse
 FMX to view carious lesion and bone loss, along with vertical bitewings
 Head/Neck Examination
 Dental charting with FMX x-rays
 Periodontal Assessment
 Initial Bleeding Score
 Initial Plaque Score
 Risk Assessment
 Inform Consent with referral to Periodontist for advanced Periodontitis
 Take several pictures with the intraoral camera
 Learning Level: the patient is aware of good oral hygiene practices. However due to other factors
such as excessive amounts of calculus and tobacco use she scored fair evaluation on plaque
score and gingival index. I explained the importance of brushing for the entire 2 minutes and
angle the toothbrush at 45-degree angle to remove plaque on the marginal gingiva. Flossing is
important to remove the remaining plaque on the interproximal surfaces of the teeth. This will
be easier for the patient to accomplish after scaling has been completed and bands of calculus is

The assessment findings help to assess patient’s specific need, formulate a treatment plan and education
sessions that are designed to custom-fit the patient.
Treatment Plan-Patient Education Sessions for future appointments:
App't 2:

 Review medical/dental history

 Pre-rinse
 Bleeding and Plaque Score
 Assess gingival condition
 Ultrasonic and fine scale the lower right (LR) quadrant with anesthesia
 Full periodontal charting on LR with CAL
 Fine scale LR
 Patient Education session 1: Plaque and Brushing
 Progress notes and confirm appointment 3
 I will discuss the long and short-term goals to the patient through the data collection that I have
obtained. I would ask the patient if these goals are attainable and will figure other different
techniques that can help the patient to achieve these goals.

 Patient Education #1: Plaque & brushing

LTG- Reach a plaque score closer to 1 or less by last visit

STG-Patient will define plaque
STG-Patient will reduce gingival inflammation
STG-Patients will demonstrate correct brushing technique and to reduce plaque score by 0.5 at each
subsequent visit

Steps for Lesson 1: Plaque and brushing

 Teach topic (what it is) use flipbook/other visual aids
 Teach skill (brushing) by demonstration on typodont
 Allow patient to demonstrate skill learned at the sink and correct as needed
 Show where improvement is needed (disclosing solution – visual aid)/compare plaque scores
 Ask follow-up question to assess learning level
 Encourage patient by positive reinforcement
 Summarize the next session by a brief statement
 Let patient know that we are a TEAM

App’t 3:

 Review medical/dental history

 Pre-rinse
 Bleeding and Plaque Score
 Ultrasonic UR quadrant with anesthesia
 Fine scale maxillary-UL
 Full Periodontal Charting on UR with CAL
 Patient Education session 2
 Progress notes and confirm appointment 4

 Patient Education #2: Periodontitis & flossing

LTG-Patient will halt the progression of periodontitis disease

STG- Patient will define Periodontitis
STG- Patient will reduce gingival bleeding score of 10% or lower by each appointment and
shows improvement of reduction of periodontal pockets
STG-Patient will demonstrate flossing techniques

Steps for Lesson 2: Periodontitis and flossing

 Discuss goal attainment from last session (compare plaque score/bleeding scores)
 Ask about and briefly discuss last session about plaque
 Explain the inflammation/periodontitis connection along with the effects of smoking on
 Visual aids (flip chart/paperwork/x-rays)
 Teach Periodontitis- define it
 Teach Skill (Flossing) use typodont to demonstrate
 Let patient demonstrate skill learned/correct as needed
 Show patient where she needs improvement (disclosing solution – visual aid)
 Ask to assess learning level
 Encourage patient
 Summarize and brief statement of next session
 Reiterate TEAM relationship

App’t 4:

 Review medical/dental history

 Pre-rinse
 Bleeding and Plaque Score
 Ultrasonic LL quadrant with anesthesia
 Fine scale LL quad
 Full Periodontal Charting LL with CAL
 Last patient education session 3
 Progress notes and confirm appointment 5

 Patient Education #3: Tobacco Cessation

LTG-Patient will stop smoking

STG-Patient will understand the importance of tobacco cessation
STG-Patient will understand the correlation between smoking and periodontitis
STG-Patient will use nicotine substitutes instead of smoking

Steps for Lesson 3: Tobacco Cessation

 Discuss goal attainment from last session (compare plaque/bleeding scores)
 Discuss new goals
 Teach effects of smoking on oral and overall health
 Teach correlation of Periodontitis and smoking
 Use flipbook
 Review brushing/flossing at sink
 Disclose and evaluate/modify
 Assess learning level
 Discuss recall schedule
 Establish TEAM partnership
 Thank her for her time and effort

