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Transactions on Communications


Design of Linear Precoders for Correlated Sources

in MIMO Multiple Access Channels
Pedro Suárez-Casal, Jose P. González-Coma Member, IEEE, Óscar Fresnedo Member, IEEE, Luis Castedo, Senior
Member, IEEE

Abstract—This work focuses on distributed linear precod- source and channel coding are optimized separately [1]. This
ing when users transmit correlated information over a fading strategy has been shown to be optimal for multiple scenarios
Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Multiple Access Channel. under certain circumstances (large block lengths, high delay,
Precoders are optimized in order to minimize the sum-Mean
Square Error (MSE) between the source and the estimated etc.), but this no longer holds for others like the transmission
symbols. When sources are correlated, minimizing the sum-MSE of correlated data over a MAC [2], [3].
results in a non-convex optimization problem. Precoders for an An alternative approach consists in designing the transmis-
arbitrary number of users and transmit and receive antennas sion scheme to minimize the signal distortion while exploiting
are thus obtained via a projected steepest-descent algorithm and the source correlation. In this case, the source symbols are
a low-complexity heuristic approach. For the more restrictive
case of two single-antenna users, a closed-form expression for directly transformed into the corresponding channel symbols
the minimum sum-MSE precoders is derived. Moreover, for the using appropriate encoding mappings. Some examples of this
scenario with a single receive antenna and any number of users, strategy in MAC communications are linear mappings [2], [4],
a solution is obtained by means of a semidefinite relaxation. non-linear mappings [5], [6], [7] or schemes based on vector
Finally, we also consider precoding schemes where the precoders quantizers [2], [8], [9]. Linear mappings show near-optimal
are decomposed into complex scalars and unit norm vectors.
Simulation results show a significant improvement when source performance for low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) values,
correlation is exploited at precoding, especially for low SNRs and whereas non-linear approaches more efficiently exploit high
when the number of receive antennas is lower than the number correlations in the high SNR region [10]. However, current
of transmitting nodes. strategies to optimize non-linear mappings for time-varying
Index Terms—Correlation, Multiuser channel, Linear approx- channels are computationally unaffordable in practical applica-
imation, Optimization methods, Transmitters. tions, and the alternative is to use parametric mappings adapted
to the channel conditions with a small number of parameters.
I. I NTRODUCTION Linear schemes and parametric non-linear mappings are in
general suboptimal for fading channels, but their performance
T HE simultaneous transmission of information from spa-
tially separated devices often occurs in many wireless
communications applications like Wireless Sensor Networks
can be improved using precoding techniques that exploit the
channel knowledge at transmission.
(WSNs) and mobile cellular networks. We focus on the Multi- In multiuser scenarios assuming uncorrelated information,
ple Access Channel (MAC), also called uplink channel, where the channel capacity can be approached with non-linear strate-
multiple user terminals transmit their data to one centralized gies such as Costa precoding [11] or Tomlinson-Harashima
node. We further consider the more general Multiple-Input precoding [12], [13]. Linear precoding, however, often pro-
and Multiple-Output (MIMO) case where both the receiver vides a reasonable performance with much lower complexity
and the individual users are equipped with several antennas. [14], [15]. Linear precoders usually aim at optimizing metrics
More specifically, we address the transmission of correlated like the Signal-to-Interference-Noise Ratio (SINR) [16], the
information over the fading MAC using linear precoding. sum-Mean Squared Error (MSE) [17], [18], or the balancing of
WSNs is an example of a scenario where the assumption of individual distortions [19], [20]. In general, these approaches
sources transmitting statistically independent information does improve the performance of digital communications and, also,
not often hold because the information is usually correlated. lowering the MSE is optimal from the point of view of analog
For example, the measurements of a parameter of interest communications where the ultimate goal is minimizing the
(temperature, humidity, etc.) using sensors placed in a given signal distortion.
area often produce correlated data. The traditional way to In this work, we address the optimization of distributed
optimize such communication systems consists of maximizing linear precoding techniques that exploit the source correlation
the throughput by removing the source correlation and then to minimize the signal distortion in the fading MIMO MAC.
protecting the relevant data with an appropriate channel coding Unlike the uncorrelated sources case, the source covariance
scheme. This is known as the separation principle where matrix is no longer diagonal and the resulting optimization
problems cannot be reformulated in a convex form. In spite
José P. González-Coma is with University of A Coruña, CITIC, Spain, of that, optimal solutions are obtained for some particular
scenarios, while suboptimal approaches are considered in the
Pedro Suárez-Casal, Óscar Fresnedo and Luis Castedo are with the Depart-
ment of Computer Engineering, University of A Coruña, 15071, A Coruña, more general case. The optimization of linear transceivers
Spain, e-mail: {pedro.scasal, oscar.fresnedo, luis} according to the MSE metric has already been considered for

