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Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

Applying possibilistic linear programming to aggregate

production planning
Reay-Chen Wanga,, Tien-Fu Liangb
Department of Industrial Management, Tung Nan Institute of Technology, 152 Pei Shen Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 222, Taiwan
Department of Industrial Management, Hsiuping Institute of Technology, 11 Gungye Rd., Dali City, Taichung, 412, Taiwan
Received 24 October 2003; accepted 30 September 2004
Available online 24 November 2004


This work presents a novel interactive possibilistic linear programming (PLP) approach for solving the multi-
product aggregate production planning (APP) problem with imprecise forecast demand, related operating costs, and
capacity. The proposed approach attempts to minimize total costs with reference to inventory levels, labor levels,
overtime, subcontracting and backordering levels, and labor, machine and warehouse capacity. The proposed
approach uses the strategy of simultaneously minimizing the most possible value of the imprecise total costs,
maximizing the possibility of obtaining lower total costs, and minimizing the risk of obtaining higher total costs.
An industrial case demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed approach to real APP decision problems.
Consequently, the proposed PLP approach yields an efficient APP compromise solution and overall degree of
decision maker (DM) satisfaction with determined goal values. Particularly, several significant management
implications and characteristics of the proposed PLP approach that distinguish it from the other APP decision
models are presented.
r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aggregate production planning; Possibilistic linear programming; Fuzzy sets theory

1. Introduction intermediate future, often from 3 to 18 months

ahead, by adjusting regular and overtime produc-
Aggregate production planning (APP) deter- tion rates, inventory levels, labor levels, subcon-
mines the best way to meet forecast demand in the tracting and backordering rates, and other
controllable variables. APP has attracted consid-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 2 86625930/5931 Ext. erable interest from both practitioners and aca-
918; fax: +886 2 5932. demics (Shi and Haase, 1996). Since Holt et al.
E-mail addresses: (R.-C. Wang), (1955) proposed the HMMS rule in 1955, (T.-F. Liang). researchers have developed numerous models to

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 329

help to solve APP problems, each with its own stances with fuzzy demands and fuzzy capacities.
advantages and disadvantages. HMMS model is Wang and Liang (2004a) more recently developed
one of the extensively adopted frameworks for a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming
solving APP decision problems. Its linear decision model with the piecewise linear membership func-
rules attempt to specify an optimum production tion to solve multi-product APP decision problems
rate and labor levels that minimize the total costs in a fuzzy environment. The model can yield an
of regular payoff, overtime, hiring, layoffs, and efficient compromise solution and the decision
inventory through a series of quadratic cost maker’s overall levels of satisfaction. Additional
curves. Saad (1982) classifies all conventional fuzzy APP problem solving studies include Lee
decision models for solving APP problems into (1990), Wang and Fang (1997), Tang et al. (2000),
six categories—(1) linear programming (LP) Wang and Fang (2001), and Tang et al. (2003).
(Charnes and Cooper, 1961), (2) linear decision Moreover, Zadeh (1978) presented the theory of
rule (Holt et al., 1955), (3) transportation method possibility, which is related to the theory of fuzzy
(Bowman, 1956), (4) management coefficient sets by defining the concept of a possibility
approach (Bowman, 1963), (5) search decision distribution as a fuzzy restriction, which acts as
rule (Taubert, 1968), and (6) simulation (Jones, an elastic constraint on the values that can be
1967). Subsequent APP decision-related works assigned to a variable. Zadeh (1978) demonstrated
include Shi and Haase (1996), Baykasoglu (2001), that the importance of the theory of possibility
Buxey (2003), Dobos (2003), Gnoni et al. (2003), stems from the fact that much of the information
Stephen et al. (2003), and Jolayemi and Olorunni- on which human decisions is based on is possibi-
wo (2004). However, the goals and model inputs listic rather than probabilistic in nature. Buckley
when any of these APP models are used generally (1988) formulated a mathematical programming
are assumed to be deterministic/crisp. problem in which all parameters may be fuzzy
In real-world APP problems, input data or variables specified by their possibility distribution,
related parameters, such as market demand, and moreover illustrated this problem using the
available resources and capacity, and relevant possibilistic linear programming (PLP) approach.
operating costs, frequently are imprecise/fuzzy Furthermore, Buckley (1989) described a proce-
owing to some information being incomplete or dure for solving existing PLP problems in a
unobtainable. Traditional mathematical program- standard form with no equality constraints. Lai
ming techniques clearly cannot solve all fuzzy and Hwang (1992b) developed an auxiliary multi-
programming problems. Zimmermann (1976) first ple objective linear programming (MOLP) model
introduced fuzzy set theory into conventional LP for solving a PLP problem with imprecise objective
problems in 1976. His study considered LP and/or constraint coefficients. Tang et al. (2001)
problems with fuzzy goal and constraints. Follow- designed two types of PLP with general possibi-
ing the fuzzy decision-making method of Bellman listic distribution, including LP problems
and Zadeh (1970), the same study confirmed the with general possibilistic resources (GRPLP) and
existence of an equivalent single-goal LP problem. general possibilistic objective coefficients
Since then, fuzzy mathematical programming (GOPLP). Hsu and Wang (2001) applied Lai and
has developed into several fuzzy optimization Hwang’s PLP approach to manage production
methods for solving APP problems. Fung et al. planning decision problems in an assemble-to-
(2003) presented a fuzzy multi-product aggregate order environment. Other studies on PLP pro-
production planning (FMAPP) model to cater to blems include Inuiguchi and Sakawa (1996),
different scenarios under various decision-making Hussein (1998), Tanaka et al. (2000), and Jensen
preferences by applying integrated parametric and Maturana (2002).
programming, best balance and interactive meth- This work develops a novel interactive PLP
ods. This model can also effectively enhance approach for solving the multi-product APP
the ability of an aggregate plan to provide feasi- decision problem with imprecise forecast demand,
ble disaggregate plans under varying circum- related operating costs and capacity. The proposed