Treatment Plan: Debridement for future appointments:

App’t 5:

 Review medical/dental history

 Pre-rinse
 Asses gingival condition
 Bleeding and Plaque Score
 Ultrasonic and fine scale the UL quadrant with anesthesia
 Full Periodontal Charting UL with CAL
 Plaque free and fluoride if there is time
 Progress Notes and schedule 2-week re-evaluation appointment
App't 6:

 Review medical/dental history

 Pre-rinse
 Assess gingival condition
 Final Bleeding and Plaque Score
 Arestin
 Final periodontal charting
 Plaque free and Fluoride if not done earlier
 Progress Notes: Remember 3-month recall, ending gingival statement, and patient learning level
Encourage good oral hygiene habits and thank patient for time

7. Radiographic Findings: (crown root ratio, root form, condition of interproximal bony crests,
thickened lamina dura, calculus, and root resorption):

Patient has severe horizontal bone loss generalized in all quadrants. Additionally, there is
generalized widened periodontal ligament space and loss of crestal bone. Another significant
radiographic finding is the presence of calculus generalized in all quadrants. These findings indicate
patient’s current state of periodontitis (advanced bone loss). Calculus findings indicate high
prophylaxis class and the need for adequate debridement to help in halting the disease process.
Patient was explained the positive correlation between arthritis, osteoporosis, smoking and
periodontitis. It is possible that these conditions made her susceptible to acquiring Periodontitis.
Also, it is possible that these conditions were instrumental in speeding-up the disease process,
making it more severe and advanced.
8. Journal Notes: (Record in detail the treatment provided, oral hygiene education, patient
response, complications, improvements, diet recommendations, learning level, progress towards short
and long-term goals, expectations, etc.) The progress notes should be written by appointment date.

9. Prognosis: (Based on attitude, age, number of teeth, systemic background, malocclusion, tooth
morphology, periodontal examination, recare availability)

10. Supportive Therapy: Suggestions to patient regarding re-evaluation, referral, and recall schedule.
(Note: Include date of recall appointment below.)
11. Assessment of Changes: (including plaque control, bleeding tendency, gingival health, probing

12. Patient Attitudes and Cooperation

13. Personal Evaluation/Reaction to Experience:
DATE: 09-09-18 NAME: Sukirti Misra


LIT Dental Hygiene PC.9  Systematically collect, analyze, and record data on the general, oral, psychosocial health status of a variety of patients.
Competency PC.10  Use critical decision-making skills to reach conclusion about the patient’s dental hygiene needs based on all available assessment data.
PC.12  Provide specialized treatment that includes preventive and therapeutic services designed to achieve and maintain oral health.
PC.13  Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented clinical, preventive, and educational services and modify as needed.
All information should have evaluated and be correlated to periodontal disease; the progression of, the healing of, and the prevention of. Failure to evaluate and correlate to periodontal disease on this
write-up will constitute loss of points.

Topic area Points Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Unacceptable 2

Medical History Identifies many systemic conditions Identifies several systemic Identifies at least one relevant systemic Fails to identify any relevant systemic
altering treatment, steps taken to avoid conditions altering treatment, steps condition altering treatment, steps taken to conditions altering treatment, steps taken
medical problem, effect on dental hygiene taken to avoid medical problem, avoid medical problem, effect on dental to avoid medical problem, effect on
diagnosis and/or care. Relates many effect on dental hygiene diagnosis hygiene diagnosis and/or care. Relates at dental hygiene diagnosis and/or care.
medical history findings to periodontal and/or care. Relates several least one relevant medical history finding to Fails to relate any medical history
disease: its progression, healing, and medical history findings to periodontal disease: its progression, healing, finding to periodontal disease: its
prevention periodontal disease: its progression, and prevention progression, healing, and prevention
healing, and prevention
Dental History Identifies many elements of the dental Identifies several elements of the Identifies at least one relevant element of the Fails to identify any elements of the
history, its effect on dental hygiene dental history, its effect on dental dental history, its effect on dental hygiene dental history, its effect on dental
diagnosis and/or care. Relates many hygiene diagnosis and/or care. diagnosis and/or care. Relates at least one hygiene diagnosis and/or care. Fails to
dental history findings to periodontal Relates several dental history relevant dental history finding to periodontal relate any medical history finding to
disease: its progression, healing, and findings to periodontal disease: its disease: its progression, healing, and periodontal disease: its progression,
prevention progression, healing, and prevention healing, and prevention
Oral Exam Identifies many findings of the oral exam, Identifies several findings of the Identifies at least one relevant finding of the Fails to identify any finding on the oral
steps taken to avoid a medical problem, oral exam, steps taken to avoid a oral exam, steps taken to avoid a medical exam, steps taken to avoid a medical
effect on dental hygiene diagnosis and/or medical problem, effect on dental problem, effect on dental hygiene diagnosis problem, effect on dental hygiene
care. Relates many oral exam findings to hygiene diagnosis and/or care. and/or care. Relates at least one oral exam diagnosis and/or care. Fails to relate any
periodontal disease: its progression, Relates several oral exam findings finding to periodontal disease: its oral exam finding to periodontal disease:
healing, and prevention to periodontal disease: its progression, healing, and prevention its progression, healing, and prevention
progression, healing, and
Periodontal Exam

