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APUSH Unit 1 Vocabulary

Chapter 2 #1-16
Chapter 3 #17-25
Chapter 4 #26-40
1. Puritans - A group of people who wanted to simplify the complex anglican church, purify
it. Held uncommon opinions, banished from england. They wanted an authentic belief
system -- the anglican church is power hungry and wealth consuming. They came to
America for religious freedom and est the massachusetts bay colony
2. Virginia Company - Joint-stock company chartered under king james I to go to the
americas and est colonies and settlements such as jamestown.
3. Powhatan Confederacy - A group of Native American Tribes. Lead by Powhatan,
supreme chief.
4. Tobacco - Cash crop introduced to jamestown by john Rofle - increased development of
the economy
5. Indentured servants - Colonists who exchanged labor for passage to america and
eventual grant of land and freedom. Like a slave… but not
6. Headright - Land grant to investors/settlers in exchange for settling in virginia.
Replicated and promised the same rights as those of an englishman.
7. Bacon’s Rebellion - Lead by Nathaniel Bacon, wealthy vs poor. Bacon was mad at
governor Berkeley for being nice to the native americans after they attacked the
colonists, bacon wanted support from the governor, he felt like the cause of the social
indifferences was the native americans.
8. Mayflower Compact - A governing document written by separatists leaving england to
plymouth to form a church and eventually a gov, political and religious freedom was est.
First agreement for self-governance. Signed on the mayflower
9. Anne Hutchinson - dissenter, went against the followings of the church and the gender
roles in society by preaching. Puritan. Banished from MA bay colony to rhode island
10. Roger Williams - Dissenter, Founded rhode island, separatist (extreme puritan) who
disagreed with church, banished from ma bay colony
11. Quakers - A religious group est in pennsylvania, rebelled against a lot of religious
authority, real peace lovers, rejected ministers, military and taxes. English dissenters
12. William Penn - Quaker that founded pennsylvania to encourage religious freedom - holy
experiment - a place where people were free from religious persecution. got along well
with native americans
13. Pequot War - War btw pequot tribe and a group of settlers in ma bay colony because
they had trouble est peace with one another especially w trade. Over connecticut land.
Colonists burned their villages
14. King Philip's War - War between colonists and indians, native wampanoags under king
philip (indian chief) resisted england invasion of their land. Indians resisted conversion to
christianity - brutal fighting against colonists, attacked them
15. Iroquois League - United indian tribes. Had a great constitution and gov
16. Middle Passage - The african slave trade from africa to the new world, facilitated trade
of goods and slaves, spread disease and culture, altered demographics of america.
17. Staple Crops - also called cash crops, harvested solely for the wealth of colonies
18. Triangular Trade - a trade route est btw the ports in europe, africa, and america.
Imported and exported slaves, weapons, cash crops ex sugar and rum
19. Salem Witch Trials - new england, a series of trials accusing people especially women
of witchcraft in ma bay colony, scared the church.Led to trials.
20. Slave Codes - Almost like laws/rules for slaves, they regulated most aspects of their
lives, ensuring white dominance and authority - race based.
21. Stono Rebellion - Slave attack on a store called stono in south carolina, a growing army
of slaves, freeing some along the journey, led by jemmy, frightened white planters who
then convinced the assembly to call for harsher punishments for rebellious behavior.
They tried to run away, but there was nowhere to go
22. John Peter Zenger Trial - Published criticisms of new york’s royal governor william
cosby, punished by law bc it was an ill opinion of the gov, claimed it was the truth and
jury agreed he won the case - example of freedom of the press
23. Enlightenment - The age of reason, philosophic and celebrated individual freedom -
scientific breakthroughs - enlightened ones called diests, faith in human progress
24. John Locke - philosopher, “natural law”, liberal education, speak your mind type of guy,
rebel against the gov if they are doing you wrong.opposed divine right of kings, life
liberty and property rights
25. Jonathan Edwards - Congressionalist, minister, theologian and philosopher, renewed
the interest and belief in religion in america“ all sinners are in the hands of an angry god”
26. Navigation Acts - Laws passed by british parliament to increase control over colonial
economies - increased the dependence on great britain for trade.
27. Salutary Neglect - British policy that enforced the neglect of parliamentary laws such as
the navigation acts, giving the merchants more trading freedom and independence
economically, eventually these independent attitudes will blossom into revolution
28. French and Indian War - Seven Years War, between britain and france competing for
indian land of ohio and mississippi rivers, washington fought in this, british won and
france lost all its land
29. Treaty of Paris (1763) - Ended the seven years war, treaty that granted britain all that
land and colonies france owned, including those in n america, sugar colonies in india,
and more colonies in india yay land! It also gave spain louisiana territory
30. Pontiac’s Rebellion - Native american rebellion against colonizers scramble for the
territory in ohio river valley that france lost in war. It was an effort to stop american
expansion west, they raided colonial settlements, brutal killing. Led by ottawa chieftain
called pontiac. Group that fought back was called the paxton boys.
31. Royal Proclamation of 1763 - to keep the peace with native americans, this drew an
imaginary line along the crest of the appalachian mountains from canada to georgia,
white settlers were forbidden to cross the line in order to ensure the indians would not be
disturbed on their ancestral lands. It didn't really stop the settlers from

32. Stamp Act - passed by british parliament, Required colonists to purchase stamped
paper for all documents- by doing this the gov raised revenue from american colonies
33. Sons of Liberty - a group of men who protested against the stamp act - threw the tea in
the btp
34. Boston Massacre - btw british hugh white and a few american colonists. Outside a bar
they got in an argument and as that escalated a crowd formed. British dude called for
backup and then one of the red coats fired first and many followed - 5 dead on kings st
35. Committees of Correspondence - issued a statement of american rights and
grievances. Colonial opposition against british policy, unified network of resistance
among colonies. Lead by sam adams.system of communications btw patriot
leaders,opposed parliament
36. Boston Tea Party - reaction to the tea act, it was a protest by the sons of liberty in
boston ma, east india company was going bankrupt so the tea act helped them avoid
being taxed and sell the tea quickly. Americans thought this was a trick to get them to
accept taxation without consent. Dumped the tea into the harbor.
37. Coercive Acts - (intolerable acts) - A cluster of harsh laws created to punish rebellious
boston for the btp, bc boston wouldn't repay for the tea the acts closed the boston ports
preventing everything but food to come in, remember trading was huge in boston it was
their main source of income, they also allowed for the quartered troops in colonists home
38. Lexington and Concord - this is where they say “the british are coming”. British soldiers
were going to lexington to stop patriot rebellion, they fight, british destroy their weapons -
british retreat to boston (concord)
39. Common Sense - written by thomas paine, that showed the perspective of a patriot and
bashes the british monarchy with colonial grievances, he helped the americans by
encouraging independence from the british.
40. Declaration of Independence - statement adopted by the second continental congress
meeting, granting freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness written by thomas
jefferson, equality is introduced, marked creation of a new nation, states grievances of
the king.

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