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


correlated sources and single-user MIMO channels [4], and Precoder

for the case of bivariate Gaussian sources and collaborative
Gaussian MAC [21]. The design of linear filters based on the Precoder
SINR is addressed in [22]. However, they considered an array Filter
model and a particular error model to perform the analysis,
and the precoding scalar factors are set to one. Also, some
authors addressed the linear precoding of correlated sources
through the design of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Fig. 1. Block-diagram of a fading MIMO MAC system with K users, linear
signatures where the users transmit their symbols using several precoders, and a linear receiver.
channel uses over a fading MAC and the receiver has a single
antenna [23], [24].
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- channel use sk . The vector s = [s1 , s2 , . . . , sK ]T comprising
tion II presents the communication model considered in this all users source symbols follows a multivariate complex-
work. In Section III, we address the design of linear precoding  distribution with zero mean and covariance matrix Cs =
schemes for the general MIMO MAC and present three ap- E ssH . The superindices T and H represent the transpose and
proaches which provide different alternatives to exploit source Hermitian operators, respectively. The elements [Cs ]i, j = ρi, j
correlation. Section IV focuses on the Multiple-Input and represent the correlation between the i-th and j-th source
Single-Output (MISO) MAC scenario where the linear pre- symbols. Without loss of generality, we will assume that
coders are obtained by using Semidefinite Programming (SDP) ρi,i = 1 ∀i and 0 ≤ ρi, j ≤ 1 ∀i, j such that i 6= j.
to simplify the optimization problem. Section V provides an The source symbols are individually precoded at each user
analytical solution for the two-user Single-Input and Multiple- using a linear scheme and the resulting symbols are then trans-
Output (SIMO) MAC precoder. Section VI presents the re- mitted to the receiver over their corresponding fading channels.
sults of simulation experiments carried out to illustrate the We will consider a small-scale fading model, disregarding the
performance of the proposed strategies. Finally, Section VII is attenuation caused by free space propagation and other effects.
devoted to the conclusions. The received MAC signal is represented as
A. Contributions y= ∑ Hk pk sk + n, (1)
In this work, we propose different approaches to optimize k=1
the linear precoding of correlated Gaussian sources according
where pk ∈ CNT ×1 and Hk ∈ CNR ×NT are the k-th user linear
to sum-MSE:
precoding vector and MIMO channel response, respectively;
• A closed-form expression for the optimal linear precoder
and n = [n1 , . . . , nNR ]T represents the complex-valued Additive
that minimizes the sum-MSE in the two-user SIMO MAC White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) such that n ∼ NC (0, σn2 I).
scenario. An individual power constraint is imposed at each transmitter,
• An SDP approach for scenarios with an arbitrary number
which is given by pH k pk ≤ Tk , k = 1, . . . , K since the power of
of users and a single receive antenna. This solution leads the source symbols is assumed to be equal to 1. The received
to a convex optimization problem that can be efficiently signal (1) can be rewritten in a more compact form as
solved by interior point methods.
• For the general case of multiple antennas at transmission y = HPs + n, (2)
and reception, two approaches are considered. The first
one is a heuristic approximation assuming all users are where H = [H1 · · · HK ] and P = blockdiag (p1 , . . . , pK ), with
decoded with the same receive filter. The second one is blockdiag(·) the operator that constructs a block-diagonal
based on splitting the precoding vectors into a complex- matrix and puts the matrices received as arguments on its main
valued scalar and a unit-norm direction vector. Direction diagonal, setting the off-diagonal elements to zero. Finally, a
vectors are obtained using either Maximum Ratio Trans- linear estimate of the source symbols ŝ = [ŝ1 , ŝ2 , . . . , ŝK ]T =
mitter (MRT) or nullspace-directed SVD (Nu-SVD) that WH y is computed, W being the linear receiver filter response.
do not take into account source correlation. However, In the ensuing sections, we consider several strategies to
gain factors are determined to minimize the sum-MSE determine the linear precoders in P for the described MIMO
by exploiting source correlation. MAC system model.


Let us consider the fading MIMO MAC system model
shown in Fig. 1 where K individual users with NT antennas Along this work, the distortion between the source and the
each1 send correlated information to a common receiver with estimated symbols will be measured in terms of the sum-MSE
NR antennas. The k-th user sends one source symbol per criterion as
" #
1 For the sake of simplicity, we assume all users have the same number of K
ξsum = E ∑ |sk − ŝk | = E tr (s − ŝ)(s − ŝ)H .
transmit antennas. The extension of the ideas in this work to MIMO MACs (3)
with different number of transmit antennas per user is straightforward. k=1

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


For given precoders and channel responses, P and H, the linear √ solutions for uncorrelated scenarios apply and pk =
Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) receiving filter is Tk .
 −1 In the described scenarios, good solutions for the optimal
WH = Cs PH HH HPCs PH HH + 2 I . (4) linear precoder are expected to be obtained without consid-
σn ering source correlation. In the next subsections, different
Substituting (4) into (3) leads to the following expression for approaches are studied for the design of linear precoders that
the sum-MSE [25] exploit the source correlation.
1 H H −1 A. Projected Gradient Algorithm
ξsum = f (P) = tr P H HP + Cs . (5)
σn2 A first approach to solve (6) is by means of a projected
The optimal linear MIMO MAC precoder that minimizes the steepest-descent or gradient algorithm, where the precoding
sum-MSE is hence determined from the following constrained matrix P is updated at each iteration by
optimization problem P(i+1) = t Pi + µ i ∇ f (Pi ) ,

1 H H −1 where i indicates the iteration number, µ is the algorithm step
arg min tr P H HP + Cs (6)
p1 ,...,pK σn2 size, ∇ f (P) is the gradient vector of the cost function ξsum =
s.t. pH f (P) with respect to P given by
k pk ≤ Tk , ∀k ∈ [1, K],
P = blockdiag (p1 , . . . , pK ) ,

∂ f (P) 2 H 1 H H −1
∇ f (P) = = − H HP P H HP + C s ,
∂ P∗ σn2 σn2
where pH k pk ≤ Tk represents the individual power constraints
and P = blockdiag (p1 , . . . , pK ) arises from the restriction that and t (·) projects the precoder into the space of feasible
users do not cooperate and, therefore, the source symbols are solutions given by the set of constraints. In our case, the
individually precoded at each transmitter. projection normalizes the power of the user precoders in
The optimization problem in (6) is non-convex on P when P that exceeds their corresponding constraints and sets the
sources are correlated. When Cs = I (i.e. uncorrelated sources), off-diagonal elements to zero. Hence, t (·) is a projector
(6) can be reformulated in convex form over the transmit onto a closed convex set, thus it is non-expansive, i.e.,
covariance matrices PCs PH using the matrix inversion lemma kt(P1 ) − t(P2 )kF ≤ kP1 − P2 kF [27, Prop. 2.1.3]. Applying
(see [17] and references therein). A convex reformulation has this property and with Po the optimum of the cost function,
also been adopted when designing CDMA signatures for the we get kP(i) − Po k2F ≥ kP(i+1) − Po k2F ≥ kt(P(i+1) ) − Po k2F and
transmission of correlated sources with one receive antenna convergence to a local optimum is guaranteed as long as the
[23], [24]. By dropping the restrictions over the shape of P, step size is properly adjusted at each iteration by using, e.g., a
e.g., allowing users to cooperate in the MAC or considering line or Armijo’s search [27]. Since the problem is non-convex,
a Broadcast Channel (BC), idempotent matrices Cs are also the convergence of algorithm (8) to the global optimal solution
valid. Nevertheless, none of these strategies are valid to obtain is not guaranteed, but it always achieves a stationary point.
a convex reformulation of (6), since they cannot be applied to The computational complexity of this algorithm can be
the case of distributed non-cooperative users as is usually the significant since the number of steps to achieve a solution with
case in the MAC. However, some interesting conclusions can an error below some given threshold is unbounded in general.
be drawn for asymptotic cases assuming that the entries of In practical terms, we have checked that its performance is as
the channel matrix are independent and identically distributed good as any other method we have investigated, and hence we
(i.i.d.) complex-valued Gaussian random variables with zero will use it as a reference for comparison.
mean and unit variance, i.e., [H]i, j ∼ NC (0, 1):
• When NT = 1, NR → ∞ and the number of users is B. Aligned MRT
fixed, the product N1R HH H converges almost surely to In this section, we present a low complexity approach based
the identity matrix [26]. In this case, the MSE can be on aligning the different users to a single receive direction.
approximated as This simple design is inspired by the idea that only a small