330 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

approach attempts to minimize total costs in production rates, inventory levels, labor levels,
terms of inventory levels, labor levels, overtime, subcontracting and backordering rates, and other
subcontracting and backordering levels, and labor, controllable variables.
machine and warehouse capacity. The proposed The following notation is used here.
approach simultaneously minimizes the most
possible value of the imprecise total costs, max- N types of products
imizes the possibility of obtaining lower total T planning horizon
costs, and minimizes the risk of obtaining higher z~ total costs
total costs. D~ nt forecast demand of nth product in
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: period t (units)
Section 2 describes the problem, details the assum- a~ nt regular time production cost per unit of
ptions, and formulates the problem. Section 3 nth product in period t ($/unit)
then develops the interactive PLP approach and Qnt regular time production of nth product
algorithm for solving PM decision problems. in period t (units)
Subsequently, Section 4 presents an industrial case b~nt overtime production cost per unit of nth
designed to implement the feasibility of applying product in period t ($/unit)
the proposed PLP approach to real APP decision Ont overtime production of nth product in
problems. Next, Section 5 discusses the results and period t (units)
findings for the practical application of the c~nt subcontracting cost per unit of nth
proposed PLP approach. Conclusions are finally product in period t ($/unit)
drawn in Section 6. Snt subcontracting volume of nth product in
period t (units)
d~nt inventory carrying cost per unit of nth
2. Problem formulation product in period t ($/unit)
I nt inventory level in period t of nth product
2.1. Problem description and notation (units)
e~nt backorder cost per unit of nth product in
The multi-product APP decision problem ex- period t ($/unit)
amined here can be described as follows. Assume Bnt backorder level of nth product in period
that a company manufactures N types of products t (units)
to fulfill market demand over planning horizon T. k~t cost to hire one worker in period t ($/
Generally, the environmental coefficients and man-hour)
related parameters are uncertain in a medium time Ht workers hired in period t (man-hour)
horizon. Therefore, the forecast demand, related ~t
m cost to layoff one worker in period t ($/
operating costs, and labor and machine capacity man-hour)
are imprecise over the planning horizon. Assigning Ft workers laid off inperiod t (man-hour)
a set of crisp values for the environmental int hours of labor per unit of nth product in
coefficients and related parameters is inappropri- period t (man-hour/unit)
ate for dealing with such ambiguous APP decision r~nt hours of machine usage per unit of nth
problems. Fortunately, possibility distribution product in period t (machine-hour/unit)
provides an effectual alternative for proceeding vnt warehouse spaces per unit of nth
with inherent ambiguous phenomena in determin- product in period t (ft2 /unit)
ing environmental coefficients and related para- ~ t max
W maximum labor level available in period
meters (Zadeh, 1978; Inuiguchi and Sakawa, 1996; t (man-hour)
Hsu and Wang, 2001). This APP problem focuses ~ t max
M maximum machine capacity available in
on developing an interactive PLP approach to period t (machine-hour)
determine the optimum aggregate plan for meeting V t max maximum warehouse space available in
forecast demand by adjusting regular and overtime period t ðft2 Þ:

