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In [7]: from math import *

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib nbagg

In [8]: def compound_train(mv, maxstages=5, eps=0.001):

r = (mv)**(-1)
n = 1
while True and n < maxstages:
N1, N2 = nstage(r, n, eps)
if not(N1 is None):
if isacceptable((N1/N2)**n, mv, eps):
n += 1
if N1 is None:
print("Solution not found")
return None
mvc = (N1/N2)**n
err = abs((mv-mvc)/mv)
return N1,N2,n,err

def nstage(r,n,eps):
f = r**(1/n)
if f > 10:
return None, None
for N1 in range(14,20):
N2 = N1*f
if isacceptable(N2,round(N2),eps):
return N1,round(N2)
return None,None

def isacceptable(xreal,xcalc,eps=0.2/100):
err = abs((xreal-xcalc)/xreal)
if err >= eps:
return False
return True

def draw_train(N1,N2,n,Pd,pa=20):
for k in range(n):
dx1,dy1 = gears_make_gear(pa, N1, Pd)
dx2,dy2 = gears_make_gear(pa, N2, Pd)
C = 0.5*(N1/Pd) + 0.5*(N2/Pd)
plt.fill(np.array(dx1)+C*(k-1), dy1)
plt.fill(np.array(dx2)+C*k, np.array(dy2))

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In [9]: N1,N2,n,*_ = compound_train(30/400, eps=1/100)

Pd = 14

Figure 1 

     

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In [6]: import math

# =================================================================================
# =================================================================================
# Spur-gear generation script
# (c) James Gregson, 2012
# Free for all use, including commercial, but do not redistribute.
# Use at your own risk.
# Notes:
# - seems to work well for pressure angles up to about 30 degrees
# =================================================================================
# =================================================================================

# compute the root diameter of a gear with a given pressure-angle (pa)

# number of teeth (N), and pitch (P)
def gears_root_diameter( pa, N, P ):
return (N-2.5)/P

# compute the base diameter of a gear with a given pressure-angle (pa)

# number of teeth (N), and pitch (P)
def gears_base_diameter( pa, N, P ):
return gears_pitch_diameter( pa, N, P )*math.cos( pa*math.pi/180.0 )

# compute the outer diameter of a gear with a given pressure-angle (pa)

# number of teeth (N), and pitch (P)
def gears_outer_diameter( pa, N, P ):
return gears_pitch_diameter( pa, N, P ) + 2.0*gears_addendum( pa, N, P )

# compute the outer diameter of a gear with a given pressure-angle (pa)

# number of teeth (N), and pitch (P)
def gears_pitch_diameter( pa, N, P ):
return float(N)/float(P)

# compute the outer diameter of a gear with a given pressure-angle (pa)

# number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_circular_pitch( pa, N, P ):
return math.pi/float(P)

# compute the circular tooth thickness of a gear with a given

# pressure-angle (pa), number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_circular_tooth_thickness( pa, N, P, backlash=0.05 ):
return gears_circular_pitch( pa, N, P )/(2.0+backlash)

# compute the circular tooth angle of a gear with a given

# pressure-angle (pa), number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_circular_tooth_angle( pa, N, P ):
return gears_circular_tooth_thickness( pa, N, P )*2.0/gears_pitch_diameter( pa, N, P )

# compute the addendum height for a gear with a given

# pressure-angle (pa), number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_addendum( pa, N, P ):
return 1.0/float(P)

# compute the dedendum depth for a gear with a given

# pressur-angle (pa), number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_dedendum( pa, N, P ):
return 1.25/float(P)

# generates an involute curve from a circle of radius r up to theta_max radians

# with a specified number of steps
def gears_generate_involute( r, r_max, theta_max, steps=80 ):
dtheta = theta_max / float(steps)
x = []
y = []
theta = []
rlast = r;
for i in range( 0, steps+1 ):
c = math.cos( i*dtheta )
s = math.sin( i*dtheta )
tx = r*( c + i*dtheta*s )

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ty = r*( s - i*dtheta*c )
d = math.sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty)
if d > r_max:
a = (r_max-rlast)/(d-rlast)
tx = x[-1]*(1.0-a) + tx*a
ty = y[-1]*(1.0-a) + ty*a
ttheta = theta[-1]*(1.0-a) + math.atan2( ty, tx )*a
x.append( tx )
y.append( ty )
theta.append( ttheta )
x.append( tx )
y.append( ty )
theta.append( math.atan2( ty, tx) )
return x, y, theta

# returns the angle where an involute curve crosses a circle with a given radius
# or -1 on failure
def gears_locate_involute_cross_angle_for_radius( r, ix, iy, itheta ):
for i in range( 0, len(ix)-1 ):
r2 = ix[i+1]*ix[i+1] + iy[i+1]*iy[i+1]
if r2 > r*r:
r1 = math.sqrt( ix[i]*ix[i] + iy[i]*iy[i] )
r2 = math.sqrt( r2 )
a = (r-r1)/(r2-r1)
return itheta[i]*(1.0-a) + itheta[i+1]*a
return -1.0

