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(PART 2)

In this second part of the article “Dim Mak in the Wu Bei Zhi” I would like to highlight some
aspects related between the Dim Mak, the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the military
preparation treaty known as Wu Bei Zhi, this adapted to the Boxing of the Crane Blanca Wuyi,
not the original text of Wu Bei Zhi edited for the last time by Mao Yuanyi (1594-1640).

Within the text of Wu Bei Zhi we can find several axioms that under the interpretation of the
TCM we can learn and put into practice using special hand techniques such as the six hands Ji,
also described in this text so valuable for practitioners of the art of White Crane Below I will
briefly develop some of these concepts.

The cycle of 24h (Theory of Zi Wu Liu Zhu)

Axiom 1: "The cycle of the body is similar to the cycle of the Sun and the Moon" of Article 6 -
Wu Bei Zhi

Energy (Chi) and blood (Xue) circulate in the human body through the twelve energy channels
(meridians) and vital organs during a period of 24 hours, where each organ maintains its
maximum activity (fullness) or for two hours contrary its minimal activity (empty).

In other words, when a meridian is in its maximum activity a part of the body, the
corresponding energy channel and its associated organ is said to be full or full, while in another
part of the body, meridian and organ is in vacuum or deficiency.

Attack directly to the vital organs (Theory of the Zang Fu)

Axiom 2: "The moment of death depends entirely on how and when the vital points are
attacked" Article 8 - Wu Bei Zhi

The theory of organs and viscera according to traditional Chinese medicine (Zang Fu) are
classified by their polarity Yin or Yang. The organs are Yin and their main function is to
generate and store internal energy, blood and body fluids. While the viscera are Yang they
participate at the time of receiving and guiding the food to later expel them out of the body.

Organs or viscera are perfect places to be attacked, there are more propitious moments to hit
them, these are also known in the science of traditional Chinese medicine as alarm points. For

• Attack the Bladder alarm point after eating or drinking, especially between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.

• Attack the Stomach alarm point after eating especially between the hours of 07h and 09h.
• Attack the Lung alarm point when the other person is inhaling the air, especially between
03h and 05h, also if it has breathing problems or is a heavy smoker.

The seasons (Theory of the Wu Xing)

Axiom 3: "Act according to time and change" of Article 6 - Wu Bei Zhi

The 24 hour period is not the only cycle that follows and influences the human being. The
rhythm in the movement of the internal energy is directly related to the seasons. As the
seasons change, the rhythm of our body varies, strengthening some organs while others are
more vulnerable, for example: in the winter season, the bladder and kidney organs are weaker
and the bones suffer much more. This principle can be used together with the 24-h cycle and
the appropriate alarm points to enhance our objective.

We have spoken of these three principles (Zi Wu Liu Zhu, Zang Fu and Wu Xing) for a martial
use, but we should not forget that the White Crane Gong Fu is an art built on the Taoist theory
of Yin and Yang, therefore, the healing aspect is vital. For example, practicing Chi Kung
exercises, performing a massage at a specific acupuncture point, or taking a herb at a specific
time optimizes the results.

On the other hand, as we mentioned before, the human being is influenced by the sun and the
moon and seasonal changes. Living according to the rhythms of heaven and earth, as the
ancient Masters told us, are the foundations of good health and quality of life.

Federico Asensio Cabrera.

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