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Part –B

16 Marks for Unit I

1. Explain human values of ethics?

INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN VALUES: Engineering is the people serving profession. The work of
engineers involves interaction with clients, other engineers, and public at large. More than any other
profession, their work also directly involves and affects the society and environmental development.


What are human values?

Human values are nothing but basic moral values one ought to posses to live as a citizen or as a person.

Foundation of human values: A few key principles compose the foundation of human values upon
which societies have been established. They are as follows :

 The innate dignity of human life

 Respect and consideration for the other
 The interconnection between humankind and the environment and thus the need to
care for and preserve the earth.
 The importance of integrity and service.
 An attitude of non violence
 The individual and collective quest for peace and happiness.

As we aware, economic and social globalization has yield positive as well as negative effects. On the
other hand, culture around the world are threatened by the uniformity that globalization brings.


Human values broadly can be classified under the following five heading,

1. LOVE: Love is the diving energy inherent in everyone and in all. They connect other values with
2. TRUTH: Love is speech
3. RIGHT CONDUCT: Love in action
4. PAECE: Love in thought
5. NON VIOLENCE: Love in understanding
2. Explain of moral value?

Moral values are understood to be those that make a person “good” purely and simply as a person. They
are not qualified attributes of the person has them. But also because they are the expression of each ones
unique personality in the innermost centre of ones being as shown in the act of choice.


 Moral values of can exist only in free personal being in that persons voluntary or human acts.
 Moral values is universal in the sense that what one hold for all in the same condition
 Moral value is self justifying
 Moral values has preeminence over every other value
 Moral values implies obligation.
3. Give short notes on values

The term values or worth seems to have its origin in economic; eventually it was applied analogously to
other aspect of life, human value as such; there is agreement on the definition of value as definition good.
One appeals to us in some way, whereas something else does not. What appeals may supply a need, safety
a desire, arouse an interest, stimulate an emotion provoke a response, motivate a deal or merely draw an
approval. The existence of subjective values in a matter of experience.


 Values are not homogeneous but of many kinds.

 Value should exist, they deserve to be.
 Value or worth is a term used for anything that appeals to us in any way.
4. Explain ethical in relation to other studies

Ethics is closely related to other studies such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics,
political science and law.

Psychology: Both psychology and ethics deal with human behavior; with the abilities people have and act
they perform. Psychology studies how humans actually do behave, ethics how they ought to behave.

Anthropology: Both anthropology and ethics deal human customs on various level of culture. ,
Anthropology studies the origin and development of human customs without passing any judgment on
their moral rightness’ or wrongness, but this rightness or wrongness alone that interest ethics.

SOCIALSCIENCE AND ETHICS: Social science such as social, economic, political science deal with
actual social, economic, and political institutions-what they are and how they function, ethics determines
what they ought to be and how they ought to function.

LAW AND ETHICS: The study of law is closely related to ethics. Though both deal with the ought, the
civil law and the moral law do not always perfectly corresponds. To study of civil law deal only with
those acts permitted.

5. Explain integrity


Integrity is one of the most important virtues terms. It is used synonymously with moral. At times we
distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. A person of integrity may in fact act immorally –
though they would usually not know they are acting immorally.

What is it to be a person of integrity?

A number of accounts of integrity being:

1. Integrity as self- integration

2. Integrity as maintenance of identify
3. Integrity as standing for some thing
4. Integrity as moral purpose
5. Integrity as a virtue.
Integrity as self- integration: On the self integration view of integrity, integrity of persons intergrating
various parts of their personality into harmonious, intact whole.

Integrity as maintenance of identify: A related approach to integrity is to think of it primarily in terms

of a person’s acting according to their commitments, rather than ordering and endorsing desires.

Integrity as standing for something: The social character of integrity is a matter of a person’s proper
regard for their own best judgment.

Integrity as moral purpose:

Integrity in term of moral purpose can be described as a person’s dedication to the pursuit of a moral life
and their intellectual responsibility in seeking to understand the demand of such a life.

Integrity as a virtue: We take integrity to be complex and thick virtue term. One gains a fair grasp of the
variety of ways in which people use the term integrity by examining conditions commonly accepted to
defeat or diminish a person’s integrity.

