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(Weiss et al. 1992). detectionof a point mutationin thymid-stim- Transcriptional regulation of thyrotropin
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lated thyroid-stimulating hormone defi- mone and dopamine in pituitarycell culture.
ciency. Jpn J Hum Genet 36:313–316. J Biol Chem 261:12,675–12,679.
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milial hypothyroidism caused by a nonsense hormones: structureand function. Annu Rev mone. N Engl J Med 316:179-183.
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subunit gene. Am J Hum Genet 46:988–993. Wondisford FE, Magner JA, Weintraub BD:
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Isolated thyrotropin deficiency-a case with
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Dracopoli NC, Rose E, Whitfield GK, et al.:
1988. Two thyroid hormone regulated gene,
the ~-subunits of nerve growth factor
(NGFB) and thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSHB), are located less than 310 kb apart in
both human and mouse genomes. Genomics Risk Factors for Thyroid Cancer
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1986.Effects of corticotropin releasingfactor
and growth hormone releasing factor on pi-
tuitary hormone secretion in patients with The potential risk factors for thyroid carcinoma development include
congenitalthyrotropinTSH deficiency.Horm
genetic predisposition, exposure to therapeutic or environmental ion-
Metab Res 18:842-846.
HayashizakiY, Hiraoka Y, Endo Y, Matsubara
izing radiation, residence in areas of iodine deficiency or excess, history
K: 1989.Thyroid stimulatinghormone (TSH) of preexisting benign thyroid disease, as well as hormonal and repro-
deficiency caused by a single base substitu- ductive factors. In this review, we analyze some of the epidemiological
tion in the CAGYCregion of the TSH-13sub-
unit gene. EMBO J 8:2291–2296.
data, as well as the possible molecular mechanisms by which certain
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1993. Primary amenorrhea and infertility Tumors of the thyroid gland vary in their garded as variants of follicular tumors
due to a mutation in the beta-subunit of fol- biological behavior, degree of differenti- but display a greater predisposition to
licle-stimulating hormone. AMHC Forum
ation, and prognosis, all of which are local recurrences and may carry a more
closely related to their histological type. serious prognosis. Anaplastic carcino-
Medeiros-Neto G, Herodotou DT, Rajan S, et Most thyroid tumors originate from the mas are the most aggressive form of thy-
al.: 1996. A circulating, biologically inactive
follicular thyroid epitheliums. Papillary roid cancer and are predominantly a tu-
thyrotropincaused by a mutation in the beta
carcinomas are the most common form mor of the elderly. They exhibit a total
subunit gene. J Clin Invest 97:125CL1255.
of thyroid cancer. They usually have a loss of thyroid-differentiated properties
Miyai K, Azukizawa M, Kumahara Y: 1971. Fa-
favorable prognosis, in spite of a propen- and a very rapid-growth rate, and they
milial isolated thyrotropin deficiency with
sity to spread by lymphatic dissemina- often have widespread metastasis and a
cretinism. N Engl J Med 285:1053–1045.