1 H H
−1 part of the signals from other users is actually an interference
tr P H HP + Cs (7) when the source symbols are highly correlated, and hence
the received symbols can be combined constructively. This
1 −1 −1
1 1 H H approach is especially suitable for low SNRs since the impact
= tr P H HP + C
NR NR σn2 NR s of the source correlation on the sum-MSE minimization is
−1 more significant at the low SNR regime, while it vanishes for
σn2 K 1

1 1 H
≈ tr P P = ∑ |pk |2 , high SNRs.
NR σn2 NR k=1
The selection of the receive direction is of key impor-
and therefore the optimum power allocation is pok =
√ tance since it will determine the overall system performance.
Tk , ∀k. Unfortunately, the selection of the best direction taking into
• In the high SNR regime (σn2 → 0), the weight of the account the channels for all the users is a combinatorial
source correlation matrix in (6) is negligible. Therefore, problem. Hence, we propose a heuristic where the precoders

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


are designed assuming that the receive filter is common for IV. M ULTIUSER SISO SCENARIO
all users, i.e. For the particular scenario with a single receive antenna
and a single transmit antenna per user, i.e., NR = 1, NT = 1,
arg max max |gH Hk p|, s.t. kgk = 1, kpk = 1, (9) the channel matrix reduces to a row vector h ∈ C1×NT K and
g,p k
the sum-MSE expression (5) can be rewritten by applying the
where the receive direction g is chosen as the channel left matrix inversion lemma as
singular vector corresponding to the maximum singular value 
1 H H
among all users. Given the direction vector g, the precoder for ξsum = tr P h hP + C s
the k-th user is computed as the vector pk that maximizes the  −1 
product |gH Hk pk |, i.e., =K − tr Cs PH hH hPCs PH hH + σn2 hPCs
√ pH HC2s HH p
Tk =K − , (11)
pk = HH g. (10) pH HCs HH p + σn2
kHk gk k

where H = diag(h), and p ∈ CNT K×1 stacks the diagonal

This approach hence maximizes the power of the correlated elements of PH . Hence, the optimization problem can be
signal in the receive direction g, because the users encode their restated as
symbols to allocate the available power into a single spatial
pH HC2s HH p
direction. Finally, for the precoders (10), the receive filters arg max (12)
are computed according to (4). This strategy will be termed p p HCs HH p + σn2

Aligned MRT (AMRT). s.t. pH ek eTk p ≤ Tk , ∀k ∈ [1, K],

where ek denotes the indicator vector. Following a similar
approach to [30], the system is homogenized with p = q/t,
C. MRT and Nu-SVD for Correlated Sources
and rewritten as
In this section, we focus on Maximum Ratio Transmitter qH HC2s HH q
(MRT) and nullspace-directed Singular Value Decomposition arg max f (q,t) = (13)
q,t q HCs HH q + σn2t 2
(SVD) algorithm (Nu-SVD), two representative linear pre-
coding strategies for the MIMO BC and MAC. We next s.t. pH ek eTk p ≤ t 2 Tk , ∀k ∈ [1, K].
explain how to integrate MRT and Nu-SVD precoding in a If we denote g(z) = f (q,t) with z = [qT ,t]T , it can be seen
MIMO MAC signaling scheme that exploits source correlation. that it is invariant to scaling, i.e. g(kz) = g(z), k ∈ R+ . Hence,
The key step is to decompose the individual precoders as we can fix the denominator to a constant value to transform
pk = γk uk , where γk ∈ C is a complex-valued gain factor and the problem as
uk ∈ CNT ×1 is a unit-norm direction vector, i.e., kuk k2 = 1.
When considering MRT, the directions uk are chosen to arg max zH Az (14)
maximize the receiver SNR, i.e. uMRT k = vk,1 , where vk,1 is
the right singular vector with the largest singular value in the s.t. zH Bz = 1, (15)
SVD Hk = Uk Σk VH k [28].
z Dk z ≤ 0, ∀k ∈ [1, K], (16)
An alternative strategy is the iterative nullspace-directed t 6= 0, (17)
SVD algorithm proposed for precoding in the MIMO BC
[15] [14, Section V]. It can be applied to the MIMO MAC where A = blockdiag(HC2s HH , 0), B =
blockdiag(HCs H , σn ), and Dk = blockdiag(ek eTk , −Tk ),
by invoking the MSE-duality to transform the receive fil-
ters in the BC into the precoders in the MAC [17], [29]. which is a non-convex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic
In general, this approach iteratively  searches for matrices Programming (QCQP) problem. This problem simplifies by
PNSVD = blockdiag uNSVD , . . . , uNSVD and WNSVD such that dropping condition (17) because for t = 0 the constraints
1 K
the inter-user interference is canceled and it hence provides in (16) are fulfilled only with q = 0, but then (15) is not
solutions that satisfy the condition WH satisfied. Hence, the feasible set is empty for t = 0. We
property holds both in the BC and the MAC. now define Z = zzH and rewrite the optimization problem
(14)-(17) as
In uncorrelated sources scenarios, the solutions for the gain
factors γk are trivial
√ and are set to the maximum available arg max tr(AZ) (18)
power, i.e. γk = Tk . However, source correlation can be Z
exploited at transmission if the gain factors γk are optimized s.t. tr(BZ) = 1,
to minimize the sum-MSE, as shown analytically in Section V tr(Dk Z) ≤ 0, ∀k ∈ [1, K],
for the two-user SIMO MAC and numerically in Section VI for
Z  0,
a larger number of users. This can be done by applying the
projected steepest-descent algorithm in (8) to the equivalent where a constraint rank(Z) = 1 has been dropped. The problem
channels h̃k = Hk uk . This approach reduces the dimension of in (18) is a SDP that can be efficiently solved with interior
the search space since the original problem with NT K variables point methods, and it is a convex approximation of the
is transformed into a search over the K gain coefficients. QPQC in (14)-(17). Their solutions are not guaranteed to

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


coincide because it is possible, for an optimal Zo in (18), ρ is real-valued. Particularizing (3) for this scenario, the sum-
that rank(Z∗ ) > 1. In that case, it is necessary to resort to MSE is given by [2]
techniques that obtain rank-1 approximations of Zo to estimate
2σn2 + (1 − ρ 2 )(P1 kh1 k2 + P2 kh2 k2 )
the optimal solution of (14)-(17). In our problem, we can ξsum (P1 , P2 , φd , σn2 , ρ, H) =σn2 ,
obtain optimal rank-1 approximations when the solutions to σn4 + σn2 υ + ω
(18) have a particular structure using the following lemma.
Lemma 4.1: Given an optimal solution Zo for a problem in where
the form of (18) such that √
υ =P1 kh1 k2 + P2 kh2 k2 + 2ρ P1 P2 ℜ{e− jπφd hH
1 h2 },
Z̄ v ω =P1 P2 (1 − ρ ) kh1 k kh2 k − |h1 h2 | = P1 P2 (1 − ρ 2 )|HH H|,
2 2 2 H 2

