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Document Name: ASTM E408: Standard Test Methods for Total Normal
Emittance of Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter
CFR Section(s):
16 CFR 460.5(b)

Standards Body: American Society for Testing and Materials

Official Incorporator:

Designation: E 408 - 71

Standard Methods of Test for

This Standard is issued under the fixed designation E 408; the number immediately fo\1owing the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of
last reapproval.

1. Scope Method A has been described in detail by

1.1 These methods cover determination of Nelson et al 4 and therefore is only briefly re-
the total normal emittance (Note 1) of sur- viewed herein. The surface to be measured is
faces by means of portable, inspection-meter placed against an opening ( or aperture) on the
instruments. portable sensing component. Inside the
sensing component are two semi-cylindrical
NOTE I-Total normal emittance (EN) is defined
as the ratio of the normal radiance of a specimen to cavities which are maintained at different
that of a blackbody radiator at the same tempera- temperatures, one at near ambient and the
ture. The equation relating EN to wavelength and other at a slightly elevated temperature. A
spectral normal emittance [EN(A)] is
suitable drive mechanism is employed to ro-
EN = J
Lb(A, 1)EN(A)dAj f 0 L b(A,1)dA

tate the cavities alternately across the aper-

where: ture. As the cavities rotate past the specimen
L b("A,1) = Planck's blackbody radiation func- aperture, the specimen is alternately irra-
tion = Cl'lr-l"A-5(eC2/AT _1)-1, diated with infrared radiation from the two
Cl = 3.7415 X 10- 16 W' m 2 , cavities. The cavity radiation reflected from
C2 = 1.4388 x 10- 2 m' K, the specimen is detected with a vacuum ther-
T = absolute temperature, K, mocouple. The vacuum thermocouple views
"A = wavelength, m, the specimen at near normal incidence
foOOLb("A,T)d"A = .6.7I'-IT\and through an optical system which transmits
.6. = Stefan-Boltzmann constant radiation through slits in the ends of the cavi-
5.66961 x 10- 8 W·m 2 ·K- 4 ties. The thermocouple receives both radiation
1.2 The methods are intended for measure- emitted from the specimen and other surfaces,
ments on large surfaces when rapid measure- and cavity radiation which is reflected from
ments must be made and where a nondestruc- the specimen. Only the reflected energy varies
tive test is desired. They are particularly with this alternate irradiation by the two ro-
useful for production control tests. tating cavities, and the detection-amplifying
system is made to respond only to the alter-
2. Summary of Methods nating signal. This is accomplished by 1'0-
2.1 At least two different types of instru-
1 This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
ments are commercially available for per-
mittee E-21 on Space Simulation.
forming this measurement. One type meas- Effective May 19, 1971.
2 A satisfactory instrument for this type of measurement
ures radiant energy reflected from the spec-
is the Infrared Reflectometer Model DB 100, manufac-
imen (Method A),2 and the other type meas- tured by Gier-Dunkle Instruments, Inc., Santa Monica,
ures radiant energy emitted from the spec- Calif.
3 A satisfactory instrument for this type of measurement
imen (Method B).3 A brief description of the is the Model 25A Emissometer, manufactured by the Lion
principles of operation of each method fol- Research Corp., Cambridge, Mass.
4 Nelson, K. E., Leudke, E. E., and Bevans, J. T.,
lows. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, JSCRA, Vol 3, No.5,
2.1.1 Method A -The theory employed in 1966, p. 758.

