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Segregation of Niobium During Electroslag Remelting Process

DONG Yan-wu", JIANG Zhou-hua", LI Zheng-bang"
O. School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning, China,
2. Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract, Experiment was carried out after the process parameters were calculated by the model previously estab-
lished. The relationship between interdendritic spacing and local solidification time (LST) mainly determined by
process parameters was exposed. Furthermore, the extent of segregation was studied. The results indicate that LST
and interdendritic spacing are the largest and the amount of Laves phase as a result of the niobium segregation is the
highest in the center of the ingot, whereas the opposite results are obtained at the edge of ingot. The extent of ele-
ment segregation and the amount of Laves phase can be reduced when appropriate parameters are used. Therefore,
the duration of subsequent homogenization treatments for 718 is shortened and the alloy quality is improved.
Key words; electroslag remelting; Inconel 718; segregation; local solidification time; interdendritic spacing

Inconel 718 is a Ni-Fe-based alloy strengthened dendritic spacing) is controlled by LST.

by r' and i' phases. The alloy is widely used in avi-
1 Experimental
ation, space navigation, and shipping industries at
high temperatures up to approximately 700 'C owing 1.1 Preparation of electrode
to its excellent properties, high fabricability, and Scrap with proper composition was used to pro-
relatively low cost. It is about 35% of all superalloy duce the as-cast ingot by a vacuum induction melting
production in recent years[l]. However, Laves phase furnace. Argon was injected into the melting cham-
is precipitated owing to niobium segregation during ber to prevent metal loss with burningl'", To com-
the production of the alloy, which is a brittle phase pensate the loss, carbon, aluminum, and titanium
and influences the mechanical properties and decrea- were added into the chamber. The ingot after cast-
ses the niobium content needed by forming the r' ing is forged into electrode with 1. 7 m in length and
and i' phases. Long time homogenization treatment 70 mm in diameter, and subsequently used for elec-
is, thus, needed to eliminate or decrease the segre- troslag remelting. Table 1 shows the composition of
gation of niobium-'", However, it is usually difficult the electrode.
to eliminate segregation in the center of large ingot.
It is known that solidification structure is deter- 1.2 ESR experiment
mined by local solidification time (LST) during vari- ESR is the final melting process for many spe-
ous casting processes. Experiments were carried out cial steels and alloy steels, including Inconel 718
in this study on the basis of a model established pre- when duplex technique is used because of high quali-
viously[3] for electroslag remelting (ESR) to investi- ty of the products obtained from this route. The pa-
gate whether or not solidification structure (inter- rameters of power supply are very important for the

Table 1 Chemical composition in mass percent of consumable electrode %

Element C Cr Mo Ti Al Nb P S
Content 0.066 17.78 2.79 1. 04 0.35 5.21 0.006 0.002

Foundation Item, Item Sponsored by Weaponry Pre-Research Fund (51412020304QT090l)

Blography,OONG Yan-wu(l978-) , Male, Doctor;; Revised Date; January 19,2008
• 8 • Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 16

quality of the ingot. Too fast or too slow melting in height. The components of remelting slag are CaFz-
rates would have a negative impact on solidification Al z0 3-MgO-TiOz containing .no, of 4%. Table 3
structure-'v . shows the parameters to be executed on the basis of
ESR is a very complex physicochemical process, the parameters calculated with the model and the la-
including the interactions of electromagnetic field, boratory conditions. The voltage determined by the
velocity field, and temperature field, etc. A model transformer is fixed at 44 V. The difference of LST
has been established on the basis of the Maxwell's for the similar voltage and current is produced owing
equations, turbulent Navier-Stokes equations, and to the characteristics of ESR. At the beginning of
thermal transfer equations. The relationship be- ESR, shallow molten pool and better cooling condi-
tween the interdendritic spacing and the local solidi- tion bring short LST. With the increase in the ingot
fication time[6] during the ingot solidification height, the cooling condition becomes weak, making
process, which has been regarded as a criterion for the molten pool deeper and the LST increase.
controlling the quality of crystallization'f' , is further
defined. Table 2 shows the parameters of power Table 2 Calculated process parameters for ESR by model
supply calculated for Inconel 718 by using an estab- No. 2 3 4 5
lished model. 99. 1
Power/kW 103.7 95.1 90. 1 83. 7
The mold used is 130 mm in diameter and 800 mm

Table 3 Operating parameters for producing Inconel 718 by ESR

No. Melting length/ mm Voltage/V Current/kA LST' in the center Is d i in the center/ f-lm d IT in the center/ f-lm
1 409.4 44 2.45 90 128.4 35. 7
2 372. 7 44 2. 35 394 140.6 58. 5
3 336.0 44 2. 25 379 142.2 57. 7
4 299.3 44 2.2 416 141. 0 59.5
5 262.6 44 2.0 421 141. 2 59.8
Note: d I ' d II are the primary and secondary interdendritic spacing, respectively; * means the values calculated with the model.

