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Lidya Setiasari

Research Methodology

1. Fatimah Mulya Sari: Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes To The Implementation

Of Whatsapp Group As Their Learning Media In The EFL Classroom

The researcher use Qualitative study with 21 English literature students and used

the triangulation, interview, observation, also questionnaire. The result of this

research are the implementation of whatsapp group chat can be useful as an

effective learning media, the problems are message overloading, mistyping, and

slow internet connection, and the advantages are learning process more easier ,

more interesting and flexible.

I think that qualitative method was fit well in this research since the researcher

looking for the attitudes of implementation something. Also the triangulation

data was make the data more clear and valid. The interview was for the students

opinion toward that implementation was kind of the first thing that the

researcher did, then continued by the observation in the whatsapp itself then the

questionnaire that ask about their opinion privately.

2. Achmad Yudi Wahyudin, M.Pd : The Effect of Instagram on the Students

Writing Ability at Undergraduate Level

The objectives are to determine whether instagram affect the students’ writing

ability significantly and to explore the students’ perception towards the use of

instagram in a blended learning environment.

The researcher use test and likert-scale questionnaire. The test here was use the

written test to measure the students’ writing ability based on Heaton (1988). The

population involves 116 students and they are randomy assign to experimental
Lidya Setiasari
Research Methodology

(39) and control class (41). The data analysis was taken from test was analyzed

by using t-test computed by SPSS ver. 15

There are 16 meetings. The first is the pre-test and pre-writing and it would be

assess directly, then next meeting was for drafting and revising, it was about the

treatment that gave by the researcher and publish it to the instagram after that

there was a post test that assess. The researcher use the pre-post test design

based on Hatch and Farhady (1982).

There are two results from this research, the first was the improvement of

students’ writing ability, both the experimental and control class has the score

increasing. And for the students’ belief towards instagram, it can be conclude

that students have a rather postivie perception towards the use of instagram in

learning process.

I am as the listener also the reader think that the methodology was mixed

method, qualitative and quantitative study. But it did not fit really well since the

researcher use quantitative to measure 1 objectives and other objective used the

qualitative. To make it more clear, for the same objective, it should be tested

both objectives so the data would be more clear and valid. For measure the skill,

I think that it do not fit well to use the quantitative research and seen it with the

score increase, because the test must be related to the treatment that

automatically students get easier to did the test.

3. Meilani Ambariyani: Cartoon Films and its Correlation of Students Vocabulary

Lidya Setiasari
Research Methodology

The researcher used quantitative research in term of quasi experimental design.

There are two types of subjects, those are the experimental class and control

class in tenth grade of MAN 1 Lampung Timur in academic year 2017/2018.

The subject was choose randomly

The first result was about the test validity. Its result was 0.973 which was it has

good validity test. Then the second result was about the reliability of instrument.

She was use Cronbach Alpha which result was 0.98 (very high). The third result

is about the hypothesis. The hypothesis was accepted.

The method that used by the researcher was the correlation study which must be

considered as the quantitative research. The researcher must have the hypothesis

of the correlation between two variables. To measure that, the researcher uses

the test to measure of both variables. It does not explain how the test was

implemented in the class, whether the researcher gave the treatment or not. As I

know that the correlation study does need that. Only give the class test to

looking for the correlation between two variables. It was good that there was the

validity test and reliability for the instruments.

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