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830 DAVIS Ox BYDROMODELS unstable and would change periodically from the condition of the depressed jet to the condition of the upward flowing jet. Second, Mr. Schuleen states ‘that it would be dangerous to use the results of these erosion teste in the design of an apron for some other dam—xcept as a guide in making a preliminary Adesign to be checked by model tests Professor Allen has given the reasons why model tests are justified. At the present stage of knowledge in hydraulics, model tests should be considered ceseential in the design of important hydraulic structures. ¥ { AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Founded November 5, 1852 TRANSACTIONS Paper No. 2197 STRESS CONCENTRATIONS IN PLATES LOADED OVER SMALL AREAS By H. M. WEsTERGAARD, M. AM. Soc. C. E. Wire Discussion sy Mussns. Groncr R. Rieu, Dana Young, A.’Néoat, L.A. MacCots, L. W. Tuuter np Ean C. Surmontann, D. 1. Hou, C.A. P. Tonxen, Ax H, M. Westmnoaann, Srxorsis If considerable pressure is applied within & mall area asa transverse load fon a plate or slab, a concentration of stress will oveur within and around that fares. ‘This stress concentration difors in type from that observed at fillets, Fe-entrant corners, or holes in solids; it i oaused by concentration of the load. IE the load on the plate or slab is not too close to any lines or points of concet trated support or to any edge and is neither too concentrated nor too dispersed, snd ifthe material ofthe plate or slab is homogeneous, isotropic, and elastic, the ‘important features of the stress concentration produced by the load ean be e pressed conveniently and with good approximation by mieans of sx eoeficients, all of which are pure numbers. Three of these—B, C, and Dare ealed “place coefficients"; they depend on the place of the load, but not on its manner of distribution over the small loaded ares. The remaining three—K, 8, and T—— fare called “area cooficients; they depend on the size and shape of the loaded area and on the manner of distribution of the load over that aree, but are inde- pendent of the place of the loud. When the place eoeifcients have been de- termined in m eases and the area coeficients in n enses, solutions are thereby made available in m times n combined cases, Six examples demonstrate how the place coeficente may be obtained from solutions already available for loads concentrated at point. Avea coefSciente fre derived in twelve cuses. ‘When the load is concentrated within a very small area, special corrections fare needed. “The most important of these ean be made by replacing the place coefficient KC by a ‘substitute coeficient” K’. A final, sumerieal example shows the use of place ooeflcients and ares coeficents in dete = 832 ssrneas cONCENTHATIONS IN PLATES over the combined ‘under a wheel loud which is distributed through dual area of two ellipses. Norarton For convenience the plate or slab is assumed horizontal, with the load acting as a downward pressure on the top. The following notation is used: P = total load; > = load per unit of area; 4 = loaded area; x thickness of tie plate or slab; » = Poisson's ratio; y 1 measure of stiffness of the plate or slab, defined by Ea. 2; ny = horizontal rectangular coordinates; no = corresponding polar coordinates; 40 = particular values of =, Ra = relative polar coordinates, defined by Eqs. 7, and corre- sponding to the relative rectangular coordinates 2 — u and y ~ #3 f = deflection at point 2, y, positive downward ‘a, Myy May = bending moments and twisting moment at point 2, y in the directions of z and y, per unit of width of section, positive when the corresponding stresses at the bottom of the plate or slab are positive; measurable in inch-pounds per inch, or in pounds; 62,0 tay = horigontal normal stresses and shearing strese at the bottom ‘of the plate or slab in the directions of z andy; = distance chosen arbitrarily; 1 place coeficients, defined through Eqs. 1, 4, 8, and 9, and ‘used by means of Eqs. 18 to 20; pure numbers; K,S,7 = aren coefficients, defined by Bqs. 11 and 12, and used by ‘means of Eqs, 13 to 20; pure numbers; rN = Laplace's operator, Ea, 3. ‘Logarithms are natural logarithms unless otherwise stated. B,C,D ‘Tae Tanz Puace Conrrictanss “The defection f ofa plate or ela at the pointy due to load P concen- trated nt the point we at the dstance from the pont zy may be witten 82 tum af term, as follows: Fist, aterm containing Plog R, which a newted to fccount for the singularity at the point of the loud? second, « polynomial of cond