Zo = , (19)
vH w
and φd = φ1 − φ2 . The terms h1 and h2 correspond to the chan-
then, if rank(Z̄) = 1 with Z̄ = uuH , an optimal rank-1 approx- nel responses for the first and second transmitter, respectively,
imation to Zo is such that H = [h1 h2 ]. For two users, the optimization problem
√  (6) simplifies to

+ u w
Z = , (20)
uH w w arg min ξsum , s.t. P1 ≤ T1 , P2 ≤ T2 . (24)
P1 ,P2 ,φd
and the optimal solution to problem (14) is qo = u and t o =
√ The optimal linear precoder is obtained with the help
w. of the following two lemmas. The first one determines the
Proof: This is straightforward by checking the structure optimal phases while the second determines the optimal power
of A, B and Dk , where the vectors v from the optimal solution allocations for the optimal phases.
are multiplied by zeros. Hence, since tr(AZo ) = tr(AZ+ ), and opt opt
Lemma 5.1: The optimal phases φ1 and φ2 for the two-
the restrictions are fulfilled, i.e., tr(BZ+ ) = 1 and tr(Dk Z+ ) ≤ user SIMO MAC linear precoder must satisfy
0, ∀k ∈ [1, K], we conclude that Z+ is also optimal. Hence, it
opt opt opt
optimizes (14) with the solutions given by the lemma. φ1 − φ2 = φd = arg max ℜ{e− jπφd hH H
1 h2 } = arg(h1 h2 ).
In case rank(Z̄) > 1, we choose the eigenvector with the
largest associated eigenvalue as√approximation. Finally, the
precoder is defined as po = u/ w. We have experimentally Proof: The variable φd is only present in the denominator
checked that, if NT = 1, the solutions for Z̄ obtained through of (23), in the term ℜ{e− jπφd hH 1 h2 }. Thus, for any transmit
the SDP are always rank-1. Hence, they are always optimal. powers P1 and P2 , the sum-MSE lowers when this terms in-
This approach can be naturally extended to more than one creases. It is straightforward to see that this term is maximum
opt − jπφd hH h } =
transmit antenna per user by modifying the constraints, but for φd = arg(hH 1 h2 ) because in that case ℜ{e 1 2
we found that the solutions of the relaxed version of the H
|h1 h2 |.
problem are not always rank-1. Hence, we restrict our results Using this lemma, without loss of generality, we can as-
opt opt opt
in Section VI to NT = 1. sume that φ1 = 0 and therefore φ2 = φd . Since the term
ℜ{e − jπφ H
d h h } is multiplied by the correlation factor ρ,
1 2
this optimization of the precoder phases only improves the
V. O PTIMAL L INEAR P RECODING FOR THE T WO -U SER performance in the case of correlated sources with ρ > 0.
SIMO MAC Besides, the gain is more remarkable as the source correlation
The sum-MSE minimization problem (6) is difficult to solve increases, as we will show in the results section.
analytically for the general MIMO MAC. However, in this The next step is to find the optimal power allocation that
section, we will show that it can be analytically solved for minimizes the sum-MSE assuming the optimal value for the
the more specific two-user SIMO MAC, i.e., for the case of precoder phases. Replacing φd by its optimal value in (23)
two single-antenna users and an arbitrary number of receive produces
antennas. In this scenario, the precoder matrix reduces to 2σ 2 + (1 − ρ 2 )(P1 kh1 k2 + P2 kh2 k2 )
 √ − jπφ ξ¯sum (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) =σn2 n ,
P1 e 1 0
 σn4 + σn2 ῡ + ω
P= √ , (21) (26)
0 P2 e− jπφ2

where ῡ = P1 kh1 k2 + P2 kh2 k2 + 2ρ P1 P2 |hH 1 h2 |. The follow-
where P1 and P2 represent the power allocated to the single-
ing Lemma provides the optimal power allocation for given
antenna users 1 and 2, respectively, while φ1 and φ2 represent
φd .
their phase shifts. The source covariance matrix also reduces
Lemma 5.2: The solution to the optimal power allocation
1 ρ
Cs = , (22) arg min ξ¯sum , s.t. P1 ≤ T1 , P2 ≤ T2 (27)
ρ 1 P1 ,P2

where ρ = E[s1 s∗2 ] represents the source symbols correlation is

between the two users. Without loss of generality, we assume • If ρ = 0, ρ = 1 or |hH
1 h2 | = 0, then P1 = T1 and P2 = T2 .

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


• In any other case, P1 = min T1 , f1 (T2 )2 and P2 = • When considering orthogonal access channels where
1 h2 = 0, (35) simplifies to
min T2 , f2 (T1 )2 where
s α1 (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = −σn4 (1 + ρ 2 ) − σn4 (1 + ρ 2 )kh1 k2
2 kh2 k2 2σn2 − 2σn2 (1 − ρ 2 )|HH H|P2 − (1 − ρ 2 )2 kh2 k2 |HH H|P22 .
f1 (P2 , σn , ρ, H) = Z + Z 2 + 2
P2 + ,
kh1 k (1 − ρ 2 )kh1 k2
(28) In the previous three scenarios, the numerator α1 (·) is
always lower than zero regardless of the channel conditions
f2 (P1 , σn2 , ρ, H) = f1 (P1 , σn2 , ρ, [h2 , h1 ]), (29) and the source correlation because σn2 , kh1 k2 , kh2 k2 , P1 , P2 ,
with |HH H| and |h1H h2 | are all strictly positive. From (31) we
conclude that λ1 > 0, and therefore P1 must be equal to T1 to
σn2 satisfy the condition in (33). Similar reasoning applies to P2 .
Z= √
(1 − ρ 2 )|hH
1 h2 | P2 Hence, increasing simultaneously the power allocated to both
σn4 kh1 k2 + 2σn2 + (1 − ρ 2 )kh2 k2 P2 |HH H|P2

users lowers the sum-MSE, achieving a minimum when each
+ √ . user transmits with all its available power.
2σn2 ρ|hH
1 h2 |kh1 k
2 P
We now consider the general case. The numerators α1 (·)
Proof: The Lagrangian function associated to (27) is and α2 (·) are no longer necessarily negative and, for a given
L = ξ¯sum (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) + λ1 (P1 − T1 ) + λ2 (P2 − T2 ). (30) channel realization H and source correlation ρ, their sign
depends on the power allocated to each user, P1 and P2 . For
The optimal precoder must hence satisfy the following neces- convenience, we rewrite (35) as follows
sary Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions [31], [32] r
α1 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = A+B kh1 k2 P1 − kh2 k2 P2
∂L α1 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) P1
= σn2 + λ1 = 0 (31)
β (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H)
∂ P1 P2
− 2σn4 ρ|hH
1 h2 | , (36)
∂L α2 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) P1
= σn2 + λ2 = 0 (32)
∂ P2 β (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) with
λ1 (P1 − T1 ) = 0 (33)
A = − σn4 (1 + ρ 2 )kh1 k2 − 2σn2 (1 − ρ 2 )|HH H|P2
λ2 (P2 − T2 ) = 0, (34)
− (1 − ρ 2 )2 kh2 k2 |HH H|P22 ,
B = σn2 ρ(1 − ρ 2 )|hH
1 h2 |.
α1 (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = −σn4 (1 + ρ 2 )kh1 k2
As observed, the term A is negative regardless of the power
− 2σn2 (1 − ρ 2 )|HH H|P2 − (1 − ρ 2 )2 kh2 k2 |HH H|P22 allocation, the channel response, the noise variance and the
P2 source correlation. The term B is larger thanqzero but it is
+ σn2 ρ(1 − ρ 2 )|hH 2 2