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 331

2.2. Possibilistic linear programming model where D~ nt denotes the imprecise forecast demand
of the nth product in period t. In real-world
2.2.1. Objective function APP decision problems, the forecast demand D~ nt
Most practical decisions made to solve APP cannot be obtained precisely in a dynamic market.
problems usually consider total costs. The pro- The sum of regular and overtime production,
posed PLP model selected total costs as objective inventory levels, and subcontracting and back-
function, after reviewing the literature and con- order levels essentially should equal the market
sidering practical situations (Masud and Hwang, demand, as in Eq. (2). Demand over a particular
1980; Saad, 1982; Wang and Fang, 2001). The period can be either met or backordered, but a
total costs are the sum of the production costs and backorder must be fulfilled in the subsequent
the costs of changes in labor levels over the period.
planning horizon T. The related cost coefficients in Constraints on labor levels:
the objective function frequently are imprecise in
nature because some information is incomplete or X

unobtainable in a medium time horizon. Accord- int1 ðQnt1 þ Ont1 Þ þ H t  F t

ingly, the objective function of the proposed model
is as follows: X
 int ðQnt þ Ont Þ ¼ 0 8t; ð3Þ
T n¼1
Min z~ ¼ ða~ nt Qnt þ b~nt Ont þ c~nt S nt
n¼1 t¼1
T ~ t max
int ðQnt þ Ont ÞpW 8t; (4)
þ d~ nt I nt þ e~nt Bnt Þ þ ðk~t H t þ m
~ t F t Þ; n¼1
ð1Þ where Eq. (3) represents a set of constraints in
which the labor levels in period t equal the labor
where a~ nt ; b~nt ; c~nt ; d~nt ; e~nt ; k~t ; and m ~ t are imprecise levels in period t  1 plus new hires less layoffs in
coefficients with triangular possibility distribu- period t. Actual labor levels cannot exceed the
tions. The terms n¼1 t¼1 ða~ nt Qnt þ b~nt Ont þ maximum available labor levels in each period, as
c~nt Snt þ d nt I nt þ e~nt Bnt Þ are used to calculate total in Eq. (4). Maximum available labor levels are
production costs. The total production costs imprecise, owing to uncertain labor market de-
include five components, as following: mand and supply.
PN PT Constraints on machine capacity and warehouse
n¼1 a~ Q
nt nt are the regular time production
costs, n¼1 b~nt Ont are the overtime produc-
PN t¼1PT X
tion costs, n¼1 t¼1 c~nt Snt are the subcontracting ~ t max
P PT ~ r~nt ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM 8t; (5)
costs, N n¼1 d nt I nt are the inventory carrying
Pt¼1N PT
costs, and n¼1 e~nt Bnt are the backorder
PTt¼1 ~
costs. The term t¼1 ð k tH t þ m ~ t F t Þ specifies the X
costs of changes in labor levels, including the costs vnt I nt pV t max 8t; (6)
to hire and layoff workers. n¼1

where r~nt and M ~ nt max denote the imprecise

hours of machine usage per unit of the nth
2.2.2. Constraints product and the imprecise maximum avail-
Constraints on carrying inventory: able machine capacity in period t, respectively.
Eqs. (5) and (6) represent the limits of actual
I nt1  Bnt1 þ Qnt þ Ont þ S nt  I nt þ Bnt ¼ D~ nt machine and warehouse capacity in each
8n; 8t; ð2Þ period.

332 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

Non-negativity constraints on decision variables: distributions, as follows:

Qnt ; Ont ; S nt ; I nt ; Bnt ; H t ; F t X0 8n; 8t: (7) a~ nt ¼ ðapnt ; am o
nt ; ant Þ 8n; 8t;
b~nt ¼ ðbpnt ; bm o
nt ; bnt Þ 8n; 8t;
3. Model development c~nt ¼ ðcpnt ; cm o
nt ; cnt Þ 8n; 8t;

3.1. Model the imprecise data with triangular d~nt ¼ ðd pnt ; d m o

nt ; d nt Þ 8n; 8t;
possibility distribution e~nt ¼ ðepnt ; em o
nt ; ent Þ 8n; 8t;

k~t ¼ ðkpt ; km o
t ; kt Þ 8t;
This work assumes the decision maker (DM) to
have already adopted the pattern of triangular ~ t ¼ ðmpt ; mm
m o
t ; mt Þ 8t;
possibility distribution for all imprecise coeffi- r~nt ¼ ðrpnt ; rm o
nt ; rnt Þ 8n; 8t;
cients. The possibility distribution can be stated
as the degree of occurrence of an event with D~ nt ¼ ðDpnt ; Dm ; Do Þ 8n; 8t;
nt nt
imprecise data. Fig. 1 presents the triangu- ~ t max ¼ ðW pt max ; W m ; W o Þ 8t;
W t max t max
lar possibility distribution of imprecise number ~ p m o
M t max ¼ ðM t max ; M t max ; M t max Þ 8t:
a~ nt ¼ ðapnt ; am o
nt ; ant Þ:
In practice, a DM can construct the triangular
possibility distribution of a~ nt based on the three 3.2. An auxiliary multiple objective linear
prominent data, as follows. programming model

