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Valeria Meza-Anguiano

Ms. Cunningham

English Literature

10 February 2019

Annotated Bibliography



Education, vol. 41, no. 3, 2005, pp. 379-391. ProQuest,



In this article, Weiss mainly goes over the stats and reasons why people wouldn't prefer

working with the elderly. The Author used the 679 graduating students from BSW from 7

different countries to get the results of people preferring to volunteer with any other age group

then the elderly. The elderly community is growing and the article proves with stats that the

people are losing motivation to work with the elderly. Some concerns that the author talked

about was that social workers are not going to be able to meet the obligations of the elderly. How

this relates to my project is because when I am in the process of making it I will have in mind

how much they are rejected, I will make sure that in everything I do or say I will not make them

feel like a burden. With this article I now know what not to do to make them feel like we came

because of a project but because we wanted to connect with them and learn some of the

knowledge they have. What they did to get their results s the went out and asked people from all
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the continents, what I might try to do is not contact them for questions but contact them to share

the knowledge and advice that we get from the elderly.

Team, Giving Care. "5 Common Dementia Triggers." Adaptive Clothing for Seniors,

Elderly & Disabled – Silvert's Mens & Womens Adaptive Clothes & Footwear, 21 July

2017, ​

The Giving Care Team talk about 5 of the things that could trigger people with dementia.

The caregivers are the once that are suggesting that these are 5 things they know of that trigger

the elderly with dementia. This article talks about how someone with dementia would act and

why they act that way. Also talks about what the role of a caregiver is, the main role to make

them feel better and learn what triggers them to prevent it from happening in the future. They go

into detail with what the 5 triggers that are visual and hallucination, noise and sounds,

temperature, light, and people. Now I know what are some of the physical things that can trigger

some of the seniors at the retirement homes that many have dementia. That will help me a lot

because when I go and talk to then I will know what to be cautious about so that I won't trigger

them to lash out on me. I found out that some noises that are around can cause them to lose

focus, so I know not to bring anything or not to play loud music when I am going to interview

them. The article said that seeing new faces can be intimidating and that by itself can be

something to trigger them to lash out or be really confused and not want to talk to me.

“Family Life in the 1950s • Family Life in the 1950s.” ​Mummification Step by Step • A Step

by Step Guide to Egyptian Mummification • MyLearning​,​.
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The article answers the question of how life is in the 1950s. The author got this

information from people that were children in the 1950s. The article gives an insight into the

lives of the children in the year 1950. They show videos of how they would spend a day getting

ready to drink some tea. In those videos, I can see how they dressed and how their homes would

look and how they acted with one another. How this helps me with my project is that I will come

into the interviews having an idea of how they lived when they were younger. The article gave

me the idea to ask them about the things they remembered as a young child only using out of the

six senses smell hearing, and taste. This article also gave me the idea of asking them to tell me

one thing they wished they had from their room and then I would try my best to draw out what

they had so they can have that item and memory to have in their room now.

Sightings, Tom. “8 Differences Between Boomers and Millennials.” ​U.S. News & World

Report,​ U.S. News & World Report, 20 May 2014, 10:08,


Tom Sightings goes over eight of the differences between the baby boomers and the

millennials. After reading a book by Paul Taylor of the Pew Research Center he came to a

conclusion and found those major eight differences. The article is talking about how the

millennials and baby boomers are much different in how they think because of how they were

raised. His main idea is about the eight differences they have and they are mainly political but

there are some about marriage. With the eight main reasons, he gave I could get questions

relating to them for my interviews. With these questions, I could make from the article I could

also see if they are true or not. I can see if it is true that the older in age they get that the more
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conservative they are. The article also gave me the term of baby boomers that I can use to make

my research easier, also instead of using old people or seniors.

Burm, Caitlin. “Priceless Advice from Older Americans.” ​10 Moments in Health Care

History​, Caitlin Burn, 30 Aug. 2017,

This article goes over some of the advice that was given by the elderly. Caitlin Burn used

the interview from​ ​Dr. Pillemer and his team, who specialize in gerontology and human

development to get all of the advice that she shared. The article shares some of the advice that is

given by some seniors that were interviewed and have much life experience to say that the advice

they gave wit help today's generations. The advice they go ever is mainly about how to deal with

things in life and how to deal with what will come. This article gives some of the advice that the

seniors gave and I can use those to start off topics in my interviews, to lead them to give me their

own advice about the topic provided. This article showed me how I can shoot my interviews that

I am going to do because they had a link that sends me to a video of someone being interviewed.

Thanks to this article I can get ahead and start thinking of categories that I can put the advice

they give me in, like a love life category and a category about how to reach happiness.


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