degre in 2, and 9; and third, a supplementing series of vermis of Higher than second dogros in, and. When, yw, and v aro kept sal the first term, containing log 8, wil be a dominating one in tho intended appl tations; the terms of second degree wll be needed; but the supplementing terion of terms of higher degree tay be ignored. ‘The number of diferent 7 fr ems "Dien Pane BA a Gala Sin Be) WA 7 feTRGs CONCENTRATIONS IN PLATES 833 coefcients in the polynomial of second degree is restricted by Maxwell's law of reciprocal deflections, according to which the defection at zy due to P at xp is ‘qual to the deletion at ue due to Pat zy. ‘Thus one arzives at th fllowing formula which still requires verification: P R pegty| (et -1-B)tataueateesy Feaustevy te (uy +e2) ¢ Sie-e4e-v)-Darsen| a) ‘Tue constant N in Bq. 1s the “measufe of stiffness” of the plate or slab in Dending; this constant is defined by the formula -@) "a in which Bis the modulus of elasticity, wis Poissons ratio, and his the thickness of the plato or slab. By applying Laplace's operator ee to Eq, 1 one finds -@) ) ‘Transverso shears in plates or slabs per unit of length of section are first derivatives of — N'A. By differentiating Bq. 4 with reapect to R one finds ‘theabear ona circular section with constant R. The value found is ~ P/(2 x R), whieh shows that the terms included in Eq. 1 account properly for the eoncen- trated load P and forno other load within the region under consideration. Thi Sipe he rican ofthe of By "ie Conding memes od ihe iting meent i plate or lab canbe sored by Be formaan me] Lee Lew (4 8 She Hearst BB) ty OR DI EB oc el By taking F fom Ba, 1 and noting tat Baur Rene ad Yee BM ‘one fads me} = 2 [arn (2 —ne8) 2b gtic eure) ft Bie nan Paton” by A Wal Glo ings Besa 125 5 sat [STRESS CONCENTRATIONS IN| PLATES and mig = BZD? (D ~ sin 20) “The tee cofcientsB, C, and D, which oor in Eqs. 1, 4,8 and 9, wi be connered ua gontants chaactriste ofthe mall rogion that is under one Steraton, “The distance e can be chosen arbitrarily, but the choiee of ¢ will {Une the value of B; the coeficient attains its definite meaning after cas been chosen, Taine subsequent applications of Eqs. § and 9 it will nt be neseaary, unfes tin pecially stated, to saruze thot, and o are smal; i tiiont thet the points zy and sy» be conlened within a emall aren; the Giatence R mast rerasia ena. 9) ‘Tax Tunes Anna Cosrrictnsrs ‘Ansume now that the load P is distributed over « small area A, so that the ‘pressure isp per unit of area at u,v and p= fires ‘Then Eqs. 8 and 9 may be used with P replaced by p dA and with integrations carried out over the area A. ‘Tt can now be seen that it will be expedient to introduce the following three area coeficients,” which are funetions of z end y obtainable by integrations with respect to wand v over the loaded aren: 1 ee : : senffratnere and -—f (10) 1 ' te S = & ‘The coeficients K, 8, and 7 are pure numbers. Tn terms of K, integrals obtained from Eqs. § and 9 are expresed in the following formulas for the moments at point 2 due to the load distributed over t m}-Elarmasmatgtera]cn f py = BGDE DEM eseeeceeeeee oF “The strestes atthe boitom of the plate oF ab corresponding to the moments fn Ege. 18 and 14 are or) - Sh [atoe+ms ster} pe SPE DE Meco eeee el “ fermxss CONCEXTEATIONS IN PLATES 35 ‘The curvatures and twist corresponding to the moments in Hs. 18 and 14 a | P 8 ee Py [ate SSS] oan ae and tid P Bon glee nn. a) Finally, the strains and detrusion at the bottom ofthe plate or slab eorre- sponding to the streses in Eqs. 15 and 16 sre | _ Pa cts chraee[e+e=235| a9) Ph Den 20) ca __ When the load P is distributed uniformly over the ares A, the area ecef- cients in Kgs. 11 and 12 can be stated in the slightly ; ffestococcee ene fetonte ant 7a K-- Asin Qa....(22) ‘Tho coefficient K defined by Eq. 11 or 21 is logarithmic potential’ Ii p constant within the Icaded area, K may be produced as the gravitation penta erated by «long ule rod with te ees section shape asthe Divrennwrtan Equations vor tue Anza Conrricinxns ‘The deflections of a plate or slab are governed by Lagrange's equation® ON = pl... a) When Afi aken trom Eq. 17, a, 29 bees a dierent equation for namely, |. 4s. [By comparing the values of the third derivatives that may be obt Eqs. 17 and 18 one finds two more equationsfor K, 8, and 1 they are equations of compatibility, expresing requirements of consistent deformations. ‘The equations are org , Z@K+s8) SPE Saas aE Pomel ier by Over Dinos Kalo Gas Sea 2 or der-s (25)

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