6. Give short notes on work ethics


What is work ethics?

The work ethics is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable and responsible for the
work that one does and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value. The term is often used to
characteristics of people, both at work and at play.


Research has shown that the many characteristics of work ethics can be summarized using the following
three elements: 1. Interpersonal skill 2.Initiative 3.Being dependable.
1. Interpersonal skill: Interpersonal skills include the habits, attitudes, manners, appearance, and
behaviors we use around other people, which affect how we get along with other people. We
sometimes don’t understand how important interpersonal skills really are. It is easy to laugh and
make jokes about people who obviously lack interpersonal skills, but some time we need to
examine our own impressions on other to better prepare for success in life as well as for a
productive career.
2. Initiative: Initiative is very important characteristics for information age workers. Direct
supervision is often not a feature of modern workplace. Without initiative procrastination and
missed opportunities can become a real problem. Some time poor performance results and leads
to loss of a job, without any second chances.

3. Being dependable: Being dependable is one of the most highly sought after traits for worker in
the modern workplace. This work ethics construct includes honesty, reliability and being on time.
People who are dependable often are very expensive to keep around because of the wasted time
and resources their behavior causes.

7. Give short notes on service learning


What is service leaning?

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrate meaningful community service with
instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen

Service learning vs. volunteerism

Volunteer activities without learning component are equally important as service learning attendance in
college, and develop student’s personal and social responsibility. The service learning as an effect
strategy to help students by:

 Promoting learning through participation in service experience

 Providing an opportunity for student to use skills and knowledge in real life situation.
 Providing structure time for student to reflect by thinking, discussing and writing about their
service experience.
 Extending learning beyond the classroom and the community
 Fostering a sense of caring for other.

 Service learning links to academic content and standards

 It can use in any subject area so long as it is appropriate to learning goal.
 It works all ages, even among young children
 It is positive ,meaningful and real to the participants
 It offers powerful opportunity to acquire the habits of critical thinking; i.e.the ability to identify
the most important questions within a real world situation.
8. Short notes on civic virtue

What is mean by civic virtue?

Civic virtue is morally or a standard of righteous behavior in relationship to a citizens involvement in


Why civic virtue?

Civic virtue is the moral underpinning of how a citizen related to society. Without an understanding of
civic virtue, citizens are less likely to look beyond their own families, friends, and economic interests.
They are less likely to help other in the community, to volunteer their time, to give money to nonprofit
organizations, or to participate in a group that benefits society.

What are the civic ethics?

Engaging with other from a stance of open hearted conviction and sincerity is a civic virtue and it requires
patience. When we try to engage other to persuade them, we open ourselves up to persuasion at the same

8. Discuses respect and living peacefully.



Respect is great important in everyday life. As children we taught to respect our parents, teachers,
elders, school rules and traffic laws, family and cultural traditions, other peoples feeling and rights, our
country flag and leaders, the truth and people differing opinion. Here are a few idea.

 Don’t insult people or make fun of them

 Listen to others when they speak
 Value other people opinions
 Be considerate of people like and dislike
 Don’t mock or tease people
 Don’t talk about people behind their backs.

 Concept of peace: Peace can be said to be passive state of mind. Yet it has its own strength and
power. It has a great influence on mind, brainpower and also the environment around. Agitating mid
does not work properly, while peaceful mind can work efficiently. Good ideas take shape in a
peaceful mind giving birth to good results.

9. Give short notes on caring and sharing?


What is caring? Caring knows feeling, and acting in the interest of other.

Meaning in caring:

- The goal of caring is to help the other actualize himself

- Caring is an extension of ones self
- Devotion and constancy are essential elements of caring
- Caring for another helps the other to care for an other
- Help in a way that the cared for can go on to help himself.
- Learning and living a life of caring involves all other values.
- Caring involves desire, motivation, inclination.
- Genuinely caring can be a magical experience.
- Caring is the heart of ethics.

Sharing: sharing is central concern of all human society. Analysis of the dynamics sharing includes
psychological and social motivation, law and norms, economic and technical mechanisms.