1 h2 | kh1 k P1 − kh2 k P2
multiplied by kh1 k2 P1 − kh2 k2 P2 and by P2

P1 P1 which is
P2 2 2
always positive. Hence, kh1 k P1 > kh2 k P2 is a necessary
− 2σn4 ρ|hH h
1 2 | , (35)
P1 condition for α1 (·) > 0. Applying the same reasoning for
α2 (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = α1 (P2 , P1 , σn2 , ρ, [h2 , h1 ]), α2 (·), we conclude that it is necessary that kh2 k2 P2 > kh1 k2 P1
to guarantee that α2 (·) is also positive. Both conditions cannot
β (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = (σn4 + σn2 ῡ + ω)2 . be fulfilled simultaneously, and it is hence impossible to find
As observed, the denominator β (·) is always positive be- feasible P1 and P2 values such that α1 (·) ≥ 0 and α2 (·) ≥ 0 at
cause it is a quadratic form. Hence, the direction of the gradi- the same time.
ent functions will only depend on the numerator terms α1 (·) Depending on the power values, we can define the three
and α2 (·). Notice that the expression for α2 (·) is identical to following regions
α1 (·) but with the powers P1 and P2 and the columns in the R1 = {(P1 , P2 ) | α1 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ≤ 0 ∧ α2 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ≤ 0},
channel matrix exchanged.
To obtain some insight into the problem, we analyze some R2 = {(P1 , P2 ) | α1 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ≤ 0 ∧ α2 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) > 0},
particular scenarios: R3 = {(P1 , P2 ) | α1 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) > 0 ∧ α2 (P1 , P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ≤ 0}.
• For uncorrelated sources (ρ = 0), (35) simplifies to
According to the analysis above, the remaining region, corre-
α1 (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , 0, H) = sponding to the power pairs such that the terms α1 (·) and α2 (·)
are positive at the same time, is empty. Also, when R2 and
− σn4 kh1 k2 − 2σn2 |HH H|P2 − kh2 k2 |HH H|P22 .
R3 exist, assigning maximum available power to both users
• On the contrary, for fully correlated sources (ρ = 1), (35) might not be optimal.
simplifies to Fig. 2 shows an example of the three regions described
r above. Each region corresponds to a different behaviour of
2 4 2 4 H P2 the gradient vectors for P1 and P2 . As observed, the boundary
α1 (P1 , P2 , σn , 1, H) = −2σn kh1 k − 2σn |h1 h2 | .
P1 between R1 and R2 corresponds to the points where α2 (·)

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


λ2 > 0. On the √ other hand, from√(39) and (40), we know

that points (t, T2 ) with t < T1 fall into R1 or R2
where α1 (·) is always negative. In this case, condition
(33) forces λ1 = 0, and (31)√is no longer satisfied. √
The same applies to points ( T1 ,t) where t < T2 .
Hence there are not more feasible KKT points on the
√ √ boundaries.
T1 , T2 ∈ R2 , then it cannot be a KKT point

2) If
because α2 (·) > 0 in this region, and (32) cannot be
satisfied with λ2 ≥ 0. Hence, the only possible KKT
point can be found by lowering the power of the second
user until
√ achieving the point that makes α2 (·) = 0.
Hence P = f (P , σ 2 , ρ, H). In that case, the point
√ 2 2 1 n
( T1 , f2 (T1 , σn2 , ρ, H)) satisfies the KKT conditions with
λ2 = 0 and λ1 > 0.
3) By
√ symmetry,
√  the same reasoning √applies if
T1 , T2 ∈ R3 getting ( f1 (T2 , σn2 , ρ, H), T2 ).
It can be concluded from the previous remarks that the
√ √ KKT  √ points for √ theoptimization
√ problem
 √  in (27) are
Fig. 2. Example of the three feasible regions defined according to the sign
T1 , T2 , T1 , f2 T1 and f1 T2 , T2 , leading to
of the gradient vectors for the two-user SIMO MAC with a correlation factor the power allocations stated in the Lemma.
ρ = 0.95 (top) and ρ = 0.99 (bottom), for h1 = (1, 1)T , h2 = (1, 0.5)T and Fig. 2 depicts a geometric representation of the KKT points
σn2 = 1.
depending on the shape of each region for a given channel and
two different correlations, ρ = 0.95 and ρ = 0.99. As observed,
is equal to zero. Similarly, the boundary between R1 and when the power constraints are set to (T1 , T2 ) = (400, 300), the
R3 corresponds to the points where α1 (·) is equal to zero. corresponding point falls into R1 for both correlation factors,
Therefore, the points on both boundaries can be determined and hence the optimal solution allocates all the available power
by to both users. When the power constraints are set to (T1 , T2 ) =
(700, 200), the corresponding point again falls into R1 for
A ρ = 0.95, but it falls into R3 for ρ = 0.99. Thus, increasing
f1 (P2 ,σn2 , ρ, H) = − √
2Bkh1 k2 P2 the source correlation causes the optimal power allocation to
A2 kh2 k2 2σn2 be (P1 , P2 ) = (452.73, 200). Moreover, the optimal sum-MSE
+ 2 4
+ 2
P2 + , (37) o = 0.027,
for the case (T1 , T2 ) = (700, 200) and ρ = 0.95 is ξsum
4B kh1 k P2 kh1 k (1 − ρ 2 )kh1 k2 o
and it decreases to ξsum = 0.010 when ρ = 0.99, although the
f2 (P1 ,σn2 , ρ, H) = f1 (P1 , σn2 , ρ, [h2 , h1 ]), (38) power allocated to the first user is lower in the latter case. A
√ similar result would be obtained for power constraints falling
where f1 (·) results from solving
√ α1 (·) = 0 for P1 , and f2 (·)
into R2 , but in this case decreasing the power allocated to the
from solving α
√ 2 (·) = 0 for P2 . In this case, f1 (·) determines
second user.
the values P1 where α
√ 1 (·) = 0 for a given P2 , while f2 (·)
provides the values P2 where α2 (·) = 0 given P1 . Hence, In summary, using Lemma 5.1 and Lemma 5.2, the optimal
with (37) and (38), the regions defined above can be expressed precoders that minimize the sum-MSE for the two-user SIMO
in an alternative form as MAC are given by
√ √ • If ρ = 0, ρ = 1 or |hH1 h2 | = 0
R1 = (P1 , P2 ) : P1 ≤ f1 (P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ∧ P2 ≤ f2 (P1 , σn2 , ρ, H) ,