1. The most pessimistic value ðapnt Þ that has a very 3.2.1. Strategy for solving the imprecise objective
low likelihood of belonging to the set of function
available values (possibility degree ¼ 0 if nor- The imprecise objective function of the PLP
malized). model in the previous section has a triangular
2. The most possible value ðam nt Þ that definitely possibility distribution. Geometrically, this impre-
belongs to the set of available values (possibility cise objective is fully defined by three prominent
degree ¼ 1 if normalized). points ðzp ; 0Þ; ðzm ; 1Þ; and ðzo ; 0Þ: The imprecise
3. The most optimistic value ðaont Þ that has a very objective can be minimized by pushing the three
low likelihood of belonging to the set of prominent points towards the left. Because of the
available values (possibility degree ¼ 0 if nor- vertical coordinates of the prominent points being
malized). fixed at either 1 or 0, the three horizontal
coordinates are the only considerations. Conse-
The imprecise data for the previous PLP model quently, solving the imprecise objective requires
can thus be modeled with triangular possibility minimizing zp ; zm ; and zo simultaneously. Using Lai
and Hwang’s (1992b) approach, the approach
developed here minimizes zm ; maximizes ðzm  zp Þ;
and minimizes ðzo  zm Þ; rather than simultaneously
1 minimizing zp ; zm ; and zo : That is, the proposed
approach simultaneously involves minimizing the

most possible value of the imprecise total costs, zm ;


maximizing the possibility of obtaining lower total

costs, ðzm  zp Þ; and minimizing the risk of obtain-
ing higher total costs, ðzo  zm Þ: The last two
0 antp antm anto objectives actually are relative measures from zm ;
a~nt the most possible value of the imprecise total costs.
Fig. 2 presents the strategy for minimizing the
Fig. 1. The triangular possibility distribution of a~ nt : imprecise objective function.

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 333

In real APP decision problem, Eqs. (8)–(10) are

equivalent to simultaneously minimizing the most
possible value of total costs, maximizing the
possibility of obtaining lower total costs (region I
of the possibility distribution in Fig. 2), and

~ A minimizing the risk of obtaining higher total costs
(region II of the possibility distribution in Fig. 2).
3.2.2. Imprecise technological coefficients and
0 zp zm zo available resources
Recalling Eq. (2) of the PLP model, consider the
Fig. 2. The strategy to minimize the total costs. situation in which available resource (the right-
hand side), D~ nt ; is imprecise and has triangular
possibility distributions with the most possible and
As indicated in Fig. 2, possibility distribution B~ least possible values. In real-world APP decision
is preferred to possibility distribution A: ~ This
problems, the DM can estimate a possible interval
result is presented below for three new crisp for imprecise demand based on experience and
objective functions. knowledge. The main problem is obtaining a crisp
Min z1 ¼ zm representative number for the imprecise demand.
This work adopts the weighted average method
½am m m proposed by Lai and Hwang (1992b) to convert
¼ nt Qnt þ bnt Ont þ cnt S nt
n¼1 t¼1 D~ nt into a crisp number. If the minimum accep-
þ dm m table possibility, b; is given, then the auxiliary crisp
nt I nt þ ent Bnt 
equality constraints can be presented as follows:
þ ðkm m
t H t þ mt F t Þ; ð8Þ I nt1  Bnt1 þ Qnt þ Ont þ S nt  I nt þ Bnt
¼ w1 Dpnt;b þ w2 Dm o
nt;b þ w3 Dnt;b 8n; 8t; ð11Þ
Max z2 ¼ ðzm  zp Þ
where w1 þ w2 þ w3 ¼ 1; w1 ; w2 ; and w3 denote the
weights of the most pessimistic, most possible and
¼ ½ðam
nt  apnt ÞQnt þ ðbm
nt  bpnt ÞOnt
n¼1 t¼1
most optimistic value of the imprecise demand,
respectively. The weights w1 ; w2 ; and w3 can be
þ ðcm
nt  cpnt ÞSnt þ ðd m p
nt  d nt ÞI nt determined subjectively by the experience and
þ ðem
nt  epnt ÞBnt  knowledge of the DM.
Similarly, if the minimum acceptable possibility,
þ ½ðkm p m
t  k t ÞH t þ ðmt  mt ÞF t ; b; is given, then the auxiliary crisp inequality
t¼1 constraints on Eq. (4) can be presented as follows:
o m
Min z3 ¼ ðz  z Þ int ðQnt þ Ont Þ
¼ ½ðaont  am o m
nt ÞQnt þ ðbnt  bnt ÞOnt pw1 W pt max;b þ w2 W m o
t max;b þ w3 W t max;b 8t:
n¼1 t¼1
o m
þ ðcont  cm
nt ÞS nt þ ðd nt  d nt ÞI nt
þ ðeont  em To solve the imprecise right-hand sides in
nt ÞBnt 
Eqs. (11) and (12), this work applies the concept
of the most likely values proposed by Lai and
þ ½ðkot  km o m
t ÞH t þ ðmt  mt ÞF t :
Hwang’s (1992b) approach, assuming w2 ¼ 46 and
ð10Þ w1 ¼ w3 ¼ 16: The reason for using the most likely

