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From: Peter Heimlich <peter.heimlich@gmail.

Subject: Questions for an item I'm reporting on my blog
Cc: Charles Guildner <>, "Rozier, Alex" <>, Anthony Pearson,
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2019 13:08:38 -0500

Sent via e-mail and faxed to (513)914-4901


You may recall my e-mail of June 19th last year, in which I asked about your successful effort to
kill a 2015 KING5 Seattle tv news report about my friend, Dr. Chuck Guildner of Everett. I didn't
receive a reply from you, but I'm reporting a related story on my blog so I want to give the
opportunity to comment, hence this outreach.

Based on my communications with Chuck and Mr. Rozier (to whom I pitched the story in late
2014 and supplied with considerable published information), my understanding is that before
you e-mailed a legal threat to KING5 executives, Mr. Rozier had interviewed Chuck at length and
was planning to report about:

1) Chuck's research study, published in the September 1976 issue of the Journal of the American
College of Emergency Physicians (JACEP), which concluded that in a choking emergency, chest
thrusts could be more effective than our dad's namesake under-the-ribcage abdominal thrust

2) Dad's subsequent efforts to ruin Chuck's career, as reported in several mainstream print and
broadcast news outlets, including a July 27, 2009 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
documentary (which resulted from my outreach). 

3) That a number of leading first aid organizations, including the American Red Cross and the
American Heart Association, have for some years recommended chest thrusts as an effective
treatment for responding to a choking emergency.

4) How "the Heimlich" is not recommended or taught by first aid authorities in Australia or New
Zealand. Instead, they recommend/teach chest thrusts. Via the ABC docu:

Trainer: A question that often comes up in our courses is to why we don't do the Heimlich
manoeuvre in Australia. So are you all aware of that where they get that sort of a bear hug
squeeze from behind? OK, the reason it's not taught is the simple fact that research
conducted here in Australia and also overseas has proven that it can be dangerous because
there's a risk of damaging internal organs such as the spleen, the liver, pancreas etc. We
follow the policy statements as laid down by the Australian Resuscitation Council, they are
saying that if there was any clinical evidence to prove that it was effective they'd put a
policy on it and we would have it in our book. Any other questions?

If any of the above is incorrect and/or you wish to comment, would you please get back to me before
end of the day this Monday, March 11?

I may also revisit your efforts over the years to prevent journalists from reporting about Karen's and
my research into dad's unusual career, for example, in 2006 when I reportedly hired attorney Louie
Sirkin to stop you from lying about us to reporters and the 2013 Radiolab fiasco in which a published
interview with me was scrubbed based on your demand. If you wish to comment about those or any
related situations, please feel free.

Finally, last July you and our sis Janet reportedly launched a campaign re: how best to respond to a
choking emergency. Since you're interested in the subject, you might wish to review this item
published a month later by St. Louis cardiologist Anthony Pearson MD, A Call To Reconsider The
Heimlich Experiment: Let’s Scientifically Determine The Best Approach To Choking Victims.
I've courtesy-copied everyone in the mix, so if anyone else wishes to chime in for the record, be my

Your brother,


Peter M. Heimlich
Peachtree Corners, GA 30096 USA
ph: (208)474-7283
Twitter: @medfraud_pmh

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