(39)  √ 
√ √ o T1 0
P = √ − j arg(hH h ) . (42)
R2 = (P1 , P2 ) : P1 ≤ f1 (P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) ∧ P2 > f2 (P1 , σn2 , ρ, H) ,

0 T2 e 1 2
√ √
R3 = (P1 , P2 ) : P1 > f1 (P2 , σn , ρ, H) ∧ P2 ≤ f2 (P1 , σn , ρ, H) . • In any other case
2 2

(41)  √  
o min T1 , f1 (T2 ) 0
Since the gradient cannot be equal to zero for P1 and P2 P = √ H .
min T2 , f2 (T1 ) e− j arg(h1 h2 )

simultaneously, the only feasible KKT points must lie on the (43)
boundaries defined by the power constraints. In that case, we
distinguish three different
√ √situations depending on the region Notice that combining this result with the MRT and Nu-SVD
in which the point ( T1 , T2 ) falls into: precoders described in Section III-C allows to analytically
√ √ 
1) If√ T√ 1 , T2 ∈ R 1 , the only feasible KKT point is just determine the gain factors γ1 and γ2 for the two-user MIMO
( T1 , T2 ). On one hand, this point satisfies the KKT MAC by simply replacing hk by the equivalent channel
conditions in (31), (32), (33) and (34) with λ1 > 0 and responses h̃k = Hk uk .

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


A. Sum-MSE Analysis Separation Bound ρ = 0.95
No precoding ρ = 0.95
In this subsection, we show some asymptotic results on AMRT ρ = 0.95
the sum-MSE for the two-user MAC when optimal linear 25
Gradient precoder ρ = 0.95

precoding is considered. We study the impact of the number of Analytical precoder ρ = 0.95
Separation Bound ρ = 0.80
receive antennas assuming that entries of the channel matrix 20 No precoding ρ = 0.8
are i.i.d. according to a zero-mean unit-variance complex- AMRT ρ = 0.80

valued Gaussian distribution, i.e., [H]i, j ∼ NC (0, 1):

SDR [dB]
Gradient precoder ρ = 0.8
15 Analytical precoder ρ = 0.8
• When NR → ∞, the sum-MSE is given by

2σn4 + (1 − ρ 2 )σn2 NR (T1 + T2 )

ξ¯sum (σn2 , ρ, H) ≈ , 10
σn4 + σn2 NR (T1 + T2 ) + T1 T2 NR2 (1 − ρ 2 )
the sum-MSE decreases when the number of receive 5
antennas increases, since the denominator grows quadrat-
ically and the numerator linearly. Moreover, the impact
of increasing the number of receive antennas on the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
performance varies with the source correlation. This will SNR [dB]
be checked experimentally in the results section.
• When NR = 1, the term depending on the determinant of Fig. 3. Performance with and without precoding for a two-user SIMO MAC
with NR = 2 receive antennas and equal power constraints. Two different
HH H in (23) equals to zero, and we obtain the following correlation factors are considered: ρ = 0.8 and ρ = 0.95.
expression for the sum-MSE
ξ¯sum (P1 ,P2 , σn2 , ρ, H) = the sum-Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR) normalized by the
2σn2 + (1 − ρ 2 )(P1 |h1 |2 + P2 |h2 |2 ) number of users K, which is defined as
√ . (44)
σn + P1 |h1 |2 + P2 |h2 |2 + 2 P1 P2 ρ|hH
1 h2 | SDR (dB) = 10 log10 (K/ξˆsum ). (45)
As observed, for fixed P1 and P2 , the impact of increasing
the correlation factor ρ is more significant in this case This performance indicator is usually plotted with respect to
because it implies to simultaneously decrease the numer- the SNR. Without loss of generality, we assume σn2 = 1 and,
ator and to increase the denominator, which contribute to therefore, the SNR per user is directly given by its power
lower the sum-MSE jointly. As previously shown, when constraint: SNRk (dB) = 10 log10 (Tk ) ∀k.
NR → ∞, both numerator and denominator decrease with In this section, we present the performance of the proposed
correlation. linear precoding schemes in terms of the obtained SDR for
different ranges of SNR. We also plot an upper bound for the
achievable SDR under the assumption of separate source and
VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS channel coding, whose computation is described in Appendix
In this section, the performance of the precoding techniques A. Also, in some scenarios we show the performance of a
proposed for correlated sources is evaluated for different MAC transmission scheme that uses non-linear modulo functions
scenarios by means of computer simulations. In these simu- to transform the source symbols [7], prior to being encoded
lations, M vectors of K source symbols are generated from with the linear strategies described in this work. In this
a multivariate complex-valued circularly symmetric Gaussian case, the modulo mappings are optimized for the equivalent
distribution with zero mean and covariance matrix Cs . Then, channel matrix resulting from the product of precoding and
each user individually precodes its source symbols and trans- channel. Note that this approach can be seen as a scheme
mits them over a specific realization of the fading MAC. that separately performs non-linear source encoding and linear
The channel realizations are assumed to be independent and channel encoding. This strategy helps to gain some insight on
identically distributed complex-valued circularly symmetric the differences observed with respect to the separation bound.
Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit variance, In the first computer experiment, we consider a two-user
i.e., Rayleigh fading. At the receiver, each vector of observed SIMO MAC scenario with NR = 2 receive antennas. The power
symbols is employed to obtain an estimate of the original constraints are identical for the two users, i.e. SNR1 = SNR2 =
symbols using the corresponding linear filter. Finally, the sum- SNR, and ρ is the correlation between the two users symbols.
MSE between the source and the decoded symbols for the l-th Fig. 3 shows the performance curves obtained when the source
channel realization is estimated as ξˆsum
l = M1 ∑M K
m=1 ∑k=1 (sk,m − symbols are transmitted with the analytical precoder given by
ŝk,m ) . Each point of the performance curves is obtained after (43) for two different correlation factors: ρ = 0.8 and ρ = 0.95.
repeating the previous computer experiment over L different These curves are compared to those obtained with other three
channel realizations and averaging the resulting estimated approaches: 1) scaling by the available powers (i.e. without
sum-MSE distortions as ξˆsum = L1 ∑Ll=1 ξˆsum
l . In particular, the precoding), 2) low-complexity AMRT in Section III-B, and 3)
different experiments consist of the transmission of blocks of the projected gradient algorithm described in Section III-A. On
M = 1000 source symbols over L = 1000 channel realizations. one hand, the optimal linear precoder provides a performance
The performance indicator in the figures of this section is gain for all range of SNRs with respect to no precoding,