10. Explain honesty and courage


Honesty: Honesty means expressing your feelings, to be able to be emotionally honest we must first be
emotionally aware. This emotional awareness is related to our emotional intelligence. It is our emotional
intelligence, which gives us the ability to accurately identify our feeling.

Emotional intelligence may also give us the ability to decide when it is our best interest to be
emotionally honest by sharing our real feeling. We would be better off individually and as a society if we
would be more honest.

A few more thought on emotional honesty

 Dishonesty requires more energy than emotional honesty

 When we are emotionally dishonesty we are going against the forces of evaluation rather than in
harmony with them
 When we are emotionally dishonesty we lose out on the value of our natural feeling.
 It takes energy to oppose reality, nature and evaluation.
 Emotional dishonesty, in authenticity and falseness create distrust and tension in society.
11. What are the courage and discuss?

What is courage?

Courage is the ability to get our self to take action in spite of fear.
Definition of courage?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than

Salient feature

 Moral courage is not about facing physical challenges that could that harm the body. Its about
facing mental challenge that could harm ones reputation, emotional well being, self-esteem, or
other characteristics. This challenges as the term implies, are deeply connected with moral senses
our core moral values.
 Courage lays balance between the defect of connection and the excess of rashness.
 It is the courage to be moral to act with fairness, respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion
even when the risk of doing so are substantial.
Moral courage vs. physical courage

Moral courage is different from physical courage. Physical courage is the willingness to face serious
risk to life or limb instead of fleeing from it. Courage according to Webster dictionary ,is that quality
of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear , or
fainting of heart.

Building courage

Courage requires strength of mind, innovative ideas, will to survive, stamina to hang on, sincerity of
purpose and seriousness of attempt.

12. State and explain yoga and meditation for human in profession

Yoga: The word yoga means yoke translated from Sanskrit. It also means discipline .meditation is part of

Types of yoga:

 Ananda
 Ashthanga
 Bikram
 Iyegar
 Kindalini
 Sivanantha
 Viniyoga
1. Yoga and meditation decrease sympathetic tone and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
Many modern health problems are worsened by stress and anxiety.
2. Doing yoga on a regular basis gives the body a change to break the habit of being sluggish
and stiff.
3. Glands, nervous system, heart and intestine are touched and kept flexible.
4. Yoga is an art and takes into purview the mind, the body and the soul of the man in its aim of
reaching divinity.

 Meditation is a technique in which the mediator seeks not only to reach a deep state of relaxation,
but to quiet the mind.
 Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Meditation is the practice of deep concentration
of the mind.
 Meditation has been around for thousands of years.
 The aim of meditation is to quite the mind and purge it of its tendency, controlling the mind by
preventing it to fall an easy victim to the onslaughts of lust, grief, blinding rage, undue haste,
 Meditation is a way to bring the bustling mind to stillness and tranquility, eliminating conscious
thought and offering the mediator a unique concentration of mind.
 Meditation involving sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind.

Meditation for professional excellence:

 Meditation for corporate professionals is an essential and effective tool for stress reduction and
stress management in the work place.
 Many industry leader and corporate professionals successfully use meditation for relaxation.
 Meditation is especially effective when used at the initial phase of any disagreement, before
conflict escalates in the workplace.
 Meditation is based on the principles of collaborative problem solving with a focus on the future
and rebuilding relationships, rather than apportioning blame`

Stress management:

 Stress is unavoidable condition .the point off stress reduction and stress management
programs is not to eliminate stress from our lives entirely
 Many stress therapists recognize that regular meditation and relaxation can be of significant
help in reducing stress to manageable and healthy levels, and relaxation and meditation
exercise are now widely taught.

Some common characteristics of stress

 Improve performance
 Short term in nature
 Motivates and focuses energy
 Feels invigorating
 Believed to be with in our capabilities

Some common characteristics of stress:

 De motivating and displaces energy

 Decrease overall unpleasant
 Decrease overall performance
2Marks for 1st unit
1. What are human values?

Human values are nothing but basic moral values one ought to posses to live as a citizen or as a person.