Gingival Exam Describes many characteristics of the Describes several characteristics of Describes at least one characteristic of the Fails to describe any characteristics of
& Dental gingival exam by quadrant. Evaluates the gingival exam by quadrant. gingival exam by quadrant. Evaluates one the gingival exam by quadrant. Fails to
Indices many of the indices and relates to Evaluates several of the indices and index and relates to periodontal disease evaluate any index and relate to
periodontal disease relates to periodontal disease periodontal disease

Periodontal Describes many of the findings of the Describes several of the findings of Describes at least one of the findings of the Fails to describe any of the findings of
Chart periodontal examination and relates many the periodontal examination and periodontal examination and relates any to the periodontal examination. Fails to
findings to periodontal disease. relates several to periodontal periodontal disease. relate any to periodontal disease.
Topic area Points Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Unacceptable 2

Dental Exam Describes many of findings of the dental Describes several of findings of the Describes at least one of the findings of the Fails to describe any of the findings of
examination and relates many to dental examination and relates dental examination and relates any to the dental examination. Fails to relate
periodontal disease and the disease several to periodontal disease and periodontal disease and the disease process. any to periodontal disease and the
process. the disease process. . disease process.

Treatment Plan

Plans Assesses many of the patient education Assesses several of the patient Assesses at least one of the patient education Fails to assess any of the patient
Treatment & needs. Accurately plans many of the education needs. Accurately plans needs. Plans at least one of the treatment and education needs. Fails to plan any of the
Patient treatment and patient education sessions. several of the treatment and patient patient education sessions. At least one of the treatment and patient education sessions.
Education Many of the patient education topics are education sessions. Several of the patient education topics are appropriate. Patient education topics are not
appropriate. patient education topics are appropriate.

Long and Many of the long and short-term goals are Several of the long and short-term At least one of the long and short-term goals Fails to develop any of the long and
Short-Term developed with the patient. Goals are goals are developed with the are developed for the patient. At least one short-term goals. Goals are not provided
Goals provided to the patient. patient. Goals are provided to the goal is provided to the patient. to the patient.

Radiographic Describes many findings of the Describes several findings of the Describes at least one finding of the Fails to describe any finding of the
Findings radiographic examination and relates radiographic examination and radiographic examination and relates any radiographic examination and relates any
many findings to periodontal disease. relates many findings to finding to periodontal disease. finding to periodontal disease.
periodontal disease.

Writing & Basic Thoughts are highly organized and Thoughts are generally organized Thoughts are somewhat disorganized, vague Thoughts are very disorganized,
requirements logically presented; easy to follow; word and logically presented; word usage and difficult to follow; word usage is extremely vague, and difficult to follow;
usage is correct and sets a very is adequate and sets a professional sometimes inappropriate and detracts from word usage is often inappropriate and
professional tone; correct spelling, tone; several errors in spelling, professional tone; numerous errors in detracts significantly from the
grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar, punctuation, spelling, grammar, punctuation, professional tone; numerous errors in
sentence structure. Plan is submitted capitalization, and sentence capitalization, and sentence structure. Not all spelling, grammar, punctuation,
within 72 hours with grading sheet. All structure. Many records are records are updated and properly identified. capitalization, sentence structure. Many
records are updated and properly updated and properly identified. records are not updated or properly
identified. identified


(50 points possible)

Late submissions will not be accepted.

