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Journal of Nematology 22(1):97-100. 1990.

© T h e Society of Nematologists 1990.

Influence of Criconemella xenoplax and Pruning

Time on Short Life of Peach Trees
Abstract: Influences of Criconemella xenoplax and pruning dates were studied in field microplots
with 'Nemaguard' peach cuttings on a site not previously planted to peaches. Trees with or without
C. xenoplax were p r u n e d beginning in December 1984 or March 1985. Peach tree short life (PTSL)
did not occur in the absence of C. x¢noplax. PTSL occurred earlier in December-pruned than in
March-pruned inoculated trees. Results confirm that "old" peach sites are not required for PTSL
to occur. Pruning Nemaguard and 'Lovell' greenhouse-grown seedlings reduced the root mass of
both stocks and stimulated Nemaguard, but not Lovell, shoot regrowth. Numbers of C. xenoplax
per gram of dry root were greater on p r u n e d than on u n p r u n e d seedlings.
Key words: Criconemellaxenoplax, peach, pruning, Prunus persica, ring nematode.

Peach tree short life (PTSL) is usually hardiness than those not treated with a ne-
associated with "old" orchard sites that maticide (3).
have been repeatedly replanted to peaches Both late pruning and fumigation re-
(Prunus persica (L.) Batsch), time of prun- duce tree susceptibility to cold injury, the
ing, the presence of the ring nematode most common cause of tree death in the
(Criconemella xenoplax (Raski) Luc & Raski), Southeast. T h e importance of each factor,
and poor management practices (1,11). individually or .combined, in the develop-
Prolonging tree life in the southeastern ment of P T S L on soil never planted to
United States can be accomplished if sev- peaches is unknown. Therefore, the ob-
eral r e s e a r c h - b a s e d m a n a g e m e n t prac- jective of this study was to determine 1) the
tices, known as the "10-point Program," occurrence of PTSL as it relates to the
are followed (1,10). Late winter pruning presence of C. xenoplax and (or) pruning
and preplant and postplant soil fumigation time, 2) i f " o l d " peach land is a prerequisite
are two practices in the 10-point program. for the development of PTSL, and 3) the
Trees pruned in O c t o b e r - J a n u a r y exhibit relationship between C. xenoplax and prun-
greater tree mortality from PTSL than ing on 'Lovell' and Nemaguard seedlings
those pruned in succeeding months (1,10). in the greenhouse.
December pruning decreases cold hardi-
ness, vigor, and tree survival (3). In spite
of these recommendations, however, many Microplots: Twenty-four "closed-end" ly-
peach growers in Georgia still prune in No- simeter-type microplots (1.2 m d and 1.2
vember or December for more effective m deep) were established in J u n e 1983 on
labor m a n a g e m e n t . U n d e r g r e e n h o u s e a non-PTSL site with no previous record
conditions, pruning in the presence of a of having been planted to peaches (6). Ex-
high initial population density of C. xeno- perimental design was a 2 x 2 factorial in
plax resulted in reduced root mass and a randomized complete block. Treatments
death of some 'Nemaguard' peach seed- consisted of C. xenoplax addition to the
lings (5). Soil fumigation is r e c o m m e n d e d loamy sand soil (82% sand, 13% silt, 5%
to control C. xenoplax, which predisposes clay; 1.2% organic matter), an uninfested
trees to P T S L (7,13), and trees in fumi- control, and pruning times of December
gated soil exhibit improved vigor, in- or March. Nematode and pruning treat-
creased tree survival, and greater cold ments also were initiated in 1984 and 1985,
respectively. T r u n k diameters were mea-
sured 17.4 cm above the soil line in Janu-
Received for publication 20 April 1989.
t Research Nematologist, USDA ARS, Southeastern Fruit ary, and nematode populations were mon-
and Tree Nut Research Laboratory, Byron, GA 31008. itored annually (6). Trees were fertilized
The author thanks D. Patterson and D. Watts for technical
assistance. each year and watered by trickle irrigation.
98 Journal of Nematology, Volume 22, No. 1, January 1990

TABLE 1. P o p u l a t i o n d e n s i t y o f Criconemella xenoplax (Cx) a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f p e a c h t r e e s h o r t life (PTSL)

in field m i c r o p l o t s as r e l a t e d to p r u n i n g time.