tion throughout the thyroid gland and to bleak outcome. Medulla~ carcinomas
Miyai K, Endo Y, Iijima Y, Kabutomori O, Ha-
local lymph nodes. Follicular carcino- originate from calcitonin-secreting
yashizaki Y: 1988/. Serum free a thyrotropin
mas, in contrast, tend to invade blood
subunit in congenital isolatedthyrotropinde- C-cells (parafollicular thyroid cells) and
ficiency. Endocrinol Jpn 35:517-521. vessels and give rise to distant me-
are occasionally familial. Their epidemi-
tastasis. Hiirthle cell carcinomas are re-
Miyai KI, HayashizakiY,HiraokaY, et al.: 1988. ology has been recently reviewed in this
Familial hypothyroidism due to thyrotropin journal and will, therefore, not be con-
gene abnormality In Imura H, Shizume K, sidered further. Other primary tumors of
Yoshida S, eds. Progress in Endocrinology Yuri E. Nikiforov and James A. Fagin are at the thyroid gland are extremely rare and
(Proc of the 8th Intern Congr of Endocrinol). the Division of Endocrinology and Metabo-
include mostly malignant lymphomas
Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, New York & lism, Universityof Cincinnati College of Med-
Oxford, vol 1, pp 545-550. icine, Cincinnati, OH 45267, USA. and different variants of sarcomas. In

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PIIS1043-276O(96)OO2O4-4 TEA4vol. 8, IV’O. f, 1997
Table 1. Risk factors for thvroid cancer tients with FAPfrequently exhibit loss of
heterozygosity at this locus, consistent
Familial predisposition
a. Familial papilla~ carcinoma: rare, genetics poorly characterized
with a role for APC as a tumor-suppres-
b. Familial adenomatosis polyposis: up to 160-fold increased risk of thyroid sor gene, requiring loss of function of
carcinoma in women under 35 both alleles in order for the recessive
c. Cowden’s disease phenotype to emerge. There is no infor-
d. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I: associated with thyroid adenomas. mation as to whether thyroid carcino-
Predisposition to malignancy not known mas from patients with FAP also have
2. Ionizing radiation (see Table 2) somatic mutations of the wild-type allele
a. External therapeutic irradiation: best-established and most significant risk of the APC gene, or whether the predis-
factor position to tumorigenesis in the thyroid
b. Environmental irradiation: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Marshall Islands, is conferred by a “modifier” gene. In this
Chernobyl regard, it is noteworthy that mutations
3. Iodine intake of APC are not prevalent in sporadic thy-
a. Iodine deficiency: follicular carcinoma roid carcinomas (Zeki et al. 1994). Thy-
b. Iodine sufficiency: papillary carcinoma roid lesions are also reported as the most
4. Preexisting benign thyroid disease frequent extracutaneous manifestation
a. Follicular adenoma: predisposition to follicular carcinoma of Cowden’s disease (multiple hamar-
b. Graves’ disease: relative risk for thyroid carcinoma is controversial toma syndrome), being observed in two
c. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis: association with thyroid lymphoma thirds of patients; they include benign
5. Hormonal and reproductive factors thyroid lesions (adenomas, goiteq thyro-
a. Biological basis for female predisposition is unknown glossal duct cyst) and follicular thyroid
6. Geographic and ethnic factors
carcinoma. There are case reports de-
7. Diet, drugs: Uncertain influence
scribing the association of thyroid carci-
noma with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
(Reed et al. 1990) and ataxia-telangiecta-
this review we examine the risk factors with an inherited cancer syndrome is sia (Ohta et al. 1986). In patients with
for thyroid carcinoma development, with familial adenomatous polyposis MEN1, thyroid disease is observed
based primarily on epidemiological ob- (FAP), as well as with Gardner’s syn- mostly as benign lesions (nodular hyper-
servations, and we also discuss the pos- drome, a variant of FAPcharacterized by plasia, goiter, adenoma) and, far more
sible molecular mechanisms by which numerous adenomatous polyps of colon, rarely as a malignancy (DeLellis 1995).
