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Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat

accumulation that presents a risk to health (WHO). Overweight and obesity are
not only a problem for young people even in older people, the effect of obesity is
much more complex. As people age, their physical activity tends to decrease,
resulting in muscle loss. As muscle mass decreases, the amount of available
insulin-responsive tissue is reduced, resulting in insulin resistance, which in turn
promotes the metabolic syndrome and an increase in fat. Data from Riset
Kesehatan Dasar or Riskesdas, the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia for adults in
2018 was 21.8% which was higher than adults in 2013 (14.8%).
There are various health problems associated with being overweight or
obese. These can range from difficulties with daily activities such as
breathlessness and joint and back pain through to more serious health conditions
such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma,
some types of cancer, gallstones, liver and kidney disease.
Therefore to prevent all the negativities of overweight and obesity, weight
loss is needed. While the weight loss is the best answer for obesity, reducing
chronic risk, and promoting health, when it comes to older adults, it's not that
simple. Weight loss can lead to additional lean muscle loss and decreased physical
strength. The method for older adults who are obese or overweight, must be done
safely and methodically. Recommendations method for all ages including older
adults (40 -59) are exercise, dietary habits and consuming medicine.
Mostly, one of the reason why older adults around 40 – 59 years old still
don’t care to maintain their weight because most of them are still working,
therefore they don’t have time. That is why a product that can help losing weight
in short period of time is needed. But nowadays, there are many of slimming
product contain high chemical substance that cause various disease and Slimming
product that currently in market can lose weight in effective way but have several
side effects.
But, if there is a product that would make losing weight way more simple,
more efficient, more safe, less side effects and also more inexpensive that could
be the answers for their problem.
Reference : (2019). Available at:
[Accessed 27 Feb. 2019]. (2019). WHO | Obesity. Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2019].

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