DATE: NAME: Sukirti Misra


LIT Dental Hygiene PC.9  Systematically collect, analyze, and record data on the general, oral, psychosocial health status of a variety of patients.
Competency PC.10  Use critical decision-making skills to reach conclusion about the patient’s dental hygiene needs based on all available assessment data.
PC.12  Provide specialized treatment that includes preventive and therapeutic services designed to achieve and maintain oral health.
PC.13  Evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented clinical, preventive, and educational services and modify as needed.
All information should be evaluated and correlated to periodontal disease; the progression of, the healing of, and the prevention of. Failure to evaluate and correlate to periodontal disease on this
write-up will constitute loss of points.

Topic area Points Excellent 5 Good 4 Fair 3 Unacceptable 2

Periodontal Exam
Gingival Exam & Describes many characteristics of Describes several characteristics of Describes any characteristics of the gingival Fails to describe any characteristics of
Dental Indices the gingival exam by quadrant. the gingival exam by quadrant. exam by quadrant. Evaluates an indices and the gingival exam by quadrant. Fails to
Evaluates many of the indices and Evaluates several of the indices and relates that indices to periodontal disease evaluate any indices and relate to
relates to periodontal disease relates to periodontal disease periodontal disease
Periodontal Chart Describes many of the findings of Describes several of the findings of Describes any of the findings of the Fails to describe any of the findings of
the periodontal examination and the periodontal examination and periodontal examination and relates any to the periodontal examination. Fails to
relates many findings to relates several to periodontal periodontal disease. Compares any of the relate any to periodontal disease. Fails to
periodontal disease. Compares disease. Compares several of the findings to the initial periodontal compare any of the findings to the initial
many of the findings to the initial findings to the initial periodontal examination. periodontal examination.
periodontal examination. examination.
Journal Notes – kept by
appt. date
Treatment provided, Describes many of the treatment Describes several of the treatment Describes any of the treatment procedures Fails to describe any of the treatment
OH education, pt. procedures provided, OH procedures provided, OH provided, OH education, pt. response, and procedures provided, OH education, pt.
response, education, pt. response, and education, pt. response, and complications by appt date. response, and complications by appt
complications complications by appt date. complications by appt date. date.
Improvements, Diet Describes many of the pt. Describes several of the pt. Describes any of the pt. improvements, diet Fails to describe any of the pt.
recommendations, improvements, diet improvements, diet recommendations, learning level, STG & improvements, diet recommendations,
learning level recommendations, and learning recommendations, and learning LTG attained, and expectations. Descriptions learning level, STG & LTG attained, and
level. Descriptions are kept by level. Descriptions are kept by appt are kept by appt. date. expectations. Descriptions are not kept
appt date. date. by appt. date
STG & LTG Describes many of the STG & Describes several of the STG & Describes any of the STG & LTG attained, Fails to describe the STG & LTG
attained, LTG attained, and expectations. LTG attained, and expectations. and expectations. Descriptions are kept by attained, and expectations. Descriptions
Expectations Descriptions are kept by appt Descriptions are kept by appt date. appt date. are not kept by appt date.
Prognosis Describes many prognosis Describes several prognosis Describes any prognosis characteristic by Fails to describe any prognosis
characteristics by attitude, age, characteristics by attitude, age, attitude, age, number of teeth, systemic characteristics by attitude, age, number
number of teeth, systemic number of teeth, systemic background, malocclusion, tooth of teeth, systemic background,
background, malocclusion, tooth background, malocclusion, tooth morphology, recall availability, and malocclusion, tooth morphology, recall
morphology, recall availability, morphology, recall availability, and periodontal examination. availability, and periodontal
and periodontal examination. periodontal examination. examination.
Topic area Points Excellent Good Fair Unacceptable

5 4 3 2

Supportive therapy Describes many of the Describes several of the Describes any of the suggestions made to Fails to describe any of the suggestions
suggestions made to patient suggestions made to patient patient regarding re-evaluation, referral, and made to patient regarding re-evaluation,
regarding re-evaluation, referral, regarding re-evaluation, referral, recall schedule. Date of recall not included. referral, and recall schedule. Date of
and recall schedule. Includes date and recall schedule. Includes date recall not included
of recall appt. of recall appt.