E 408

tating the cavities at the frequency to which ards that have the same radius of curvature as
the amplifier is tuned. Rectifying contacts the test surface.
coupled to this rotation convert the amplifier 3.5 Method A can measure reflectance on
output to a doc signal, and this signal is read specimens which are either opaque or semi-
with a millivoltmeter. The meter reading must transparent in the wavelength region of in-
be suitably calibrated with known reflectance terest (about 4 to 50 ,um). However, if emit-
standards to obtain reflectance values on the tance is to be derived from the reflectance
test surface. The resulting data can be con- data on a semi-transparent specimen, a
verted to total normal emittance by sub- correction must be made for transmittance
tracting the measured reflectance from unity. losses.
2.1.2 Method B- The theory of operation 3.6 Method B is subject to several possible
of Method B has been described in detail by significant errors. These may be due to (1)
Gaumer et al 5 and is briefly reviewed as fol- variation of the test surface temperature
lows: The surface to be measured is placed during measurements, (2) differences in tem-
against the aperture on the portable sensing perature between the calibrating standards
component. Radiant energy which is emitted arid the test surfaces, (3) changes in orienta-
and reflected from the specimen passes tion of the sensing component between cali-
through a suitable transmitting vacuum bration and measurement, (4) errors due to
window and illuminates a thermopile. The irradiation of the specimen with thermal ra-
amount of energy reflected from the specimen diation by the sensing component, and (5)
is minimized by cooling the thermopile and errors due to specimen curvature. Variations
the cavity walls which the specimen views. in test surface temperature severely limit ac-
The output of the thermopile is amplified and curacy when specimens that are thin or have
sensed by a suitable meter. The meter reading low thermal conductivity are being measured.
must be calibrated with standards of known Great care must be taken to maintain the
emittance. same temperature on the test surface and cali-
brating·standards. Meter readings are directly
3. Limitations proportional to the radiant flux emitted by
3.1 Both methods are limited in accuracy the test surface, which in turn is proportional
by the degree to which the emittance proper- to 'the fourth power of temperature. Changes
ties of calibrating standards are known and by in orientation of the sensing component be-
the angular emittance characteristics of the tween calibration and test measurement intro-
surfaces being measured. duces errors due to temperature changes of
3.2 Method A is normally subject to a . the thermopile. The relatively poor vacuum
small error caused by the difference in wave- around the thermopile results in variations in
length distributions between the radiant en- convection heat transfer coefficients which are
ergy emitted by the two cavities at different affected by orientation.
temperatures, and that emitted by a black- 3.7 Method B is limited to emittance meas-
body at the specimen temperature. Method B urements on specimens that are opaque to in-
also has nongray errors since the detector is frared radiation in the wavelength region of
not at absolute zero temperature. The magni- interest (about 4 to 50 ,um).
tude of this type of error is discussed by 3.8 The emittance measured by Method B
Nelson et al. 4 is an intermediate value between total-normal
3.3 Method A is subject to small errors and total-hemispherical emittance because of
which may be introduced if the orientation of the relationship between the thermocouple
the sensing component is changed between sensing elements and the test surface. The
calibration and specimen measurements. This close proximity of the thermopile to the rela-
type of error results from minor changes in tively large test surface allows it to receive
alignment of the optical system. radiation emitted over a significant angle (up
3.4 Method A is subject to error when
curved specular surfaces of less than about
5 Gaumer, R. E., Hohnstreiter, G. F., and Vandersch-
300-mm radius are measured. These errors midt, G. F., "Measurement of Thermal Radiation Proper-
can be minimized by using calibrating stand- ties of Solids," NASA SP-3J, 1963, p. 117.

E 408

to 80 deg). This error (the difference between suiting meter reading of Method A is then the
total-normal and total-hemispherical emit- infrared reflectance for blackbody radiant
tance can be as large as 10 percent on certain energy at near room temperature, or in
types of specimens (such as specular metal Method B, a meter reading that can be con-
surfaces). verted to emittance using the manufacturers
emittance/meter reading conversion data. In
4. Procedure Method A, obtain the emittance by sub-
4.1 Calibration procedures for both tracting the reflectance from unity. It is rec-
methods of measurement are jointly discussed ommended that the instrument be recalibrated
because of their similarity. In Method A in- as soon as possible after measuring the test
frared reflectance properties of calibrating surface. If the meter calibration has changed,
standards must be known, and for Method B repeat the entire calibration and readout pro-
emittance values of standards are utilized. cedure. It is recommended that at least three
Following an appropriate warm-up time, cali- readings be taken for each test specimen, and
brate the readout meter. Adjust the meter to the results averaged, to minimize statistical
give the correct reading when measuring both errors. It is also recommended that both labo-
high and low emittance (or reflectance) stand- ratory and working emittance (or reflectance)
ards. Repeat calibration of the meter several standards be maintained, and that they be
times at short time intervals until the correct kept clean.
readings can be obtained near each end of the
scale. Typical high and low emittance (low 5. Report
and high reflectance) standards may consist of 5.1 The report shall include the following:
black paint (or preferably a blackbody cavity) 5.1.1 Name and pertinent other identifica-
and polished high-purity aluminum, respec- tion of the test material,
tively. Measure the thermal radiation proper- 5.1.2 Name and pertinent other identifica-
ties of the standards independently with an tion or traceability of the surfaces used for
absolute instrument, and maintain the stand- calibration,
ards in a clean condition thereafter. 5.1.3 Emittance (or reflectance) values as-
4.2 In Method B care must be taken to sumed for calibration surfaces,
prevent stray radiant energy from entering the 5.1.4 Locations on the surface area at
sensor. This can occur if the test surface is which emittance (or reflectance) measure-
not sufficiently flat or is not opaque. ments were performed. (Not applicable for
4.3 In Method B the test surfaces and cali- small individual test specimens.),
brating standards must be maintained at the 5.1.5 Ambient temperature,
same temperature. If thin (less than about 0.7' 5.1.6 For Method A the indicated meter
mm thick) conducting specimens are to be reading (reflectance) shall be recorded for
measured, they should be bonded to a thick three successive measurements. An average of
metallic substrate. Specimen temperature the three values shall than be calculated and
changes can be noted by observing whether subtracted from one to obtain the emittance,
the indicated meter reading drifts with time. 5.1.7 For Method B the indicated meter
4.4 In Method B the orientation of the reading shall be recorded for three successive
sensor must be the same for both calibration measurements. These meter readings shall be
and test surface measurements. converted to emittance using the manufactur-
4.5 After the meter has been properly cali- er's data, and then averaged, and
brated, place the test surface over the aper- 5.1.8 Date and time the measurements
ture of the measuring instrument. The re- were taken.

By publication of this standard no position is taken with respect to the validity of any patent rights in connection there-
with, and the American Society for Testing and Materials does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing the standard
against liability for infringement of any Letters Patent nor assume any such liability.


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