# rotates the involute curve around the gear center in order to have the involute
# cross the x-axis at the pitch diameter
def gears_align_involute( Dp, ix, iy, itheta ):
theta = -gears_locate_involute_cross_angle_for_radius( Dp/2.0, ix, iy, itheta )
c = math.cos(theta)
s = math.sin(theta)
for i in range( 0, len(ix) ):
tx = c*ix[i] - s*iy[i]
ty = s*ix[i] + c*iy[i]
ix[i] = tx
iy[i] = ty
return ix, iy

# reflects the input curve about the x-axis to generate the opposing face of
# a tooth
def gears_mirror_involute( ix, iy ):
tx = []
ty = []
for i in range( 0, len(iy) ):
tx.append( ix[len(iy)-1-i] )
ty.append( -iy[len(iy)-1-i] )
return tx, ty

# rotates the input curve by a given angle (in radians)

def gears_rotate( theta, ix, iy ):
c = math.cos(theta)
s = math.sin(theta)
x = []
y = []
for i in range( 0, len(ix) ):
tx = c*ix[i] - s*iy[i]
ty = s*ix[i] + c*iy[i]
x.append( tx )
y.append( ty )
return x, y

# translates the input curve by [dx, dy]

def gears_translate( dx, dy, ix, iy ):
x = []
y = []
for i in range( 0, len(ix) ):
x.append( ix[i]+dx )
y.append( iy[i]+dy )
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return x, y

# generates a single tooth profile of a spur gear

def gears_make_tooth( pa, N, P ):
ix, iy, itheta = gears_generate_involute( gears_base_diameter( pa, N, P )/2.0, gears_outer_diameter( p
ix.insert( 0, min( gears_base_diameter( pa, N, P )/2.0, gears_root_diameter( pa, N, P )/2.0 ) )
iy.insert( 0, 0.0 )
itheta.insert( 0, 0.0 )
ix, iy = gears_align_involute( gears_pitch_diameter(pa, N, P), ix, iy, itheta )
mx, my = gears_mirror_involute( ix, iy )
mx, my = gears_rotate( gears_circular_tooth_angle( pa, N, P ), mx, my )
ix.extend( mx )
iy.extend( my )
return ix, iy

# generates a spur gear with a given pressure angle (pa),

# number of teeth (N) and pitch (P)
def gears_make_gear( pa, N, P ):
tx, ty = gears_make_tooth( pa, N, P )
x = []
y = []
for i in range( 0, N ):
rx, ry = gears_rotate( float(i)*2.0*math.pi/float(N), tx, ty )
x.extend( rx )
y.extend( ry )
x.append( x[0] )
y.append( y[0] )
return x, y

# write output as svg, for laser-cutters, graphic design, etc.

def gears_svg_out( px, py, filename, scale=1.0 ):
out = open( filename, 'w' )

minx = min( px )
maxx = max( px )
miny = min( py )
maxy = max( py )
cenx = (minx + maxx)/2.0
ceny = (miny + maxy)/2.0
sx = ( maxx - cenx )*1.1
sy = ( maxy - ceny )*1.1

minx = scale*(cenx - sx)

maxx = scale*(cenx + sx)
miny = scale*(ceny - sy)
maxy = scale*(ceny + sy)

out.write('<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>\n' )

out.write('<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "
out.write('<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" x="%fpx" y="%fpx" width="%fpx" height
out.write('<polyline style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" points="' );

for i in range( 0, len(px) ):

out.write( '%f,%f ' % ( scale*(px[i]+sx), scale*(py[i]+sy) ) )

out.write('" />\n' )

# write output as dxf profile in x-y plane, for use with OpenSCAD
def gears_dxf_out( px, py, filename, scale=1.0 ):
out = open( filename, 'w' )
out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 2\n')
out.write('%s by\n' % filename )
out.write('contact for details\n')
out.write(' 0\n')
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out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 2\n')
out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 2\n')
out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 2\n')

for i in range( 0, len(px)-1 ):

out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 8\n')
out.write(' 2\n')
out.write(' 62\n')
out.write(' 4\n')
out.write(' 10\n')
out.write('%f\n' % (scale*px[i]))
out.write(' 20\n')
out.write('%f\n' % (scale*py[i]))
out.write(' 30\n')
out.write(' 11\n')
out.write('%f\n' % (scale*px[i+1]))
out.write(' 21\n')
out.write('%f\n' % (scale*py[i+1]))
out.write(' 31\n')

out.write(' 0\n')
out.write(' 0\n')

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import numpy as np

# pa = 20
# N1 = 12
# N2 = N1*6
# PD = 32
# C = 0.5*(N1/PD) + 0.5*(N2/PD)
# print(C)

# dx,dy = gears_make_gear(pa, N1, PD)

# dx1,dy1 = gears_make_gear(pa, N2, PD)
# plt.plot(dx,dy)
# plt.plot(C + np.array(dx1), np.array(dy1))
# plt.axis('square')
# plt.grid(ls="--")

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