334 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

values here is that the most possible values usually >
> 1; z2 ozPIS
2 ;
are the most important ones, and thus should be >
< z2  zNIS
2 pz2 pz2 ;
assigned more weights. f 2 ðz21 Þ ¼ ; zNIS PIS
> z PIS
 z NIS
Moreover, to solve Eq. (5) with imprecise >
: 2 2

technological coefficient ð~rnt Þ and available re- 0; z2 4zNIS

2 ;
sources M ~ t max ; the approach proposed here
converted these imprecise inequality constraints >
> 1; z3 ozPIS
3 ;
< zNIS  z
into a crisp one using the fuzzy ranking concept 3
3 pz3 pz3 ;
(Tanaka et al., 1984; Rimik and Rimanek, 1985; f 3 ðz3 Þ ¼ ; zPIS NIS
z3  z3PIS
Lai and Hwang, 1992b). Consequently, the aux- >
iliary inequality constraints on Eq. (5) can be 0; z3 4zNIS
3 :
presented as follows: Each linear membership function can be deter-
mined by asking the DM to specify the imprecise
rpnt;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM pt max;b 8t; (13)
objective value interval. Figs. 3 and 4 show the
graphs of linear membership functions for Eqs.
rm m
nt;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM t max;b 8t; (14)
Using the fuzzy decision-making of Bellman and
Zadeh (1970) and Zimmermann’s (1978) fuzzy
programming method, the complete equivalent
ront;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM ot max;b 8t: (15)
single-goal LP model for solving the APP decision
problem can be formulated as follows:
3.3. Solving the auxiliary MOLP problem
Max L
Furthermore, the auxiliary MOLP problem can s:t:
be converted into an equivalent single-goal LP Lpf i ðzi Þ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3;
problem using the fuzzy decision-making of Bell-
man and Zadeh (1970) and Zimmermann’s fuzzy I nt1  Bnt1 þ Qnt þ Ont þ S nt  I nt þ Bnt
programming method (1978). The positive ideal ¼ w1 Dpnt;b þ w2 Dm o
nt;b þ w3 Dnt;b 8n; 8t;
solutions (PIS) and negative ideal solutions (NIS) P
of the three objective functions can be specified as int1 ðQnt1 þ Ont1 Þ þ H t  F t
follows, respectively (Hwang and Yoon, 1981; Lai
and Hwang, 1992b). P
 int ðQnt þ Ont Þ ¼ 0 8t;
1 ¼ Min z ; m
1 ¼ Max z ; m

2 ¼ Max ðzm  zp Þ; zNIS
2 ¼ Min ðzm  zp Þ;
f1(z1) (f3(z3))

3 ¼ Min ðzo  zm Þ; zNIS
3 ¼ Max ðzo  zm Þ: 1
For each objective function, the corresponding
linear membership function is defined by
> 1; z1 ozPIS
1 ;
0 z1 z1
1 (z3 ) (z3 )
1 pz1 pz1 ;
f 1 ðz1 Þ ¼ ; zPIS NIS
> z NIS
 z PIS z1(z3)
: 1 1
0; z1 4zNIS
1 ; Fig. 3. Linear membership functions of z1 and z3 :

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 335

Step 4: Given the minimum acceptable possibi-

lity, b; convert the imprecise constraints into crisp
ones using the weighted average method or the
1 fuzzy ranking concept.