2. 1.2 Macroscopic examination

2 Results and Discussion
The ingot was cut along the transversal and
2. 1 Investigation of ingot produced by ESR longitudinal directions. No defects such as voids, white
2. 1. 1 Composition and inclusions in the ingot spots, and freckles were observed in the ingot (Fig. 2).
The voltage and current were relatively stable
during remelting. The surface of ingot is rather
smooth (Fig. 1). The chemical composition at the
top and bottom of the ingot is very close, e. g. the
difference of titanium content is only o. 08% (Table 4).
However, the chromium and molybdenum contents in-
crease owing to the oxidation of titanium and niobium.
Specimens were taken from the near surface,
half radius, and center of the ingot. The specimens
were characterized by SEM equipped with EDX after
grinding and polishing. The results indicate that
both Al, 0 3 and TiN inclusions are fine and disper-
sive. Sometimes Al, 0 3 and TiO z , and TiN and NbC
coexist in a single particle of inclusion. Fig. 1 Appearance of Inconel 718 ingot produced by ESR

Table 4 Chemical composition in mass percent of Inconel 718 at the top and bottom of ingot %
Element C Cr Mo Ti Al P S Nb
Top of ingot 0.067 17.93 2. 92 0.89 0.30 0.006 0.001 5 5.00
Bottom of ingot 0.065 17.86 2. 93 0.81 0.29 0.006 O. 001 5 4.81
Issue 1 Segregation of Niobium During Electroslag Remelting Process ·9·

The columnar crystals are well orientated at an angle

of 60° - 70° to the radial direction, indicating that the
melt bath is very flat during remelting.
2. 1. 3 Characterization of precipitation in ingot
A type of phase in white particles was observed
in the as-cast ingot during the analysis. The phase is
considered as Laves phase according to its appear-
ance and position. The composition of the Laves
phase analyzed with EMP-BIO (Shimadzu) is listed
in Table 5.
Niobium content is quite high, and silicon, molyb-
denum, and titanium contents are also high CTable 5).
However, chromium content in Laves phase is lower
Fig. 2 Macrostructure of ingot in longitudinal direction in comparison to that in the base metal. It indicates

Table 5 Composition in mass percent of Laves phase %

Position Fe Ni Cr Si Nb Mo Ti
Center 15.96 45.40 11. 31 1. 27 20.48 4.03 1. 54
18.07 42. 10 13.47 1. 20 19.32 3.57 2.27
Half radius 17.45 40.36 13. 10 1. 54 21. 04 5.17 1. 33
16.95 41. 04 12.53 1. 61 20.96 5.34 1. 57
Near surface 17.77 42.20 13.49 1. 20 19.91 4.04 1. 39
16.90 39.13 13.25 1. 56 22.44 5.66 1. 07
Average 17.18 41. 71 12.86 1. 40 20.69 4.64 1. 53
Radhakrishnan et al 11.60 45.20 13.00 22.40 4.90 1. 10
Knorovsky et al 11.60 45.80 13.30 1. 40 22.30 4.60 1. 20
YNAG Ai-min 12.825 32.31 13.445 34.56 6.86 0.785