environmental and genetic factors might osteomas, soft tissue lesions, and other The gene-conferring predisposition to
predispose to thyroid tumorigenesis (Ta- extracolonic neoplasms. More than 60 MEN1 is located on chromosome 1lq13
ble 1). cases of thyroid carcinoma have been and is believed to function as a tumor
reported in patients with FAP(Harach et suppressor. Tumors from patients with
al. 1994). These tumors are found mostly MEN1 exhibit frequent loss of heterozy-
● Genetic Predisposition
in patients under the age of 30, with a gosity at this locus, presumably result-
The majority of tumors originating from marked female preponderance (female ing in loss of function of the normal
the foIlicular epitheliumsdo not show a to male ratio of 8:1). Women below 35 alIele (Larsson et al. 1988). Loss of het-
familial occurrence and are not part of years of age with FAP have been esti-
erozygosity at chromosome 1lq13 is
any inherited syndrome. There are scat- mated to have a 160-fold higher risk of
also found in sporadic follicular thyroid
tered reports in the literatureon the famil- thyroid carcinoma than normal individ-
neoplasms, suggesting that the putative
ial occurrence of thyroid carcinoma of fol- uals (Plail et al. 1987). These tumors are
tumor-suppressor gene(s) at this locus
licular cell origin, mainly involvingpapil- characterized by multifocality, and well-
may play a significant role in thyroid
lary carcinomas (Stoffer et al. 1986). demarcated, encapsulated lesions. Al-
though most of them were diagnosed as tumorigenesis (Matsuo et al. 1991, Zede-
Howeve~ familial cases of follicular and
anaplastic carcinomas, as well as of be- papillary carcinomas, they often possess nius et al. 1995).
nign thyroid lesions, have also been de- unusual features, such as areas of crib-
scribed. Familialpapillarycarcinoma was riform and solid and spindle cells within
observed in 3.5% of 226 consecutive pap- the tumors (Harach et al. 1994). Owing ● Ionizing Radiation
illarycarcinoma patients from the United to the relatively high prevalence of thy-
States (Stoffer et al. 1986) and in 3.8V0of roid carcinomas in patients with FAP, A history of exposure to ionizing radia-
383 patients from Iceland (Hrafnkelsson aggressive screening for thyroid diseases tion is the best-established risk factor for
et al. 1989).The sex ratio, age distribution, has been advocated for patients with this differentiated thyroid cancer of follicu-
and histological features of these tumors disorder. predisposition to FAP is con- lar cell origin. The most significant
were largely comparable to those of spo- ferred by germline-inactivating muta- sources of exposure have been after ther-
radic cases. tions of the adenomatous polyposis coli apeutic irradiation and through environ-
The best-recognized association of (APC) gene, which maps to chromosome mental disasters, which are discussed
thyroid cancer of follicular cell origin 5q21. Colorectal neoplasms from pa- separately here.

TEM vol. 8) No. 1, 1997 Q 1997,ElsevierScienceInc., 1043-2760/97/$17.00

O4-4 21
External Therapeutic Irradiation ing treatment of Wilms tumor (estimat- from ingestion of contaminated food and
ed mean thyroid dose of 3.1 Gy) was 132, water and through inhalationled to inter-
The association between radiation expo-
and after treatment of neuroblastoma nal exposure to the thyroid gland, which
sure to the thyroid gland and subsequent (thyroid dose of 6.6 Gy), the RR was 350 was 3–10 times higher in children than in
development of thyroid cancer was first (Tucker et al. 1991). At the much higher adults, with doses to the thyroid varying
described in 1950 in children who re- doses used for the treatment of hemato- from O to >1000 cGy. An increased inci-
ceived x-ray therapy for an enlarged thy- logical malignancies (that is, 24-31 Gy), dence of thyroid cancer in children from
mus (Duffy and Fitzgerald 1950). Since the RR dropped to 67–81.
