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z= $.D.A.( ae Subushanta iver Arehasotogica Center ot ative natn stds wine SRACenter.069 Vatume 7, Issue 2 September 2011 THe SRAC JOURNAL Pat. REGION'S ANCHALOLOGICAL, CLLTURAL, AND HISTORICAL RESOURCE INSIDE THUS ISSUE Soaeksh hal he Saowon worn [1 SPANISH Hitt: THE SEARCH FOR ANSWERS BY DEB TwiGG, EXECUTIVE Dinucror, SRAG ‘erenl; Wane Mav, che sublsher of “Ancert Arrlean,” nsgez va visite $ WAC for Wis2018 ant sean mene learcirg abo. Dab “wigg arc her research on the corec ier ef Ine ancient pesple of Wisscnsia and i tor Lava 7] ho thet fd aang the Sasquctamnm River he sched ho 0 weet fllosing ack for peat on ecant Achy of SAG 70 [1 September 2042. od Tecmebay weet NOY _L NY Spanish Hill is a large gacial round ma Fe Eset Jacana Cantert ws JSTOR | 72] iocated in South Waverly. PA. It is just oe ie Teerery FW end ion Legion [72] 14 mile east of the Chemung Rive - = (the westem branch of the Susque- Pears on Broad Stee 204 4) hanna above Toga Point), and just 74] south of Wavery, NY and the New ~Join Our Discussions Today! |" srcenverbiogspotcon Susecehanca River geal Carte oF Na tive Indian Scedits G.RAC) 3s eodicatee 10 edzeation, 16 servation of the avacwe American archzeologi- Ad viswviea’ assets Ver Reon of| PA aad Sourbera eadtura, che ‘Twie Yors slals border Spanisn Hills shape has been referred lo over tha yaars as the shape of a sugarloaf - in tha: it rises some 230 feet lo is summit with slogp sides and a flat too of about ten acres. Note that the Chemung River is lo Lye west a’ the hil, ard joirs the Susquehanna only Uhree or so miles south fare this po n. the Chesapeake Bay. Early photo o* Spanish Hil, prov ded by the Tioga Point Museur: Ice Age in North America by Vince Barrows, SRAC Member eoeeun opt) Ancient sumans ‘tom Norti America mace| masiedon or mammoth dopic.ions on or graved stones, three dimensional fgurines, carlhworks and geoglyphs. hese are im: sortant in detenrining the antiquity of man-| ne. welve (12) examples of these masto-| don cr mammoth depictions are shown be- ‘ow, by localior: hel bone, and s:one objeols 1. Pipes from Daver port awa, (quanilily 2) 2.Meigs Adena Table: from Meigs Courty,| ‘Ohio 3.MN6! Wright Adena Taolet from Mort gomery County, Kentucky 4.Rerlir Adena Tablet from Jackson ‘county, Oh 5.Holly Oak Shell Gorget from lolly Oak, Delewara 6.Lenape Store from Bucks Courty, Penn sylvan a (Engraved Bone trom Vero Beach, FL Page 2 Tuk SRAC JOURNAL Volume 7, Ieste 2. SPANISH HILL: THE SEARCH FOR ANSWERS CONT. Local histovian and aurtror, Louise Welles Murray may 7ave ‘said il oesl as she described .re hill nearly 100 yoa's ago: "Of many points cf histerio interest in our velley, pemaps none nas allracled mare alenion or Foused more soeculatio., from the ear iest times to the present, than the mound called Spanish |i This prom nence is due nat only fo is unustal po- silion (iso fram the hill rargos and regions). but allo to its odd ottine, che remains of forifics- ors an the .op, ard ils present name.” - ~Louise Welles Murray “History of Ole Tioga Point ard Lanly Athens -"1908, Now private property, the ste was once a favorite olace for locals to lake the sleep cimb to the sumnmil for a Sunday a hota of Sper st Fillfromtre midL980'e prow: Sparishk cor picnic. Ihe earliest of hese woud nave picricked on a beautiful flat lavyn surroundeo by strange earthen walls with ar interior cilch ral would Isler be erased by the plow of ar overzealous farmer, Earthen Enclosure Apparently, tie cestruction of chese ‘ortificatiors was quite well known by deals as in 1870 Mrs, Pers ns wrote in hor book “Early T mes or the Susqueneira ,” “Mary row living remember the beautifu fal lawn cf several acres on top of the hill (Spanish Hill) and sn enclosure of earth 7-8 feet high, which was wihie a quarer of a century been leveled by the plow and havtaw.” (Perkins, 1906:102) Bul Perkins was 79: :he only person 10 have recorded se ing these strange earthen walls ~ tre earliest descristion known te date is thal af Duke Rochefoucaull. de Liancourt, a French Traveler ir 1795, who revealed that che rare “Spanisn ill was most lixely dovived fram ihe ‘act thal these fortiicatons existed. In route :o N agara, re ssw ‘he hill ard thus wrate ot it: “Near the confines of Pennsylvania @ mounta n rises from the lank of the river liga (Chemung) in the shape of @ sugar’ oaf upon wrich are seen the remains of some onlronchments. hese inhasitets call :he Spanish Remnparts, but | rather judige them to have Deer thrown up against ne i) yeas. Suequoharre Fiver Aiascbg cal Cor of Nacie radar Sudvs ~ uw SRA Irdians ir the time of M. de Nowile. Ore perper- dicular broastwors Is yot re"nalning wnlch, thoug’ covered with grass and bustes, plairly ndicates ra. a parapel and a ditch have 96er constructed, here. (La Rocke‘o.icald-Liarooutt 1795:76-7) [196 next cartes: accounlis thal a” Alexander Wilson, colo brates omitholagist from Priladelphis who wrote i7 1804: "Now to the tel. the ‘ang ng mountains bere, ‘And leve plains before us wide extend: ‘Where “ising lone, old Spanist Hill appears, Ine post of war in sncient unknowr yeas, Is sleep andl rounding sides with woaes em- browned, Its love top with old gnivonchments croved, Five vwncred paces ‘hrices we meastired o'er, Now overgrown wilh woods alone il stands, ‘And looks abrced o'er open fertile lancs. (Murray 1908:53) In 1878 Spanish Hill landowrer, Mr. LP. Shepard of Wav- oy, NY prosentec a pager for Ine lioga Poin! | istorical Society n Athens, PA. In that oaper. he created the fol ow- ing ilustration wit the help of Cnarles tleny Stopard whose resicence ‘hroughou a ong Ife of eighty-sever was close lo the ill ano who remembered ‘distrctly’ the “Span sh Ramparts’ before the plow of @ fanner nearly leveled rem .0 tre ground, ‘Mr. C.H.Snepard described these fortifications as corsist- Phe eee T7860 Lobe rreneg y soe a fs Ma, Sypzardtn shard of tie LT, Ge a5 Tasha Fa axtenwive plowing Fort caclons on Spa sh llrac"awm 2) Ellsworth Cowles Trave 7 ently she ing of an emben

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