Treatmentt Incidence of PTSL

(No. nemas/100 cm s soil) Dec-pruned Mar-pruned
Year Cx Check Cx Check Cx Check

1985 2,408 0 0/65 0/6 0/6 0/6

1986 4,385 0 1/6 0/6 0/6 0/6
1987 2,208 0 2/5 0/5 0/5 0/6
1988 3,036 0 14 M a r 5/5** 0/5 0/5 0/6
31 May 5/5 0/5 3/5 0/6
** Difference significant at P < 0.01 between treatments on a particular date according to Fisher's Exact Test.
t Initial nematode inoculum was 5,000 C. xenoplaxper plot.
:~ Numerator represents cumulative number of trees dead from PTSL; denominator represents total number of trees per

T h e occurrence of PTSL symptoms and sign on benches in an air-conditioned

tree death were recorded over time. Sta- greenhouse (25 + 5 C). Rootstock cultivar
tistical c o m p a r i s o n s a m o n g p r u n i n g - r e p r e s e n t e d the main plot t r e a t m e n t ,
nematode treatments on a particular date n e m a t o d e the subplot t r e a t m e n t , and
was by Fisher's Exact Test. pruning the sub-subplot treatment. Plants
Greenhouse: Stratified Lovell and Ne- were watered daily and fertilized every 2
maguard peach seed were planted in 15- weeks (4). After 6 months the study was
cm-d plastic pots containing approximately terminated and the following data were
1,500 cm ~ steam-pasteurized loamy sand collected: dry root weight (dried at 70 C
(86% sand, 10% silt, 4% clay; 1.2% organic in aluminum foil until no more loss in
matter) as previously described (5). When weight occurred), shoot length increase of
the seedlings were 2 weeks old they were new terminal growth of pruned seedlings,
inoculated with approximately 10,000 C. shoot length of unpruned seedlings mea-
xenoplaxjuveniles and adults per 1,500 cm 3 sured from 18 cm above the pot rim and
soil. T h e nematode isolate, extraction, and C. xenoplax population density (Pf). Nema-
inoculation procedures were as previously todes Were eXtracted from 100 cm s soil as
described (5). Half the seedlings were previously described (5) and counted. Data
pruned to a height of 18 cm above the rim were analyzed using analysis of variance
of the pot 90 days after inoculation. Treat- (ANOVA). T h e experiment was repeated
ments were replicated five times and ar- once.
ranged in a randomized split-split plot de-

Microplots: T h e pOpulation densities of C.

TABLE 2. Effect o f r o o t s t o c k cultivar a n d p r u n i n g xenoplax within inoculated plots were rel-
o n l e n g t h o f s h o o t g r o w t h o f p e a c h in t h e g r e e n h o u s e atively stable from 1985 until 1988 (Table
180 days a f t e r inoculation.
1). No other plant-parasitic nematodes were
present, and C. xenoplax was not detected
Shoot length:~
Cultivar Pruningt (cm) in the controls. In 1986 and 1987 one De-
cember-pruned, C. xenoplax-inoculated tree
Lovell Yes 5.0
No 15.0 exhibited typical PTSL symptoms (7) and
Nemaguard Yes 39.7 died,(Table 1). i n 1987, one tree each in
No 23.8 the December-pruned and March-pruned,
"}"Seedlings were pruned to a height of 18 cm 90 days after inoculated and December-pruned control
inoculation. were seriously injured by fau!ty drainage,
Measurement of new terminal growth of pruned seedlings
or shoot length of unpruned seedlings measured from 18 cm as indicated by standing water, and were
above the rim of the pot. removed from the test. On 14 March 1988,
C, xenoplax and Development of PTSL: Nyczepir 99

the three remaining December-pruned, C. cidate earlier findings (3,8,11) implicating