then, numerous reports have docu- the most contaminated areas of Belarus
In light of the role of radiation expo- (that is, the Gomel region) was noted as
mented increased incidence of thyroid sure in the development of thyroid can-
neoplasms in patients with a history of early as 4 years after the accident (Kazak-
cer, several investigators have examined
prior irradiation for benign diseases of ov et al. 1992). Between 1991 and 1992,
the possible carcinogenic effects of 1311
the head, neck, and thorax. A metaanal- the incidence of childhood thyroid cancer
used for either diagnosis or therapy of
ysis of 878 cases of thyroid cancer in in Belarus was 60-fold greater than prior
thyroid abnormalities. Although isolated
children showed that 76V0 of patients to the disaster (Nikiforov and Gnepp
cases of cancer have been reported after
had a history of x-ray therapy to the 1994). The risk of thyroid carcinoma was
radioiodine therapy, no increased risk of
head and neck, usually for an enlarged thyroid cancer has been documented af- inversely correlated with the distance of
thymus, tonsils, or adenoids; others had ter 1311treatment for hyperthyroidism residence location from the source of ra-
been treated for hemangiomas, acne, ec- (Helm et al. 1991). Similarly, a recent dioactive contamination. The age at the
zema, nevi, and other benign conditions comprehensive study indicated that di- time of exposure was an important mod-
(Winship and Rosvoll 1970). Most of agnostic administration of 1311was asso- ulatingfactor: the greatestnumber of chil-
these tumors were diagnosed between ciated with a slight but nonsignificant dren subsequently developing thyroid
1946 and 1959. After 1965, the use of excess risk of thyroid cancer, with the cancer was less than 1 year of age at the
radiation therapy for the stated benign excess cancers probably due to the un- time of the accident, with the number of
conditions was discouraged, and the in- derlying thyroid condition and not the cases decreasing with increasing age at
cidence of childhood thyroid malig- radiation exposure (Hall et al. 1996). exposure (Nikiforov et al. 1996a). Almost
nancy decreased dramatically. The long- 100?4 of these tumors are papillary thy-
terrn follow-up of patients subjected to Environmental Irradiation roid carcinomas. There has been consid-
radiation in childhood demonstrates Long-term follow-up of survivorsof atom- erable interest in identifying the genetic
that thyroid carcinomas start to develop ic-bomb exposure to gamma and neutron events associated with these childhood
s–10 years after exposure, reach a max- radiation in Japan in 1945 revealed an thyroid cancers, as they represent an un-
imum in 25–29 years, and the incidence increased risk for thyroid cancer, which precedented paradigm of radiation-in-
continues to be higher 40–45 years after was higher in individuals exposed at 30 duced cance~ Radiation is known to in-
the event (Schneider et al. 1993, Shore et years of age or less (Prentice et al. 1982), duce DNA-strand breaks, but the precise
al. 1993). In a pooled analysis of seven and particularlyin females exposed at less genetic targetsare likelyto vary according
separate studies, the relative risk (RR) of than 19 years of age (Ezaki et al. 1991).A to the cell type. Preliminary studies sug-
thyroid cancer was found to follow a linear relationship was found between gest that rearrangementsresulting in the
linear dose dependency in children un- thyroid cancer incidence and levels of aberrant expression of the intracellular
der the age of 15 years, down to a dose of gamma irradiation to the thyroid gland domain of the ret receptor (that is, ret/PTC
0.1 Gy (Ron et al. 1995). For childhood (Prentice et al. 1982). The incidence of rearrangements) are common in post-
exposures, the pooled excess RR per Gy thyroid cancer was also increased among Chernobyl papillary thyroid carcinomas
was 7.7. The younger the child at expo- residents of the MarshallIslands exposed (IUugbauer et al. 1995, Fugazzola et al.
sure, however, the higher the excess RR. to fallout radiation after detonation of a 1995). It is unclear whether ret/PTCrear-
The most common tumor associated thermonuclear device on the Bikini atoll rangements are due to radiation damage
with radiation exposure is papillary thy- in 1954 (Conard 1984). The exposure to
or whether they are common to pediatric
roid carcinoma. The biological behavior the thyroid gland resulted from internal
thyroid cancers regardless of their etiol-
and overall prognosis of radiation-in- irradiation from absorbed short-lived ra-
ogy. In contrast, these tumors do not ex-
duced papillary thyroid carcinomas are dioiodines (13’1, 1321,1331,‘351) and, to
hibit mutations of ras, indicating that this
comparable to those of papillary carci- some extent, penetratingy radiation. Ap-
protooncogene is not a mediator of radia-
nomas in the population not exposed to pearance of thyroid carcinomas was noted
tion-induced tumor formation (Nikiforov
radiation. 10 years after the exposure, with seven
Irradiation for benign conditions such papillary,one follicular, and seven occult et al. 1996b).Furthermore,althoughCher-
as thymic enlargement and acne has thyroid cancers diagnosed among the 250 nobyl-related papillary carcinomas ex-
been abandoned. Radiation therapy, exposed individualsduring the 34 years of hibit certain histopathological features of
however, continues to be an important careful monitoring (Cronkite et al. 1995). tumor aggression, they have a very low
tool for the treatment of a variety of As a result of the accident at the Cher- prevalence of mutations of the p53 tumor
malignancies. These patients, especially nobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, suppressor gene (Nikiforov et al. 1996b).