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


User 1 Gradient ρ = 0.99

User 1 Analytical 30 ρ = 0.95
User 2 Gradient ρ = 0.40
30 User 2 Analytical ρ = 0

Allocated power [dB]

SNR=20 dB

SDR [dB]
SNR=5 dB

0 1 2 4 6 8 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
ρ NR
User 1 SDP Fig. 5. Performance of the optimal linear precoder depending on the number
User 1 Gradient of receive antennas for the two-user SIMO MAC, for SNR=5 dB and SNR=20
30 User 2 SDP dB, and different correlation factors.
User 2 Gradient
User 3 SDP
25 User 3 Gradient
Allocated power [dB]

User 4 SDP
User 4 Gradient
Fig. 4 plots the average power allocated to each user
20 depending on the source correlation for two scenarios: 1)
a two-user SIMO MAC with NR = 2 antennas, when the
individual power constraints are set such that SNR1 = 30 dB
and SNR2 = 5 dB, 2) a four-user MAC with NT = 1 and NR = 1
antennas, and power constraints such that the user SNRs are
35, 25, 15 and 5 dB. The optimal precoders in the first scenario
are obtained, for each channel realization, using the analytical
expression in (43) and the projected gradient algorithm ex-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 plained in Section III-A. Then, the power allocated to each
ρ user is averaged over all channel realizations. As observed,
Fig. 4. Average power allocated to each user after precoding the source
the user with the most restrictive power constraint transmits
symbols for a two-user SIMO MAC with NR = 2 antennas when the power at its maximum power to lower the sum-MSE. The power
constraints are set such that SNR1 = 30 dB and SNR2 = 5 dB (top). Four-user allocated to the other user depends on the correlation factor. As
SISO MAC with NR = 1 antennas and power constraints SNR = [35, 25, 15, 5]
explained in Section V, this power is the maximum available
when the correlation factor is ρ = 0 and ρ = 1. However,
the users with the largest power budgets should not use all
their available power for intermediate correlation factors. In
especially for low and medium SNRs. As expected, this gain
the second scenario, the linear precoders are obtained with the
is larger for higher correlation factors, since it ranges between
semidefinite relaxation described in Section IV and also with
0.7 dB and 1.6 dB for ρ = 0.8, and between 1 dB and 2.5
the gradient algorithm. The results suggest that the optimal
dB for ρ = 0.95. On the other hand, the AMRT and the
power allocation policy for this scenario is similar to that of
projected gradient algorithms provide the same performance
the previous case, and the users with more available power
as that of the optimal precoder. Note that AMRT and no
can benefit from the source correlation to save power for
precoding allocate all the available power to both user. Thus
a broad range of correlation factors. This also justifies the
the gain of the AMRT with respect to no precoding comes
approach proposed in Section III-C, which is based on the
just from adjusting the phase of the encoder coefficients.
assumption that allocating all the available power to the users
Also, for the two-user SIMO MAC, the phase computed by
is not necessarily optimal when ρ > 0.
AMRT agrees with the optimal one. According to the AMRT
definition in (10) and assuming, without√ loss of generality, Fig. 5 shows the performance of the optimal linear precoder
√ for the two-user SIMO MAC with a different number of
that g = λ h1 , the scalar gains are p1 = khHTgk
hH1 g = T1 and
√ √ 1 receive antennas, for SNR=5 dB and SNR=20 dB. Separa-
p2 = khHTgk
hH Tk H
2 g = khH h1 k h2 h1 , and we can see that they com- tion bounds are omitted for clarity. An interesting result is
2 2
ply with the optimality condition in (25). We then conclude observed when the source symbols are highly correlated since
that in this scenario with equal power constraints, the gain high SDR values are obtained even for a small number of
comes mainly from an appropriate adjusting of the encoder receive antennas. As seen in (44), the phase of the user
phases. Finally, the gap with respect to the separation bound is precoders is designed to exploit the source correlation by
especially small for low SNRs, although it gradually increases aligning the user channels, which contributes to lower the
with the SNR. sum-MSE, especially for NR = 1 and high correlation factors.

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


Sep. Bound NR = 1 No precoding NR = 1 40

SDP NR = 1 Gradient NR = 1 Sep. bound
Sep. Bound NR = 2 No precoding NR = 2 Modulo
AMRT NR = 2 Gradient NR = 2 No precod.
Sep. Bound NR = 5 No precoding NR = 5 AMRT
25 30
AMRT NR = 5 Gradient NR = 5
Nu-SVD (no γk )

SDR [dB]
20 20 Gradient
SDR [dB]

15 10

10 −20 −10 0 10 20 30
SNR [dB]

Fig. 7. Performance with different precoding strategies for a MIMO MAC

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 with K = 10, NT = 2, NR = 10, ρ = 0.40 and equal power constraints.
SNR [dB]

Sep. bound
Fig. 6. Performance with different precoding strategies for a SIMO MAC
50 Modulo
with and without precoding depending on the number of receive antennas NR
No precod.
with K = 10 users, ρ = 0.95 and equal power constraints.
Nu-SVD (no γk )
SDR [dB]