xenoplax-inoculated trees exhibited P T S L nematodes, pruning dates, and (or) site se-
symptoms. T r u n k damage, indicated by in- lection with incidence of PTSL. December
tercellular leakage and staining of the out- pruning in the presence of C. xenoplax has-
er bark tissue, was evident at this time on tened the occurrence of P T S L symptoms
the three trees. Droplets of fluid were ob- by 2 years, with 40% of these trees dead
served leaking from lenticels on one tree. by the time they were 3 years old. Peach
T h e characteristic sour-sap odor associ- growers in South Carolina and Georgia
ated with P T S L was evident, and these would have decided to remove an orchard
three trees died before full bloom. Disease with this percentage of tree death because
symptoms occurred earlier in December- it would not be economical to manage.
pruned (P -< 0.01) than in March-pruned, When trees were 4 years old, the remain-
inoculated trees (Table 1). T h e five re- ing December-pruned, inoculated trees ex-
maining March-pruned, C. xenoplax-inoc- hibited symptoms and tree death earlier
ulated trees appeared healthy through full than March-pruned, inoculated trees, but
bloom, but three did not set fruit and ex- 60% of the latter died from PTSL later
hibited typical P T S L foliar symptoms (1) that spring.
as leaves began to develop. T r u n k damage Pruning time alone was not related to
could not be seen until bark was removed the incidence of PTSL, since tree death
to the cambium. Sour-sap odor was prev- was encountered only in the presence o f
alent and two of the three trees collapsed C. xenoplax. These data show the impor-
and died by 15 April; the third one died tance of C. xenoplax association in the dis-
in May. No control trees died from PTSL. ease. Effective control of the nematode
T r u n k diameter in January 1988 did not might allow for some adjustment in prun-
differ a m o n g treatments. ing time by the grower. However, a study
GreenhouSe: T h e mean population den- (2) of the effect of pruning dates on tree
sity of C. xenoplax in nematode-inoculated survival on a known PTSL site that had
pots was greater (P - 0.01) on Nemaguard been preplant and postplant fumigated with
than on Lovell rootstock (61,500 and 1 , 3 - d i c h l o r o p r o p e n e or 1,2-dibromo-3-
29,600 C. xenoplax per 100 cm a soil, re- c h l o r o p r o p a n e (DBCP), respectively,
spectively) after 6 months. Pruning had no showed that O c t o b e r - D e c e m b e r pruning
effect on nematode reproduction. T h e r e resulted in highest tree death. These re-
was a significant (P - 0.01) interaction of sults appear to contradict those of the mi-
rootstock and pruning on length of shoot croplot study where PTSL was more closely
growth (Table 2). Pruning stimulated shoot associated with C. xenoplax than with prun-
regrowth of Nemaguard but not Lovell. ing time or site. In the data presented here,
Root mass of pruned seedlings (7.6 g) was however, no C. xenoplax was detected in the
less (P -< 0:01) than unpruned seedlings uninfested control microplots during the
(12.1 g), regardless of rootstock. T h e num- experiment, whereas in Lawrence et al. (2),
ber of C. xenoplax per gram of dry root for postplant soil fumigation applied at the be-
nematode-inoculated pots was greater (P ginning and once again during the 4-year
- 0.05) than pruned (7,816) than for un- test period served to reduce but not elim-
pruned (4,101) plants. None o f the inter- inate the C. xenoplax population (Zehr, pers.
active effects involving nematode treat- comm.).
ments were significant. T h e data shown here demonstrate that
"old" peach sites are not necessary for
DISCUSSION PTSL to occur and that C. xenoplax is the
Symptoms and time o f appearance of most critical component. Pruning by itself
PTSL were similar to a previous microplot on non-PTSL sites increases cold injury to
experiment (7) and to those observed in trees but does not kill them (8,11). Crico-
commercial orchards. These data also elu- nemella xenoplax is a major factor that con-
100 Journal of Nematology, Volume 22, No. I, January 1990