Step 5: Specify the linear membership functions

for three new objective functions, and then convert
the auxiliary MOLP problem into an equivalent
LP model using the fuzzy decisions of Bellman and
Zadeh (1970) and Zimmermann’s (1978) fuzzy
0 z2NIS z2PIS
z2 programming method.
Step 6: Solve and modify the model interac-
Fig. 4. Linear membership function of z2 : tively. If the DM is not satisfied with the initial
solution, then the model must be modified until a
N satisfactory solution is found.
int ðQnt þ Ont Þpw1 W pt max;b

þw2 W m o
t max;b þ w3 W t max;b 8t;
4. Model implementation
rpnt;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM pt max;b 8t; 4.1. Case description

m Daya Technologies Corporation was used as a
nt;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM t max;b 8t;
n¼1 case study to demonstrate the practicality of the
N proposed methodology (Wang and Liang, 2004b).
ront;b ðQnt þ Ont ÞpM ot max;b 8t; The Daya Technologies Corporation is the first
n¼1 ballscrew manufacturer worldwide to have
N achieved ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS
vnt I nt pV t max 8t; 18001 certification, and moreover is the main
global producer of super precision ballscrew,
0pLp1; linear bearing, and guideways. The APP decision
Qnt ; Ont ; Snt ; I nt ; Bnt ; H t ; F t X0 8n; 8t: problem for Daya’s ballscrew plant presented here
focuses on developing an interactive possibilistic
programming approach for minimizing total costs.
The planning horizon is 4 months long, including
3.4. Algorithm May, June, July, and August. The model includes
two types of standard ballscrew, namely the
The algorithm of the proposed PLP approach external recirculation type (product 1) and the
for solving the APP decision problem is as follows. internal recirculation type (product 2). According
Step 1: Formulate the PLP model for the multi- to the preliminary environmental information,
product APP decision problem. Tables 1–3 summarize the forecast demand,
Step 2: Model the imprecise coefficients ða~ nt ; b~nt ; related operating cost, and capacity data used in
c~nt ; d~nt ; e~nt ; k~t ; m
~ t ; r~nt Þ and right-hand sides ðD~ nt ; W
~ t;
the Daya case. The forecast demand, relevant
M ~ t Þ using triangular possibility distributions.
operating cost, and maximum labor and machine
Step 3: Develop three new crisp objective capacity are imprecise numbers with triangular
functions of the auxiliary MOLP problem that possibility distributions from period to period.
are equivalent simultaneously minimizing the most Other relevant data are as follows.
possible total cost value, maximizing the possibi-
lity of obtaining lower costs, and minimizing the 1. Initial inventory in period 1 is 400 units of
risk of obtaining higher costs. product 1 and 200 units of product. End

336 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

inventory in period 4 is 300 units of product 1 Step 4: Formulate the auxiliary crisp constraints
and 200 units of product 2. using Eqs. (11)–(15) at b ¼ 0:5:
2. Initial labor level is 300 man-hours. The costs Step 5: The PIS of the three new objective
associated withhiring and layoff are ($8, $10, functions is ($300,000, $80,000, $20,000) and the
$11) and ($2.0, $2.5, $3.2) per worker per hour, NIS is ($600,000, $30,000, $50,000). The corre-
respectively. sponding linear membership function of the three
3. Hours of labor per unit for any periods are fixed new objective functions can be defined according
to 0.05 man-hours for product 1 and 0.07 man- to Eqs. (17)–(19). Furthermore, the complete
hours for product 2. Hours of machine usage equivalent single-goal LP model for the Daya case
per unit for each of the four planning periods can be formulated using the fuzzy decisions of
are (0.09, 0.10, 0.11) machine-hours for product Bellman and Zadeh (1970) and Zimmermann’s
1 and (0.07, 0.08, 0.09) machine-hours for fuzzy programming method (1978).
product 2. Warehouse spaces required per unit Step 6: Solve and modify the model interac-
are two square feet for product 1 and three tively. LINDO computer software is used to run
square feet for product 2. this ordinary LP model and yields the following
results. Initial total cost is imprecise and has a
triangular possibility distribution of ($282,329,
4.2. Solving procedures $338,571, $372,329), and overall degree of DM
satisfaction with multiple goal values is 0.6242.
The solution procedure using the proposed Moreover, the DM may try to modify the results
interactive PLP approach for the Daya case is
described as follows.
Step 1: Formulate the PLP model for the APP Table 3
decision problem according to Eqs. (1)–(7). Maximum labor, machine, and warehouse capacity data
Step 2: Model the imprecise data with triangular ~ t max ~ t max
Item W M V t max ðft2 Þ
possibility distributions. Tables 1–3 list the trian- (man-hours) (machine-hours)
gular possibility distribution of the imprecise
coefficients and right-hand sides. 1 (175, 300, 320) (360, 400, 430) 10000
2 (175, 300, 320) (450, 500, 540) 10000
Step 3: Develop three new crisp objective
3 (175, 300, 320) (540, 600, 650) 10000
functions of the auxiliary MOLP problem accord- 4 (175, 300, 320) (450, 500, 540) 10000
ing to Eqs. (8)–(10).

