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4 Sixth Sunday ln Ordinary Time - February 17,2019


Faith Action - Living the Gospel
Classes on Wednesdays 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
Pre-Religious Education Snacks Menu The parish is blessed to have a Statue of Our Lady
of Fatima which is meant to travelfrom home to home.
For February All months for 2019 are full. Thank you for your sup-
port in this ministry.
Feb 20 Pizza Thank you! LorriAnn Landles
Feb 27 Peanut Butter and Jelly
Youth Group Program
All meals served with water. All food allergies will Next Meeting
be taken into consideration
Contact Eva Krueger at 541-536-8936 February 20,2019 Wednesday 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


ln zor4 Jarnes Radloff rnade a drarnatic departure frorn the Catholic Church and promptly
assumed leadership of a worshipping cornrnunity explicitly opposed to the integrity of Catholic
teaching and publicly antagonistic to the bishop charged to uphold it.
Holy Redeerner and Holy Trinity parishioners who knew James Radloff as their pastor for rnany
years have been conflicted and confused by appeals frorn his supporters to leave behind Catholic
loyalty to their bishop and walk away frorn Catholic identity. For five years now this disunifying
dlmamic has underrnined the faith of the Catholic cornrnunities in La Pine and Sunriver.
In such a tirne of trial for the parish it is only to be expected that parish leaders will stand in
cornrnunion with their pastor and the Bishop of Baker. For, as The Catechism teaches, "It is only
within the faith of the Church that each of the faithful can believe." They rightly look to
rnernbers of parish councils, to religious education teachers, to liturgical rninisters (readers,
singers, distributors of Holy Cornrnunion), to staff rnernbers and to officers of all catholic
associations to give clear and unarnbiguous witness to the unity of the Church. Week-in, week-
out dedication to these vital tasks shores up the foundation of Catholic identity and clarifies its
boundaries for all to see. For this reason all who serve in the above-rnentioned leadership roles
are asked to sign the following'Addendurn," which rnakes their comrnitrnent explicit.

As one publicly entrusted with parish responsibility, I realize that it is expected of

rne that I will 'work to build up, rrot tear down, parish unity. Therefore, lest I
unw"ittingly give scandal and thereby weaken the Catholic faith of rny fellow Holy
Redeerner and Holy Trinity parishioners, I hereby attest with rny signature ttrat I
will not attend 'worship services with Jarnes Radloffls corrununity nor will I take
part in its social actiwities.



"We are a church family, centered on the Eucharist, living and sharing our faith and God-given talents and gifts."

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