2 .What are the Foundation of human values: A few key principles compose the foundation of
human values upon which societies have been established. They are as follows:

 The innate dignity of human life

 Respect and consideration for the other
 The interconnection between humankind and the environment and thus the need to care for and
preserve the earth.
 The importance of integrity and service.
 An attitude of non violence
 The individual and collective quest for peace and happiness.
3. What is needed to study about human values?

As we aware, economic and social globalization has yield positive as well as negative effects. On the
other hand, culture around the world are threatened by the uniformity that globalization brings.

4.What are sub values of human values?

Human values broadly can be classified under the following five heading,

1. LOVE: Love is the diving energy inherent in everyone and in all. They connect other values with
2. TRUTH: Love is speech
3. RIGHT CONDUCT: Love in action
4. PAECE: Love in thought
5. NON VIOLENCE: Love in understanding
5. Define moral?

Moral values are understood to be those that make a person “good” purely and simply as a person. They
are not qualified attributes of the person has them. But also because they are the expression of each ones
unique personality in the innermost centre of ones being as shown in the act of choice.

6. What are characters of moral values?

 Moral values of can exist only in free personal being in that persons voluntary or human acts.
Moral values is universal in the sense that what one hold for all in the same condition

 Moral value is self justifying

 Moral values has preeminence over every other value
 Moral values implies obligation.
7. Define values

The term values or worth seems to have its origin in economic; eventually it was applied analogously to
other aspect of life, human value as such; there is agreement on the definition of value as definition good.
One appeals to us in some way, whereas something else does not. What appeals may supply a need, safety
a desire, arouse an interest, stimulate an emotion provoke a response, motivate a deal or merely draw an
approval. The existence of subjective values in a matter of experience.

8. What are the characters of values?

 Values are not homogeneous but of many kinds.

 Value should exist, they deserve to be.
 Value or worth is a term used for anything that appeals to us in any way.
9. What is engineering ethics?

Ethics is set moral principles,. The word derives from the Greek word ethos which means the
characteristic spirit of community, people. System. Ethics is the art of human living. Ethics is the science
of man as a gentlemen .Ethics deal with right and wrong and reflects ones morals.

10. What are teachers of ethics?

Ethics can be taught by mother, father, teacher, coaches, friends, peers, or clinds.but morality cannot be
taught through reasoned agreement. We can easily recall that our mothers are first teacher of ethics.

11. What is origin ethics?

We see that in our various activities just any way of behaving will not do, and there is a right and a wrong
to conduct ourselves. Early in human history people must have seen that these questions could be asked of
life as a whole: is there a right and wrong of living of gathering all these activities into spending of ones
life? is there a pattern ,a model and an ideal of the good human life? if so, where ca people find it and
how strictly ought they follow it.

12. Explain ethics in relation to other studies

Ethics is closely related to other studies such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics,
political science and law.

Psychology: Both psychology and ethics deal with human behavior; with the abilities people have and act
they perform. Psychology studies how humans actually do behave, ethics how they ought to behave.

Anthropology: Both anthropology and ethics deal human customs on various level of culture. ,
Anthropology studies the origin and development of human customs without passing any judgment on
their moral rightness’ or wrongness, but this rightness or wrongness alone that interest ethics.
SOCIALSCIENCE AND ETHICS: Social science such as social, economic, political science deal with
actual social, economic, and political institutions-what they are and how they function, ethics determines
what they ought to be and how they ought to function.

LAW AND ETHICS: The study of law is closely related to ethics. Though both deal with the ought, the
civil law and the moral law do not always perfectly corresponds. To study of civil law deal only with
those acts permitted

13. Define integrity

Integrity is one of the most important virtues terms. It is used synonymously with moral. At times we
distinguish acting morally from acting with integrity. A person of integrity may in fact act immorally –
though they would usually not know they are acting immorally.

14. What is it to be a person of integrity?

A number of accounts of integrity being:

1. Integrity as self- integration

2. Integrity as maintenance of identify
3. Integrity as standing for some thing
4. Integrity as moral purpose
5. Integrity as a virtue.

15. What is Integrity as self- integration?

On the self integration view of integrity, integrity of persons integrating various parts of their personality
into harmonious, intact whole?