Table 1
Forecast demand data

Item Period

1 2 3 4

D~ 1t (900, 1000, 1080) (2750, 3000, 3200) (4600, 5000, 5300) (1850, 2000, 2100)
D~ 2t (900, 1000, 1080) (450, 500, 540) (2750, 3000, 3200) (2300, 2500, 2650)

Table 2
Related operating cost data

Product a~ nt ($/unit) b~nt ($/unit) c~nt ($/unit) d~nt ($/unit) e~nt ($/unit)

1 (17, 20, 22) (26, 30, 33) (22, 25, 27) (0.27, 0.30, 0.32) (35, 40, 44)
2 (8, 10, 11) (12, 15, 17) (10, 12, 13) (0.13, 0.15, 0.16) (16, 20, 23)

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 337

Table 4
Initial and improved APP plan for the Daya case

Item Initial compromise solutions Improved compromise solutions

Period Period

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Product 1
Q1t (units) 598 2996 4992 2296 598 235 3824 2296
O1t (units) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S1t (units) 0 0 0 0 0 3929 0 0
I 1t (units) 0 0 0 300 0 1167 0 300
B1t (units) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Product 2
Q2t (units) 1439 2140 714 1320 3852 0 0 1320
O2t (units) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S2t (units) 0 0 0 1376 0 0 441 1376
I 2t (units) 640 2282 0 200 3054 2555 0 200
B2t (units) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H t (man-hours) 0 169 0 0 0 0 179 16

F t (man-hours) 169 0 0 92 0 288 0 0
W t (man-hours) 131 300 300 208 300 12 191 207

Objective values L ¼ 0:6242; z1 ¼ $338;571 L ¼ 0:9660; z1 ¼ $326;499

z2 ¼ $56;242; z3 ¼ $33;758 z2 ¼ $49;660; z3 ¼ $30;340
z~ ¼ ð$282;329; $338;571; $372;329Þ z~ ¼ ð$276;839; $326;499; $356;839Þ

PIS ($300,000, $80,000, $20,000) ($320,000, $60,000, $30,000)

NIS ($600,000, $30,000, $50,000) ($600,000, $48,000, $40,000)

Note: The total cost is imprecise and has a triangular possibility distribution of z~ ¼ ðz1 ; z1  z2 ; z1 þ z3 Þ:

interactively by adjusting the linear membership proach are as follows. First, the proposed PLP
functions and related model parameters until a approach yields an efficient compromise solution.
satisfactory solution is obtained. Consequently, The APP decision problem presented in the Daya
the improved total cost is imprecise and has a case was solved using the crisp ordinary LP model,
triangular possibility distribution of ($276,839, as summarized in Table 5. This work assumed that
$326,499, $356,839), and overall degree of DM the DM specified the most possible value of the
satisfaction is 0.9660. Table 4 lists the initial and possibility distribution of each imprecise data as
improved APP plan for the Daya case based on the the precise numbers. Consequently, the optimal
present information. value when applying LP to minimize the total costs
was $326,499. In contrast with the proposed PLP
approach, the improved results were ($276,839,
5. Results and findings $326,499, $356,839). These figures indicate that the
PLP solutions are an efficient compromise solu-
Significant management implications for the tion, compared to the optimal goal value obtained
practical application of the proposed PLP ap- by the LP model. Thereafter, an improved APP

