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Math 1210 Signature Assignment: Derivatives

Suppose that a particle moves according to the law of motion 𝑠(𝑡) = 𝑡 4 − 6𝑡 3 + 4𝑡 2 + 3 with
t ≥ 0, where s is in meters and t is in seconds. Use your knowledge of the relationship between
position, velocity, and acceleration to answer the following questions. Use exact values (not
approximations) throughout.

a) Find the velocity of the particle at time t. What is the velocity at t = 0?

𝑠(𝑡) = 𝑡 4 − 6𝑡 3 + 4𝑡 2 + 3
𝑠 ′ (𝑡) = 4𝑡 3 − 18𝑡 2 + 8𝑡
′ (0)
𝑠 = 4(0) − 18(0)2 + 8(0) = 0

(Velocity Graph)

-In order to find the velocity of the particle at time, then at t = 0, I had to first find the
derivative of the function. Then after finding the derivative I plugged in the value 0 into
all the t’s and found the function equal 0. Thus as the velocity graph demonstrates, when
the particle is starting at time 0, the velocity is 0.
b) Determine, using algebraic analysis, when the particle is moving in a positive direction, a
negative direction, and when it is at rest.
𝑠 ′ (𝑡) = 4𝑡 3 − 18𝑡 2 + 8𝑡
𝑡(4𝑡 2 − 18𝑡 + 8)
𝑡(4𝑡 − 2)(𝑡 − 4)
2 1
4𝑡 − 2 = 0; 4𝑡 = 2; 𝑡 = =
4 2
𝑡 − 4 = 0; 𝑡 = 4
𝑡 = 0, , 4
1 1
0, ( ) , , (1), 4, (6)
4 2

1 1 3 1 2 1 15
𝑠 ( ) = 4 ( ) − 18 ( ) + 8 ( ) = (+)
4 4 4 4 16
𝑠 ′ (1) = 4(1)3 − 18(1)2 + 8(1) = −6 (−)
𝑠 ′ (6) = 4(6)3 − 18(6)2 + 8(6) = 264(+)
0, (+), , (−), 4, (+)
(0,1) = (+)
(1, ) = (−)
(4, ∞) = (+)

(Velocity Graph)
-In order to determine when the particle is moving in what direction I first had to set a base
for when the particle was at zero. I took the derivative function and simplified it down until
I was able to find the values that would result in the function equaling zero, thus showing
the times when the particle was at rest. I then tried to determine what direction the
particle was moving at in between each instant it was resting. I plugged in value that laid
close to each value into the derivative functions and came up with answers that resulted in
either positive or negative, thus showing what direction the particle was move in. This led
me to the conclusion that the particle started at rest at t=0, then moved in a positive
direction between 0 and ½ secs, then after resting at t ½ it moved in a negative direction
between ½ and 4 secs, then after it’s final rest at t=4 the particle kept moving onward in a
positive direction.

c) Find the total distance traveled by the particle in the first 6 seconds.
Total distance travel from 0 to 6 seconds
𝑠(0) = (0)4 − 6(0) + 4(0)2 + 3 = 3
1 3 1 2
𝑠(1/2) = (1/2)4 − 6 ( ) + 4 ( ) + 3 = 3.3125
2 2
𝑠(4) = (4)4 − 6(4)3 + 4(4)2 + 3 = −61
𝑠(6) = (6)4 − 6(6)3 + 4(6)2 + 3 = 147
|3 − 3.3125| = 0.3125
|3.3125 − (−61)| = 64.3125
|−61 − 147| = 208
(0.3125 + 64.3125 + 208) = 272.63 𝑚
-In order to find the total distance when the particle traveled between 0 and 6 seconds, I took the
original function and substituted t with the times when the particle was at rest, plus t = 6. I then
took the resulting values and subtracted each to each other in order as absolute values. I then
added up the three resulting values to find the distance the particle travel, which was 272.63

d) Find the acceleration of the particle at time t. What is the acceleration at t = 0?

𝑠 ′ (𝑡) = 4𝑡 3 − 18𝑡 2 + 8𝑡
𝑠 ′′ (𝑡) = 12𝑡 2 − 36𝑡 + 8
𝑠 ′′ (0) = 12(0)2 − 36(0) + 8
𝑠 ′′ (𝑡) = 8 2
(Acceleration Graph)
-In order to find the acceleration, I had to take the derivative function and derive it again to
find the acceleration function. I then substituted 0 for t in the function and got a result of 8
meters per second^2.

e) When is the particle speeding up and slowing down? Explain how you found your
𝑠 ′′ (𝑡) = 12𝑡 2 − 36𝑡 + 8
A = 12, B = -36, C = 8
−𝐵( )√(𝐵)2 −4(𝐴)(𝐶)

Quadric Function: 2(𝐴)
−(−36)√(−36)2 −4(12)(8)
(+) = 2.758
(−) = 0.242
(Position Graph)
-In order to find when the particle is speeding or slowing down, I had to incorporate the
values found in second derivative function into the quadric formula in order to find the
points in the graph that would determine when the particle sped up and slowed down. By
inputting the values and testing what the answers are when the function was added to
value B or subtracted from B I was able to determine the two points for t that determined
when the particle sped up or slowed down.

Show all your steps and include narrative text explaining your work to your reader.
Include computer generated graphs of your position, velocity, and acceleration functions.
Explain how the graphs support your answers to parts a – e above. Note that the graph is not
providing the answers, but supporting the mathematical steps and calculations you made before
using technology to graph the functions. Merely pointing to a graph to explain any of your
answers above is not an acceptable method of demonstrating understanding.
Write a paragraph reflecting on your solution process. What problems did you encounter in
completing the assignment? How did you troubleshoot them, if you did? What new skills or
insights did completing the assignment give you? Give a specific “real world” example of the
use of derivatives that is significantly different from the problem you just solved. Your example
should include the meaning or purpose of the derivative and an explanation of why it may be
important in a real application. Cite any sources used.
All signature assignments must be completely word processed, including using an equation
editor for all mathematics. Hand-written work will not be graded. All mathematical steps must
be shown and there must be narrative in place to explain your process to your reader. Any charts
or graphs will also be computer generated. Your problem will be presented in a clear and logical
way. A signature assignment should be an exposition of your finest work and presentation.
There are writing labs on campus for general writing help. For help using the equation editor in
Microsoft Word go to
A copy of this assignment will be placed in your SLCC general education e-Portfolio. Math
1210 is a Quantitative Literacy (QL) general education course. See your syllabus for more
information regarding e-Portfolios.

This assignment was challenging, but not extremely difficult if you knew what each
question was asking for. This assignment helped me to see more clearly how each derivative has
a different meaning in the real world. I was able to understand how the first derivative can be
used to ascertain specific information about the original function, in this case is was used to see
the velocity of the particle. I also came to understand that the second derivative can be used to
find the accelerated movement of the function, like here where it helped determine the
acceleration. Another good use of derivatives is to find the next value in a given function, such
as determining how much it costs to print 1000 books, and then using the second derivative to
find how much the 1001st book would cost. Derivatives are a powerful instrument that most
engineers, scientists, business owners, and other professions use daily in their work.

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