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Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________

MVP: ​Silently and Independently answer the comprehension question written on the board at
your seats. You are not permitted to ask any questions at this time

*Note* No questions may be asked at this time.

Your response:



















Self-Advocacy Guided Notes

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

MVP Directions​: Silently and independently follow along with the PowerPoint
presentation by filling in the blank sections for new vocabulary terms and concepts.


I. What does Self-Advocacy Mean?

A. It is having the ability:
1. To ___________________ for yourself.
2. To be able to ask for what you need.
3. To ask for help and/or _____________________.
II. Is being able to Self-Advocate a skill?
A. _________________!
1. It is an important social skill.
2. Because it’s a skill, it can be _____________ and _______________.
III. Why are self-advocacy skills important?
A. Promotes:
1. __________________.
2. __________________: Meaning it allows you to be in more control over
your life.
3. Success in _______________, in the _________________, and with
*Stop and Jot*
How do you think self-advocacy could help you to be more successful in school?
IV. Why is being able to self-advocate in school and in the workplace important?
A. _____________in school or at work is influenced by asking questions.
1. *We ask questions to clarify information and to gain a better
understanding of something or to gain new knowledge.​
B. To be successful, a person needs to be able to express their needs and
1. *They need to be able to ask for any necessary accommodations,
assistance, or guidance.
V. A Few Important Points About Self-Advocacy.
A. As we develop into young adults, being able to self-advocate becomes
important .
B. If you desire to be in control of your own life and navigate your own path,
you must have strong self-advocacy skills.
1. Your ________and ________will depend your ability to
C. According to several studies, success in school, the workplace, and with

relationships are highly influenced by a person´s self-advocacy skills.

VI. Self-Advocacy: Learning to self-advocate.

A. How can you improve your self-advocacy skills?
1. By learning self-advocacy strategies
2. A willingness to __________________ yourself.
3. _________________; Lots of practice!
B. Four KEY steps for self-advocacy!
1. _____________ and _______________.
a) Identify the problem or what you need.
b) Make sure you are clear and specific on what it is that you
2. _________________.
a) Select the proper person to ask for _________.
b) S​omeone you trust and is reliable.
c) Make sure they are have the expertise or knowledge to help
3. Speak Up!
a) Ask for ______________.
b) Be very specific when explaining to the person what you
c) Be polite and not demanding.
4. Be _______________________.
a) Thank the person after they have assisted you!
*Turn and Talk * ​ (1 minute)
Talk to your shoulder partner about how you can practice self-advocacy in school?

MVP:​ Follow along for each new scenario, silently and independently at your seat.

I Do!

Jackie knows that she has a problem if she does not sit toward the front of the room. Her teacher
has given her a seat in the back of the room and it is difficult for her to see. How do she advocate
for herself in a mature, socially acceptable way?

Step 1: Identify the problem & clarify what they need.

Step 2: Select the right person to ask for help.
Step 3: Ask for assistance.
Step 4: Be thankful.

1. First, Jackie should ______________________________________________________.
2. Then, she will __________________________________________________________.
3. Next, Jackie will ________________________________________________________.
4. Lastly, she will _________________________________________________________.

We Do!
Phil knows that he is allowed to have extra time to complete math tests, or that he can take them
in the Learning Lab. He failed his latest math test, because he didn't go for the extra time. How
can he advocate for himself in a mature, socially acceptable way?

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

What should Phil do?

Your response:

You Do!

Maria has a part-time job at the movie theatre. Even though her boss knows that she has school,
he put her on the schedule to work before 3:00 PM on a weekday. Maria doesn't want to lose her
job. How can she advocate for herself and make her boss understand that she can't work those
hours, but she still wants to work.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:

What should Maria do?

Your response:
Extra Practice!
MVP: At a level 2 voice, work with a partner by role playing each of the scenarios below.

1. Jared was late to soccer practice because he had to pick his little brother up from school
and walk him home. The coach is angry that Jared is late. Jared doesn't want to miss out
on playing time. How can he advocate for himself in a mature, socially acceptable way?
(One student is Jared, the other student is the coach).

2. Jenna is working on a group project in biology. The other members of her group are
goofing off and not doing the work. She doesn't want to tattle on them, but she doesn't
want to get a bad grade, either. How can she advocate for herself in a mature, socially
acceptable way? (One student is Jenna, the other student is the teacher).

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