16. What is Integrity as maintenance of identifying?

A related approach to integrity is to think of it primarily in terms of a person’s acting according to their
commitments, rather than ordering and endorsing desires.

17. What is Integrity as standing for something?

The social character of integrity is a matter of a person’s proper regard for their own best judgment.

18. What is Integrity as moral purpose?

Integrity in term of moral purpose can be described as a person’s dedication to the pursuit of a moral life
and their intellectual responsibility in seeking to understand the demand of such a life.

19. What is Integrity as a virtue?

We take integrity to be complex and thick virtue term. One gains a fair grasp of the variety of ways in
which people use the term integrity by examining conditions commonly accepted to defeat or diminish a
person’s integrity.

20. What is work ethics?

The work ethics is a cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable and responsible for the
work that one does and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value. The term is often used to
characteristics of people, both at work and at play.

21. What are the elements of work ethics?

Research has shown that the many characteristics of work ethics can be summarized using the following
three elements: 1. Interpersonal skill 2.Initiative 3.Being dependable.

22. What is Interpersonal Skill?

Interpersonal skills include the habits, attitudes, manners, appearance, and behaviors we use around other
people, which affect how we get along with other people. We sometimes don’t understand how important
interpersonal skills really are. It is easy to laugh and make jokes about people who obviously lack
interpersonal skills, but some time we need to examine our own impressions on other to better prepare for
success in life as well as for a productive career.

23. What is Initiative?

Initiative is very important characteristics for information age workers. Direct supervision is often not a
feature of modern workplace. Without initiative procrastination and missed opportunities can become a
real problem. Some time poor performance results and leads to loss of a job, without any second chances.

24. What is being dependable: Being dependable is one of the most highly sought after traits for worker
in the modern workplace? This work ethics construct includes honesty, reliability and being on time.
People who are dependable often are very expensive to keep around because of the wasted time and
resources their behavior causes.

25. What is service leaning?

Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrate meaningful community service with
instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen

26. What is Service learning vs. volunteerism?

Volunteer activities without learning component are equally important as service learning attendance in
college, and develop student’s personal and social responsibility. The service learning as an effect
strategy to help students by:
 Promoting learning through participation in service experience
 Providing an opportunity for student to use skills and knowledge in real life situation.
 Providing structure time for student to reflect by thinking, discussing and writing about their
service experience.
 Extending learning beyond the classroom and the community
 Fostering a sense of caring for other.
27. What are the characteristics of service learning?

 Service learning links to academic content and standards

 It can use in any subject area so long as it is appropriate to learning goal.
 It works all ages, even among young children
 It is positive ,meaningful and real to the participants
 It offers powerful opportunity to acquire the habits of critical thinking; i.e. the ability to identify
the most important questions within a real world situation.
28. What is mean by civic virtue?

Civic virtue is morally or a standard of righteous behavior in relationship to a citizens involvement in


29. Why civic virtue?

Civic virtue is the moral underpinning of how a citizen related to society. Without an understanding of
civic virtue, citizens are less likely to look beyond their own families, friends, and economic interests.
They are less likely to help other in the community, to volunteer their time, to give money to nonprofit
organizations, or to participate in a group that benefits society.

30. What are the civic ethics?

Engaging with other from a stance of open hearted conviction and sincerity is a civic virtue and it requires
patience. When we try to engage other to persuade them, we open ourselves up to persuasion at the same

31. What mean by respect for other?

Respect is great important in everyday life. As children we taught to respect our parents, teachers,
elders, school rules and traffic laws, family and cultural traditions, other peoples feeling and rights, our
country flag and leaders, the truth and people differing opinion. Here are a few ideas.

 Don’t insult people or make fun of them

 Listen to others when they speak
 Value other people opinions
 Be considerate of people like and dislike
 Don’t mock or tease people
 Don’t talk about people behind their backs.
32. What is living peacefully?
Concept of peace: Peace can be said to be passive state of mind. Yet it has its own strength and power. It
has a great influence on mind, brainpower and also the environment around. Agitating mid does not work
properly, while peaceful mind can work efficiently. Good ideas take shape in a peaceful mind giving birth
to good results.