ditions trees to injury or death by cold. in summer. This effect may be caused by
Based on a previous study utilizing these phytohormone imbalance, an area of re-
trees, we demonstrated that peach leaf se- search currently under investigation.
nescence was delayed in the presence of C.
xenoplax (6). Feeding by C. xenoplax appar-
ently disrupts host physiology of Nema- 1. Brittain,J. A., and R. W. Miller,Jr. 1978. Man-
guard trees. aging peach tree short life in the Southeast. Bulletin
585, Clemson University Extension Service, Clemson,
Nemaguard, 'Halford', and Lovell are SC.
the most widely r e c o m m e n d e d peach 2. Lawrence,J. E., G. E. Carter, Jr., and E. I. Zehr.
rootstocks in the Southeast. Trees on Ne- 1986. Effect of fall and winter pruning as related to
maguard are more susceptible to PTSL cultivar in peach tree survival. Proceedings of the
Third Stone Fruit Decline Workshop; Clemson, SC.
than those on the other two rootstocks. Pp. 21-24. Available from Clemson University, Clem-
Nemaguard was a better host for C. xeno- son, SC.
plax than Lovell in the greenhouse, and its 3. Nesmith, W. C., and W. M. Dowler. 1975. Soil
susceptibility might explain why Lovell fumigation and fall pruning related to peach tree short
life. Phytopathology 65:277-280.
trees survive longer than Nemaguard on a 4. Nyczepir, A. P., and P. L. Pusey. 1986. Asso-
PTSL site. The two rootstocks also reacted ciation of Criconemellaxenoplax and fusarium spp. with
differently to greenhouse pruning, with root necrosis and growth of peach. Journal of Nema-
Nemaguard shoot growth being stimulated tology 18:217-220.
5. Nyczepir, A. P., C. C. Reilly, and W. R. Okie.
following pruning. Nemaguard has been 1987. Effect of initial population density of Cricone-
reported (12) to exhibit a higher absolute mella xenoplax on reducing sugars, free amino acids,
growth rate than Lovell, but pruning ac- and survival of peach seedlings over time. Journal of
Nematology 19:296-303.
celerated shoot growth of Nemaguard. 6. Nyczepir, A. P., and B. W. Wood. 1988. Peach
This may explain why Nemaguard trees on leaf senescence delayed by Criconemellaxenoplax. Jour-
PTSL sites succumb t o cold injury when nal of Nematology 20:585-589.
pruned in December, but it does not ex- 7. Nyczepir, A. P., E. I. Zehr, S. A. Lewis, and D.
C. Harshman. 1983. Short life ofpeach trees induced
plain the C. xenoplax role in conjunction by Crijconemella xenoplax. Plant Disease 67:507-508.
with pruning and tree death. 8. Prince, V. E., and B. D. Horton. 1972. Influ-
Pruning decreased dry root weight of ence of pruning at various dates of peach tree mor-
both rootstocks, relative to unpruned seed- tality. Journal of American Society of Horticultural
Science 97:303-305.
lings, a phenomenon that occurs under field 9. Savage, E. F., and F. F. Cowart. 1942. The
conditions (9). Also the number of C. xeno- effect of pruning upon the root distribution of peach
plax per gram of dry root was greater for trees. Proceedings of the American Society of Hor-
pruned than for unpruned seedlings. This ticultural Science 41:67-70.
10. Spivey, C. D., and N. E. McGlohon. 1973.
may explain why the response to nema- Peach tree decline. Service Bulletin 714, University
todes was magnified in greenhouse-grown of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Athens, GA.
plants (5) and perhaps also in field-grown 11. Weaver, D.J., E.J. Wehunt, and W. M. Dowler.
trees. Pruning caused root die-back to 1974. Association of tree site, Pseudomonas syringae,
Criconemoidesxenoplax and pruning date with short life
maintain a balanced root-shoot ratio. If of peach trees in Georgia. Plant Disease Reporter 58:
the concurrent C. xenoplax population re- 76-79.
mained stable, many nematodes were avail- 12. Werner, D. J., and E. Young. 1982. Short-
able to parasitize new roots as the tree be- term growth analysis of 'Lovell' and 'Nemaguard'
peach rootstocks. Journal of Horticultural Science 57:
gan to initiate growth, thus adding to stress 377-381.
of young trees. Still unexplained are rea- 13. Zehr, E. I., R. W. Miller, and F. H. Smith.
sons why above-ground tissue is injured by 1976. Soil fumigation and peach rootstocks for pro-
cold, while the primary root system retains tection against peach tree short life. Phytopathology
the potential to produce vigorous suckers

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