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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2019

Student Name Isaiah Vargas Class Period: 2

Research Topic Beautification of Public Property

Thesis Statement We plan on organizing a group in order to help clean up public

What you intend to prove
areas such as parks and even our school and restore their looks

Description of Product The product we plan on

displaying is mainly our actions
of cleaning up these areas .

Form of Product ❏ Video/Documentary/YouTube Channel

(Highlight all that apply) ❏ Creation/Art Work/Tangible Item
❏ Education
❏ Service
❏ Social Media Campaign (must include another selection)
❏ Other

Please explain your Our product will consist of our group trying to make an example
product (with specific and clean several parks such as at Fairmont and having people see
details?) others take an initiative

Describe the connection The research shows the effect of garbage in the environment and
between your research how it can hinder growth as well as damage any current wildlife
(annotated bibliography) over time.
and your product.

How will you display this On a separate page on our capstone websites we plan on putting
in your digital portfolio? our vlogs and pictures to show the change made.

Estimate the number of We estimate that to finish just the cleaning that it would take
hours needed to around 15 to 20 hours
complete ALL of the
items on your to do list
(page 2) including your
final product. You must
document at least ten
(10) fieldwork hours
outside of class.

Explain how you will We plan on documenting this by taking pictures of the areas
document each and before and after as well as record some of the process while we
every step for work.
completing your product
(journal, blog, video blog,

What do you hope to Something I hope to learn is how our group is able to make an
learn during this impact on the environment and prevent further spread of trash
process? even if temporary.

My To Do List
Below list the steps and timeline you will attempt to follow to complete your product. As you complete
the product, make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary.

Steps Completed by Date

1. Go to Fairmount -ark and see if it is in need of cleaning 1/26/19

2. Schedule a date and place in which Andrew, Gidget, Andrew and I 1/26/19

3. Go around Fairmount and start picking up trash 2/18/19

4. Make sure that the recyclables are seperated. 2/18/19

5. Take pictures and videos of us cleaning up the areas 2/18/19

6. Take pictures of the end results (clean areas and bags of trash) 2/19/19

7. Take recyclables to a center 3/01/19

8. Safely dispose of all the trash 3/15/19

9. Schedule another area and date 2/19/19

10. Repeat 2/26/19

Student Signature Date

Teacher Signature Date

Accepted As-Is

Accepted With Modifications

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