that the formation of Laves phase is closely related vacuum induction furnace with a crucible of 5 kg
to element segregation. The extent of element segre- holding capacity[7,lO]. And that, relatively small in-
gation observed, especially niobium segregation, is less got is less prone to segregation. Fig. 3 shows that
significant than that reported by YANG Ai-min[7] and more Laves phase is precipitated at a longer LST,
very close to the achievement of Radhakrishnan et which is in accordance with the results calculated on
al[S] and Knorovsky et al[9]. the basis of the model. The longest LST in the cen-
Specimens at the near surface, half radius, and ter of the ingot results in the highest amount of
center were used to examine the density, quantity, Laves phase precipitation.
and dimensions of Laves phase. Metallographic char- Fig. 4 shows the effect of LST on interdendritic
acterization was carried out and ten areas were cho- spacing, where the solid lines are the calculated re-
sen on every specimen. The results are list in Table sults. The relation shown is very coincidental. Fig. 5
6. It seems that the precipitation of Laves phase is shows the dendritic appearance. Another type of
more than that reported in published works. How- phase precipitated in the alloy is MCC, N), which is
ever, it is noteworthy that the ingot used in the pub- present either as strips, as particles, or in cellular
lished works was only I - 2 kg, which is casted by shape (Fig, 6). The MCC, N) phase is enriched in nio-

Table 6 Results of quantitative metallographic analysis of Laves phase

Experiment Item Center Half radius Near surface
This work Density/mm- z 663 356 103
Amount/% 2.2.7 1. 30 0.66
.Equivalent diameter/urn 5.28 5.13 5.01
YANG Ai-min Amount/% 1. 89-2. 11
• 10 • Journal of Iron and Steel Research. International Vol. 16

2.2 • Measured value

- Calculated value
~ 1.8
~.... 1.4
l:: 1.0

0.6 L.L~~_~_~_~_~_~----l

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450


Fig. 3 Relationship between Laves phase precipitation and LST

Fig. 6 SEM micrograph of MC phase in alloy
160 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 7 Chemical composition in mass percent of
= 120
rr»>:- ...
M (C. N) carbides analyzed by EDS %
~ Calculated POS Element Nb Ti C N
5 - - - Calculated SOS
.~ • Measured POS Content 65.50 16.57 10.33 7. 60
u 80 • Measured SOS 72.75 7.09 9.06 11. 10
40 420 F=====-------------,
o 200 400 600
.!!! 400
POS-Primary interdendritic spacing; ~
SOS-Second interdendritic spacing 390
Fig. 4 Relationship between interdendritic spacing and LST

45 50 55 60 65 70
Melting rate/(kg-h")

Fig. 7 Relationship between melting rate and LST for ESR

alloy IN718 (diameter of crucible = 130 mm)

crucible in diameter, the melting rate should be con-

trolled at approximately 66 kg/h, and the lowest
LST can be obtained.

2. 2 Microsegregation of alloy
Fig. 5 Relationship between interdendritic spacing and LST Segregation, as one of the major defects, is very
hazardous to the properties of ingots or castings.
bium and titanium according to SEM-EDX analysis The heterogeneity results in different structures in
(Table 7). In general, carbon is rich in interdendrit- matrix and in sequence deteriorate the mechanical
ic , and thus, M(C, N) phase often exists in inter- property, machining property, and heat cracking re-
dendritic or next to Laves phase. sistance, etc.
Fig. 7 shows the relationship between melting Segregation ratio (SR )[7 J is the ratio of the
rate and LST for ESR alloy Inconel 718. Too high or highest or lowest solute concentration of interden-
too low melting rate will increase the LST, which dritic to the highest or lowest solute concentration of
affects the solidification quality. Thus, for the 130 mm dendritic arm. For a positive segregation element,
Issue 1 Segregation of Niobium During Electroslag Remelting Process • 11 •

SR= (The highest solute concentration of SR approaches unity for an element, irrespective of
interdendritic) / (The lowest solute the condition that it is positive or negative. The
concentration of dendritic arm) (1) lighter is the element, the more homogeneous it dis-
and for a negative segregation element, tributes. Table 8 shows the chemical composition of
SR= (The lowest solute concentration of interdendritic and dendritic arm analyzed by EMP.
interdendritic) / (The highest solute The SR of every element is within the range for cast
concentration of dendritic arm) (2) alloy K4169 (Inconel 718), except that the SR obta-

Table 8 Composition and segregation ratio in dendritic arm and interdendritic region
Element Fe Cr Nb Mo Ti Si
Dendritic arm! % 28.66 20.94 2. 38 2.34 0.65 0.22
Interdendritic region! % 23.11 17.32 8.12 2.82 1. 17 0.47
Segregation ratio 0.806 0.827 3.412 1. 205 1. 80 2. 136
YANG Ai-min[7] 0.775-0.941 0.831-0.919 2.042-3.91 1. 194-2. 2 1. 55-3. 571

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