The impact of increasing the receive antennas on the SDR Gradient

is more remarkable for uncorrelated sources, although the
performance gain diminishes for a large number of receive
antennas regardless of the source correlation. Moreover, the 20
gain due to the correlation with a large number of receive
antennas vanishes for high SNRs, while a small gain is still
observed for low SNRs. This agrees with the asymptotic
analysis shown in Section III.
−20 −10 0 10 20 30
We now consider a SIMO MAC scenario with K = 10 users.
SNR [dB]
In such a case, the optimal sum-MSE precoders cannot be
obtained via analytical expressions. Hence, we show results Fig. 8. Performance with different precoding strategies for a MIMO MAC
for the projected gradient algorithm, the SDP in Section IV, with K = 10, NT = 2, NR = 10, ρ = 0.99 and equal individual constraints.
and the aligned MRT algorithm in Section III-B. Fig. 6
shows the performance curves with and without precoding
for three different number of receive antennas: NR = 1, 2 and separate coding.
5. The power constraints are equal for all the users and the In the ensuing experiments, we consider a MIMO MAC
source correlation is ρi, j = ρ = 0.95, ∀i 6= j. The corresponding scenario with K = 10 users with NT = 2 antennas per user and
bounds based on source-channel separation are also shown. equal power constraints, and a receiver with NR = 10 antennas.
As observed, the performance achieved by the AMRT and the The correlation factor is ρi, j = ρ = 0.40 ∀i, j, i 6= j. Figure
SDP is close to the one provided by the projected gradient 7 plots the performance curves when the linear precoder is
algorithm. The gain provided by these precoders is more obtained with the following strategies: 1) projected gradient
significant as the number of receive antennas is smaller, and algorithm, 2) AMRT, 3) optimized MRT, 4) optimized Nu-
the extreme case occurs when NR = 1 where the precoding SVD and 5) Regular Nu-SVD. Recall that for the optimized
gain is substantial (about 8 dB). Increasing the number of version of MRT and Nu-SVD, the factor gains γk are adjusted
receive antennas improves the overall performance in general, as explained in Section III-C to exploit the source correla-
but the gain provided by the different precoders is not so tion. At the receiver, the linear MMSE filter, given by (4),
significant with respect to the uncoded case. These results is employed for all the precoding methods. On one hand,
agree with the behavior observed for two users and confirm the precoder obtained with the projected gradient algorithm
the suitability of linearly encoding the source symbols for provides the best performance for all the considered SNR val-
scenarios with a smaller number of receive antennas than users ues. The optimized Nu-SVD scheme closely approaches this
and correlated sources. It is also interesting to remark that for performance for all SNR values, providing certain gain (about
low SNR values, the precoding schemes improve the bound 1-2 dB) with respect to the regular Nu-SVD up to SNR=0
based on source-channel separation, showing that some low dB, due to the adjusting of the factor gains. Optimized MRT
computational complexity strategies such as AMRT can beat also obtains the same performance as the gradient precoder

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


and Nu-SVD for SNR values below 0 dB, but the gap with by adjusting the precoder phase difference between the two
the other strategies increases with the SNR. Low-complexity nodes and with an adequate power allocation. Regarding power
AMRT behaves in a similar way to the previous strategies at allocation, an interesting fact has been observed: the nodes
low SNR regimes, but it converges to the uncoded scheme must transmit with all the available power when sources
for SNR ≥ 0 dB since the correlation between the source are either uncorrelated and fully correlated, while for other
symbols is low. On the other hand, projected gradient and Nu- correlation levels lower power can be used. Computer simula-
SVD performance stay close to the separation bound, due to tions show a significant performance improvement regarding
the low correlation factor, while the modulo-based encoding SDR with respect to the uncoded case, especially for low
of the source symbols does not contribute to improving the SNRs and numbers of transmitting nodes larger than the
performance. Also, the separation bound shown for K > 2 number of receive antennas, where it is possible to achieve
users does not take into account individual constraints and large SDR values by exploiting the source correlation. Hence,
the bound calculation is only based on equating the sum- the proposed strategies are useful in those communication
distortion and the sum-capacity. For this reason, the separation scenarios such as WSNs, where the simplicity and the power
bound is not necessarily tight and an additional gap between consumption of the nodes is a critical requirement.
the performance curves and the bound can be observed. In
spite of that, linear precoder exceeds the performance of any
separation-based scheme in the low SNR regime.
Fig. 8 plots the performance curves for the previous sce- This work has been funded by Office of Naval Re-
nario but for higher correlation ρ = 0.99. Again, the best search Global of United States (N62909-15-1-2014), the
performance is achieved with the precoders obtained with Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2016-045, ED341D R2016/012,
the projected gradient algorithm, and the optimized Nu-SVD ED431G/01), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of
precoding scheme also performs closely for all SNR values. Spain (TEC2015-69648-REDC, TEC2016-75067-C4-1-R) and
In this case, adjusting the γk factors significantly improves the ERDF funds of the EU (AEI/FEDER, UE).
SDR obtained with the regular Nu-SVD (about 5 dB for low
SNRs) due to the higher source correlation. MRT also takes
advantage of the high correlation and performs close to those
schemes for SNRs below 10 dB, lowering the gap for high
SNRs with respect to ρ = 0.4. Similar behavior is observed The separation bound is calculated by equating the source
for AMRT, although for large SNR values its performance rate-distortion region and the capacity region of the fading
is again closer to no precoding. In this scenario, the gap MAC. Given a set of distortion targets d = [D1 , D2 , ..., DN ]T ,
with respect to the separation bound is larger than in the the rate distortion region R(d) is the set of rate distor-
previous experiment. It is interesting to observe that, unlike tion functions corresponding to the individual sources, i.e.
for ρ = 0.4, the combination of modulo mappings and linear RDk (Di ), k = 1, ..., K, and by the sum-rate distortion function
precoding provides significant improvement with respect to RDsum (D). For the case of distributed encoding of bivariate
directly precoding the source information, especially for high Gaussian sources under the MSE distortion, this region is
SNRs. This combined strategy allows to reduce the gap to the defined in [33], [34]. For scenarios with more than two source
separation bound for SNR values over 0 dB, and this gain can symbols, [35] provides the following lower bound for the sum-
be attributed to the non-linear nature of the modulo mapping. rate
Different works [2], [9] have shown that the linear precoder  
|Cs |
of source symbols is optimal for SNRs lower than a particular RD sum (d) = min log , (46)
Ds :dii ≤[d]i |Ds |
value. However, this SNR threshold diminishes as the source
correlation increases and, in this case, non-linear mappings are where Ds = (C−1 −1
s + B) , for some diagonal matrix B, and
required to approach the theoretical limits. Cs is the source covariance matrix. The whole rate-distortion
region is defined by (46) applied to all user subsets, but its
VII. C ONCLUSION computation is unaffordable for large number of users. In this
case, the separation bound can be approximated by equating
Linear distributed encoding for the transmission of corre- only the sum-distortion function to the sum-capacity of the
lated information over fading MIMO MACs has been consid- MAC. In general, this bound will be optimistic since the
ered. Precoders are designed to minimize the sum-MSE con- individual rate constraints are not necessarily satisfied.
sidering the source correlation which results in a non-convex The sum-capacity of a MIMO MAC with non-cooperative
optimization problem. We have proposed different strategies users is
to obtain the linear precoders at each user in the general
MIMO MAC scenario. The convergence of these solutions to C
1 K
Rsum (H) = log I + 2 ∑ Hk Qk Hk , (47)

the optimal minimum is not guaranteed, but they provide good σn k=1
performance in different situations and various computational
complexity levels. In the more restrictive case of two-user where the covariance matrices Qk can be computed with
SIMO MAC, we have derived a closed-form expression for the the iterative waterfilling algorithm [36], with the constraints
optimal precoder. A significant performance gain is achieved tr(Qk ) < Tk , ∀k.

0090-6778 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362, IEEE
Transactions on Communications


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