those treated at a young age, are also at 1986, millions of curies of short-lived ra- The characteristic features of radiation-
high risk for thyroid carcinoma develop- dioiodine isotopes were released in the induced thyroid tumors are summarized
ment. The RR for thyroid cancer follow- fallout. The absorption of radioiodines in Table 2.

@ 1997.ElsevierScienceInc., 1043-2760/97/$17.00
O4-4 TEM vol. 8, No. 1, 1997
Table 2. Characteristics of radiation-induced thyroid tumors in multinodular goiter glands are clonal
(Namba et al. 1990a, Aeschimann et al.
1. Latent period of 4–45 years
1993), and many harbor mutations of
2. Linear dose–response relationship
ras (Namba et al. 1990b).
3. Strong inverse correlation with age at exposure
Whereas thyroid cancer is found more
4. Histopathology
often in nonfunctioning and hypofunc-
Benign: adenomatoid nodules
tioning thyroid nodules, autonomously
Malignant: papilla~ carcinoma (solid, follicular variants)
functioning (“hot”) nodules only rarely
5. Genetics (post-Chernobyl tumors): high prevalence of ret/PTC, no t-asor p53
become malignant (Ashcraft and Van
mutations (papillary carcinomas)
Herle 1981). Hyperfunctioning ade-
nomas are characterized by a high prev-
alence of mutations of the TSH receptor
nontoxic goiter (6 to 10). The risk of thy- or of the G,a subunit of the heterotrim-
● Endemic Goiter,Iodine
roid cancer in patients with preexisting eric G protein to which it couples, result-
Deficiency,and Iodine Excess
thyroid nodules was higher during the ing in constitutive activation of adenylyl
A higher incidence of thyroid carcinoma first 10years after diagnosis of the benign cyclase and stimulation of growth and
has been demonstrated in areas of io- lesion, whereas for goiter it was higher 10 differentiated properties. Interestingly
dine deficiency and endemic goiter, par- years or more after diagnosis (Ron et al. thyroid carcinomas have a much lower
ticularly among those living in these re- 1987,D’Avanzoet al. 1995).Most previous prevalence of these genetic defects (Mat-
gions for 20 years and longer or during studies did not detect a significant differ- suo et al. 1993, Spambalg et al. 1996,
childhood (Belfiore et al. 1987). These ence in risk for specific histological types Russo et al. 1996), which is consistent
populations are characterized by in- of thyroid carcinomas. Recent observa- with the clinical observation that auton-
creased incidence of follicular and ana- tions based on the latest World Health omously functioning thyroid nodules do
plastic thyroid carcinomas, with a simi- Organization(WHO) classification of thy- not usually progress to malignancy.
lar distribution between males and fe- roid tumors (which provides clear criteria An association between thyroid carci-
males. Most anaplastic carcinomas are to distinguish papillary from follicular noma and Graves’ disease or lympho-
found in thyroid glands coexisting with cancer) demonstrate,however,thatpreex- cytic thyroiditis has been reported.
nodular goiter. In contrast to the higher istence of thyroid nodules, although con- Other reports, however, including that of
prevalence of follicular cancer in iodine- ferring a greater risk for both types the U.S. Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis
deficiency areas, the proportion of pap- of differentiated thyroid cancer, deter- Therapy Follow-up Study (Dobyns et al.
