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name ________________________________________

due in class or qw6 Assignments folder, before 11am Tues, March 12th (10pts)

Please read text chapter Religion. This is a topic in which we’re all interested in one way or another.
This chapter is a shorter one and contains some truly valuable insights from anthropology. While a few
other chapters are more overwritten, this one is well done and worthwhile. No need to restate the
question in your answer.

Otherwise grammatically correct fragment sentences are ok. Please proofread your work before
turning in.

1 In one sentence, briefly summarize the way Durkheim defined religion.

Durkheim defined religion as a set of practices and social institutions that bind communities together.

2 What word defines religious practices used to bring supernatural forces under one’s personal control?


3 Why did Trobriand islanders perform religious rituals before long sea journeys but not short ones?

The islanders performed rituals before long sea journeys primarily to reduce anxiety and the feeling of
powerlessness experienced by the outgoing sailors, as they felt that they had little power over the
outcome. Conversely, they felt that short trips were both less dangerous and more predictable.

4 Anthropologist Emile Durkheim coined the term "collective effervescence".

-What does that mean? -What is one example in modern culture? (2pts.)
Collective effervescence is the passion or energy that arises when a group of people share thoughts or
emotions and can amplify emotions present to create a feeling of wonder. I would argue that the New
Years Eve countdown is a prime example of collective effervescence, as the anticipation felt by all
members in attendance (including those viewing from afar) transforms the passage of time into a
ritualized event worth watching with rapt attention.

5 Describe briefly how Karl Marx viewed religion. (2pts.)

Rather famously, Marx called religion the opiate of the masses, equating worship to a drug doled out by
authority figures to distract from the terrible realities of life by promising paradise after death, which
allowed for their exploitation by authority figures.

6 If asked why do soldiers get short haircuts and walk in unison, we would answer that those things
function to remove focus from the self and to cultivate a sense of shared group identity and values.

Practical, human-management things are often the result of cultural belief…

So, in just one or two phrases, what’s a function of religious beliefs about not eating cows in India?

A function of the religious prohibition about the consumption of cows in India is the economic reality that
cows are worth far more alive (to produce milk and provide labor) than dead, and as such should be set
apart from food animals.

7 Anthropologists recognize gods and spirits as supernatural anthropomorphic beings - what does that
mean? In 1 sentence, restate & define what those two keywords mean.

When gods and spirits are described as supernatural anthropomorphic beings, it means that both spirits (a
force associated with a creature, object, or place) and gods (a powerful supernatural being that is not a
part of nature) are a way to assign human qualities and ideas to forces outside of humanity.
8 How is a shaman different from a priest or an Imam?

While priests perform religious duties full-time shamans participate in normal work, only performing
spiritual duties when needed.

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