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MM: 60. PROGRAMMIN: Exam (oven noo) MO, MTERERCTNG 1D.NO: DURATION: 90 MIN, Qi. Assuming 32-bit mode of o : and wanslate from assembly ae in a e to a) 89F3 10001001 11310011 (4M) b) MOV BX, [sq] 2, Write another single instructio : Bie instruction below. n from the instruction ‘set which perform the same function f h same function for eacl a) DEC AX Me b) LEA AX, DAT1 o) NOT AX QB. It is required to exchange two word-size data it % y located at DAT1 and DAT2 ini the memo using stack. Write down the remaining instructions for the f ‘) i palning for the following code: [5M] LEA BX, DAT2 Q4. How many bytes cf information will be pushed on to stack after the execution of each instruction. ‘Also write the number of machine cycles required for these instructions. (4M 1. CALL BX 2. PUSHA QS. Registers AX, BX, CX, DX contain the values 1111h, 2222h, 3333h, and 4444n, What will be the contents of each register after the execution of the following sequence of instructions 2 (4M) PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH . DX Pop AX POP Cx POP BX POP DX wn thie OM HOH he tailoring, CMe yur otter execu wo in te GM tomate? Ayo eh wl te tH vali j, done a iMunlt Mv isu re ea Anat Vv ONAN “ me ! rocwsser (all th ; Ne Sib ing inatruetiene © weed one HONG Hi Ur ic Helin flags: WHALE YOUE angi slow yy gnc he aioe, ae vy, Wha wll ve th Ags. We 1 A a Fag i not vote ter the operation, "1 whe a Ua, wh its ivan Welw WeHle “ MOV AN, 20RFH INC AL Ore eae . 4 AGH# We cys b MOVAX, #70011 ADH AL, 05 72 cys Ole ‘re zm ea w contents of AX after the execution of the following instructions, Gi Whint will be th a MOVAL, 2518 MOV GL, HOW MUL CL b MOVAL, 2611 MOV GL, HOH IMUL CL (QD, An array of byte sized elements is provided, Wri ‘ite a 5 ae procedure named CHEK: CHEK checks te ciate nea language progeny, i the any is PH mn i adds 20 to the element else it leaves the element ihe the array. If the valuels THR HHT which also should be lft unchanged, The starting I unchanged, The last elemetl :1245H, ‘The procedute should leave all the registers unchanged. of the array in data segmet ene wn (10, An aray of ASCH eh them the Olan, Address State ee ores 18 conse propa which checks each Agent M58) ted as pari SRR ec ee ch ASCH character in the array oe — ad ea an 8086)Asiembly Lae Parity, leave the even parily undisturbed and conve oil rity bit a ert th id witha aca Ne odd parity characters into an even of ty, iN : ne using pal it i (4

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