33. What is caring?

Caring knows feeling, and acting in the interest of other. Meaning in caring: The goal of caring is to help
the other actualize himself

- Caring is an extension of one’s self

- Devotion and constancy are essential elements of caring
- Caring for another helps the other to care for an other
- Help in a way that the cared for can go on to help himself.
- Learning and living a life of caring involves all other values.
- Caring involves desire, motivation, and inclination.
- Genuinely caring can be a magical experience.
- Caring is the heart of ethics.
34. What is sharing?

Sharing: sharing is central concern of all human society. Analysis of the dynamics sharing includes
psychological and social motivation, law and norms, economic and technical mechanisms.

35. What is honesty?

Honesty: Honesty means expressing your feelings, to be able to be emotionally honest we must first be
emotionally aware. This emotional awareness is related to our emotional intelligence. It is our emotional
intelligence, which gives us the ability to accurately identify our feeling.

Emotional intelligence may also give us the ability to decide when it is our best interest to be
emotionally honest by sharing our real feeling. We would be better off individually and as a society if we
would be more honest.

A few more thought on emotional honesty

 Dishonesty requires more energy than emotional honesty

 When we are emotionally dishonesty we are going against the forces of evaluation rather than in
harmony with them
 When we are emotionally dishonesty we lose out on the value of our natural feeling.
 It takes energy to oppose reality, nature and evaluation.
 Emotional dishonesty, in authenticity and falseness create distrust and tension in society.
36. What is courage?

Courage is the ability to get our self to take action in spite of fear.

37. Definition of courage?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than

38. What is Salient Feature of courage?

 Moral courage is not about facing physical challenges that could that harm the body. Its about
facing mental challenge that could harm ones reputation, emotional well being, self-esteem,or
other characteristics. This challenges as the term implies, are deeply connected with moral senses
our core moral values.
 Courage lays balance between the defect of connection and the excess of rashness.
 It is the courage to be moral to act with fairness, respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion
even when the risks of doing so are substantial.
39. Difference between moral courage vs. physical courage?

Moral courage is different from physical courage. Physical courage is the willingness to face serious
risk to life or limb instead of fleeing from it. Courage according to Webster dictionary, is that quality
of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear , or
fainting of heart.

40. What is Building Courage?

Courage requires strength of mind, innovative ideas, will to survive, stamina to hang on, sincerity of
purpose and seriousness of attempt.

41. What is valuing time?

The time for man to spend in a day is 24 hours. However a grown up a man spent one third of this
time in sleeping living 16 hour for work. More are less 50% of this working time i.e.8 hours is used
for special purpose. While this time budget of an ordinary person, person more than the average
standard make up.

42. What is time as resources?

 Engineers must learn to think of their time and time as a very valuable resources , for time is
 Time is resources that is unique in that it cannot be accumulated money
43. What is time management?

 Time management is the rational way to ensure that our limited time is always used effectively
 Since time cannot be stopped or it cannot be saved up for further use.
44. What are item time wasters?

 Lack of adequate planning

 Unscheduled and scheduled meeting
 Poor delegation
 Too much socializing
 Ineffective communication
 Lack of goal and objectives
 Poorly organized supervision
 Poor use of telephone.
45. Explain time management principles?

 Clear objective
 Prioritize task
 Stick to scheduled task
 Allow time to manage your time
 The unexpected
 Managing time wasters
46. What is co-operation?

Man is social animal. He live is society on which he largely depended and to which his contribution
matters. Man cannot make his living all by himself. He has to depend on others for many things. Usually
many works have to be done by several people collectively. Construction of a building, running an
institution, organizing a community function or a meeting requires the work and help of many
individuals. These can be successful only if everyone cooperates with one other. Teamwork requires
cooperation of all the member of team. Pulling together can move mountains, unity gives strength, united
we stand, divided we fall, A bundle of sticks cannot be broken as it is, but individual sticks can be broken
easily. Thus cooperation in any work adds strength and leads to success.

47. What is commitment?

Every individual when grown up has to perform one or other duty. Not only for his livelihood but even
for the betterment of social and national conditions. We may say commitment starts right from student
says. For example: A soldier if not commitment to his duties, policeman not performing his duties
properly. a clerk, an officer, a bus driver, a businessman, take any person not doing his work diligently is
not commitment to his duties. He performance his tasks callously in haphazard manner. Such people are a
burden to the society and nation though outwardly they manifest commitment to their work.

