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An Overview to Support the Use of Common Assessment

Data to Guide Instructional Decision-Making

Common Assessment Reports

Class – Overall Assessment Scaled Score ....................................................................................................... 3
Assessment – Overall Scaled Score by Student ........................................................................................... 4
Standard – Average Class Scaled Score by Standard ................................................................................. 5
Questions – Response Distribution by Question……………………………………………………….….……6
Domains – Percent Correct by Domain…………………………………………………………………..…….......7
Students – Common Assessment Results Trend ......................................................................................... 8
Students – Scaled Score by Standard ............................................................................................................... 9
Student Report ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Class – Overall Assessment Scaled Score

Report Functionality
 Using the class average of scaled scores for each assessment administered, the “Overall
Assessment Scaled Score” graph displays the percentage of students that fall within each
average scaled score range.

How should I use this report?

 The “Overall Assessment Scaled Score” helps you see cumulative assessment performance
by scaled scores.
 This report becomes more useful over time, as more assessments are administered. Use
this report to see where students are performing in general.


Assessment – Overall Scaled Score by Student

Report Functionality
 The “Overall Scaled Score by Student” table displays the number of students who
scored at each scaled score for the selected assessment.
 Selecting a student’s name shows their scaled score for the standard(s) assessed.
 The “Standard Scaled Score by Student” table displays the class’s average scaled score for
each standard assessed on a given assessment and the number of questions testing that
standard. Clicking on a standard shows the class report for the identified standard.

How should I use this report?
 This report provides a snapshot of student performance for a given assessment along the
0.5‐4.0 scaled score continuum. Reviewing this report after assessment administration
helps a teacher quickly determine if students met proficiency expectations on a given
assessment (3.0 level performance), fell below proficiency expectations (.05‐2.5), or
performed better than a student only meeting proficiency expectations (3.5‐4.0).
 Data from the “Overall Scaled Score by Student” report provides you with information
about whether whole group reteaching, small group work, or individualized support is
needed. You can see who needs intensive support (e.g., students performing at the 0.5‐
1.5 levels) as well as who might need enrichment or an opportunity to go deeper with
grade‐level content (e.g., students performing at the 3.5 level).
 Data from the “Standard Scaled Score by Student” table enables a teacher to see quickly
how students performed by standard on the given assessment. Areas of relative strength
or weakness are revealed where performance differs greatly from standard‐to‐standard.
Standards that may need reteaching (or spiraled review) are those with scores below 3.0.


Assessment – Overall Scaled Score by Student

How can I use this report to create small groups?

 Click and drag over a group of students in the ‘Standard Scaled Score by Student view.
 A list of student names for the previous selection and their respective standard scaled
scores will appear along the right side of the page.
 For instances where most students for a specific standard appear within the same scaled
score category (color), whole group instruction may be more appropriate.


Standard – Average Class Scaled Score by Standard

Report Functionality
 The graphs within the “Average Class Scaled Score by Standard” table display the
scaled score of students for the identified standard for each assessment.
 The Times Assessed and Number of Questions columns show the number of
times a standard was assessed and the number of questions that were included
on each assessment related to the selected standard
 The Avg. Scaled Score column reports each student’s YTD scaled score average across
all assessments that have tested the selected standard to date.
 Clicking on a standard will show you individual student standard performance by
assessment. Each column represents an assessment that has tested the selected

How should I use this report?
 This report displays a running record of a class’s and student’s performance on a given
standard over time. Use it to look for trends of increasing or decreasing standard
performance for your class and for individual students.
 Use this report to track performance by standard from test to test and use it to help
determine if whole group reteaching may be needed to move students toward grade‐
level proficiency with specific instructional content.
 Use this report alongside planning documents and curricular tools to help determine
which particular skills within each standard might need additional support.
 Use this report to consider if anomalies in student performance on the identified
standard. For example, look for tests where a student’s or your class’s performance on
a given standard is atypically low or atypically high.


Standard – Average Class Scaled Score by Standard

How can I use this report to create small groups?
 In the ‘Standards’ pane, click on an average scaled score to view standard scaled scores
by student and assessment.
 Click on the assessment name to sort students by standard scaled score to create groups
of students for more personalized instruction.


Questions – Response Distribution by Question

Report Functionality
 The “Response Distribution by Question” table provides student‐level score and answer
choice information for each question.
 The % Correct row for each question displays the percent of students who selected the
correct answer for that question, providing information for high‐level item analysis.
 Selecting the standard, question number, or question text will display student names sorted by answer
choice selection. Selecting a specific answer choice will display only the students who made that
 Hovering over a % bubble will allow the teacher to see the question text and answer choice.

How should I use this report?
 This report provides detailed item‐level information for each student.
 Look at questions with low % correct to determine if students may have similar
misconceptions (i.e., selected the same incorrect answer choice).



Domains ‐ % Correct by Domain, Standard

Report Functionality
 The “% Correct by Domain” and “% Correct by Standard” bar graphs show the percent of
students who answered correctly by domain and standard for the selected assessment. By
selecting all assessments from the dropdown, you will see an overall trend in how students
are performing at the domain and standard level.
 The “% Correct by Student” graph shows the number of questions, number of possible
points and the overall percent correct by assessment.

How should I use this report?
 This report displays a running record of a class’s performance and individual student’s
performance on all tested standards over time.
 Use this report to track performance by domain and standard from test to test and use it
to help determine if whole group reteaching may be needed to move students toward
grade‐ level proficiency with specific instructional content.
 Also use this report to determine if students are performing relatively lower or relatively
higher on given standards, or to look for trends or anomalies with performance on a given
standard. For example, look for tests where a student’s or your class’s performance on a
given standard is atypically low or atypically high.

Students – Common Assessment Results Trend

Report Functionality
 By hovering over segments, the “Common Assessment Results Trend” graph displays
information along two dimensions: the cumulative number of questions testing a given
standard and the cumulative average scaled score by standard for a student.

How should I use this report?
 This report helps you identify student performance by standard(s) as well as gauge
relative importance at the same time.
 Review this report to identify standards that have been frequently tested but on which a
student has performed poorly (or well). This helps you understand where remediation or
extra support, including enrichment, might be needed for the selected student.

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Students – Scaled Score by Standard

Report Functionality
 The “Student Scaled Score by Standard” graph displays information along two
dimensions: the cumulative number of questions testing a given standard and the
cumulative average scaled score by standard for a student.
 Selecting a domain or standard in the graph reveals the standard(s) selected and shows
the number of times assessed, the number of questions testing that standard, and the
student’s average scaled score for the standard(s).

How should I use this report?
 This report helps you identify student performance by standard(s) as well as gauge
relative importance at the same time.
 Review this report to identify standards that have been frequently tested but on which a
student has performed poorly (or well). This helps you understand where remediation or
extra support, including enrichment, might be needed for the selected student.

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Student Report

Report Functionality
 The Student Report generates a print‐friendly student report for the selected class and
assessment. The report can be created for all students or for specific students using the
Select Student(s) check boxes.
 Click Create to generate the report.
 Once generated, the report includes a PDF for the selected students that can be printed to
share or file. The report details the raw score and scaled score as well as the student’s
answer selections. The correct answers are displayed if selected.

How should I use this report?
 Print the Student Report to communicate overall and standard‐level performance on a
given assessment.
 Use this report to shape small‐group and individualized intervention with students. For
example, the teacher may find that a group of students struggled with a particular standard
or set of questions. During small group instruction, the teacher could return student work
to the students along with this report. After reteaching, the teacher could ask students to
identify where they made errors for the items that they answered incorrectly.

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