Assessment of changes Describes many of the changes Describes several of the changes Describes any of the changes occurring from Fails to describe any of the changes
occurring from trt including occurring from trt including plaque trt including plaque control, bleeding, occurring from trt including plaque
plaque control, bleeding, gingival control, bleeding, gingival health, gingival health, probing depths. control, bleeding, gingival health,
health, probing depths. probing depths. probing depths.

Pt. Attitudes and Evaluates comprehensively Evaluates patient’s attitude and Fails to evaluate patient’s attitude and Fails to evaluate patient’s attitude and
cooperation patient’s attitude and cooperation cooperation including patient’s cooperation including patient’s mental and cooperation including patient’s mental
including patient’s mental and mental and emotional status, emotional status, temperament and attitude. and emotional status, temperament and
Personal emotional status, temperament temperament and attitude. Comments on personal evaluation/reaction to attitude. No comments on personal
evaluation/reaction to and attitude. Comments on Comments on personal experience evaluation/reaction to experience
experience personal evaluation/reaction to evaluation/reaction to experience

Writing & Basic Thoughts are highly organized Thoughts are generally organized Thoughts are somewhat disorganized, vague Thoughts are very disorganized,
requirements and logically presented; easy to and logically presented; word usage and difficult to follow; word usage is extremely vague, and difficult to follow;
follow; word usage is correct and is adequate and sets a professional sometimes inappropriate and detracts from word usage is often inappropriate and
sets a very professional tone; tone; several errors in spelling, professional tone; numerous errors in detracts significantly from the
correct spelling, grammar, grammar, punctuation, spelling, grammar, punctuation, professional tone; numerous errors in
punctuation, capitalization, and capitalization, and sentence capitalization, and sentence structure. spelling, grammar, punctuation,
sentence structure. structure. capitalization, sentence structure. Many
Not all records are updated and properly records are not updated or properly
Plan is submitted within 72 hours Many records are updated and identified. identified
with grading sheet. All records properly identified.
are updated and properly


(50 points possible)

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Loe and Silness
The purpose of the Gingival Index (GI) is to assess the severity of gingivitis based on color,
consistency, and bleeding on probing. The GI will be determined for our purposes using tooth
#'s 3, 9, 12, 19, 25, 28. Four gingival areas (distal, facial, mesial, and lingual) should be
examined systematically for each tooth.
The teeth and gingiva are dried, and under adequate light, a mouth mirror and probe are used.
The probe is used to press on the gingiva to determine the degree of firmness. The probe is
also used to run along the soft tissue wall near the entrance to the gingival sulcus (not at the
base of the sulcus) to evaluate bleeding. (If you do not understand this explanation, see the
figure in Wilkins p. 338-339.
Criteria for Scoring
0 = Normal gingiva
1 = Mild inflammation - slight color changes, slight edema. No Bleeding on probing.
2 = Moderate inflammation - redness, edema, and glazing. Bleeding on probing.
3 = Severe inflammation - marked redness and edema. Ulceration. Tendency to
spontaneous bleeding.
Each of the 4 gingival surfaces (distal, facial, mesial, lingual) is given a score of 0 to 3. Each
tooth used will have 4 scores. By totaling the scores and dividing by the number of surfaces
examined, the Gingival Index is determined. Indices range from 0 to 3.
Calculating Example for an Individual.
Gingival Area
3 3 1 2 1
9 1 1 1 0
12 2 0 2 0
19 3 1 3 2
25 1 1 1 1
28 2 1 3 2

TOTAL 12 + 5 + 12 + 6 = 35
Gingival Index = Total Score 35 divided by Number of Surfaces 24 = 1.45 GI
Interpretation: According to the suggested nominal scale, the score for this individual (1:45)
indicates only fair gingival health (moderate inflammation). The ratings for each gingival area
or surface can be used to help the patient compare gingival changes toward health at each
Rating Scores
Excellent (healthy tissue) 0
Good 0.1-0.9
Fair 1.0-1.9
Poor 2.0-3.0


Initial date: 9-7-18

Gingival Area

# M F D L

3 2 2 2 2

9 2 2 1 1

12 2 2 2 2

19 2 1 2 2

25 2 2 2 2

28 2 1 2 2

43/24 = 1.79 (fair)
Final date______________________

Gingival Area







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