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Teacher Name: Nathan Comstock Date: (8/12/2017)

Subject Area: ESL Grade: 3

Topic: Math Time: 8:35 – 9:10

 Listening (benchmark)
General Learner  Speaking (benchmark)
Outcome(s)  Reading (benchmark)
Taken from Alberta Program of Studies  Writing (benchmark)
 Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems (math)
 Through listening: develop a better understanding of vocabulary, and knowledge
of words and their meanings
 Through listening: develop auditory discrimination; students are able to hear
differences in the sounds of letters and letter combinations
 Through speaking: increase pronunciation skills; having the ability to produce
comprehensible speech
Specific Learner  Through reading: expand syntax; knowledge of word order and sentence structure
Outcome(s)  Through reading: expand vocabulary, knowledge of word oder and sentence
Taken from Alberta Program of Studies structure
 Through reading: develop decoding, the ability to read words by sounding them
 Through writing: develop vocabulary, a knowledge of words and their meanings
 Through writing: develop grammar, the ability to form sentences conforming to
the rules of English
 Create, label and interpret line graphs to draw conclusions (math)
Students will be able to:
1. Develop math skills
2. Differentiate information for graphing
Learning Objectives 3. Understand the process of graphing
What do you want your students to learn? 4. Demonstrate reading skills
5. Develop further knowledge on the topic of graphing
6. Increase comprehension
7. Increase ability to write
Formative Assessment:
Assessment Auditory: Listen to students as they answer questions and read
How will you know your students have Visual: See students actively participating in the activity – thinking critically
Physical: Collection of activity sheets
Materials  Activity sheets – provided
What resources will you need?  “False Alarm” by Barbara Hill
(attention Ask students what they remember from yesterday’s lesson 3 mins
Learning Activity Title – Graphing and Finishing reading
Teacher Actions
Instructional Sequence – Have students sitting and waiting upon instruction
 Ask students if the remember what we discussed yesterday
 Finish worksheet from yesterday
 Have them explain graphing
o Quick review of graphing
o Have students working on personal white boards and sheets
 Start to explain graphs
Mrs. McCaig – Instructional Sequence – Have students sitting waiting upon
 Start brochure for “False Alarm”
 Have the students summarize the story
 Start the activity sheet – push students to do their best
Student Actions
 Students will attempt to answer questions prompted by the teacher
 Students will critically think about their previous knowledge and apply it to
the topic of graphs
 Students will be respectful to one another
(Activity #1)  Students will answer all questions asked of them
 Students will ask for help if needed
 Students will respect one another – working in a calm state
Resource used: Activity sheets – provided and “False Alarm”
Assessment Evidence 12 mins
Formative Assessment – visual/auditory/Physical assessment
 Students will be assessed by their correctness of responses and willingness
to participate (speaking)
 Students will be assessed based on their ability to articulate the words
 Students us of whiteboard provides physical evidence of their knowledge
 Students will be assessed on their ability to achieve the correct answers
Summative Assessment – auditory/physical
 Continued use of the reading program will help determine students
comprehension levels
Transition Details
Have students make predictions – what is this story going to be about?
 Transition to work sheet based material/ on the board activities
Learning Activity Title – Graphing/Reading
Teacher Actions
Instructional Sequence – have help to create a bar graph and use white boards
 Have students on their individual white boards – use fidget spinner activity
 Ask them to answer question, pulling information from the graph
 Hand out worksheets to the students (simple)
 Read through the instructions with the students
 Mrs. McCaig will help students with the activity sheets 15 mins
 Mrs. McCaig will explain the expectations
o Have the students create a brochure – outlining the importance of
the fireman
o Have them use things the learned from the book (fire trucks arrive
immediately, what they arrive too, how calling 911 as a prank is a
Body big issue)
(Activity #2) Student Actions
 Students will participate by spinning and writing on whiteboards
 They will follow along on personal white boards – or sheets of paper
 Students will help one another and remain positive
 Students will work independently on work sheets
 Students will work on activity sheets independently
 Students will put their best work forth
 Students will help one another if needed
 Students will be respectful at all times
Assessment Evidence
Formative Assessment – Auditory assessment and physical assessment
 Gather information on their fluency, and comprehension skills
 Collect work done by students
Transition Details
Clean up: have students clean up their stuff, in preparation for the next period
 If time permits have students show off their work
Closure  Ask students to discuss what they wrote 2 mins
 Ask students what they learned about graphing

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