illary carcinomas seems to be higher in mines a much higher risk for follicular 1974), did not confirm the higher risk
regions with excess iodine intake, such rather than papillary thyroid carcinoma for thyroid carcinomas in patients with
as Iceland, Japan, and the Pacific islands (D’Avanzoet al. 1995). these diseases. This issue remains con-
(Franceschi et al. 1993). In Switzerland In addition to the epidemiological troversial, as a number of studies report
and Paraguay, where severe iodine defi- data summarized above, the relation- a higher than expected frequency of dif-
ciency was previously common, wide ship between preexisting benign thyroid ferentiated thyroid carcinomas in pa-
prophylactic iodinization led to a signif- disease and carcinoma is supported by tients with surgically treated Graves’ dis-
icant reduction of follicular and anaplas- some pathological and molecular ge- ease (Mazzaferri 1990). Patients with
tic tumors, whereas the proportion of netic evidence. Morphologically, thyroid chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis have a
papillary carcinomas appeared to in- carcinoma can be found to arise within higher risk (up to 67-fold) for develop-
crease (Franceschi et al. 1993). There is, an adenoma or to develop several years ment of malignant thyroid lymphoma
at present, no understanding of the after a cytologically confirmed diagnosis (Helm et al. 1985). Because this tumor is
mechanisms by which iodine deficiency of benign adenoma. Somatic mutations exceedingly rare in the general popula-
or excess promote thyroid tumorigene- of ras oncogenes appear to be about tion, the overall incidence of thyroid
sis, let alone on how they appear to favor equally prevalent in follicular adenomas lymphoma in patients with thyroiditis is
particular histopathological forms of the and carcinomas and, to a lesser extent, still low and does not justify aggressive
disease. in papillary carcinomas, suggesting that screening strategies.
they occur early in the process of tumor Anaplasticcarcinomas are usuallydiag-
formation. Transgenic mice overexpress- nosed in patients with a history of a pre-
● PreexistingBenign Thyroid
ing mutant ras in thyrocytes, however, vious thyroid disorder, such as goiter or
have a relatively low prevalence of thy- differentiatedfollicular or papillary carci-
In addition to ionizing radiation, a previ- roid adenomas and scant evidence of nomas (Demeter et al. 1991). Foci of ana-
ous history of thyroid adenoma and goiter progression toward malignancy (Santel- plastic carcinoma can be found micro-
are consistentlyrecognized as risk factors li et al. 1993). Nevertheless, in most hy- scopically in surgical or autopsy speci-
for thyroid carcinoma, based primarilyon pothetical schemes of the genetic evolu- mens within areas of well-differentiated
epidemiological data from case-control tion of thyroid tumors, adenomas are follicular or papillary cancer. The factors
studies (Ron et al. 1987, Kolonel et al. depicted as precursor lesions, at least for responsible for transformation from well-
1990, Franceschi et al. 1993). Thyroid follicular carcinomas (Fagin 1994). For differentiated to undifferentiated tumors
nodules (follicular adenomas) were asso- thyroid goiter, the genetic mechanisms are unknown. Mutationsin thep53 tumor-
ciated with a higher RR (10 to 33) than are less evident. Notably, most nodules suppressor gene appear to play an impor-

TEM vol. 8, No. 1, 1997 Q 1997,ElsevierScienceInc., 1043-2760/97/$17.00

O4-4 23
tant role in this transition, as they are ian, and Filipino men and women had award. Dr. Fagin is the recipient of an
found with high prevalence in undifferen- significantlyhigher rates (weighted ratios Established Investigatorship Award
tiated, but not in well-differentiated thy- ranged from 1.56 to 3.17). These differ- from the American Heart Association
roid cancers (Fagin 1994). ences may be due to local environmental and Bristol Myers-Squibb.