48. What is empathy?

Empathy is closely related to the ability to read other peoples emotion.

49. Definition of Empathy

The ability to imagine oneself in anthers place and understanding the others feelings, desires, ideas,and

50. What are elements of empathy?

 Imagination which is depends on the ability to imagine

 The availability of moral frame of reference
 The availability of aesthetics of reference
 The existence of an accessible self
51. Comparison of Empathy with sympathy

Empathy and sympathy are very close and are very some time used as synonyms. the easiest way to
separate them is to remember that empathy is about feeling whilst sympathy is about action. Thus you
may empathy with another person and then act on this by telling them how sorry or happy you feel for
them. Empathetic people are often very sympathetic they can hardly stop themselves as they really do
feel for other person.

52. What is a benefit of empathy?

 Empathy connect people together

 Empathy heals
 Empathy builds trust
 Empathy close the loop
53. What is self confidence?

Self confidant is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic view of themselves and
their situation. Self confidence people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their
lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. People
who are not self confident depend excessively on the approval of other in order to feel good about
themselves. Lack of self confidence or low self esteem is classified as a negative emotion or delusion, as
it exaggerates ones limitations in capacity, quality and potential for growth.

54. What is mean by character?

The action you take to carry out the values, ethics and morals that you believe in.

 Consistency between what you say will do and what you do.
 Putting the ethics into action
 Defines, building, or break your reputation.
 Moral strength. It takes moral courage to do what is right when it may cost more than you are
willing to pay.
 Who you are and what you do when no one is looking
 Character is not reflect by what we say or even by what we intend, it is a reflection of what we
 Harder: Character deal with how people think and behave related to issues such as right and
wrong, justice, and equity, and other areas of human conduct.
55. What is mean by Virtue Character?

We have seen that virtue is the disciplined, perfect ease of acting as a reasonable man. It consists in those
habits of mind will which enable one at every turn to do well and avoid evil.

56. What is mean by Nature and character?

Nature and pertain to mans thinking and behavior. It is absolute. It is net result of mans ideas put into
practice in daily living. Sum total of nature may be called character.

57. What is mean by Mans will and character?

Everyman is endowed by nature with individual characteristics of body, mind, and will, the general
disposition of the whole man is determined by this complex factors. We call it temperament.
Temperament may include one toward mechanical skill or literary art, pugnacity of kindness, boldness of
timidity, and so on.

58. What is mean by Spirituality?

Spirituality is board term that refers to the way of living. It emphasizes a constant awareness of the
spiritual dimension of nature. It is sense of meaning and purpose, a sense of self.

59. What are types of spirituality?

Spiritually can of two kinds .1. Religious spirituality, 2.workplace spirituality.

60. Spirituality related to Religion

Many believe that all moral obligations are duties to god, because he is author of the moral law and
beginning and end of all things. In many cases, god is objecting of our moral obligation only modality
and indirectly. But duties to god we refer solely to obligations which have god as their direct objective.

61. Spirituality in workplace

For many people in work place, work is not a calling but a means to an end. The challenge is to make the
experience of being within that particular job have value and meaning rather than allow oneself to be
worn down by the experience.

62. What is mean by yoga and meditation?

 The word yoga means yoke or unity translated from Sanskrit. It also means discipline or effort.
Meditation is part of yoga.
63. What are types of yoga?

1. Ananda
2. Ashthanga
3. Bikram
4. Iyeger
5. Kundalini
6. Sivanantha
7. Viniyoga
 Yoga and meditation decrease sympathetic tone and reduce feeling of stress and anxiety. Many
modern health problems are worsened by stress and anxiety. Yoga work to decrease sympathetic
64 What is mean by meditation?

Meditation is a technique in which the mediator seeks not only to reach a deep state of relaxation, but
to quiet the mind. Meditation involves sitting in a relaxed position and clearing your mind. You may
focus on a sound, like on own breathing or nothing at all. It is necessary to have at least 5to 20
distraction- free minutes to spend.

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