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Topic Approval Form

Student Name: Period:

Daniel Braman 6th period

Topic Statement (full sentence about the topic and why you chose it):
I chose to motivate everyday students to utilize the time they are given everyday in weight training because i
see throughout class periods people failing last semester due to not dressing out and lack of attendance or
not working out.

Answer the following about your topic:

1. What is your prior knowledge about this topic?
I have prior knowledge on this being in weight training all 4 years of my highschool career and also
getting information from both of my coaches Mr.Sledgner and mr.Bumpus.

2. What problem(s) could you attempt to solve/address or how can you impact the community in
connection with this topic?
I attempt to motivate people enrolled in weight training to increase their attendance and participation
by proposing an incentive at the end of every quarter or semester based on the class performance at
that time.

3. How can you attempt to solve one of these problems or make an impact at Poly or in the local
community (not globally)? What type of product do you anticipate completing (see ideas for final
The end product is people wanting to participate and attend more often due to the incentive created
and produced every semester/quarter.

4. Explain how you might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the community
working on this topic?.
Creating a poll or survey for most desired foods or snacks then one for drinks preparing the party or
rewards given to the top performing class.

5. Explain how you might provide evidence of your work throughout the experience.
Posting pictures of before and after results from last semesters student participation/attendance or a
weekly status for each class.

6. Explain any obstacles you might encounter in your attempt to address this problem.
Students not caring for incentive pitched or unable to fund incentive at the end of the quarter and
semester along with approval from the principal.

Your topic is ​Approved __________ Your topic is ​NOT Approved ________

Your next step is to complete the research questions. Recommendations:

Remember, if you change your topic, you must
resubmit this form for your NEW topic.
You will need to revise your topic and ​resubmit this
form​ ​BEFORE​ you begin work on the research

Teacher’s Signature: _______________________________________Date: ___________________

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