338 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

plan is obtained by the proposed PLP approach objective and L values. From Table 4, the L
under an acceptable degree of DM satisfaction in a values rapidly increased from 0.6242 to 0.9660
fuzzy environment. Notably, the goal values using when the PIS changed from ($300,000, $80,000,
the proposed approach should be imprecise $20,000) to ($320,000, $60,000, $30,000), and NIS
because the unit cost and related coefficients changed from ($600,000, $30,000, $50,000) to
are always imprecise in nature. On the other ($600,000, $48,000, $40,000). Conversely, total
hand, the analytical results demonstrate that costs sharply decrease from ($282,329, $338,571,
replacing the imprecise data with the most possible $372,329) to ($276,839, $326,499, $356,839). These
value or average of the possibility distribution is findings imply that the DM must specify an
unreasonable. appropriate set of PIS and NIS of the objective
Second, the proposed PLP approach provides functions for making APP decisions, to effectively
the overall degree of DM satisfaction under the seek the right linear membership function for each
proposed strategy of minimizing the most possible objective function. In practice, the LP solutions
value and the risk of obtaining higher total costs, often were used as a starting point of the PIS and
and maximizing the possibility of obtaining lower NIS, and both intervals must cover the LP
total costs. If the solution is L ¼ 1; then each solutions. For example, three crisp objective
goal is fully satisfied; if 0oLo1; then all of the functions of the auxiliary MOLP problem pre-
goals are satisfied at the level of L, and if L ¼ 0; sented in the Daya case were respectively solved
then none of the goals are satisfied. For example, using the crisp single-goal LP model, and the
the overall degree of DM satisfaction with corresponding PIS and NIS of the initial solution
the imprecise goal values ($282,329, $338,571, are specified as summarized in Table 6.
$372,329) initially was generated as 0.6242. Finally, the proposed PLP approach is the most
Furthermore, the L value was adjusted to seek a practical for solving APP decision problems and
set of better APP compromise solutions since the can generate better decisions than other models.
DM did not accept the initial overall degree of this Table 7 compares the proposed PLP approach
satisfaction value. Consequently, the improved presented here to the LP (Saad, 1982), fuzzy goal
total cost is imprecise and has a triangular programming (FGP) (Wang and Liang, 2004a),
possibility distribution of ($276,839, $326,499, and FLP (Lee, 1990) models. Several features
$356,839), and the overall degree of DM satisfac- distinguish the proposed PLP approach from
tion is up to 0.9660. Fig. 5 shows the change in the other APP models.
triangular possibilistic distributions of the impre-
cise total costs for the Daya case. 1. The proposed PLP approach can solve most
Third, comparing the initial and improved real-world APP problems involving imprecise
solutions reveals that the changes in the PIS and
NIS of the objective functions, influences the

Improved solutions Initial solutions

Table 5
Comparison of solutions

Item LP The proposed PLP


Objective function Min z Max L

L (DM’s overall 100% 96.60% 0 276,839 326,499 356,839
degree of 282,329 338,571 372,329
z (Total costs) $326,499 ($276,839, $326,499,
Fig. 5. The possibilistic distribution of the optimal total costs.

R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341 339

parameters through an interactive decision- making process. The proposed approach also
making process. The proposed model constitu- provides information on alternative strategies
tes a systematic framework that facilitates the for overtime, subcontracting, inventory, back-
decision-making process, enabling the DM orders, and hiring and layoffs workers, in
interactively to modify the imprecise data and response tovariations in forecast demand. Ad-
related model parameters until a satisfactory ditionally, the proposed model considers the
solution is found. actual limitations in labor, machine, and ware-
2. The proposed PLP approach outputs more house capacity.
wide-ranging decision information than other 3. It is important to distinguish the meaning of the
models. Notably, the optimal goal values using PLP approach studied here from FLP and
the proposed approach should be imprecise stochastic linear programming approaches.
since the forecast demand and related operating Basically, the FLP is based on the subjective
costs and capacity are always imprecise in preferred concept for establishing membership
nature. The proposed PLP approach focuses functions with fuzzy data, while the PLP is
on the multi-periods and multi-products (pro- based on the objective degree of event occur-
duct family) problems in an APP decision- rence required to obtain possibilistic distribu-
tions with imprecise data. PLP thus usually is
Table 6 distinguished from FLP and some FLP techni-
Comparison of solutions ques may not be applicable for PLP. On the
Item LP-1 LP-2 LP-3 ðzPIS NIS other hand, the main problem in applying the
i ; zi Þ
stochastic programming models is the lack of
Objective Min z1 Max z2 Min z3 — computational efficiency and the inflexible
function probabilistic doctrines in which the real im-
z1 $326,499 — — ($300,000, $600,000)
z2 — $56,260 — ($80,000, $30,000)
precise meaning of the DM might be impossible
z3 — — $30,333 ($20,000, $50,000) to model. Alternatively, the PLP approach not
only provides more computational efficiency

Table 7
Comparison of the APP models

Factor LP (Saad, 1982) FGP (Wang and Liang, FLP (Lee, 1990) The proposed PLP

Objective function Single Multiple Single or multiple Single, linear

Objective value Deterministic Fuzzy Fuzzy Imprecise
Constraint Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise
Product item Single item Product family Product family Product family
Degree of satisfaction Not presented Presented Presented Presented
Planning horizon Multi-period Multi-period Multi-period Multi-period
Market demand Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise
Machine capacity Infinite Limited Infinite Limited
Warehouse space Infinite Limited Infinite Limited
Costs of regular time, Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise
overtime production,
and inventory carrying
Subcontracting Considered Considered Considered Considered
Backordering Considered Considered Not considered Considered
Hiring cost Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise
Layoff cost Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise
Labor level Deterministic Deterministic Fuzzy Imprecise

340 R.-C. Wang, T.-F. Liang / Int. J. Production Economics 98 (2005) 328–341

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