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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Topographical Features

Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): First Grade
Content Standard Addressed: SS1G3 Locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface.
a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.
c. Identify and describe landforms (mountains, deserts, valleys, and coasts).

Technology Standard Addressed: 1. Empowered Learner Students leverage technology to take an active role
in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning
sciences. Students:
c. use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their
learning in a variety of ways.
Selected Technology Tool:
☐ Socrative ☐ iRespond ☐ Quizlet ☐ Plickers ☒ Kahoot! ☐ Office365 Forms
☐ Other:
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):
Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:
☐ Computer ☐ Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) ☐ Phone ☒ Tablet (such as iPad)
☐ Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Type of session:
☐ Teacher-Paced ☒ Student-Paced

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Engagement: Student response tools are an excellent way to engage students. They combine a fun game
with academic information. This lesson utilizes the student response tool Kahoot! which adds a competitive
aspect to the students’ learning as they earn points for answering the questions.
Representation: Student response tools are helpful to a multitude of students. Students who are shy or have
anxiety are able to answer questions quietly and without worrying about what their classmates are thinking.
Competitive students will be engrossed in the game as they try to win.
Action and Expression: Student response tools encourage students to be actively engaged in the lesson. They
allow students to show what they know about a topic in the form of a game.
Describe the instructional activities that will occur PRIOR to the SRT activity and how you will introduce
the SRT activity.
This student response tool activity is designed to follow previous lessons and activities about land formations
and the seven continents on Earth. These activities will include PowerPoint presentations with information
and a variety of images depicting the landforms and continents, showing the students how to use a globe and
where the continents are, and activities focused on what you might find in each continent.
Describe the purpose of the SRT activity:
☒ Assess prior knowledge ☐ Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) ☒ To illuminate common
misconceptions ☐ Formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) ☒ Summative assessment of content knowledge ☒ Test preparation

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
☐ Survey/Poll ☐ Discussion starter ☐ “Homework” collection ☐ Other (please explain):

Briefly describe what will happen DURING the SRT activity:

Student will be given iPads and reminded of the rules for using the iPads. Students will go to and enter the code for this Kahoot! The teacher will read each question aloud to the
students as well as reading each answer choice. After all the students respond the teacher will reveal the
correct answer and briefly discuss why it is correct and/or how the children can remember it in the future.
Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
☒ Multiple choice ☐ Multiple select ☐ True/False ☐ Yes/No
☐ Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank ☐ Longer open-ended response

If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10):
Link is provided previous in this document as well as on my Weebly page.
Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?
☒ Yes ☐ No
☐ Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and
display correct response to the class after the SRT activity?
☒ Yes
☐ No
Why or why not?
Immediate corrective feedback allows students to see if they made the correct answer choice right after they
pick one. It gives the teacher the opportunity to discuss the correct answer with the class to support student
Describe what will happen AFTER the SRT activity?
After the student response tool activity is completed the teacher will review the correct answers one more
time to help solidify the information in the students’ minds. The teacher will ask the students what their
favorite landform from the lesson is and why.
How will the data be used?
During the game, Kahoot! records student responses to the questions. This information will be used by the
teacher to assess student progress and learning. It will allow the teacher to see which questions the class
knows and doesn’t know in order to plan for any future instruction in the topic that might be needed. This
activity will not be used as a graded assignment for the students so that the students are focused on playing
the game rather than worrying about getting a grade.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
The goal of this activity is to gain information on what the students and class as a whole understand or don’t
understand about the subject matter. This activity is intended to be a review for the students and an
opportunity for them to show off what they know while taking a break from the standard method of a quiz
and play a game instead.
Reflective Practice:
I believe that this activity will engage students and get them excited about knowing the correct answers. The
activity is designed to be a review after the students have already learned about a topic. This Kahoot! can
easily be expanded to include more questions about the topic as well as different types of questions, such as
true/false and short answer.

Spring 2018_SJB

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