factors, rather than genetic susceptibility
as ethnic-specific rates for these groups
. Hormonal and Reproductive are much higher in the United States as
Factors compared with the same ethnic groups References
The role of hormonal and reproductive living in other parts of the world. For the Aeschimann S, Kopp PA, Kimura ET, et aL:
factors in the pathogenesis of thyroid car- residentsof Hawaii,an increasedrisk was 1993. Morphological and functional poly-
cinoma has long been suspected on the found to be associated with intakeof sea- mo~hism within clonaf thyroid nodules. J
basis of a higher incidence of cancer in food and dietary iodine (Kolonel et al. Clin Endocrinol Metab 77:846-851.
women than in men. The incidence of thy- 1990). AshcraftMW, Van HerleAJ: 1981. Management
roid cancer is 1.6 times higher in married of thyroidnoduksIl: scanning techniques,thy-
versus single females of reproductive age, roid suppressivetherapy,and fine needleaspi-
. Other Factors (Diet and Drugs) ration.Head Neck Surgery3:297–322.
as shown by population-based data from
the U.S. Third National Cancer Survey There are conflicting results regarding Belfiore A, La Rosa GL, Padova G, Sava L,
(Ernster et al. 1979). Moreove~ an in- the possible relationship between the Ippolito O, VigneriR: 1987. The frequency of
creased risk of thyroid carcinoma has consumption of fish and other iodine- cold thyroid nodofes and thyroid malignan-
been reported in patientswith breast can- rich products and thyroid carcinoma. cies in patientsfrom an iodine deficient area.
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cer (Ron et al. 1984).Nevertheless,numer- Intake of nutritional goitrogens, which
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association between specific hormonal genic glucosides (most forms of cab- shall Islanders exposed to fallout 28 years
ago. In Boice JD Jr, Fraumeni JF Jr, eds.
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taining preparations, including oral con- not associated with increased risk of thy- Press, pp 57+5.
traceptives, lactation suppressants, or roid carcinoma and may even be protec-
CronkiteEP, Bond VP, Conard RA: 1995. Med-
postmenopausalestrogens,has been asso- tive (Ron et al. 1987). There is no epide- icaf effects of exposure of human beings to
ciated with a RR for thyroid cancer of miological evidence of increased risk of fallout radiation from a thermonuclear ex-
1.4-1.7, particularly of follicular carci- thyroid cancer in smokers. plosion. Stem Cells 13:49-57.
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include a history of one or more pregnan- griseofulvin and senna were associated andsubsequentthyroidcancerrisk.CancerEp
cies, or of miscarriages (Ron et al. 1987). with increased risk for thyroid carci- idemiol BiomarkersPrev4:193–199.
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ated with obesity (Kolonel et al. 1990). other study, spironolactone and regular endocrine neoplasia syndromes revisited.
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supplements, were significantly associ- Demeter JG, de Jong SA, Lawrence AM, Pal-
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The incidence of thyroid cancer varies in eral series, patients with parathyroid ad- Dobyns BM, Sheline GE, Workman JB, et al.:
differentgeographic areasand among eth- enomas consistently demonstrated 1974. Malignant and benign neoplasms of
nic groups. Regions with higher than av- higher than expected incidence of non- the thyroid in patients treated for
erage incidence of thyroid cancer include medullary thyroid cancers, most often hyperthyroidism:a report of the cooperative
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Iceland, Hawaii, and New Caledonia. In
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Hawaii, where the overall age-adjusted
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thyroid cancer rates are 8.1 per 100,000
1976). Thyroid follicular adenomas and thyroid in children: a report of 28 cases. J
for women and 3.1 per 100,000 for men,
Clin Endocrinol Metab 10:12961308.
the highest rate for women occurred in goiter are also found often in these pa-
tients. This may reflect common tumor- Ernster VL, Sacks ST, Selvin S, Petrakis NL:
Filipinas(18.2 per 100,000),and for men,
initiating events leading to both parathy- 1979. Cancer incidence by marital status:
in Chinese(6.3 per 100,000).The analysis U.S. Third National Cancer Survey. J Natl
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